(英语试卷)8A Unit6同步辅导与练习题

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8A Unit 6重要词语1. mop up 把拖洗干净2. lose the game输掉比赛3. washaway把冲走4. thousands of people数千人,好几千人5. at first起先6. in fear害怕,恐惧7. run out of 从里跑出来8. run in all directions 四处逃散9. try onee best to do尽力做10. pieces of glass玻璃片11. calm down 平静下来12. come down倒下13. in a (great) hurry to do匆忙做14. make excuses制造借口15. in two hours两小时后16. in the wind在风里17. turn off关掉18. one by one一个接一个19. a car accident一次交通事故20. arrive in/ at到达21. send to送去22. a heavy storm一场大风暴23. catch fire着火24. cause natural disasters引起自然灾害25. a strong wind一场大风26. fall over摔到27. at last最后28. weather report天气报告29. snowstorm warning暴风雪警告Exercises for “Comic strip + Welcome to the unit”一、写出下列词语1 把拖洗干净_2 输掉比赛_3 杀死成千上万的人_4 他的腿受了伤_5 把村子冲走_6 雷电_二、用正确的介词填空1. We will not stay here _ too long. We must go back at once.2. Last night a coach crashed _ a tree. The people _ it were badly hurt.3. Would you like to go shopping _ me?4. We didnt arrive _ the park until ten oclock.5. Zhalong is the home _ plants and animals. There are many different kinds _ birds there, too.6. I think it is important _ us to protect the animals.三、完成句子1 昨天,学校足球队输了比赛。2 这次交通事故死了三个人。3 地板都湿了,谁把它拖干净?4 外面在下雨。你应该雨停了再走。Exercises for “Reading”一、写出下列词语1 在购物中心_2 一阵轻微的震动_3 恐惧地_4 四处逃散_5 尽力做某事_6 倒下_7 平静下来_8 陷入困境_9 活下来_10赶快做某事,匆忙做某事_二、根据首字母及句意完成所缺单词1. Many people were killed in the a_.2. Tom fell off the tree and h_ his leg.3. Dont shout! Please c_ down.4. When the earthquake started, people ran in all d_.5. You should l_ the door when you leave home.6. Today the t_ is 15-23. It is quite warm.三、根据课文回答问题1. Where was the writer when the earthquake started?_2. Why did people look at each other in fear?_3. What did people do when the earth started to shake?_4. Where did the writer when the noise and shaking ended?_5. Why did the writer not eat the packet of chocolate?_四、根据课文内容填空I was in a _ center when it started. _ first, I felt a _ shaking through my body.Then I heard a big noise like _. People _ _ each other _ _.Then the real noise came and the earth started to shake. People ran _ all directions.I _ my best to _ _ to the street too. People ran _ as _ _ glass and bricks fell down. Then the walls began to _ _ too. When the noise ended, I _ down and found I _ _ in the dark place. I shouted _ _, but no one came. I told myself that I must stay _.Suddenly, I heard some noise above me. I screamed. Then I heard _ shouts. People were in a great _ to _ _ the bricks and stones. At _, I saw the bright _. I was _.五、用适当的介词和副词完成下列句子1. We did not know what _ do.2. Tim heard a loud noise _ thunder _ first.3. He was trapped _ a dark place after the earthquake.4. He wanted to stay _, so he shouted _ help.5. The pieces _ glasses and bricks fell down .And after that , the walls began to come _ ,too.6. Finally, people moved _ the stones and bricks and saved him.六、将下列句子翻成英语1当我平静下来的时候,我发现我被困在黑暗中。When I _ _, I found I _ _ _ _ _ _.2当地震开始的时候,人们四处奔逃。When the earthquake started, people _ _ _ _.3人们赶紧把砖块、石头移走。People _ _ _ _ _ move away the bricks and stones.4四周太静了。他们惊恐地彼此看着对方。It was too quiet around them. They _ _ _ _ _ _.5 他们尽力去救他,但是没成功。They _ _ _ _ _ _, but failed.6 因为地震,我们没有吃的东西。_ _ the earthquake, we _ _ _ _.Exercises for “Vocabulary”一、 按要求写出下列单词1. shake(名词)_2. live(形容词)_3. me(反身代词)_4. loudly(形容词)_5. sun(形容词)_6. cloudy(名词)_7. wind(形容词)_8. rain(形容词)_9. storm(形容词)_10.foggy(名词)_11.snow(形容词)_12.frost(形容词)_二、 用所给单词的正确形式填空1. The sun shines _ (bright). It is a _ (sun) day.2. It is really _ (snow) today. So I got to school quite late.3. It was _ (fog) yesterday. We couldnt see each other in one metre.4. It is going to be _ (wind) tonight. The wind will blow _ (strong).5. The weather will become _ (bad) on Monday than doday.6. Birds can find food _ (easy) here.