2021年高考英语 新教材配套词汇检测系列 模块四 Unit 2 Sports events(教师版) 译林牛津版

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2021年高考英语 新教材配套词汇检测系列 模块四 Unit 2 Sports events(教师版) 译林牛津版_第1页
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2021年高考英语 新教材配套词汇检测系列 模块四 Unit 2 Sports events(教师版) 译林牛津版_第2页
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2021年高考英语 新教材配套词汇检测系列 模块四 Unit 2 Sports events(教师版) 译林牛津版_第3页
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优质文档 优质人生2020年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块四 Unit 2 Sports events(与译林牛津新版教材配套,教师版)一、词义配对A1. delighted A. make an effort or try to do sth.2. significance B. a large structure for open-air sports or entertainments 3. contemporary C. the quality of being important 4. medal D. greatly pleased 5. absence E. sth. that people in a certain place have done or believed for a long time 6. attempt F. a starting ceremony7. boundary G. someone who has won first place in a competition 8. nest H. belonging to the present time 9. stadium I. a structure in which animals lay eggs or give birth to their young10. compete J. the line indicating the limit or extent of something11. champion K. an award for winning a championship12. joy L. the emotion of great happiness13. opening M. failure to be present14. tradition N. try to win a race or game1. D 2. C 3. H 4. K 5. M 6. A 7. J 8. I 9. B 10. N 11. G 12. L 13. F 14. E B1. citizen A. a container used for boiling and pouring water2. underwear B. the seeds of crops such as corn, wheat, or rice 3. kettle C. outside a building4. otherwise D. someone who lives in a particular town, country, or state 5. association E. the process or business of taking goods from one place to another 6. grain F. slices of bread that have been baked7. routine G. the place where something begins 8. toast H. clothes worn next to the skin9. net I. used when saying what bad thing will happen if something is not done 10. origin J. material that is made of long pieces of string, etc with holes between them11. outdoors K. a formal organization of people12. frequent L. a special way of doing something 13. technique M. happening or doing something often14. transport N. the things you regularly do1. D 2. H 3. A 4. I 5. K 6. B 7. N 8. F 9. J 10. G 11. C 12. M 13. L 14. EC1. remove A. not often happening or not often seen2. teammate B. very valuable3. power C. a person in a sport like football or boxing who controls the match4. unusual D. at the same time as another this is happening5. goal E. not treating people in the same way or in the right way6. referee F. take sth. or sb. away or off7. unfair G. being able to do sth.; being able to make people do what sb. wants; what makes things work or the right to do sth.8. bitter H. one of those who play a sport or game together against another group9. meanwhile I. the place where the ball must go to win a point in a game like football10.precious J. angry and sad; making sb. unpleasant; very cold1.F 2.H 3.G4.A 5.I 6.C7.E 8.J 9.D 10.B二、根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1. The extra money could be spent on improving public t_.2.Our English teacher often talks to us about the s of English learning.3.Eating dumplings on Spring Festival is a t_ custom in the north of China.4.I was d_ to get the signature of my favorite sport star.5.He represented our school to take part in the speech c_ and won the first prize.6.Everybody was e_ by the news of victory. 7.The young man failed in his first a_ to invent a new-type plane, but he didnt give it up. 8.The question to be discussed tomorrow is f_ asked.9.Joe was celebrating his success with his colleagues. M_, his father was waiting for him at home.10.His daughter is the most p_ thing in the world to him, she means everything to him.11.Tom c with five other athletes for the first prize in a race.12.Please look after my house in my a .13. The flywheel battery, it is said, can p an electric car for 600 miles on a single charge. 14. Her b experience has turned her into a stronger person. 15.First, a sport must have its own international a .16.I was ill that day. O_ I would have taken part in the sports meet.17.Our office has r to Shanghai from Beijing.18.The girl lost her b and fell off the beam.19.You must obey the rules even if you think theyre u .20. There are many theories about the o of life.1. transport 2.significance 3.traditional 4.delighted petition6. excited 7.attempt 8.frequently 9.Meanwhile 10.preciouspeted 12.absence 13.power 14.bitter 15.association16.Otherwise/Or 17.removed 18.balance 19.unfair 20.origin三、译出下列词组(英译汉)英语汉语英语汉语in honor of 向表示敬意be recognized as被认为lead the way领先join sb. in sth.(doing sth.) 加入某人做某事make way for 给让路,让位于be delighted to do sth. 高兴做某事pass sth. on (to sb.)转交,传给,递给under his birth name 以他的原名side by side/shoulder to shoulder一起,并肩地compete for 为竞争 hang on(在逆境中)坚持make contributions to对作出贡献play an important role发挥重要作用keepunder control使处于控制之下every four years每四年bringback to life让得以重生from around the world来自全世界come to public attention 引起公众瞩目hope for 希望得到/获得keep a close watch on sb./sth.