2020届高三英语一轮复习 Unit17 Great women教案 人教大纲版

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Unit 17 Great women考纲要求: 考纲规定的考试范围:重点单词与短语inspire; admire; generous; cheerful; mean; tense; dull; dishonest; champion; mile; stormy; threaten; bottom; optimistic; workday; somehow; shelter; regret; extreme; extremely; climate; value; pianist; bother; fame; promise; kindergarten; hardship; bear; scholarship; graduation; around the corner; die down; come to terms with; make up; take possession of; turn to; go sailing; go camping; blow away; be in good health; struggle to ones knees; take up;句型It has often been said that life is difficult as it is. as引导的方式状语从句What has become of her. 句型:sth. will become of sb.On the third day I was struggling through stormy weather and during the next week the wind grewstronger and I found myself spending a whole day in my tent find + oneself + 宾补I had fallen into a hole and was hanging on the ropes tied to the sled. 分词做定语I had traveled only two hours one day when the winds increased so much that I had to put my tent up before the winds became too strong. When引导的时间状语从句Oprah Winfrey is not just a very successful TV personality in the US, she is also a woman who has inspired millionsnot onlybut also的用法3. 语法:主谓一致的用法 复习本章要达到的目标1. 掌握inspire; admire; mean; tense; bottom; optimistic; somehow; regret; extremely; climate; value; bother; promise; hardship; bear; graduation; around the corner; die down; come to terms with; make up; take possession of; turn to; go sailing; go camping; blow away; be in good health; struggle to ones knees; take up; 等重点单词及短语的用法。2. 掌握not onlybut also的用法;分词做定语的用法;主谓一致的基本用法。教材知识归纳知识归纳1. Do you know a woman who really inspires you?inspire的用法:派生词:inspired有灵感的;inspiring鼓舞人心的; inspiration n 灵感相关归纳:(1)inspire sb.We were inspired by his speech.我们深受他讲话的鼓舞。(2)inspire sb. to sth.His example inspired the rest of us to greater efforts.他的榜样激励我们做出更大的努力。(3)inspire sb. to do sth.His friends words inspired him to try again.朋友的讲话鼓舞了他再作尝试。(4)inspire sth. in sb.The father inspired confidence in his son.父亲记起了孩子的自信。(5)inspire sb. with sth.The father inspired his son with confidence.父亲记起了孩子的自信。注意:inspire sb. to do sth.相当于encourage sb. to do sth.。2. Describe her and explain why you admire her.admire 的用法:派生词:admiration n. 钦佩,赞美,羡慕 admirer n. 羡慕者,赞赏者,敬慕者相关归纳:(1) admire sb. for sth. 赞赏钦佩某人I admire him for his sincerity.我钦佩他的诚实(2) express admiration for 对表示钦佩Dont forget to express admiration for the baby.不要忘了夸奖那婴儿。(3) in admiration of 赞美,赏识He stood there in admiration of the scene.他站在那里欣赏着风景。(4) with admiration 羡慕地He looked at the palace with admiration.他羡慕地看着宫殿。(5)admire sth/sb 欣赏风景或欣赏某人及自己The girl admired herself in the mirror.那个女孩在照镜子。3. What has become of her. 她的情况怎么样了?该句中的 become of 常常构成这样的同定句型。What has / will become of sth / sb? =means “what happened / will happen to sth / sb?”意思是“某人、某物情况(遭遇)怎么样了?What will become of her children if their mother dies?如果他们的妈妈死了,这些孩子们的遭遇将会如何?What has become of the injured driver?那位受伤的司机情况怎么样了?4. I found myself spending a whole day in my tent.find oneself.意思是“发现自己(处于某种状态);不知不觉地”,后面跟动词的-ing形式短语、过去分词短语、介词短语作宾语补足语I found myself at the foot of the mountain hen I woke up.当我醒来时我发现自己在山脚下。Then I found myself surrounded by a group of boys.那时我发现自己被一群男孩包围着。When I came in, I found him wring his homework.当我进来时我发现他在些作业。5. On November 12th the storm died down.die 的短语(1)die away逐渐消失、平息The sound has died away. 声音渐息。(2)die by“死于”,常与暴行、刀剑等词搭配。The thief died by sword(刀剑)。那个贼死于剑伤。