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-学校:_班级:_姓名:_考号:_-密-封-线-内-请-不-要-答-题-2020第一学期高一(普通班)英语第三次达清测试题A卷(时间:20分钟 满分: 30分)一、 (A,B,C层都做)单项选择(15分)1. A notice was _ to remind the students of the changed lecture time.A. sent up B. given up C. set up D. put up2. It has been a long time _we left China.A. when B. since C. before D. that3. Would you like to have a try? _ great.A. Sounds B. Sounded C. To sound D. Sounding4. Greatchanges_inthecityandalotoffactories_.A.havebeentakenplace;havebeensetupB.havetakenplace;havesetupC.havetakenplace;havebeensetup D.weretakenplace;weresetup5. What would you give me _ my recorder?My MP4.OK?A. in exchange forB. in case of C. in search of D. in honor of6. Do you think that housing prices will keep _ in the years to come?Sorry, I have no idea.A. lifting up B. going up C. bringing up D. growing up7. The athletes years of hard training _ when she finally won the Olympic gold medal. A. went onB. got throughC. paid off D. ended up8. Do you want me to wait for you?No,dont _.A. botherB. troubleC. disturbD. interrupt9. He presents a new_ to learning a foreign language, which I think is of great value.A. approachB. meansC. method D. way10. Thereare _ students in the school. But I dont know _the girls among them.A. a number of;a number ofB. the number of;the number ofC. a number of;the number of D. the number of;a number of11. My cousin graduated from a normal university ten years ago and _ as a teacher ever since.A. hasworked B. works C. worked D. hadworked12. There was _ time _ I hated to go to school.A. a;when B. a;that C. the;that D. the;when13. I _ her before,but I cannot remember where it was.A. saw B. had seen C. have seen D. see14. Reporter says only ten passengers _ the plane crash.A. escaped B. joined C. discovered D. survived15.Dont forget to return the book in two weeks. _. Dont worry about it. A. Yes,I wont B. No,I wont C. Sorry,I wouldnt D. I dont think so二、(A,C层做)单词拼写(5分)16. Thereporterisdoinga_(调查)ofpublicattitudes.17. AgoodknowledgeofEnglishwillimproveyourchancesof_(就业).18. Theyliveinthe_(郊区). 19. Someofhispaintingsareonshowinthe_(当地的)artgallery. 20. An_(方法)thatcansolvethoseproblemswillbeintroduced.三、(A,B层做)完成句子(10分)21. We cant _ _ buy a car.(负担得起)22. _ _ of students like the film star.(大量,许多)23. Mike _ gifts _ Mary. (与交换)24. The little girl lost _ _ her mother. (与失去联系)25. We like sports, _ _ swimming, playing football, running and so on.(例如)


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