盯紧某人/某物after 32 years absence缺席了32年以后apply to适用于,上诉,向申请at least 至少by accident偶然四、从上述表格中选择恰当的词组填空1.All the singers need to the prize.2.Its hard work but if you youll succeed in the end.3.Everyone should his motherland.4.She said she hoped that the new president could help to better relations among the nations of the world.5. All this will in promoting economic development.6. He is _ this company for a job and he has been out of work for half a year.7. He didnt mean to, but he deleted the files .8.They expect him to step aside and an old man.9. You should read one book a month .10.You should learn to your temper .pete for 2.hang on 3.make contributions to 4.lead the way 5.play an important role6.applying to7. by accident8.make way for 9. at least10.keep under control提升练习一、单项填空1.Thirty athletes will _ this game _ only three medals. A. compete; in B. compete; for C. compete for; in D. compete in; for 【解析】D compete in this game for only three medals意为“在该项目中争夺三枚奖牌”。2.I have been having violin lessons _ two weeks, but I think Ill make it _ week from next month.A. each; every B. another; everyC. every; every D. every; another【解析】C every two weeks意为“每两周”;every week意为“每周”。3.Today we are having a welcome ceremony here _ Mr. Black who has just come to China and will work in our school this year.A. in praise of B. in memory of C. in honor of D. in celebration of4.Several houses were destroyed to _ a building.A. make away withB. make way forC. make forD. make out【解析】B make way for意为“给让路”。5.There are citizens who support graffiti (在墙上涂鸦), saying its a welcome addition to _ dull streets.A. otherwise B. ratherC. therefore D. approximately6.Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _.A. attention B. purpose C. attempt D. desire7. We dont like her as she is always speaking highly of the role she _ in the group.A. makes B. plays C. actsD. takes【解析】B play a role in.在中扮演角色/起作用,为固定搭配。8.The teacher explained the _ of the themes expressed in the poem with passion.A. reference B. significanceC. means D. magnificence【解析】B 句意:老师激情澎湃地解释了这首诗的主题所表达的重要意义。significance在此作“重要性”讲。9.We cant _ other countries in trade if we dont develop our nationaleconomy.A. compete for B. compete againstC. catch up D. catch with【解析】B compete against sb. in sth.意思是“和某人在某方面竞争”。这句话的意思是“我们如果不发展我们的民族经济,就不能够在贸易方面和其它国家竞争”。10.With the development of technology, much old equipment has to _ the new inventions.A. make way to B. give way toC. lead the way D. find its way 11.To make members of a team perform better, the trainer had to teach them _ of football and keep them practicing every day. A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. technology【解析】C technique 技巧;strength 力量,优点;benefit 好处;technology 技术。12.It is beyond my _ to search the criminals house, for I havent got permission from my head.A. energy B. power C. force D. ability13.The environmentalists said wild goats_ on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment.A. escape B. absence C. attendanceD. appearance14.Theres a _in our office that when its somebodys birthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share.A. tradition B. balance C. concern D. relationship15.You are always full of_ .Can you tell me the secret?Taking plenty of exercise every day.A. power B. strength C. force D. energy【解析】D power权力, 势力;strength力气,优势;force力,武力;energy精力;be full of energy指 “精力旺盛”, 符合题意。16.Life is too short to waste and too _ to give up.A. expensive B. ordinary C. essential D. precious【解析】D precious“珍贵的” 指“生命如此珍贵,不可放弃”。 expensive“价格昂贵”; ordinary“普通的”; essential“本质的”。17.Jim went to answer the phone. _, Harry started to prepare lunch.A. However B. Nevertheless C. Besides D. Meanwhile18.A man is being questioned in relation to the _murder last night.A. advisedB. attendedC. attemptedD. admitted【解析】C the attempted murder意为:蓄意谋杀。19. Drunk driving, which was once a_ occurrence, is now under control.A. generalB. frequentC. normalD. particular【解析】B A.一般的;B.经常的;C.正常的;D.特别的。理解词义后,根据生活常识可以得出答案。20.The temperature in London hit 21 yesterday, _ for this time of year, while the normal figure is around 14.A. outstanding B. unusual C. common D. frequent【解析】B 相同时期温度的上升幅度如此之大,当然是罕见的,用“unusual”。二、完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Who do you think came up with the idea for the Paralympics (残奥会)? The man who organized the sporting events which became the Paralympics Games 1 was a doctor, Ludwig Guttmann. In his teens, Ludwig was always interested in medicine and worked as a 2 in a hospital. Then he 3 from medical school and became a doctor when he was 25 years old. Guttmann 4 a successful career for the next few years. 