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1. Let me _ the engineers and other motormen. (B)A. introduce to yourselfB. introduce you to C. introduce to youD. introduce yourself to2. When people are introduced for the first time, they usually greet each other with “_”. (B)A. How are youB. How do you doC. Nice to see you againD. Good morning3. People usually greet each other with all the following except _. (D)A. Good morningB. Im glad to meet youC. How are youD. Good night4. We usually reply to “How do you do” with _.(C)A. HelloB. How are youC. How do you doD. Im fine, thank you5. When we talk with native speakers of English, we shouldnt ask them the question “_”. (D)A. How are youB. What do you think of the football matchC. Do you like the weather hereD. Are you married6. Newly acquainted people usually _ besides the greeting of “How do you do”.(A)A. shake handsD. shake handC. kiss each otherD. smile at each other7. Help _ to some dishes, engineers and motormen.(B)A. yourselfB. yourselvesC. himselfD. themselves8. A passport is a small official book. It provides the personal particulars _ such as his/her name, age, sex, nationality and so on.(D)A. about the official bookB. about the passportC. about the special governmentD. about the holder9. Nowadays the telephone is _ our daily life. (C)A. main means of communicationB. main means of communicateC. a main means of communicationD. a main means of communicate10. There are _of cooling water _ at the scavenging ports.(B)A. sign/ leakingB. signs/ leakingC. sign/ leakD. signs/ leak11. If you want to introduce your chief engineer to all the crew, you should say _.(C)A. He is our chief engineerB. Our chief engineer wants to meet youC. This is our chief engineerD. Its nice to meet you, chief engineer12. _, is it possible to finish all the work within three days? (A)A. By the wayB. By a wayC. On the wayD. On a way13. Would you please _ a brief description of the Engine Department. (B)A. speakB. giveC. tellD. take14. The chief engineer is _ the port.(A)A. on his way to B. in his way to C. in this way toD. on this way to 15. Whats _you? (A)A. the matter withB. the matter to C. wrong to D. the wrong with 16. I just want to _ for the welding machine before use.(C)A. look at the note bookB. read the note bookC. read the instruction bookD. look at the instruction book17. Would you mind _the windows, please?(C)A. closeB. to closeC. closingD. closed18. John often _ books _his teachers.(B)A. lends/ from B. borrows/ from C. borrows/ toD. lend/ to 19. Have you finished_ the novel I gave you last week? (A)A. readingB. readC. to readD. red20. I wonder _you have read this book or not.(D)A. if B. thatC. whyD. whether21. I cant help _that the boy is still alive.(B)A. thinkB. thinkingC. to thinkD. thought22. We have some excellent computer _this week for 595$.(A)A. on saleB. on sellC. with sellD. with sale 23. Im _ the repair list with the other engineers. (B)A. make out B. making outC. doing outD. do out24. Youd better _to your health. (A)A. pay more attentionB. paying more attentionC. to pay more attentionD. paid more attention25. Im looking forward _from you.(A)A. to hearing B. to hearC. with hearingD. with hear 26. _ the bus when we get there.(A)A. Get off B. Get up C. Get out D. By27. John _ a cold yesterday. (A)A. caught B. catchC. has caughtD. has28. You wont _ move around on weekends.(C)A. be ableB. be capable C. be able toD. capable to29. May I _ Mr. Smith? (A)A. speak to B. speak C. speak atD. ask to30. Excuse me, _ you tell me where I can find a telephone booth(电话亭)? (B)A. mayB. could C. shouldD. must 31. I _ the city if I have time tomorrow.(B)A. will show you to B. will show you aroundC. show you toD. show you around 32. Would you mind drawing me a little map _?(A)A. on this piece of paperB. on a paper C. on a piece paperD. on piece of paper 33. I enjoy _in the summer.(A)A. swimmingB. swim C. to swimD. swims 34. Its known to us that John Smith is _.(B)A. a honest man B. one of the honest men C. an honest menD. one of an honest man35. I saw_ in the meeting room.(A)A. many people B. much people C. many peoples D. a lot of peoples36. Yesterday our chief engineer told both of us, 2nd engineer and _, about the repair work. (B)A. IB. meC. myD. mine37. Neither your spanner _ is suitable for the work. (C)A. or hisB. nor himC. nor hisD. or him38. I had a bad cold, _ is why I didnt attend the meeting.