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初中英语动词时态(补完空版)_根底练习100题 答案及解析初中英语动词时态根底练习 100题答案及解析热身:以go为例,写出以下序号所代表的时态名称及谓语动词转变形式过去现在将来123进展45完成671 一样过去时went2 一样此刻时go/ goes3 一样以后时will go4 过去进展时 was/were going5 此刻进展时 is /am /are going6过去完成时 had gone7止匕亥U完成时 have/has gone答案1-15题答案BABDB CDDBA BBCCD这15道题均是一样此刻时练习题一样此刻时表示此刻常常性的,适应性的动作或状态用法如下:常见的时刻状语,例如15题显现的every day ,和一系列every 形容的时刻常见的频度副词,例如10题显现的often,和seldom,sometimes,usually,always 等常见的句型构造,如 1 题 12 题显现的主将从现句型构造在时刻状语和条件状语中,主句以后时,从句用一样此刻时表以后的事一样此刻时涉及动词的不规那么三单转变,例题有2.3 等等不一一赘述一样此刻时还涉及主谓一致的语法知识,如第 13 题遵从了就近一致的原那么那咱们回忆一下初中时期适用就近一致原那么的句型吧,共四个1 there be2 neither nor3 either or4 not only .but also第 14 题也涉及到就近一致的语法知识,不定代词作主语,谓语动词用单数,什么是不定代词?不懂的同窗别偷懒,查下语法书吧举几个不定代词的例子1 everything 2 somewhere 3nobody16-23 题答案 ABDCCBDD这些题目为一样此刻时和此刻进展时的比拟一样此刻时不说了说下此刻进展时,它表示现在此刻正在进展的动作23 题的 now 是最显著的此刻进展不时刻状语,它的同义短语是at themoment另外, 17 , 22 题的 look 那个词也提示咱们注意正在发生的事,相似的词还有 listen!除现在此刻,那个时态的作用范围还能够广一点儿,表示近时期正在做的事,例如 19,20 题,说的是那个学期,或是these days 的一个状况。21 题的第一个空也很成心思, 用此刻进展时表示以后, 只是这种用法经常使用于表示位置移动的词,如 come go leave move 等,表示的以后也离此刻很近,确实是眼前的事儿 . 生活中有人敲门时你随口应答I m coming, 下学后告知同窗一声 I m leaving. 其实都是这种用法。好了,总结此刻进展时用法三种:现在此刻,近时期,位移动词此刻进展时可表示很近的以后。24-33 题答案 DAB(AC) BADBCC这些题目全都是考察不规那么动词的过去式,没啥可讲的,自己背去吧请凭经历罗列 5 个利用过去式的时刻状语 万万别写 2 years ago, 3 years ago,4 years ago .1 .ago2 last 3 just now =a moment ago4 once upon a time5 in 1996 等过去的时刻点34-47 题答案 C D B D A C B B D C A C B D这些题目说的都是过去进展时态同为进展时态,此刻进展时说的是现在此刻,那么过去进展时相对应的确实是那时那刻,现在此刻,那时那刻,正在进展像生活的横截面,很有图画感.34 题的 then , 35 题的 at that time 这两个时刻状语均表示那时那刻。那时那刻有时还会说的比拟具体, 具体到过去的一个时刻点, 如 37 题的 thistime yesterday 38 题的 at ten last Sunday.那个时段。44 题的 from 7to 9 yesterday morning那时那刻更多时候仍是由时刻状语从句表示的,如 39 题的敲门那刻, 41 题熊来的那刻, 47 题的 Tom 进教室那一刻,常见的例子还有铃响起那刻我正洗着澡呢 我正开会呢不方便接等等这些从句经常使用一样过去式表示时刻点我想说明一下 42 题,因为 watch 是一个延续动词,因此不能表示那刻,这句话翻译过来是,她一直工作年轻男人一直看,两个动作同时进展。我想再说明一下 while 那个词,那个词后面的句子确信是进展时态若是它前面的句子也是进展时态,那确实是两个动作同时进展若是他前面的句子是一样过去式,那确实是“那时那刻 while 后面的动作正在进展观看比拟以下句子I was doing my homework while my mom was cooking.I came home while my mom was cooking.=when I came home, my mom was cooking.48-60 题答案 D C A D A C B B C C D C D这些题目都是一样以后时态你能从这些题中找到 4 个不重复的,需要应用一样以后时态的时刻状语吗1 soon2 next 3 in two days4 tomorrow这些题目涉及到一样以后时态的三种谓语动词转变will do , be going to do ,和 be doing第三种我不用说明了吧,关于什么情形下用此刻进展时表示眼下的以后,看看51 题,火车马上就来了!第二种用法咱们常说两个词:方案,迹象,而且是比拟近的以后。 54 题说的是他明天下午有无购物的打算, 52 题说的是看那些云, 有足够的迹象说明天马上下雨。 53 题就不一样了,只是天气预报,明天的天气不是很近的以后,也没有足够的迹象证据百分之百支持我的推断,只能用一般的 will do 了。翻译 2 个句子1 周日你打算做什么?这句话也常出此刻补全对话中What are you going to do on Sunday?2 我打算看奥运会。I am going to watch the Olympic Games.