三、 改错_ 1. There are a lot of traffic on the highway._ 2. As it was really snow, it took me longer to get to school._ 3. There is too many computer work to do. So I am very busy._ 4. What a nice weather today! Lets go hiking!_ 5. People ran wild as pieces of glass and bricks fell down.四、 完成句子1在六月,这儿经常下大雨。It often _ _ _ _ here.2今天的天气很暖和,气温在15摄氏度左右。_ _ _ is very warm. The temperature _ _ _.3昨晚刮了一场大风。今天的温度将会有所下降。_ _, there was _ _ _. The temperature _ _ _ _ _ _ today.4今天早晨雾很浓_ _ _ _ _ this morning.Exercises for “Grammar”一、 根据句意填入正确的连词1. The sky is blue _ everything here is beautiful.2. We have to stay at home _ there is a big storm outside.3. _ youre so busy, well go there by ourselves.4. The pyramids are not real _ they are really beautiful.5. _ I went to bed too late last night, I went to work late this morning.6. You can go to Beijing _ Shanghai to spend your Christmas holidays.二、 句型转换1. The Taiwan earthquake killed thousands of people.(对划线部分提问)2. It takes me half an hour to get to school. (对划线部分提问)3. It will be windy and cold tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)4. The children screamed because they were frightened. (对划线部分提问)5. As we lost our umbrella, we had to walk in the rain. (对划线部分提问)6.Please close the windows, Simon.(否定句)7. This film is really boring.(感叹句)8. “Dont play in the street.” They advised us.(用不定式合并)9. “Get up earlier next time.” The teacher reminded me. (用不定式合并)10. “Take an umbrella with you, Simon,” Mother said. (用不定式合并)三、 用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Dont forget _ (lock) the door when you leave home.2. He reminded his students _ (not talk) in class.3. The new tie makes him _ (look) smart.4. We spend lots of time _ (do) our homework.5. Our teacher told us _ (not get) to school late next time.6. Nancy likes _ (play) softball. She spends over one hour day _ (play) softball.7. If you want _ (learn) English better, you should practise _ (speak) English often.8. What would you like _ (be) when you grow up?9. I saw the traffic accident _ (happen) yesterday.10.Though he was very tired, he kept _ (work). Because he must finish it before five.四、 改错_ 1. He ordered his students stay in the classroom._ 2. Kitty enjoys dance very much._ 3. My father asked us dont play football on the roads._ 4. One of the girl is from Britain._ 5. When did they arrive at Beijing?_ 6. Everyone in our class like English very much._ 7. In the earthquake, hundred of people were killed._ 8. You must ride your bike careful, or it is very dangerous._ 9. I did not know where was I after the earthquake._ 10.Because many classmates help me, so my English is better now.五、 完成句子1老师叫学生把电灯关掉。The teacher asked the students _ _ _ the lights.21999年,台湾发生了大地震。_ _ _ _ in Taiwan _ 1999.3因为昨夜下了一场暴风雪,今天的交通很拥挤。There _ _ _ _ _ today because a snowstorm _ _ _.4既然天气这么好,为什么不去野营?_ the weather is _ _, _ _ _ _?5因为母亲去工作,他不得不照顾他自己。_ Mother went to work, he _ _ _ _ _.Exercises for “Integrated skills”一、写出下列词语1变得更糟糕_2一场大雪_3交通事故_4看报纸_5着火_6伤了他的腿_7 一场大风暴_8 感到害怕_二、单项选择( ) 1. There was a football match last night._ people went to watch it.A. Thousand B. Three thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of( ) 2. Our teacher told Simon _ forget _ the door.A. not to lockB. not to to lock C. not lockingD. not to locking( ) 3. The young man is _ to carry the heavy box.A. enough strong B. strong enoughC. too strongD. so strong( ) 4. The little girl is too frightened _ a word.A. saying B. to say C. not to say D. say( ) 5. The ticket is on the floor, _ , please.A. pick up it B. look it up C. put on it D. pick it up( ) 6. Last summer, we went to Mount Tai. It is really high _ beautiful.A. and B. or C. so D. but( ) 7. Max is good at _ jokes. He has a good humour.A. tell B. tells C. telling D. to tell( ) 8. We have got everything ready. So we need _.A. something else B. else something C.nothing else D. else nothing( ) 9. I told myself to stay _.A. wake up B. wake C. awake D.woke( )10.The doctor warned him _.A. not smoke B. not to smoke C. dont smoke D. should not smoke三、改错_ 1. Unluckily, she was hurt her arm._ 2. Because the heavy snow, they arrived here a little late yesterday._ 3. Miss Zhou told me that they reached at ten oclock._ 4. When the earthquake happened, people ran wild._ 5. I think it is possible finish the work on time.