Full Report - Jamaicas favourite eco-boutique hotel - Hotel

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ENVIRONMENTAL BEST PRACTICES AT HOTEL MOCKING BIRD HILL1.THE APPROACHFor the industry and the destination community to benefit, a symbiotic relationship must be developed, a relationship modelled on an eco-system framework. A sustainable approach has been chosen. This has been defined as the balanced interaction of three basic factors: Proper management of our natural and cultural resources. Improvement of the quality of life of the local communities. Economic success that contributes to other programmes of local development. In other words it is necessary to achieve guest satisfaction and provide an enriching holiday experience without depleting resources or placing the local population at a disadvantage while conducting business. The main focus is low-impact in terms of both the physical and social environment.Our green policies and practices are designed to educate our employees and guests, reduce waste and toxins, conserve natural resources and partner with local and environmentally-friendly businesses.Our mission is to adhere to the strictest environmental standards, engage in sustainable practices and maintain an impeccable quality of guest experience.This principle guides us in our decision making. We are often asked what constitutes or makes a “green hotel. We are happy to note that today many hotels employ modern technology to save resources and recycle and reduce waste however we believe that far more than the use of modern technology, it is the process of evaluating the various possibilities when making decisions and selecting the option that will have the least negative impact. This decision making is ongoing starting from the selection of the hotel site, consciously choosing to transform an existing home rather than build from scratch to the selection of furniture, layout of the garden, the tour activities we offer and the people we partner with to the more mundane choices of which products and supplies we source and our menu selection. It is the host of many little details that make the difference and it is the small steps that make the big difference. It is not only about installing high-tech environmental technologies system or just about the bottom line, but it is about the triple bottom line, the corporate and social responsibility. It is about caring for the environment and being committed to spending the time it takes to create a holistic approach to the running of a truly environmentally friendly, luxury, boutique hotel in a wonderful setting and providing their guests with comfort, fine food and a memorable holiday.The objective is to be vigilant, watching how the hotel operates, developing more nuanced policies, working constantly to improve environmental performance and ensure a gradual raising of standards. For the most part low-tech and inexpensive measures are used to accomplish these goals, with the most expensive component of the Sustainable Management Resources Programme being the time spent in terms of constant monitoring, training team members on the job, devoting a lot of attention to preventative maintenance, sourcing suppliers to provide the hotel with the most environmentally friendly products whether it be food, cleaning agents or renewable energy technologies. Far more than the financial aspect is a question of long term commitment and the willingness to forego short term profits especially when it relates to areas which are not visible to the guests and therefore have no visual impact such as the decision to build a waste water treatment plant and establish an extensive rainwater harvesting system. Hotel Mocking Bird Hill cannot change the world, but it can set an example, help raise awareness and offer visitors a choice, and that choice is to take a small step to a more sustainable lifestyle. By being sustainable and showing a genuine sensitivity to community Hotel Mocking Bird Hill imparts real meaning into a holiday experience product.2.MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES The development is appropriate to the area and its carrying capacity thus ensuring that tourism does not invade the community. This means respecting the culture of the people of the area as well as their social and economic situation. The combined factors of smaller dimensions, carefully selected services and investments in renewable energies, such as solar energy, will provide an economical advantage in view of the increasing costs of traditional and energy sources. The concept of working with a minimum input but to the maximum benefit of all the partners is a fundamental principle. The hotel has for example, been furnished very simply. The accent is not on providing luxury in terms of the interior decoration, but on providing a comfortable, relaxing ambience that allows the visitor to enjoy the beauty of the natural surroundings and contributing to a memorable holiday experience. Providing decent working conditions. Salaries are above the minimum wage. The staff consists mainly of members from neighbouring communities who have been trained on the job and thus given a chance to develop new skills and enhance their earning capacity.Hotel Mocking Bird Hill serves as an example for the development of a general concept that can meet the demands of an increasing market geared towards sustainable-tourism.Demonstrate effective sustainable management. The company has implemented a long-term sustainability management system that is suitable to its reality and scale, and that considers environmental, socio-cultural, quality, health, and safety issues. Developing the business on a scale that will provide a balance between the communitys needs and priorities and the tourists demands in order to attain a profitable co-existence. Very large projects have shown that they strain the resources and place unwelcome pressure on the local population. The company is in compliance with all relevant international or local legislation and regulations (including, among others, health, safety, labour, and environmental aspects). Customer satisfaction is measured and corrective action taken where appropriate. Promotional materials are accurate and complete and do not promise more than can be delivered by the business. As far as possible these are online on the hotels website in order to reduce paper use.Maximize social and economic benefits to the local community and minimize negative impacts. Local and fair-trade services and goods are purchased by the business, where available. Local residents