(3)die for为而死; 渴望He died for the people. His death is as heavy as Mount Tai他为人民而死,他的死重于泰山。(4)die from“由于而死”,后常接灾祸、衰弱、负伤等外因He died from a chest wound.他死于胸部受伤(5)die of“因(患)而死”,后常接年老、疾病、情感、贫寒等内因的死。The baby died of a fever. 那个婴儿高烧而死。The old woman died of grief(悲伤)soon after her husbands death.那个老太太在她的丈夫去世后不久就悲痛而死。(6)die out熄灭、绝种(迹)The lights died out suddenly.所有的灯突然熄灭了。Many old customs are gradually(逐渐地)dying out.很多就风俗正逐渐消失。(7)die off 成批地成批地死去Because of the pollution, the fish in the river has died off.由于污染河里的与已经成批地成批地死去。6. I did so without regret.regret的用法派生词:regretful adj. 后悔的,抱歉的,惋惜的,遗憾的regretfully adv. 懊悔地,抱歉地regretless adj. 无悔的,不后悔的,没有遗憾的相关归纳:(1) to ones regret 令某人遗憾的是To my regret, you failed to pass the exam.使我遗憾的是你没能通过考试。(2) regret to do sth对做某事感到遗憾(强调动作尚没发生)I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you employment.我遗憾地通知你我们不能雇用你。(3) regret doing sth = regret having done sth= regret to have done sth后悔干了某事(强调动作已经发生)I regret being so rude to you last time.我很后悔上次对你太无礼了。I regretted having broken the window when I had a course here yesterday.我后悔我昨天上课的时候把玻璃打破了。(4) It is to be regretted that. 使人遗憾的是;真可惜I regret to tell you that you are laid off.我遗憾的告诉你你被解雇了。(5) with regret 遗憾,可惜We heard with regret that you were not successful in your plan.听到你的计划不能顺利进行,我们觉得很可惜。7. It is an experience I shall never forget and value for the rest of my life.value 的用法:派生词:(1) valuable adj. 很有用的;值钱的(2) valueless adj. 没有价值的,不值钱的注意: priceless adj. 无价的,及其珍贵的worthless adj. 没有价值的,不值钱的知识梳理:(1) n 价值; 重要性,益处; 等价物; 价值观This dictionary is of little value to you.这本词典对你没有什么帮助。The value of the dollar may fall.美元的币值可能下降。His values seem old-fashioned.他的价值观念似乎陈旧了。(2)vt. 估价,评价(+at)That watch was valued at $100.那只表估计值一百美元。 尊重;重视,珍视My father values honesty beyond all things.我父亲把诚实看得比什么都重要。8. Oprah Winfrey is not just a very successful TV personality in the US, she is also a woman who has inspired millions该句中的not just / only.(but) also. 为并列连词。连接两个简单句。Singers of the country music do not just come from the States also from all over the world.乡村音乐的歌手不仅仅来自美国,而且来自世界各地。注意:(1)在并列连词not just / only.(but)also.连接同等的句子成分,如果连接两个名词或代词作主语,谓语动词要与后面的名词或代词保持一致。Not only Tom but also his children were invited to New Years Party.不但是汤姆,而且他的孩子们都受邀请出席了新年晚会。(2)如果连接两个分句,第一分句需要部分倒装。Not only is he fond of doing exercises but also his wife joins him in it.不仅是他喜欢运动,而且他的妻子也喜欢与他一起运动。9. For her family, life seemed to hold no promise.promise的用法派生词:promising adj. 有希望的,有前途的知识梳理:(1)n.承诺,诺言; 希望,前途Give me your promise that youll never be late again.答应我你绝不再迟到了。The young man shows promise as a poet.这位青年有成为诗人的希望。(2)vt.允诺,答应 promise (sb) to do sth 承诺做某事He promised me the book.他答应给我这本书。He promised to help us.他答应要帮助我们。I cant give you the book; Ive promised it to Susan.我不能把这本书给你;我已经答应给苏珊了。给人以.的指望;有.的可能It promises to be fine tomorrow.明天有希望是个好天气。(3)vi. 有指望,有前途 promise well 很有希望,前景很好That project promises well.那个工程很有希望成功。相关归纳:(1) break ones / a promise 违背诺言,违约(2) make a promise 答应,许诺(3) keep ones / a promise遵守诺言,守约概念提示重点/热点1:almost, nearly, mostly(1) almost的语气更强almost=very nearlyI almost envy the little boy who got the geography book after five failures.我几乎有点羡慕那个经历5次失败最后得到地理书的那个小男孩了。(2) almost 后可跟代词尤其是具有否定意义的代词,而nearly不能。Almost none got to school on time yesterday.昨天几乎没有一个人准时到校的。(3) 在more than, any, too之前通常用almost,而不用nearly。Almost more than ten students failed in the exam.不及格的学生几乎不止十个。(4)nearly 可以和数词连用而almost不可以(5) nearly之前可用very, not修饰,而almost则不能。not nearly 远非,远远不100 dollars is not nearly enough for the trip to Beijing.100美元对我们这次去北京的旅游来说远远不够。(6)mostly=mainly强调整体中的组成部分He looked around but mostly looked forward.