四、完成句子1整条路上都是雪。2这车开得太快了,撞上了树。3那幢房子着火了。但是不很严重。4在那次事故中,他用手机打电话求救。5恶劣气候经常引起自然灾害。Exercises for “Pronunciation”一、用(升调)或(降调)标出下列句子的语调_ 1. Who saw the accident first?_ 2. It is really a wonderful place to visit._ 3. The shopping mall is open at 8:30 every day._ 4. Can you show us the photos of the trip?_ 5. I dont know the way to the police station._ 6. Is there anything strange in the bushes?_ 7.- There are over twenty persons killed in the earthquake._- Twenty persons._ 8. When will you go there?_ 9. Did the police catch the robbers?_ 10.Help, help. Im here.二、句型转换1. We are all from the south of China.(改为一般疑问句)2. He likes playing softball. (改为一般疑问句)3. Yesterday we visited the Monument to the Peoples Heroes. (改为一般疑问句)4. A car hit him a moment ago.(对划线部分提问)5. There is only one student in the classroom. (对划线部分提问)6. The students usually have lessons five days a week. (对划线部分提问)7. My home is about 2 kilometres from the school. (对划线部分提问)8. My friend asked me to help him with his English. (对划线部分提问)Exercises for “Main task”一、写出下列词语1. 暴风雪袭击北京_2. 和某人和用一把伞_3. 在风中_4. 朝公共汽车站走去_5. 天气预报_6. 暴风雪警报_7. 摔倒_8. 车辆的嘈杂声_二、用所给动词的正确形式填空1. Tom and Kitty always _ (walk) to school because they want _ (exercise).2. _ Nancy _ (like) swimming?3. We would like _ (visit) the Temple of Heaven instead.4. My parents and I always _ (go) on a boat trip. But last year we _ (go) horse riding.5. The weather _ (be) fine tomorrow.6. When I _ (meet) Miss Li in the street yesterday, I stopped _ (talk) to her.7. I am really sorry _ (tell) you that I _ (leave) my homework at home.8. Xiao Li is interested in _ (watch) foreign films. His favourite film is “alone at home.”三、用适当的介词或副词填空1. What happened _ you?2. I like to share my things _ my friends.3. Dont look out _ the window in class. You should look _ the blackboard.4. Its late. We must ride to school _ a hurry.5. _ this time yesterday, we were waiting _ the bus _ the bus stop.6. The old man called 110 _ help after he was robbed _ the road.7. The snow continued to fall _ us.8. The water washed the village _.四、同义句改写1. It rained heavily last night.There _ _ _ _ last night.2. We are removing the snow.We _ _ the snow _.3. People hurried to go there.People went there _ _ _.4. There were no buses at that time.There _ _ _ at that time.5. A lot of people lost their lives in the earthquake.The earthquake _ _ _ _ _.Exercises for “Checkout”一、根据句意,写出所缺的单词1. Wait here for a _(片刻). Ill be back soon.2. My father and I had a _ (严肃的)talk last night.3. He pointed to the _ (方向) of the smoke and said. “There must be a fire.”4. The weather report says the _ (温度) will be over 32.二、用所给词组的适当形式填空fall down,as if,turn off,at last,be snowy,be trapped,try ones best,say to oneself,in fear,wash away1. The heavy rainstorm _ the bridge over the river last night.2. It _ yesterday, so the land is all white.3. Hundreds of workers _ under the building because of the earthquake.4. Dont _ the light. It is too dark.5. The thieves tried to run away, but _ we caught them.6. “Im still alive. I must ask for help.” Timmy _.7. Last year I was weak at Math. Ill _ to learn it well.8. Her eyes are red _ she cried just now.