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2022年考博英语-江苏大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The evil manners would be eradicated root-and-branch due to the forceful action taken by the local government.问题1选项A.exterminatedB.exemplifiedC.renderedD.harbored【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. exterminated灭绝;根除 B. exemplified举例说明;例证C. rendered使成为;使变得 D. harbored窝藏,庇护(罪犯等)【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】根据关键信息due to the forceful action taken by the local government(由于当地政府的有力措施)和关键词evil manners(不良行为)可知,该句是表示不良行为被有力措施根治,eradicated在这里表示“消除”的意思,故该题选择A项词义恰当。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项词义不符合句中所选词汇。【句意】由于当地政府的有力措施,这种不良行为将被根治。2. 单选题Doctors are often enmeshed in a dilemma because they have to decide whether they should tell their patients the truth or not.问题1选项A.caught inB.caught upC.stuck onD.adhered to【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. caught in被困住,绊住 B. caught up赶上C. stuck on保持在之上;贴上 D. adhered to坚持;黏附【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】根据关键词dilemma可知,enmeshed in是指“陷入”的意思,A项词义与之相近,故该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项词义不符合句中所选词汇。【句意】医生常常陷入进退两难的境地,因为他们必须决定是否应该告诉他们的病人真相。3. 单选题Learning how to think critically, do research, communicate, and improve writing skill, is all in preparation for a _ college curriculum.问题1选项A.cautiousB.prestigiousC.variousD.rigorous【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. cautious小心的;谨慎的 B. prestigious有威望的;声誉高的C. various各种不同的;各种各样的 D. rigorous谨慎的;细致的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】按照句意“学习如何批判性地思考、做研究、交流和提高写作技巧,这些都是为一门_大学课程做准备”可知,学习思考、研究、交流和写作技巧都是作为一门严谨的大学课程所必备的,所以空格处表示“严谨的,严格的”符合句意,故该题选择D项。【干扰项排除】A、B、C项不符合句意。【句意】学习如何批判性地思考、做研究、交流和提高写作技巧,这些都是为一门严格的大学课程做准备。4. 不定项选择题Junk food is everywhere. Were eating way too much of it. Most of us know what were doing and yet we do it anyway.So heres a suggestion offered by two researchers at the Rand Corporation: Why not take a lesson from alcohol control policies and apply them to where food is sold and how its displayed?“Many policy measures to control obesity (肥胖症) assume that people consciously and rationally choose what and how much they eat and therefore focus on providing information and more access to healthier foods,” note the two researchers.“In contrast,” the researchers continue, “many regulations that dont assume people make rational choices have been successfully applied to control alcohol, a substancelike foodof which immoderate consumption leads to serious health problems.”The research references studies of peoples behavior with food and alcohol and results of alcohol restrictions, and then lists five regulations that the researchers think might be promising if applied to junk foods. Among them:Density restrictions: licenses to sell alcohol arent handed out unplanned to all comers but are allotted (分配) based on the number of places in an area that already sell alcohol. These make alcohol less easy to get and reduce the number of psychological cues to drink.Similarly, the researchers say, being presented with junk food stimulates our desire to eat it. So why not limit the density of food outlets, particularly ones that sell food rich in empty calories? And why not limit sale of food in places that arent primarily food stores?Display and sales restrictions: California has a rule prohibiting alcohol displays near the cash registers in gas stations, and in most places you cant buy alcohol at drive-through facilities. At supermarkets, food companies pay to have their wares in places where theyre easily seen. One could remove junk food to the back of the store and ban them from the shelves at checkout lines. The other measures include restricting portion sizes, taxing and prohibiting special price deals for junk foods, and placing warning labels on the products.1. What does the author say about junk food?2. What do the Rand researchers think of many of the policy measures to control obesity?3. Why do policymakers of alcohol control place density restrictions?4. What is the purpose of Californias rule about alcohol display in gas stations?5. What is the general guideline the Rand researchers suggest about junk food control?