他向周围看了看但主要是向前看。易混易错点1:主谓一致的用法主谓一致的三种原则,即:语法形式一致;概念一致;就近原则一、语法形式一致1、单数主语、单个动词不定式、动名词短语以及句子作主语,谓语动词要用单数形式。复数主语,用and或bothand连接的动词不定式短语、动名词短语以及主语从句作主语,谓语动词则用复数形式。Serving the people is my great happiness.为人民服务是我最大的幸福。Whether well go depends on the weather.我们是否去要取决于天气的好赖。What I think and what I seek have been fairly reflected in my paper.我所思考的和我所寻求的都在这个论文中体现了出来。2、由as well as, with, along with, like, together with, rather than, except, but, including, accompanied by, plus, besides, in addition to, no less than 等引起的结构跟在主语后面,不能看作是并列主语,该主语不受这些词组引导的插入语的影响,主语如是单数,其谓语动词仍然用单数形式。The reading course book, plus its reference books, is helpful to college students.教材加上参考书对大学学生是非常有益的。The man together with his wife and children sits on the sofa watching TV.那个人和他妻儿老小坐在沙发上看电视。3、当and连结的两个名词是指同一个人或同一件事,and后的名词前没有冠词,谓语动词应该用单数形式;在and后面的名词前有冠词,谓语就用复数形式。The bread and butter is served for breakfast. 早饭供应黄油面包。The bread and the butter are on sale. 正在出售黄油和面包。4、由one and a half 复数名词或the majority of 名词作作主语时,谓语动词视名词的单复数形式而定。The majority of the damage is easy to repair. 大部分的损坏品都容易修理7、plenty of, half of, a lot of, lots of, heaps of, loads of, scads of等 可数与不可数名词作主语时,不可数名词的谓语只用单数,可数名词的谓语视可数名词的单复数而定。There is plenty of water in the pail.桶里还有好多水。There are plenty of eggs in the box.箱子里有好多鸡蛋。5、由more than one (或more than one 单数名词),many a 单数名词作主语,谓语动词要用单数形式。More than one student has passed the examination. 不止一个学生通过了这次考试。Many a boy learns to swim before he can read. 许多孩子在认字前就学会了游泳。6、如果名词词组中心词是“分数或百分数 of 名词”,谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于of后的名词或代词的单、复数形式。Over three-quarters of the land has been reclaimed. 四分之三多的土地已经收回了。Two-thirds of the people present are against the plan.到场的三分之二的人都反对这个计划。二、概念一致(语言内容上一致)1、有些集合名词如crowd, family, team, orchestra(管弦乐队), group, government, committee, class, school, union, firm, staff, public等,它们作主语时,谓语动词的数要根据语言内容而定。如果它们作为一个集体单位时,动词用单数形式,如就其中的各个成员来说,则谓语用复数形式。例如:His family is going to move. 他准备搬家。His family are very well. 他家人身体都好。2、有些表示总体意义的名词,形式上是单数,而意义上却是复数,谓语动词要用复数形式,如people, police, militia, cattle, poultry(家禽)等。The police are searching for a tall dark man with a beard.警察正在搜寻一位肤色黝黑、长胡子的高个子男人。3、有些名词形式上是复数,而意义上却是单数。如news, means, works.还有许多以ics结尾的学科名称,如economics, physics, mechanics, politics等,它们作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。Politics is a complicated business. 政治学是一门复杂的东西。4、用and连接的单数主语,前面有each, every, many a, no等修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。复数主语与each连用时,应不受each的影响,谓语动词仍用复数形式。Every boy and girl is treated in the same way.每个男孩、女孩都是以同样的方式对待的。Many a boy and many a girl has seen it. 很多姑娘小伙子都见过。The old workers and the young each have their own tools.青老年工人都各自有自己的工具。5、表示重量、度量、衡量、价值的复数名词作主语,谓语动词常用单数形式。Twenty miles is a long way to walk. 二十里地可是个不近的路程。Three pints isnt enough to get me drunk. 三品脱还不至于把我灌醉。三、就近原则1、由连词or, neitheror, eitheror, not only also, nor等连接的并列主语,谓语动词的单复数形式按毗邻一致的原则,与贴近它的主语一致。Either you or he is no telling the truth. 不是你就是他没讲真话。Not only the switches but also the old wiring has been changed.不仅开关,连那些老化了电路都已经更换了。2、在there be 的结构中,谓语动词的单复数形式一般也采取就近原则。There is a desk and four benches in the office. 办公室有一张桌子,四条长凳。There are two chairs and a desk in the office. 办公室有两把椅子一张桌子。讲题组课内题例与课后题:课内题例1. What would _ my child if I were on business?A. look after B. care aboutC. become of D. attend变式1. I dont know what will happen my child if I am away.A. of B. to C. in D. on解析: 根据句子的意思是“如果我去出差,我的孩子情况会怎么样呢?”应该填become of, 考查sth. will become of sb.这一句型。答案: C变式1. 考查sth. will happen to sb.