(D)A. theseB. thisC. thoseD. that39. _ do you think of your main engine? It works well.(B)A. HowB. WhatC. WhyD. When40. _ hammer do you prefer, this one or that one?(C)A. WhatB. HowC. WhichD. whose41. Did you see our chief engineer and our 2nd engineer this morning? No, I saw _ of them. (A)A. neitherB. bothC. eachD. either42. There is a drain cock on _ of the machine. (A)A. either sideB. neither sideC. both sideD. any side43. In the engine room _to be used in place of the exhaust gas boiler while in port.(C)A. there is no boilerB. there are three boilersC. there is another boilerD. there are a lot of boilers44. The engine is not to be run continuously _42 rpm. _ 52 rpm. (B)A. both/and B. between/and C. either/or D. neither/nor45. About _ of the crew on the vessel are from China.(D)A. second-thirdsB. two-thirdC. seconds-thirdsD. two-thirds(三分之二)46. I remember _ the purifier the day before yesterday, but it went out again. (D)A. to repairB. being repairedC. to be repairedD. repairing47. The engine room alarm is on. Whats the _?(C)A. thing B. eventC. matterD. affair48. I know Harry very well. Hes a friend of _.(B)A. I B. mine C. my D. me 49. All the staff of the Engine Department like _ chief engineer.(A)A. theirB. theirsC. theyD. them50. German is _ European country.(C)A. anB. theC. aD. that51. Once he _, he wont change it.(C)A. has made of his mindB. has made his mindC. has made up his mindD. made his mind52. This hammer is _and that one is _.(D)A. my/ him B. mine/ hes C. my/ his D. mine/ his53. Whose telephone number is this? Its our _.(A)A. chief engineersB. chief engineerC. chief engineersD. chief engineer toolbox54. How are you getting _ these days? Quite well.(A)A. along B. with C. off D. for55. It will take half _ hour to finish the work.(B)A. aB. an C. theD. one56. The main engine _ eight cylinders.(A)A. hasB. areC. is D. have57. Each person is _ duty twice a day.(C)A. in B. of C. onD. at58. The motor is now _ good working order.(A)A. in B. on C. atD. under59. We have _ spare parts on the ship(C)A. a lotB. muchC. noD. little60. Its thirty-two minutes _ five. (B)A. at B. past C. to D. on61. This is not a spanner and that isnt a spanner, _.(C)A. tooB. neitherC. eitherD. also62. How much does the computer _?(B)A. costs B. cost C. worthD. worthy 63. They _ the piston of the cylinder for inspection during the repair last time.(C)A. openedB. gotC. lifted out(吊出)D. rolled out64. They _ the cylinder for inspection.(C)A. openedB. getC. dismantledD. put65. The chief engineer often reads the instruction books _ English.(C)A. forB. withC. inD. by66. The ship-chandler is going to deliver the spare parts on board, _?(B)A. is heB. isnt heC. will heD. wont he67. He _ the instruction book for the main engine a few minutes ago.(A)A. readB. readsC. is readingD. has read68. The sea trial will be carried out _ December 24th.(A)A. onB. inC. atD. for69. _ the morning of December 29th our ship left Colombia _ Panama.(A)A. On/ forB. In/ forC. On/ toD. In/ to70. He will come back _ half past eight this evening.(B)A. inB. atC. onD. from71. Our ship stays in Shanghai Port _ May, every year.(B)A. onB. inC. atD. between72. They are going to the park _ the holiday.(A)A. forB. toC. withD. at73. _ I use your electric drill?(C)A. MustB. WillC. MayD. Have 74. You _ repair them immediately.(C)A. havent toB. mustntC. needntD. wont75. Do you have to watch the worker _ on the spot?(B)A. to weldB. weldingC. weldedD. weld76. A. C. is better then D. C. _.(A)A. in many waysB. on many waysC. to many waysD. by many ways77. The cooling water temperature is getting _after the main engine being started.(A)A. higher and higherB. the higher and the higherC. high and highD. very and very high78. The main bearing becomes _.(A)A. hotter and hotterB. hot and hotC. hot and hotterD. hotter and hot79. The more you practice speaking, _you will learn English.(B)A. the bestB. the betterC. the wellD. better80. Has their ship left the port? No, it hasnt left _. It is _ there. (C)A. already/ stillB. yet/ alreadyC. yet/ stillD. still/ yet81. Could you show me _ the lathe?(A)A. how to operate B. how operate C. to operate D. operate82. My daughter usually watches the film with _girls.(A)A. other three B. an other threeC. three other D. three the other 83. In his _, Karl Marx began to learn Russian .