第一种用法will do,will 有时表示极客观的情形,例如 55 题, 56 题,说的都是事实,因此你不能说明年你方案,打算让那小男孩16 岁吧它就 16 岁了,这种没的质疑的客观结果得用 willOne day, I will die. ( 没人能长寿百岁,总有一天我也会死去 , 这是必然结果)I m going to die on Sunday.( 啊?别想不开啊.)(开个玩笑)will 有时表示主观的意愿,明白得为“会去做,情愿57 题,你会唤醒我吗?补全对话中,看好了相机后, I will buy it. 我就买它了。Will you marry me? 你情愿嫁给我吗?61-72 题答案 C A D A B C B D A B C D这些都是宾语从句下时态的转变。什么是宾语从句?!不懂的话温习下语法书先。有两句话先回忆一下宾语从句中,主句此刻时,从句时态随句意 , 主句过去时,从句时态 也是过去 .由这两句话,就能够够排除掉一些错误选项61, 62题对照讲一下,这两题 AC选项似乎都对,为何一CA,分道扬镰?关键在于后面的时刻状语,是 the next term, 仍是 next week.为简化起见,咱们对照这两个短语, the next week 和 next week此刻已是开学第三周, next week 指的确实是第周围She says she will do her best next week.此刻她说下周尽力,一样以后时若是她开学第一周说我下周即第二周尽力,所有的一切都已成为过去She said ( 过去时 )she would do her best ( 过去以后时)the next week( 特指话说完后的那下一周 )65 题和 66 题也能够照此道理对照下:this Friday 和 that afternoon一些没有明显时刻状语的题目,有的咱们默以为此刻,如 64有的默以为过去,如 63 , 71什么缘故?没必要问最后,交代一下 72 题B 什么缘故不对,因为它是一个没有逻辑的选项,自己好好寻味73 , 74 题答案 D B这两道题是过去以后时,不需把握。75-87 题答案BDACBADBDCCCC这些题目都是此刻完成时此刻完成时或许不容易把握扎实,因为汉语是没有时态这一说的,单纯的过去此刻以后用中文说明一下也算好懂,只是既有“此刻,又已“完成这种横跨过去与此刻两个时刻范围的时态就不大容易把握了。先回忆一下那个时态是怎么把过去与此刻联系在一路的。用法一:过去的情形对此刻造成的结果与阻碍I am not going to see the film, because I have seen it three times.这种用法在语气上很像结果汇报,看看题目当中是怎么汇报的大衣我已经试过啦 75 题他学会画大马了。 76题Tom 已经上树了。 77题询问结果也是能够的抄完课文了吗?78 题看过这部电影吗? 80 题去过美国吗? 85 题既是汇报结果,一些副词或状语是经常使用到的,请翻译以下状语从未 never已经 already曾经你参加过竞赛吗? ever还否定句中 yet之前 before方才 just次数的表达 once/ twice/three times .到目前为止双词短语m3根底卷选择题刚错过so far注意:既是汇报结果,确实是结果为重,不关注事件的具体信息,如这件事究竟是什么时刻,什么地址发生的。真的想明白具体信息也行,那得用一样过去时来讲如 76 题, 去年学的, 78 题, 两个小时之前抄的, 80 题, 电影你是在哪里看的,等等翻译如下句子1 火车走了吗?Has the train left?2 是的,走了Yes, it has.3 何时走的?When did it go?4 10 秒钟前。Ten seconds ago.用法二:从过去一点开场的动作,一直持续到此刻。常见的时刻状语就两个,从81 题和 82 题中找到。1 for 加一段时刻2 since 加过去的时刻点既是能够持续到此刻,咱们在选词上就要注意了,必然要选择可延续性的动词表达。你说 He has died already. 没错,但要表达已经死了两年了还没活过来不可能了就得用 He has been dead for two years. 了所有的动词都适用于此刻完成时用法一,但只有延续性动词适用于用法二。因此,肉眼应具有识别与转换延续性动词的能力。将以下点动词转换为延续的状态Leave =be awaybuy =haveborrow=keepjoin the army=be in the army至于 have been to 和 have gone to 的区另U, 不提了88-97 题答案 BCABCBDCAD这些题目都是过去完成时过去完成时跟此刻完成时一点关系也没有过去完成时意味着过去的过去,没有一一样过去时 那个时刻标杆,过去完成时是不存在的。完成表格题号过去的事过去的过去的事88Came backHad climbedup89Took a restHad gone over92Heard fromHad written94ArrivedHad flown95saidHad rained98-100题答案 CBA显现了一个被动语态的题目。明白什么缘故这册英语书第一模块温习各类时态,从第二模块才开场讲被动语 态吗因为那个顺序是超级重要的,一个句子必然要先按时态再定语态,时态功底必 然要扎实。被动语态的学习将于第四模块完毕被动语态句式宾语主格+be done by +主语宾格。补全各时态下被动语态一览表即:be各类时态的转变核心构造Be动词原形done一般现在时Is/am/aredone一般过去时Was/weredone一般将来时Will bedone过去进展时was/were beingdone现在进展时is/am/are beingdone过去完成时Had beendone现在完成时Have/has beendone依照汉语及英语提示翻译句子,弁把翻译完的句子变成一样疑问句1他们仍受孔子思想阻碍。today/still They are still influenced by Confucius thoughts today.2 千连年前,纸由蔡伦制造。more than a thousand years agoPaper was invented by Cailun more than a thousand years ago.3咱们的运动会将于周六举行。