这一句型。答案: B2. Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, _ as 3M.A. knowing B. knownC. being known D. to be known解析:2.考查v-ed作定语。过去分词作定语,表示过去分词与所修饰名词为被动关系, 可以转化为定语从句:which is known as 3M. 答案: B3. He has _ to come tonight, and he is sure to come.A. allowed B. proved C. promised D. nodded变式1. -What do you think of the coming Beijing 2020;2020 Olympics ?-Oh , the table tennis match _ to b e the most exiting of it ,A. promises B,. wishes C. hopes D . proves变式2. I will come to help you when you are in need of help.Is this a _?A. promise B. saying C. hope D. proof变式3. He is a very _ actor ,which can be easily seen .A. promising B. promise C. promised D. being promise解析:3. allow后面不能直接跟不定式,promise to do 表示答应要做某事。答案:C变式1. 考查promise做“有希望;有望”这一用法promise to adj./ n. 。如果选B或C则主语为人。所以答案为:A变式2. 考查promise的名词用法:承诺,诺言。如:Give me your promise that youll never be late again.答应我你绝不再迟到了。答案:A变式3. promising可以做形容词“有希望的,有前途的,大有可为的”。答案:A4. -What about having a drink?-_.A. Good idea B. Help yourself C. Go ahead, please D. Me, too变式1. how about the two of us _?A. drinking B. to drink C. drink D. drinked解析:4. What about doing sth?是征求对方意见的日常交际用语。用Good idea能表达自己对喝咖啡这个提议的看法 ,而 Help yourself是随便喝吧的意思,Go ahead, please是你去喝吧, Me, too不符合这里的语境。答案:A变式1.考查句型“ What /How about sth./doing sth.?”答案:A5. is reported that Johnson won the first prize.A. It B. what C. As D. Which变式1. is reported , Johnson won the first prize.A. It B. what C. As D. Which变式2. is reported is that Johnson won the first prize.A. It B. what C. As D. Which变式3. Johnson is reported_ the first prize.A. that he won C. to winD. to have won D. having won解析:5.该题是it做形式主语,that引导的主语从句后置的结构。答案:A变式1.该题是as 引导的定语从句,as指代后面的整个句子。答案:C变式2.该题是what引导的主语从句。答案:B变式3.该题考查“sb. be过去分词+to do sth.(适当形式)”这一句型。答案:C6. Not only _ interested In football but _ beginning to show an interest in itA. the teacher himself is; all his students areB. the teacher himself is; are all his studentsC. is the teacher himself; are a11 his studentsD. is the teacher himself; all his students are变式1.Not only he but also his students _ interest in Physics so far.A. is showing B. has shown C. have shown D. are showing变式2. He as well as his students _ interest in Physics so far.A. is showing B. has shown C. have shown D. are showing解析:6.not just / only.(but)also. 如果连接两个分句,第一分句需要部分倒装。变式1. 在并列连词not just / only.(but)also.连接同等的句子成分,如果连接两个名词或代词作主语,谓语动词要与后面的名词或代词保持一致。答案:C变式2. A as well as B 做主语时谓语要与A保持一致。答案:B课后题:1. In my opinion, the girl _ to be a good dancer if she is well trained in an art school.A. expects B. hopes C. wishes D. promises2. The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class,_ visiting a museum when the earthquake struck.A. wasB. wereC. had beenD. would be3.You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.Well, now I regret that.A. to doB. to be doingC. to have doneD. having done4.The fire is Please get more coal.A. dying downB. died downC. dying awayD. died away5. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found in the kitchen.A. smokeB. smokingC. to smoke D. smoked解析:1. 考查promise做“有希望;有望”这一用法promise to adj./ n. 。如果选B或C则主语为人。所以答案为:D2. 本题考查动词的时态和主谓一致。从后面的时间状语分析,此处用过去进行时态,表示“当地震发生时”正在进行的动作。此句话的主语为the teacher,为单数形式,介词短语with.为插入语。相似的插入语还有:as well as(也;还有),including(包括)等.答案:A3.本题考查regret doing与regret to do的区别。regret doing sth意为“后悔干了某事”,doing的动作已完成;regret to do sth 意为“对即将发生的事表示抱歉/遗憾”,to do常用表示告诉意义的say, tell, inform等词。答案:D4. die无被动式,可排除B、D项;die down表示变弱,die away指风、光线、声音等渐弱。句意为:“火快灭了,请多加点煤”。答案:A5. 本题考查find sb doing的用法,A、C不符合要求,D项看作过去分词,表示被动意义,明显不对。