5 , because Guttmann and his family were Jews, life in Germany was becoming very 6 for them. In 1938 Guttmann 7 to the UK with his family where he 8 his research into the best way to treat patients. The Second World War was going on and there were a lot of soldiers 9 in the fighting. Often they 10 the use of their legs and needed 11 and help. The disabled soldiers were often 12 and angry for they couldnt really live a normal, useful life. Guttmann used his new 13 to look after their injuries but he also tried to give them emotional strength. Guttmann 14 taking part in sport could help a persons body as well as their mind and began to use 15 as a treatment to help his patients. He wanted to give them back their self-respect and dignity and 16 them to take part in sports. In 1948 the hospital held a sporting event called “The International Wheelchair Games”. By 1952 the event began to 17 bigger with disabled athletes from other countries attending. By 1960 the games were called the International Stroke Mandeville Games and they were held in Rome alongside the 18 Summer Olympics. By 1968 there were 750 athletes from 29 different countries. Guttmann himself died in 1980, even 19 the games were called “Paralympics”, but there is no 20 that he is the founder and father of the Paralympics Games. Its thanks to his hard work that we are all able to enjoy the Paralympics.1. A. gradually B. eventually C. temporarily D. compulsorily【解析】B gradually 逐渐的;eventually 最终的;temporarily 临时的;compulsorily 强制的,强迫的。根据句意组织了残疾人的体育运动会最终发展成为了残奥会的人是一个医生,选B。13. A. materials B. experiments C. models D. methods【解析】D根据第三段“where he 8 continued his research into the best way to treat patients.”得知选D。materials 材料;experiments 实验;models 模型,模特,样本。14. A. knew B. denied C. allowed D. approved【解析】A根据上下文句意“古特曼知道参加体育运动不仅对一个人的身体有益还对一个人的心智有所帮助”故选A。denied否认;allowed允许;approved赞同,批准。15. A. music B. medicine C. sport D. magic【解析】C 见上题解析。16. A. forced B. encouraged C. allowed D. drove【解析】B forced迫使;encouraged鼓励;allowed允许;drove驾驶,驱使。句意是他想他们重新找回自尊,鼓励他们参加运动会。三、任务型阅读Going soy is the way to go greenIn 1829, U.S. farmers grew soybeans (大豆) for the first time. In the late 1800s, lots of farmers began to grow soybeans as food for cattle. In 1904, at the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, George Washington Carver began studying the soybean. His discoveries changed the way people thought about the soybean. No longer was it just a crop for cattle; it provided valuable protein and oil.Now soybean oil is the most popular source for an alternative fuel. Fueling diesel (柴油) engines with vegetable oil started with the inventor Rudolf Diesel. When Diesel showed his engine at the 1900 World Exhibition in Paris, it was running only on peanut oil, a kind of biodiesel. According to the United Soybean Board, biodiesel is a fuel made from vegetable oils or animal fats. However, over the next 100 years, diesel fuel was made largely from petroleum (石油). Interest was renewed in biodiesel in the mid-1970s when the energy shortage occurred, and gas prices surged upward throughout the United States. In spite of these conditions, commercial production did not take place until much later. In 1999, The National Biodiesel Board reported that 500,000 gallons per day were produced. In 2000, production increased to 6.7 million gallons per day.With the continual rising costs of petroleum products in the new century, major corporations and the United States government have looked to new markets. Farmers are encouraged to grow soybeans in their fields, as the demand for soybean fuel increases. They can now get several gallons of fuel per acre of soybean.Biodiesel is created by removing a thick liquid called glycerin from soybean oil. It is registered with the US Environmental Protection Agency as a pure fuel, which is known as B100, or as a fuel additive, which is called B20, a mixture of 20 percent soy and 80 percent petroleum-based diesel.There are many benefits of soybean fuel.Studies have shown that biodiesel from vegetable oil reduces petroleum consumption when used in place of petroleum diesel. In addition, the use of biodiesel reduces CO2 in the earths atmosphere. This is due to the fact that growing soybeans consumes nearly four times as much CO2 as the amount of CO2 produced from biodiesel waste gases.If you ever want to take a ride in a car or bus powered by soybeans, you can. The Agriculture Research Center (ARS ) National Visitor Center bus, which is used for Beltsville, Maryland farm tours, is running on biodiesel fuel.ARS scientists are conducting biodiesel fuel research, and they are trying to find ways to make fuel from vegetable oils, animal fats, and used restaurant oils. Biodiesel fuel costs more than regular diesel fuel. However, the price may drop if people use it more. We can look to the future with the hope that clean fuel sources will continue to be widespread in the United States and even around the world. 四、书面表达假如你是学生会主席,你所在学校决定举行10000米冬季长跑活动,请你以学生会的名义用英语写一个书面通知。词数:150左右。具体内容如下:目的:为推动冬季全民健身活动(the keep-fit program);时间:1月10日下午2:00.(风雨无阻);参加人数:每班10人(欢迎老师参加);线路:见下图(起、终点在校门口)。注意事项:报名参赛的选手1:30前到学校操场集合,不得迟到或缺席。要求所有学生参加闭幕式。 12本资料来自网络若有雷同概不负责


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