Our sports meeting will be held on Saturday.4 一所新学校正在被建造。nowA new school is being built.5教室已经被打扫过了。 alreadyThe classroom has already been cleaned.6作业必需及时完成。in time The homework must be finished in time.亲爱的同学们,学完这份学案后,对动词时态语态还有什么问题 或疑惑吗?请写在下面:初中牛津英语7A期末试题I .单词拼写依照首字母提示,添入所缺单词5分1. Millie wants to be a dancer when she g up.2. There are m than 300 students in my school.3. We can borrow books from the l in our school.winter.4. Halloween is my favourite f.5. There are 4 seasons . They are spring, summer, a and6. This computer is too e. I want to but a cheaper one.7. People in the 20 th c like wearing jeans.8. Daniel started to play basketball 3 years a.口.选择填空(15分)( )1. Sandy always spends 1 hour homework.A. inB. on doing C. do D. doing( )2.Thereany warwe in the bottle.A.areB.isn tC.isD.aren t()3. do you watch TV? “Every day. A.How long B.How often C.How much D.When( )4.Simon doesn t know what today.A.wearsB.to wearC.wearing D.to wearing( )5.Rick s colour shirt very cool.A.looks B.seesC.look atD.watches( )6.My parents are going to Shanghai Monday morning.A.atB.inC.onD.of( )7.Don t play a trickthe old lady.A.onB.toC.atD.in( )8.I don t like vegetables but they areme.A.good toB.bad toC.good forD.bad for( )9.What does your father usually have supper?A.forB.onC.withD.to( )10.I often help my mother the housework when I finish my homework.A.doing;doingB.to do;to doC.to do;doD.do;doing()11. Can you English? Yes,but only a little. A.sayB.tellC.talkD.speak()12. What does your father do?A.He likes football. B.He is 40.C.He is a doctor. D.Sheis a worker.( )13.He goes to school his bike every day.A.inB.byC.atD.on( )14.I don t know to do now.A.how B.whyC.whichD.whatC.never;for D.often;to( )15.Jim needs help his homework.A.seldom;with B.doesn t;atm.所给单词的正确形式填空(10分)I.Fruit and vegetables are (health) food.1.1 can see many (potato) in the (photo).1.2 t s our turn (clean) the classroom today.4 .The child (cry) because he can t find his mother.5 .Are the jeans (make) of cotton?6 .The (colour) skirt fits me very well.7 .Put these books on these (shelf).8 .Let (he) (help) you with your homework.IV.按要求改写句子(10分)1. We don t often play football after school.用 now 改写2. He watches half an hour of TV every day.划线局部提问3. We have a Halloween party on October 31st.划线局部提问4. The meat is 12 yuan a kilo. 划线局部提问5. I go to library 3 times a month. 戈 U线局部提问VI.