are employed, including in management positions. Training is offered as necessary. The international or national legal protection of employees is respected, and employees are paid a living wage. The activities of the company do not jeopardize the provision of basic services, such as water, energy, or sanitation, to neighbouring communities. Guest amenities include hand-made recycled paper and chocolate tea balls. Both products are made by local co-operative projects. Other items such as herbs, greeting cards also produced by these projects are sold in gift shops. Local guides are used for escorting guest on eco-cultural hiking tours. As far as possible the services of local transportation and tour companies are recommended and sold, especially if the services of the tour companies are compatible with the overall objectives. Buying local products and services. This generates additional income in the community and since these items are not packaged, it helps to avoid garbage problems. Tinned products are seldom used. Promoting the cultural heritage of the area (maroon history as well as the natural sites such as the various waterfalls, caves, plantations etc.) Resource management and ecological considerations in terms of physical-biological parameters rather than clearing lands, existing infrastructure was used by adapting a private villa to meet the requirements of a hotel. The existing infrastructure serviced the property thus eliminating the need to extend roads, etc. The vicinity to the neighbouring village of Drapers also ensured that a potential for recruiting local staff with transportation-free access was available.Land Use Planning and Management - Minimise negative foot print and conservation of flora and fauna Existing infra-structure (formerly a private home) was used and after the necessary retro-fitting was opened as an eco-boutique hotel thus minimising impact generally incurred during construction; we essentially “recycled the house Of almost 7 acres of land, most of which is naturally vegetated, the buildings only covers just over an acre thus ensuring low density and leaving most of the land in its natural state. The hotel is embedded amongst the vegetation with indigenous trees and plants which both protect it during storms and help to keep the environment naturally cool. The planning design and sitting of the property have been keeping with the landscape and wherever possible enhancing it, for example by terracing the hillside and filling with soil that has been washed down to the bottom of the property by rain. Terracing helps o prevent further soil erosion. Built up areas have been kept to a minimum and represents a very low density project with only 10 rooms located on just under 7 acres of land. The pathways are covered with gravel allowing the seepage of rainwater into the ground rather than running off surfaced areas. Conservation of natural resources: the natural forest on the property has been preserved; the building fits into landscape and does not jar or obstruct the view of the natural hillsides. The gallery was built between two old fig trees and incorporates them in to the design. Tree replacement is ongoing as is planting of flowering and fruit trees to attract the birds Terracing system employed to reduce soil degradation and loss Culverts along the road cleared regularly and topsoil replaced in the garden Soil creation using terraces, mulch, compost and re-gained topsoil No chemicals used in the garden, only organic pesticides and fertilizers No fossil-derived fertilizers that leak chemicals into the ground and accelerate the release of nitrous oxide- a greenhouse gas are used. Old fashioned alternatives such as compost are used. Practices to reduce pollution from noise, light, runoff, erosion, ozone-depleting compounds, and air and soil contaminants are implemented. Bamboo planted along property border Water landscape established at front of the hotel. This helps to provide natural habitat for frogs and fish that eat mosquitoes as a form of natural pest control. No chemicals are used for rodent control. Old fashioned traps are set with roasted coconut to attract them apart from the hotels two cats. We use locally made bamboo furniture. Cutting bamboo does not kill the plant as is the case with trees and provides a very sustainable and hardy material for furniture rather than using wood. Using bamboo helps to impart the economic value of this plant and thus helps against the destruction and burning of bamboo which is unfortunately quite a wide spread practise to clear hillside for agriculture. The bamboo roots are a valuable tool to hold the soil and prevent soil erosion thus we hope by promoting the use of bamboo furniture to encourage communities to safeguard their bamboo fields rather than destroying them. Management of Fresh Water Resources Rainwater flows through gravel filters into a main underground storage tank as well as into a series of 1000, 800, 600 and 400 gallon tanks (present storage:53,000 gallons/ 200,627 litres) Re-guttered the roof and included new roof surfaces as well as adding more down spouts to improve efficiency of rain water harvesting system Collected water used to augment scarce supplies from public system and avoid placing a burden on the community supplies Rainwater is treated with UV system Pool water used while backwashing the pool is collected and stored in drums and used for cleaning public areas. The use of harmful substances, including pesticides, paints, swimming pool disinfectants, and cleaning materials, is minimized; substituted, when available, by innocuous products; and all chemical use is properly managed. The chlorine content in the pool is minimised by using a copper ionisation process to keep the pool clean Only phosphate free and bio-degradable laundry agents are used As cleaning agents only natural based products are used using mainly citrus base, acetic acid and baking soda Only biological bacteria is used to clean drains, grease traps and maintain the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant Water usage monitored on a daily basis Reduction of laundry influences careful usage of water Use of water efficient or water saving equipment Water savers on taps and showers Low-flow toilets (6 litre) and ball arm in toilets bent to reduce water use in those toilets not yet retro-fitted Washing machine filled to maximum Dishwasher that uses second rinse water for first wash of next load Garden designed to survive in natural climatic cycles very little lawn. A minimum area is cemented to minimise run off. Most of the