(D)A. fiftiethB. fifty C. fiftiethsD. fifties84. _ of the books in the library are bought for students reading. (C)A. Three fourth B. Three four C. Three fourths (四分之三)D. Third fourth85. Li Ming is _student to come to school this morning. (B)A. three B. the third C. the three D. third86. _ young people like pop music in China. (C)A. Hundreds of thousand B. Hundred of thousandC. Hundreds of thousands D. Hundred of thousands87. Would you please try _time?(A)A. a second B. a two C. second D. the two 88. I havent written _ my parents _ English.(A)A. to/ inB. with/ inC. to/ withD. in/ to 89. He _ his work.(B)A. busy inB. is busy withC. busy withD. is busy in90. He _ the construction of this kind of main engine. (A)A. is familiar with B. is familiar toC. familiars withD. familiar tot91. When _in the engine room every day?(A)A. are you on dutyB. do you on dutyC. do you dutyD. are you duty 92. Sorry to have kept you _ a long time, Mr. Surveyor.(C)A. wait for B. waiting C. waiting forD. waited 93. You contacted with another hospital, _?(A)A. didnt you B. did you C. do youD. dont you 94. Our ship sails from Shanghai _the 2nd every month _ America. (A)A. on/ forB. at/ to C. on/ toD. at/ for 95. Most of the workers of this shipyard usually go home _bus.(B)A. for B. by C. on D. with96. The_ of the fuel pipe connection is 6 inches. (A)A. diameterB. length C. sizeD. quality 97. You should be responsible _ the overflow _ your mistake.(B)A. for/ because B. for/ because ofC. with/ becauseD. with/ because of98. Please have _ as soon as possible. (A)A. oil samples analyzedB. oil temperature analyzeC. oil temperature analyzedD. oil samples analyze99. The sounding records _before and after _.(A)A. should be taken / pumpingB. should take / pumpingC. should take / pumpedD. should be taken / pumped100. The ore carrier comes and goes _ Hong Kong and Osaka.(A)A. betweenB. among C. atD. to101. We often proceed into a shipyard for _of the year.(B)A. annual repair in the end B. annual repair at the end C. annual repair the end D. annual repair with end102. The vessel he works on is _.(B)A. a oil tanker B. an oil tankerC. a oil tankD. an oil tank103. He can speak both_. (A)A. English and FrenchB. the English and FrenchC. English or FrenchD. the English or the French104. Can I pay by credit cards?Im afraid you _. We only _. (B)A. can/ receive cashB. cant/ accept cashC. cant/ receive cashD. can/ accept cash105. What did you get?I got a _ bill.(D)A. five dollarsB. five-dollarsC. fifth-dollarD. five-dollar106. There are only two _of lubricating oil left in the container.(A)A. poundsB. poundC. poundsD. pounds107. Were _fresh water now, so we are going to take in some _. (B)A. short for/ at our next port of call B. short of / at our next port of callC. short of/ at next port of our callD. short for/ at next port of call108. _ of fuel oil do you need, Mr. Chief Engineer ?(A)A. How many tons B. How much ton C. How much tonsD. How many ton109. _ diesel oil do you need?(B)A. How many B. How muchC. How D. What many110. Itll take _ much time _all the worn out parts.(C)A. we/ replaceB. us/ replaceC. us/ to replaceD. we/ replace111. Your engine room looks _.(A)A. clean and tidyB. cleanly and tidily C. cleaning and tidyingD. cleaned and tidied112. I usually _ a lot of money _ books.(B)A. take/ inB. spend/ onC. take/ onD. spend/ in113. Would you please let me _ your welding pliers.(A)A. have a look atB. to have a look atC. to have a lookD. have a look114. There is a loose screw, please _ it at once.(C)A. loosenB. tightC. tightenD. weld115. It has been _ the ship left here.(B)A. for two days since B. two days since C. two days whenD. for two days when 116. If you cant do it yourself, you can ask others _.(B)A. help youB. for helpC. helpD. to help for 117. I _ the temperature of the cooling water and the pressure of oil.(D)A. have taken alreadyB. have already takeC. have take alreadyD. have already taken 118. Tell your men _ the rules and regulations of working.(A)A. not to go againstB. dont go againstC. not go to againstD. go to against119. The workers can hardly find a new valve to replace the old one, _?(B)A. cant theyB. can they C. can the workersD. cant the workers120. You can learn _ oil separator _ other engineers.(C)A. to operate/ from B. how to operate/ toC. how to operate/ fromD. to operate/ to121. They tried every way _ the diesel generator, but the air pressure was too low.(B)A. startingB. to startC. to have startedD. to be started122. Can you arrange _ the port?