完形填空(10分)Most children like 1 TV. TVis very interesting.On TV 2 canlearn a lot,and they can see and know many things 3 their countryand the world.Of course,they can 4 over the radio.But they can learnbetter and more easily with 5 Why?Because they can hear and watchat the same time.But they can t 6 anything over the radio.Many children watch TV 7 Saturday or Sunday evenings.They are very busy with their lessons on 8 But a few children watch TV every 9 .They go to bed very late.So they can t have a good 10 .How aboutyou,My young friend?()1.A.watch()2.A.we()3.A.on()4.A.sing()5.A.radio()6.A.hear()7.A.in(B.to watchB.youB.aboutB.learnB.filmB.likeB.on)8.A.weekend B.weekdays()9.A.place()10.A.timeB.timeB.restC.watchesC.theyC.atC.danceC.gameC.seeC.toC.SaturdayC.manC.gameD.to watchingD.ID.withD.hearD.TVD.learnD.forD.SundayD.nightD.mealvn.阅读明白得(20分)Would you like to go to Beijing, our capital? Its far away fromGuangdong. Its 2313 kilometres from Beijing to Guangdong. The city of Kunming is 2216 kilimetres away from Guangdong. Its always very warmthere. But its very hot in summer in Wuhan. Its 1084 kilometres fromGuangdong to Wuhan. Changsha is near Guangdong. Its 726 kilometres from Changsha to Guangdong. Do you know which city is the biggest in China?It s Shanghai. Its 1811 kilometres from Guangdong to Sahnghai.If you travel by air, youll find it very interesting and fast enough to flyfrom Guangdongto Beijing. It only takes you about four hours and you ll get there easily,safely and unhurriedly(沉着不迫 ) But traveling bytrain is quite different. You have to stay on the train for over thirty hours to arrive in Beijing. More and more people like to travel by air.You can see why, cant you?( )1.How far is it from Changsha to Guangdong?A.1084kilometres B.2216kilometres C.726kilometresD.726kilometres( )2.If you go to Beijing, our capital, youll know .A. Its not far away from all the other cities in China.B. You have to travel long by land from Guangdong to Beijing.C. Its not far away from us all.D. Its not far away from Guangdong.( )3.From the passage, we know has the longest way to Guangdongexcept Beijing.A. WuhanB. Changsha C. Shanghai D.Kunming( )4.Which one is WRONG?A. Wuhan is very hot in summer.B. Its as warm in winter in Kunming as Beijing.(as-as和 一样C. Its 1084 kilometres from Wuhan to Guangdong.D. Its warm in winter in Guangdong.( )5.It takes more than 30 hours to arrive in Beijing from bytrain.A. Guangdong B. Kunming C. Changsha D.Shanghai BJack went to a barbers shop and had his hair cut, but when hecame out, he was not happy with the result( 结果 ). When his friend Bobsaw him, he laughed and said, What has happened to your hair, Jack?Jack said, I tried a new barbers shop today, because I wasnt quitesatisfied with my old one, but this one seems even worse. Bob agreed( 同意 ). Yes, I think youre right, Jack. NowIll tell you what to do when you go into a barbers shop next time: look at all the barbers hair,find out whose hair looks worst, and then go straight to him. Why shallI go to him? Jack asked. But that would be foolish! Oh, no, itwouldnt, answered Bob. Who cut that mans hair? Just think it. Hecouldnt cut it himself, could he? Another of the barbers cut it. Soyou know he cant be the worst barber.