area is left in its natural state to allow the rain to seep in. All aspects of operations have been reviewed with the goal of choosing the least damaging options. An algae inhibitor and floatron are used in the pool to reduce the use of chlorine to a minimum. No chemical insecticides or pesticides are used that might contaminate the ground water. Only organic fertiliser and compost are used. Instead age-old household remedies such as pepper teas, mixed cultivation, etc. achieve good results. Phosphate free cleaning agents are used. Natural, non-toxic agents such as baking soda for cleaning, boric powder instead of chemical anti-roach poisons and khus-khus root instead of mothballs, etc are usedWaste Water Treatment Anaerobic wastewater treatment plant. Wastewater, including gray water, is treated effectively and reused where possible Minimising pollution by using those products, services and process least damaging to the environment. The Jamaican made furniture reflects a Caribbean flair using wicker and bamboo; no tropical hard woods have been used. The gallery was built on stub columns rather than blasting the rock to lay a foundation. Minimising waste and reducing the burden on the environment by recycling, re-using, pollution control and responsible disposal such as composing. The emphasis here is on avoiding waste problems rather than on solving problems once a difficult situation has arisen. Use of renewable energies (solar water heating) and energy efficient equipment and lighting. Increasing awareness of environmental issues within our own organization through staff training as well as working together with local environmental groups to increase the level of public consciousness for the environment. As representative of the local environmental group P.E.P.A. and an expert in the field of sustainable tourism Shireen Aga has conducted a series of “Greening workshops for departmental staff of all hotels and villas in Port Antonio resort area. She now also lectures on ecotourism at the local College of Science agriculture and Education. Tinned products are seldom used. With the exception of a few alcoholic beverages such as whisky, sherry, and cognac, we concentrate on using locally made alternatives. In terms of the cuisine, recipes are adapted to use local alternatives. The menu uses a variety of local produce such as the dasheen, coco, yam, etc., and thus introduces visitors to these often otherwise untried alternatives. The restaurant has a reputation for fine cuisine using only fresh, seasonal produce. Promoting the cultural heritage of the area (maroon history as well as the natural sites such as the various waterfalls, caves, plantations etc.These goals correspond with the overall objectives of the promotion of eco-cultural tourism in as much as they comply with the regional, national and international aims of environmental policies. Aside from being simple to follow and easily implemented they also provide an example for others, and encourage others to follow suit.3.ENERGY MANAGEMENT: TAPPING SUSTAINABLE RESOURCES AND ENSURING ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION Hot water is provided by a solar hot water heating system. This significantly reduces electricity requirements. Without reducing the comfort of the guests, the management has chosen not to install equipment that is high in energy use in the rooms. The buildings have also been planned to maximise on natural ventilation. Given the advantage of the hillside location, the rooms receive cool breezes. Fans that use far less electricity than air-conditioning enhances the natural ventilation. Mini-bars and televisions are not provided in the room. Television is available in the lounge, but generally most guests enjoy the natural vistas and the twinkling lights of Port Antonio. Notices in the rooms request guests to assist the management in their efforts by turning off lights and fans, etc. when leaving the rooms. Motion detectors regulate all security lighting that is operated on solar energy. Energy saving light bulbs is installed in all areas where lighting is required for extended periods of time. We are now starting to replace the energy saving lights with LEDs. Increased use of energy efficient equipment Electricity usage monitored daily Equipment regularly maintained and serviced to ensure optimal performance. Solar water heating Laundry dried in the sun Coffee machine has thermos pots so that machine can be turned off between brews and coffee remains hot Natural cross ventilation instead of air-conditioning The use of large windows allows the maximum use of natural light and keeps the use of electrical lights to a minimum. By reducing the amount of laundry, (details are listed under water management) the electricity consumption is also reduced. As this is a small property we are able to manage without laundry dryers. The dryer is seldom used, for the most part only on cloudy, damp days. The public areas and rooms are tiled rather than carpeted thus avoiding the need for vacuum cleaning and the resulting energy use. Guests encouraged to use towels and linen more than once to reduce laundry Napkin pouches with room numbers so that napkins can be re-used Tablemats rather than tablecloths used in the restaurant to reduce laundry Office moved from ground floor to a new upper level furnished entirely of recycled materials, has more ventilation and daylight reducing electricity use. Two air-conditioned storerooms fully insulated with re-used Styrofoam from packaging Automatic door closers installed on the storeroom doors to ensure that doors are not left open when persons go into the storerooms. Pool pump operates on solar power Energy for 4 rooms and 2 offices as well as outside lighting is supplied by renewable source (solar) to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Solar panels have been installed to provide energy for 4 rooms, the Gallery (including managers residence) and most of the outside lighting, which amounts to 51% of all lighting. Installed LPG generator to help augment public electricity supplies. LPG is cleaner and less noisy than the diesel generators. 4.WATER MANAGEMENTThere is an increasing danger of water shortages due to the following factors: The growing demand for water. The progressive pollution of available water sources. Changing weather patterns which leading to increased periods of drought. A collapsing infrastructure (high loss of water due, for example, to leaking water lines). Poor water management, which result in inadequate, a


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