(C)A. for a car taken us toB. a car to take usC. for a car to take us toD. a car to taken us123. Its no use _ to repair the pump. Its too old. (C)A. having triedB. to tryC. tryingD. by trying124. The worker is _ repairing the machine to notice my coming.(B)A. enough busyB. too busyC. busy tooD. busy enough125. Would you please be _ to help me with the welding machine?(B)A. enoughB. kind enoughC. too kindD. enough kind126. The chief engineer asked me to write a _.(A)A. two-hundred-word survey reportB. two-hundred-words survey reportC. two-hundreds-words survey reportD. two hundreds of words survey report127. Were going to take in _ tons of fuel oil here.(A) A. one thousand, two hundred and twentyB. one thousand and two hundred twentyC. one thousand, two hundreds and twentyD. one thousand, two hundreds twenty128. Our chief engineer is _.(C)A. fifty of years oldB. fifty years of oldC. fifty years oldD. fifty old years129. The oil pipe for diesel oil is _, 4 inches _. (A)A. 10 meters long/ in diameterB. 10 meters length/ in diameterC. 10 meters long/ at diameterD. 10 meters length/ at diameter130. This tool-box is _, _ is over there.(A)A. mine/ yoursB. mine/ yourC. mine/ youD. my/ yours 131. This doesnt _ spanner, it _.(D)A. look as my/ will be youB. look like my/ will be yoursC. look as my/ must be youD. look like my/ must be yours132. Go down the street, you will find the Seamens Club _.(C)A. at your rightB. on the right of youC. on your rightD. at the right of you133. Our marine spare parts and stores are _.(D)A. good quality B. good with quality C. good of qualityD. good in quality134. If you dont cut down the price, we wont _ you.(A)A. buy anything from B. sell anything toC. buy anything toD. sell anything from135. Ill _to meet your requirements when I do my maintenance work.(C)A. do me a bestB. do the best C. do my bestD. try me a best136. Would you please supply _ the following spare parts and stores before our departure.(B)A. my vessel forB. my vessel withC. mine vessel forD. mine vessel with 137. You will find our price of the ships stores _.(A)A. fair and reasonableB. fairly and reasonablyC. are fair and reasonableD. are fairly and reasonably138. The price here has been going up _ the economic crisis. (A)A. because ofB. becauseC. sinceD. for 139. _ others, your price is much higher.(A)A. Compared with B. To compare withC. Comparing toD. To compare to140. Theyll do _ cleaning work in the engine room this afternoon. (A)A. some B. many C. a fewD. any141. If you need my help, please _my agent? (B)A. keep in touch toB. get in touch withC. keep in touch withD. get in touch to 142. There are two pipe connections, _ for diesel oil and _ for fuel oil. (B)A. one/ otherB. one/ the otherC. one/ the othersD. one/ others143. How about _ the generators first?(B)A. to repair B. repairing C. repairsD. repair 144. What about _ these pipes tomorrow morning?(C)A. removeB. to removeC. removingD. removed145. After the replacement and _, they reassembled the cylinder.(B)A. cleanB. cleaningC. cleanedD. to clean146. He didnt want to attend the trial although I asked him _.(A)A. toB. to doC. doD. doing147. Where is your chief engineer?He _ to the shipyard.(B)A. goesB. has goneC. has beenD. went148. Youd better _ the steering gear right now. (A)A. inspect B. to inspect C. inspectingD. inspected 149. You should stop _ the bilge water when the ship is near the port.(B)A. to pumpB. pumpingC. pumpD. being pumped150. Mr. Smith worked as a motorman three years ago, _ (A)A. didnt heB. didnt Mr. SmithC. wasnt heD. wasnt Mr. Smith151. Good lubrication can _ the bearing from becoming overheated.(C)A. avoidB. presentC. preventD. provide152. Its our engineers and motormens duty _ all the machines in the engine room in good order.(C)A. keepB. to keepingC. to keepD. kept153. These two spare parts _, but they are of the same specification.(A)A. are not of the same brandB. are not the same brandC. dont the same brandD. dont of the same brand154. The ejector pump works in a different way _ the displacement pump. (A)A. compared withB. to compare withC. compared forD. to compare for155. When _, close the automatic valve by hand, open drain valve and leave it open.(B)A. worked on engineB. working on engineC. work on engineD. being worked on engine156. I cant read the instruction book for the main engine in English _ the help o


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