( )1.When Jack went out of the barbers shop, he was not happy becauseA. nobody had cut his hairB. the barber hadntcut his hair wellC. the barber had cut his hair carefully D.he was notsatisfied with his old barber( ) 2. I tried a new barbers shop today. means .A. this barbers shop was a new one B. this was the only barbers shop in this townC. Jack often went to this barbers shop D. Jack had not been to this barbers shop before( ) 3. After Jack had his hair cut, he thought .A. the new barbers shop was the best oneB. the old barbers shop wasnt so good as the new oneC. the new barbers shop was worse than the old oneD. the old barbers shop was the worst one( ) 4. Bob told Jack to find out which barbers hair looked the worst and then go straight to him. Why?A. Because he was certainly the best barber. B. Because he was free all the time.C. Because he was the worst barber.D. Because hewasnt the worst barber.( ) 5. From the story we know that .A. its foolish to have ones hair cut at a barbers shop B.barbers cut each others hairD. a barber alwaysC. barbers never have their hair cutcuts his hair by himself 皿.书面表达(10分)我家周围有一家大型购物中心。那里有许多不同种类的东西,又好又廉价。售货员超级有礼貌而且乐于助人。今天晚上我想去那里购物。因为明天是我妈 妈的生日,我想给她买一份生日礼物。7A 期末试题A 卷I l.grows 2.programmer 3.more 4.library 5.festival6.autumn 7.expensive 8.wool 9.century 10.agoII、DBBBA/CACAD/DCDDA田、l.healthy 2.potatoes,photos 3.to clean 4.is crying 5.made6.colourful 7.shelves 8.him,help IV、 1.We aren t playing football now.2.How muchTV does he watch every day? 3.When do you have a Halloween party 4.How much is the meat? 5.How often do they play football on Sunday? V、1.She is wearing a wool skirt and long leather boots. 2.Can I help you? I want to buy a present for my mother. 3.She seldom eats fruit and vegetables. 4.There is a discount on last year s shoes. ButI have no money to buy them. 5.It is important for us to eat different kind of vegetables. 6.I need some help with my homework. 7.The clips matches well with the teacher s blouse. 8.Everyone needs vitamin to keep healthy. 9.We cut out the shapes of teeth with knife. 10.These activities can make us happy and relaxed. VI、BCBBD/CBBDBVH、CBDBABDCAB、略初中英语语法 介词一、介词的要紧用法:介词是一种虚词 , 不能独立利用。介词以后一样出名词或代词 ( 宾格 ) 或 相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句作它的宾语, 即组成介词短语。