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Unit 7 How much are these socks?Section A1a1cBole middle school:Gu Zhengwei- Whats this in English?- Its a -What color is it?- ItsbaghatT-shirtsweater - What are these in English?- They aresocksshortspantsshoes- What color are they?- They are New Wordsmuch det. & pron.sock n.T-shirt n.shorts n. (pl)sweater n.trousers n. (pl)shoe n.skirt n.dollar n.多少多少短袜短袜T 恤衫恤衫短裤短裤毛衣毛衣裤子裤子鞋鞋裙子裙子(美、加等国美、加等国)元元英语中,英语中,成双成对成双成对的物品常以的物品常以复数复数形式出现:形式出现: shoes shorts trousers glasses chopsticks scissors Can you remmember ?How to spell it ? hat trousers shorts jacket sweater shirt T- shirt skirt socks shoes 1a1a Match the words with the pictures.1. socks _2. T-shirt _3. shorts _4. sweater _5. bag _6. hat _7. trousers _8. shoes _9. jacket _10. skirt _idacfgjbheWhat do we use to buy things?Dollar 美元美元 RMB 人民币人民币Pound 英镑英镑1 1人民币元人民币元=0.1506=0.1506美元美元 1 1美元美元=6.6413=6.6413人民币元人民币元 1 1人民币元人民币元=0.09474=0.09474英镑英镑 1 1英镑英镑=10.5551=10.5551人民币元人民币元 $ 10=ten dollars 10=ten pounds 10=ten yuan$ 1=one dollar 1=one pound 1=one yuan注意:注意:yuan 没有复数而没有复数而dollar和和pound有复数。有复数。$ =dollar 美元美元 =pound英镑英镑 =yuan元元 1b1b Listen and circle the things you hear.A: How much is the hat?B: The hat is six dollars.A: And how much are the shorts?B: Oh, they are eight dollars.A: And the sweater? How much is the sweater?B: Lets see. The sweater is nine dollars.$ 10$ 8$ 4$ 9$ 5$ 3$ 8$7 $10$9 $8$2$71cHow much is this T-shirt?Its sevendollars.How much are these socks?Theyre two dollars.Practice the conversation above. Then make your own conversations.$4$5$3$7$1$8$2$6$9How much is this ? Its How much are these ? Theyre 1.How much is the/this/that/形物代形物代 + n单?单? Its .2. How much are the/these/those/形物代形物代 + n复复 ? Theyre .二二. 完成句子完成句子1.-_ _are these pants? -_ _two dollars.2.-_ _is this football -_ $ 20一一. 根据提示完成句子根据提示完成句子1.The bag is $9. ( 对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) _ _ _ the bag? 2. The pants are black.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) _ _ _ these pants? How much isWhat color areHow muchThey areHow muchIts三三. . 选择正确答案选择正确答案1. How much _these apples?A. is B.areC.be2._is this hat? Two dollars.A. How much B. How manyC. How old3. A: How much is this T-shirt ? B: Its two dollars ( )A. $2 B. ¥21.How much is your _?(衬衫)衬衫)2.How much are these_ ?(短裤)短裤)3.Do you like that _ ?(毛衣)毛衣)4._ _ (多少钱)多少钱)are this hamburger and the French fries ?5.This watch is very nice. It is _ (50美元美元).6.How much _ (be) his shoes?7.How much _ (be) the red socks?shirtshortssweaterHow much50 dollarsareareCan you do the exercises? Save moneySave money! 节约用钱节约用钱!Spend money properlySpend money properly! 合理消费!合理消费!Homework:1、优化设计第一课时。2、做个调查,问你的同学他们的衣服的价格,以书面的形式呈现。3、记忆新单词。


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