答案:B课后练习题A组:1. is said we disagreed on will be left out.A. That;whatB. It;thatC. It;whatD. As;that2.I wonder what will my daughter. Besides endless homework, she also bears other leading loads.A. occur toB. become ofC. come atD. turn on3.Henry, the phone is ringing. Do you want me to go?No, sit still. .A. Ill get itB.I am to get itC. Im getting itD.I am about to get it4.He spoke the top of his voice in order to make himself clearly.A. at;heardB. in;to hearC. at;hearD. in;heard5.He struggled his feet and fought again the tiger.A. to;withB. on;againstC. to;acrossD. on;with6.She is in a poor of health,which worries her mother much.A. positionB. situationC. surroundingsD. condition7.In the dark night, rain is beating the window;if you hear someone knockthe door, dare you answer it?A. on;atB. against;atC. down;onD. off;down8.The girl to be a good dancer if she is well trained in an art school.A. expectsB. allowsC. promisesD. wishes9. After the excitement of the audience _, the speaker continued his speech.A. died down B. died out C. died off D. died of10. .The boy threatened _ away from home while quarrelling with his parents.A. ran B. run C. to run D. running解析:1. C it作形式主语,而在真正的主语从句中,what we disagreed on又作了主语从句,且what在从句中作宾语。2. B occur to sb.“某人记起某事”;become of sb.“某人遭遇”;come at sb.“袭击某人”;turn on“呈现;打开”。3. A 回答为“不,你坐着,我去”表明一种意愿的行动。B项意为“按约定或责任应该”C项为“即要去”;D项为动作即刻发生;而A项侧重表明说话者的意志。4 A speak at the top of ones voice“大声说”,目的是使自己被别人听见,故用heard。5. A struggle to ones feet“挣扎着站起来”;fight against/with sb.“和某人作战”。6. D position指职位;situation指形势;surroundings指自然环境;D项指身体等状况,故合乎题意。7. B beat against风雨敲打;knock at/on敲门。8. C 句意为:“如果这个女孩在艺术上接受正规训练,她有希望成为一个优秀的舞蹈家”。promise意为“有的希望”。9.A die down指逐渐平息,强调从强到弱这一变化的过程。10.C threaten to do 是固定搭配,表示威胁要干。1.My mother p_ me a new watch if I passed my exam.2.Giving up my old job was an _(极其)difficult decision.3.He _(威胁)to kill me if I refused to give him my handbag.4.He _(后悔)very much having said unkind things about his friends.5.After _(毕业), he came to London.6.This book is of great_(价值)in your studies.7.My mother has been i me to make greater progress in study.8.Before Tom went to the primary school,his father sent him to the k .9.It was g of them to share their meals with neighbors.10.Seeing a girl s in the water,he jumped into the water to save her.1. promised 2. extremely 3. threatened 4. regretted5. graduation 6. value 7. inspiring 8. kindergarten9. generous 10. strugglingB组:一、 汉译英1.快来欣赏这风景!2. 他对于自己的粗心大意感到懊悔。3. 很抱歉我不能帮你的忙。4. 有许多问题要解决,新当选的总统正度过艰难的一段时光。5. 他朋友的话使他振奋起来再试一次。6. 过了好长时间兴奋才平息下来。7. 由于他的粗心,我不知道未来他会怎么样?8. 他违背了自己的诺言。9. 不仅我而且他都通过了考试。10. 当他醒来是他发现自己在医院里。答案:1.Come and admire the view!2. He regretted having been careless.3. I regret to say that I cant help you.4. With a lot of difficult problems to settle, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.5. His friends words inspired him to try again.6. It took a long time for the excitement to die down.7. Because of his carelessness, I dont know what will become of him.8. He broke his promise.9. Not only I but also he has passed the exam.10. when he woke up, he found himself in hospital.单句改错:1.He is an inspiring writer and has written many novels.2.Kate is the first come here and the last to leave.3.I dont like this hat,please show me other.4.His advice was valued of by all the leaders.5.Too much work without having a rest leads in illness.1. inspiring 改为 inspired 2. come前加to 3. other 改为 another 4. of去掉 5.in 改为 to


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