有些介词是由两个以上的词组成的短语介词,如:out of(从中出来),because of( 因为),away from( 距离),on top of( 在顶上),ever since(自从),nextto(在隔壁),according to(依口),in front of( 在前方)等。二、介词的分类表:地址 ( 位置、范围 ) 介词:above在前,about 在周围,across在对面,after在后面,against 倚着., along 在近旁,among在中间,around 在周围,round 在.周围,at 在处,before 在. 前,behind 在. 后,below 低于., beside 在. 隔壁 , between 在. 之间 , by在 .旁, down在.下面 ,from来自 .,in 在 . 里面 , inside 在 . 里面 ,near靠近.,of在. 当中, on在 . 上面, out of 在 . 之外 ,outside 在 外面,over 在 上方 ,under在 . 下方 , up 在 . 上面 , on top of 在 . 顶部 , in front of 在 . 前, close to 靠近 ., in the middle of 在 . 的中间 , at the end of 在 . 的 结尾 , 等等。方向 ( 目标趋向 ) 介词:across 横越 ., against 对抗 ., along 沿着., around 绕着 .,round 围绕., at 朝着., behind 向后面,between。 and从至U ,by 途经/通过.,down 向下,for 向,from从/离,in进入,into进入 ., inside 到 . 里面 , near 接近 ., off 离开 / 除., on 向 . 上 , outof 向 . 外 , outside 向 外, over 跨过 ., past 通过 / 超过 ., through 穿过 ., to 向/ 朝., towards 朝着 ., on to 到. 上面 , onto 到. 上面 , up 向 . 上, away from 远离 .时刻介词:about 大约,after在以后,at 在(时刻),before 在以前,by至卜为止,during在期间,for 有(之久),from 从(时)起,in 在(上/下午);在(多久)以后,on在(某日),past过了(时),since自从(至今), through 贯穿(期间),till 直到时,until 直到时,to 到J(下一时刻), ever since 从那时起至今,at the beginning of 在. 开场时 ,at the end of在 . 末 , in the middle of 在. 当中 ,at the time of 在 . 时方式介词:as 作为/看成,by 用/由/乘坐/被,in 用(语言),like 与 一样 , on 骑(车)/ 徒(步), 通过 (收音机 / 电视机 ), over 通过 (收音机 ), through 通过,with用(材料),用(手/脚/耳/眼),without 没有涉及介词 :about 关于., except 除,besides 除还. for 关于/就而言, in在(方面),of的,有关,on 关于/有关,to 对而言,towards 针对,with就而言其它介词 :【目的介词】for为了,from 避免,to 为了【缘故介词】for因为,with 由于,because of 因为【比拟介词】as与羊,like 象羊,than比,to 与相较,unlike 与不同【伴随/状态介词】against和一路(竞赛),at在(上班/休息/上学/ 家,etc.),in穿着(衣服/颜色),into 变成,on 在(值日),with与一路,有/带着/长着,without没有/无/不与一路3、重要注释: this / that / these / those / last / next / a / every / each等词组成的时刻短语, 前面不用任何介词。 如: Every year travelers from abroadcome to visit Pingyao.( 每一年都有国外的游客来游览平窑镇)/ He had a badcold that week.( 那个礼拜他患重伤风)for有时用来引出动词不定式的逻辑主语,常翻译成“关于而言。如:It s too hard for me to finish the work in only one hour.(让我在区区一个小时内完成这项工作太难了 )/ The house is big enough for 10 men to live in.( 屋子够大的能够容10个人住) of 有时用来表示后面的人物正好是前面的表语的逻辑主语。如:It s very nice/kind of you to do so.( 你这么做真是太好了 ) 介词有时会与它的宾语别离 , 而且宾语前置。当宾语是疑问词时。 Who are you talking about?( 你们在谈论谁? )宾语在从句中当连接词时。 Hehas a younger brother who he must take good care of.( 他有一个需要他照顾的小弟。 ) / Do you know who our teacher is talking with over there?( 你明白咱们的教师在那里和什么人谈话吗? )动词不定式作定语且该动词为不及物动词 , 后面有介词。 I finallyfound a chair to sit on.( 我最终找到了一张椅子坐。 )5记住一些固定词组:arrive at/in( 抵达,。