八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf词汇详细用法 人教新目标版

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八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf词汇详细用法 人教新目标版_第1页
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Do you know who gave it to you ? whats wrong with you ? the matter the trouble whats happening ? 7.guy 家伙、人 c guys a nice /clever guy He is a lucky guy . What a lucky guy he is ! How lucky the guy is ! 8.spider n. 蜘蛛 c spiders 9. mouse c 老鼠复数mice mouse 鼠标 10.snake c 蛇snack c 小吃 11.hamster c 仓鼠 12.turtle c 海龟 13.child c 孩子children kid kids on Childrens Day Day 前无the festival 前有the 14. pot bellied adj. 大腹便便的。15.pig 猪pigs 16.advantage c 有利条件、优点She has the advantage of a good education 她具有受过良好教育的有利条件。take advantage of 利用 He took advantage of my kindness. disadvantage c 不利条件、缺点What are the advantages and advantages of keeping such a pet . 16.perfect 完美的、理想的无比较级和最高级Nobody is perfect. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧He is the perfect man for the job. 17. rabbit n. 兔、野兔 rabbits 18. company n. 1. 公司He is the head of the company . work in a company 2. 同伴、伙伴 u I have no company on the trip . 我在旅行中没有同伴。19.cost 价值、花cost cost cost 物做主语、花钱sth. costs sb . some money The gift costs me 200 yuan. How much does the gift cost you? It doesnt cost too much .It cost us 200 dollars to get the TV . 区别:take 物做主语、花费时间It takes sb some time go do sth . pay 人做主语pay 钱for 物pay for 物 spend 人做主语spend 时间/金钱on sth. doing sth. 20.asleep adj. 睡着的 I waited until they were all asleep. 我一直等到他们都睡着了。 The police found him asleep in his apartment. fall asleep 入睡瞬间动词,指睡着的动作。指由没睡着到睡着的短暂性动作,不能与时间段连用。Please be quiet, the baby fell asleep.I couldnt fall asleep until it was very late last night. 昨天晚上我一直到很晚才睡着。be asleep 睡着的状态,可以与时间段连用He was asleep for three hours. 他睡了三个小时。fall asleep 入睡的动作 go to sleep be asleep 睡着的状态go to bed 去睡,表示动作(还没睡)21.choose 动词选择chose chosen choose 选择choose 从中选择I want to choose a gift for my mum.Here are so many gift to choose from.choose to do sth. I chose to go there by train .n. choice c choices make a choice 做出选择make a wish 许个愿吧 He has many choices all his life. 他一生中有许多选择。22.present 礼物 c Some presents are never too small Its polite to give your friends some presents.23.open 打开v. open the door / your eyes / your books adj. keep the door open The shop is open .close v. closed adj. keep the windows closed 24.later 后来、稍后Many years later , he moved to South London .See you later.Later, they became good friends.25.give gave given give sth. to sb. give sb. sth. 26.give away 赠送、分发动副短语He gave away most of his money to charity.被动语态Most of his money was given away to charity .27.bench c 长凳、长椅benches a park bench 公园长椅I saw two old ladies sit on the park bench just now.28.rather than 而不是(1)后接名词He is a writer rather than a teacher . (2)后接adj. The color seems green rather than blue. (3) 后接动名词 She likes dancing rather than singing. (4)后接介词短语Well have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the hall .29.Sweden 瑞典30.instead v. 代替、而不是(1) He goes to Qingdao every summer, but this year hell go to Shanghai instead.他每年夏天都去青岛,但今年却要去上海。(2) She is tired, let me go instead.(3) instead of sth. / doing sth. He stayed at home instead of going out last weekend .(4) She didnt call him, she wrote to him instead.She wrote to him instead of calling him. 31.enter v.及物动词参加、进入(通常不用于被动语态)go / come into enters entering entered entered Someone entered the room behind me. 有人在我后面进了屋。1000 children entered the competition . Twenty four young singers from across China entered a contest by singing popular English songs .32.nearly 几乎adv. 相当于almost Its nearly two oclock. 可换用almost I have nearly finished.almost / nearly 之区别almost 可以与nobody、nothing 、nowhere 、never 连用,nearly 不能Almost no one takes a rest . 几乎没有人休息。33.sing sang sung 34.clearly adv. 清楚地、清晰地、明白地Nearly all the singers sang clearly . 几乎所有的歌手唱得都很清晰。Can you see the blackboard clearly .35.stage n. 舞台on stage 舞台上注意没有冠词the There are three actresses on stage.They looked comfortable on stage.36.native adj. 本地的、本国的His native language is English .他的母语是英语。37.native speaker 母语使用者、说本族语的人He can speak English as well as a native speaker. 他能把英语说得和以英语为母语的人一样出色。38.winner 胜利者 c winners congratulations to the winners congratulations to sb. on sth.39.modest adj. 谦虚的、谦逊的Great men are always very modest. 伟大的人物往往很谦虚。40.Interested adj. 感兴趣的Singing English songs made her more interested in learning English .You should try to make them interested in your class.41.encourage v. 鼓励、激励encourages encouraging encouraged encouraged encourage sb to do sth / encourage sb not to do sth My mother encourages me to study hard. u encouragement 鼓励42.Progress u 进步、进展make progress 取得进步make great progress取得很大进步(无a)He has made great progress.What great progress he has made!He made great progress in his English.43.hear of hear about 听说Have you heard of such a man.Ive never heard of that.Did you heard that he sang very well on stage?(此句不能用hear of that ) hear from 收到的来信 44.suggest v. 建议、提议规则变化(1) suggest doing sth. 建议做某事 He suggests going to the park tomorrow. (2) suggest not doing sth. 建议不做某事I suggest not going there .(3) suggest sth to sb 向某人建议某事What did you suggest to Ben?(4) suggest that The teacher suggested that he should study hard . The old man suggested that clever children should take the exam early.名词suggestion c 提建议make a suggestion / suggestions 45.Beijinger n. 北京人 the people of Beijing 46.take an interest in be interested in haveshowI take an interest in learning English。 I am interested in learning English .47.besides 介。除之外(加法)What did you do besides reading the newspaper?Besides milk and cheese, we need vegetables.48.except 除了(减法)Everyone else was invited except me.beside next to 紧挨着49.make friends with 与交友He is difficult to make friends with.We have been friends since Grade One.50.statement 声明、陈述 c statements make a statement 发表一份声明He made a statement to the public。他向民众发表了一份声明。Are these statements true or false?51.mention v. mentions mentioning mentioned mentioned (1)mention sth Sorry ,I wont mention that accident again . (2)mention + 从句Did he mention where he was leaving for? (3)Dont mention it . 别客气(用于回答感谢的句子)Thanks for your help. Dont mention it.


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