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会计学1第一页,共13页。I think its a movie that talk about enjoying the life The story is talk about two different old man live in the same hospital room, and make their own dream come true 第1页/共13页第二页,共13页。Edward ColeEdward Cole an enormously rich man a year to live 第2页/共13页第三页,共13页。 Carter ChambersCarter Chambers a mechanic less than a year to live第3页/共13页第四页,共13页。 They have different life style .But, in the end ,they face to the death together, and write down their “the Bucket List”第4页/共13页第五页,共13页。EgyptSky drivingAutomobile raceClimb the Himalaya mountains第5页/共13页第六页,共13页。第6页/共13页第七页,共13页。Lets enjoy the Lets enjoy the trailertrailer第7页/共13页第八页,共13页。Have you found joy in your life?Have you found joy in your life?你今生你今生(jnshng)(jnshng)追寻到了你的快乐么?追寻到了你的快乐么?Has your life brought joy Has your life brought joy toto others? others?你今生你今生(jnshng)(jnshng)有人因你而快乐么?有人因你而快乐么?45 years goes by pretty fast,like smoke through a keyhole.45 years goes by pretty fast,like smoke through a keyhole.4545年一晃就过去年一晃就过去(guq)(guq)了,如白驹过隙。了,如白驹过隙。第8页/共13页第九页,共13页。 our lives are streams flowing into our lives are streams flowing into the same river towards whatever heaven the same river towards whatever heaven lies in the mist beyond the falls. Find lies in the mist beyond the falls. Find the joy in your life, Edward. My dear the joy in your life, Edward. My dear friend, close your eyes and let the friend, close your eyes and let the waters take you home.waters take you home. 生命就像流水,流向(li xin)同样的大河,流向(li xin)藏在瀑布后面的天堂。找到你生命中的喜悦,我亲爱的朋友。闭上双眼,让河水带你回家。第9页/共13页第十页,共13页。Carter: Its difficult to understand the sum of a Carter: Its difficult to understand the sum of a persons life. Some people would tell you its persons life. Some people would tell you its measured by the ones left behind. Some believe measured by the ones left behind. Some believe that it can be measured in faith. Some say by that it can be measured in faith. Some say by love. Other folks say, life has no meaning at all. love. Other folks say, life has no meaning at all. Me. I believe that you measure yourself by the Me. I believe that you measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you. people who measure themselves by you. 卡特:人生意义几何?这个很难计算。有人会告诉你,这卡特:人生意义几何?这个很难计算。有人会告诉你,这要看那人给后世留下了什么;有人相信信仰可以衡量出人要看那人给后世留下了什么;有人相信信仰可以衡量出人生意义,有人说爱也可以;还有一些生意义,有人说爱也可以;还有一些(yxi)人说,生命根人说,生命根本没有任何意义。而我本没有任何意义。而我我认为你如何衡量别人,别人我认为你如何衡量别人,别人就会如何衡量你。就会如何衡量你。第10页/共13页第十一页,共13页。“when he died,his eyes closed and his heart was open”。(爱德华爱德华科尔在人世间的最后时光比大部分人毕生科尔在人世间的最后时光比大部分人毕生(bshng)的光阴更为充实。我知道,的光阴更为充实。我知道,)他在离世的时候合上了双眼,却敞开了心灵。他在离世的时候合上了双眼,却敞开了心灵。 Whats the meaning of the life?.Its difficult to understand. But whats the Carter said made me have a deep thought.第11页/共13页第十二页,共13页。第12页/共13页第十三页,共13页。


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