门foot( 步行),notaall(全然不),to the north of(在以北),in the east of(在的东部),in the night(在夜间),at night(在晚上),be afraid of( 可怕),be full of( 充满 /装满 .),be filled with( 充满 / 装满 .),be good/bad for(对有利/ 有害),be made of( 由 做成),be made from( 由 制 造),play with( 玩 耍),look out of(朝外面看),at the end of(在末梢 / 完毕时),by theend of( 不迟于 / 至卜 末为止 ),with the help of 或 with one s help( 在 的帮忙下),look after( 照料),look for( 寻觅),on a bike(=by bike) 骑 车,help sb. with(帮某人做),get on (well) with(与某人相处 融洽),等等。4 、某些介词的用法辨析: 时刻或地址介词 in 、 on、 at 的用法区别:表示时刻时, in 表示在一段时刻里( 在以后时句子中那么表示在一段时刻以后 ), on 表示在具体的某一天或某天的上下午等, at 表示在某个时刻或刹时; 表示地址时, in 表示在某个范围之内 , on 表示在某个平面上或与一个面相接触,at 那么表示在某个具体的场所或地址。如: He was born on the morning of May 10th.( 他诞生于 五月十日的早晨)/ I usually get up at 7: 00 in the morning.( 我通常在早上的七点钟起床) / His glasses are right on his nose.(他的眼镜就架在他的鼻子上)/ He is at the cinema at the moment.(此刻他正在电影院 ) after 与 in 表示时刻的用法区别:“ after+( 具体时刻 /从句 ) 表示“在时刻以后经常使用于一样时态;“ in+( 一段时刻)表示“在(多久) 以后 , 经常使用于以后时态。如: He said that he would be here after 6:00.( 他说他六点钟以后会来这儿 )/ My father is coming back from England in about a month.( 我父亲大约一个月以后从英国回来) since 与 for 表示时刻的用法区别:“ since+( 具体时刻 /that- 从 句)表示“自从起一直到此刻,“for +( 一段时刻)表示“总共有之久 , 都经常使用于完成时态; 如: Uncle Li has worked in this factory since 1970.( 李叔叔自从1970年起就在这家工厂工作了)/ Uncle Li has worked inthis factory for over 30 years. ( 李叔叔在这家工厂已经工作了30连年 ) by、 in 与 with 表示方式的用法区别:都能够表示“工具、手腕 , 可是 by要紧表示“乘坐某个交通工具或“以方式,在被动句中能够表示动作的执行者; in 表示“利用某种语言 / 文字 ,with 表示“利用某个具体的 工具、手腕。如: We see with our eyes and walk with our feet.( 咱们用 眼睛看东西, 用双脚走路)/ Please write that article( 文章 ) in English.( 请你用英语写那篇文章 )/ Let s go to the zoo by taxi.( 咱们打的去动物园 吧。 )/ It was written by Lao She.( 那是老舍写的 )about与on的用法区别:都能够表示“有关,可是about的意义比拟广,而on要紧表示“有关(专题/课程)。如:Tomis going to give a talk on the history of America.( 汤姆要作一个美国历史的报告)/They are veryexcited talking about the coming field trip.(他们兴致勃勃地谈论着即以后到的野外旅行)through 与across、 over的用法区另fj: through 指穿过(门洞 /人群/树林);across和over能够指“跨越(街道/河流),可互换,可是 表示 “翻过” 时只能用over. 如:Just then a rat ( 鼠)ran across theroad( 就在那时一只老鼠跑过路面)/ There is a bridge across/over theriver.( 河上有座桥)/ They climbed over the mountain and arrived thereahead of time.( 他们翻过大山提早抵达了那里)/ The visitors went througha big gate into another park.(参观者们穿过一个大门来到另一个公园 )7as 与like 的区别:两个词都表示“像,可是as译为“作为,表示的是职业、职务、作用等事实,而like译为“像一样,表 示外表 , 不是事实。如: Let me speak to you as a father.( 我以父亲的身份和你发言。 )( 说话者是听者的父亲 ) / Let me speak to you like a father.( 让我像一名父亲一样和你发言 )( 说话者不是听者的父亲 )8 at the end of 、 by the end of 、 to the end 、 in the end 的用法区别:at the end of 既能够表示时刻也能够表示地址 ,译为“在 末;在止 境,常与过去时连用;by the end of只能表示时刻 ,译为“在前;到 为止 , 经常使用于过去完成时; in the end 与 at last 全然等义 , 表示“终于、最后,通经常使用于过去时;to the end译为“到的终点为止,前面往往有表示运动或持续性的动词。如: By the end of last term wehad learned


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