三、改错_ 1. The two robbers looked at each other in fears._ 2. I told me to work hard from now on._ 3. Since we are good friends, I advise you dont to play computer games any more._ 4. Look! There is so many snow on the ground now._ 5. Because I didnt bring my homework, so I had to go home to get it.Test for “Unit6”一、写出下列词语1朝外面看_2为某人担心_3写信给某人_4一个接一个_5输掉比赛_6向某人问好_7找借口_8到达_二、句型转换1. Run along the street!(否定句)2. “Dont forget to bring your umbrella, Xiao Ming.” Mother said.(合并句子)3. They came here by coach. (对划线部分提问)4. It was cloudy yesterday. (对划线部分提问)5. He did homework at home yesterday.(一般疑问句)6. I have to buy a new pair of shoes because this pair is worn out.(对划线部分提问)三、单项选择( ) 1. The _ boy is my brother.A. sleeping B. asleep C. sleeps D. slept( ) 2. Mother told me _ in the lake.A. not to swim B. to not swim C. dont swim D.doesnt swim( ) 3. I have _ apples than you.A. little B. less C. few D. fewer( ) 4. How do you think of his idea? It _ great.A. hears B. sounds C. listens D. listens to( ) 5. He looked _, _ he could see nothing.A. carefully, andB. carefully, but C. careful, and D. careful, but( ) 6. He has a good sense of humour. He always makes us _.A. to laugh B. laugh C. laughing D. laughs( ) 7. Miss Li teaches _ English at school.A. your B. her C. my D. our( ) 8. Who is _ in your class?A. good B. well C. better D. the best( ) 9. _ is it from your home to school?Ten minutes on foot.A. How long B. How far C. How many minutes D. How soon( )10.Hainan is the second _ island in China.A. large B. larger C. largest D. the largest( )11.Who played softball yesterday. Kate _.A. played B. was C. does D. did( )12. I uaually spend one hour _.A. exercise B. to exercise C. exercises D. exercising四、完成句子1最后我们通过了考试。2我们一个一个地上了车。3昨天日本发生了地震。4老师叫我下次不要迟到。5多么糟糕的天气啊!五、改错_ 1. He told them all about it, but they didnt believe he._ 2. I forgot my book in the office._ 3. Nancy enjoys sing very much._ 4. Someone are dancing in the classroom now._ 5. Dont be worry. Everything will be all right.五、 阅读理解One day, my wife and I went shopping. We took a car as we had a lot of things to buy.My brother and his family were going to spend their weekend with us. We stopped the car in front of the shop. An hour later we came back to the car, each of us carried a lot of things. Then the trouble started-We couldnt open the car door.“Oh, dear,” said my wife. “What are we going to do?” “Lets ask the policeman.” I said. The policeman was very kind and was very glad to do. A few minutes later he got the door open. Just at the moment, an angry man came up and shouted, “What are you doing with my car?”( ) 1. The writer and his wife went to the shop by car because _.A. the shop was far away from his home.B. his brothers family were going to spend the weekend with them.C. they dont like walking.D. they had a lot of things to buy.( ) 2. They stopped their car _.A. at the back of the shopB. in front of the shopC. in the front of the post officeD. at the back of post office( ) 3. When they came back to the car _A. they couldnt find their carB. they found their car was broken.C. they found their car was lostD. they couldnt open the car( ) 4. _ opened the car door in the end.A. The policeman B. The writer C. The writers wife D. The angry man( ) 5. The man was angry because _.A. he found his bike was brokenB. he found his car was lostC. the policeman was trying to open the door.D. he found some strangers had opened his car door.练习答案Answers for Comic strip + Welcome to the unit一、 写出下列词语1. mop up2. lose the game3. kill thousands of people4. He hurt his leg./His leg was hurt5. wash away the village6. thunder and lightning二、 用正确的介词填空1. for2. into, in3. with4. at5. for, of6. for三、 完成句子1. Yesterday,the school football team lost the game.2. This traffic accident killed three people.3. The floor is all wet. Who


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