问题1选项A.Its temptation is too strong for people to resist.B.It is widely consumed despite its ill reputation.C.People should be educated not to eat too much.D.It causes more harm than is generally realized.问题2选项A.They should be implemented effectively.B.They provide misleading information.C.They are based on wrong assumptions.D.They help people make rational choices.问题3选项A.Few people are able to resist alcohols temptations.B.There are already too many stores selling alcohol.C.Drinking strong alcohol can cause social problems.D.Easy access leads to customers over-consumption.问题4选项A.To effectively limit the density of alcohol outlets.B.To get alcohol out of drivers immediate sight.C.To help drivers to give up the habit of drinking.D.To prevent possible jams in nearby areas.问题5选项A.Guiding people to make rational choices about food.B.Enhancing peoples awareness of their own health.C.Borrowing ideas from alcohol control measures.D.Resorting to economic, legal and psychological means.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.【选项释义】1. What does the author say about junk food? 1. 关于垃圾食品,作者说了什么?A. Its temptation is too strong for people to resist. A. 它的诱惑太大了,人们无法抗拒。B. It is widely consumed despite its ill reputation. B. 尽管名声不好,但它仍被广泛食用。C. People should be educated not to eat too much. C. 人们应该被教育不要吃得太多。D. It causes more harm than is generally realized. D. 它造成的危害比人们普遍认为的要大。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第一段内容“垃圾食品到处都是。我们吃得太多了。我们大多数人都知道自己在做什么,但我们还是做了。”可知,垃圾食品对人们的诱惑力实在是太强,以至于人们无法抵挡,A项“它的诱惑太大了,人们无法抗拒”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“尽管名声不好,但它仍被广泛食用”中的ill reputation(名声不好)没有提到,该项属于无中生有;C项“人们应该被教育不要吃得太多”和D项“它造成的危害比人们普遍认为的要大”也没有提到,这两项属于无中生有。2.【选项释义】2. What do the Rand researchers think of many of the policy measures to control obesity? 2. 兰德公司的研究人员对许多控制肥胖的政策措施有何看法?A. They should be implemented effectively. A. 它们应得到有效执行。B. They provide misleading information. B. 它们提供误导信息。C. They are based on wrong assumptions. C. 它们基于错误的假设。D. They help people make rational choices. D. 它们帮助人们做出理性的选择。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第三段,该段提到“许多控制肥胖的政策措施都假定人们会有意识地、理智地选择吃什么、吃多少,因此会注重提供信息和更多获得健康食品的途径”,而第四段进一步提到“相比之下,那些没有假定人们会做出理智选择的规章条例在控酒方面取得了成功”综合理解可知,很多控制肥胖症的政策措施都是基于错误的假设前提下,C项“它们基于错误的假设”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“它们应得到有效执行”根据解题思路可知,控制肥胖的政策措施基于一个错误的假设前提,更不能有效执行了,该项属于反向干扰;B项“它们提供误导信息”,不是提供错误信息,而是假设错误,该项属于曲解原文;D项“它们帮助人们做出理性的选择”,原文不是help,而是assume,该项属于曲解原文。3.【选项释义】3. Why do policymakers of alcohol control place density restrictions? 3. 为什么酒精控制政策制定者要限制密度?A. Few people are able to resist alcohols temptations. A. 很少有人能抗拒酒的诱惑。B. There are already too many stores selling alcohol. B. 卖酒的商店已经太多了。C. Drinking strong alcohol can cause social problems. C. 喝烈性酒会引起社会问题。D. Easy access leads to customers over-consumption. D. 容易得到酒会导致消费者过度消费。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据倒数第三段的内容“销售酒类的许可证不会在没有计划的情况下发给所有的顾客,而是根据一个地区已经销售酒精的地方的数量来分配。这(酒精密度限制)使得酒不易获得(less easy to get),也减少了饮酒的心理暗示。”可知,如果酒类饮品购买途径不简单,就会减少消费者购买酒类饮品的数量从而减少饮酒,那么可以推断,酒精控制政策限制密度是为了让消费者不易获得酒类饮品,从而阻止过度消费,最终减少人们购买酒类饮品的数量,所以D项“容易得到酒会导致消费者过度消费”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“很少有人能抗拒酒的诱惑”和C项“喝烈性酒会引起社会问题”没提到,这两项属于无中生有;B项“卖酒的商店已经太多了”不是密度限制的原因,该项属于曲解原文。4.【选项释义】4. What is the purpose of Californias rule about alcohol display in gas stations? 4. 加州规定在加油站展示酒类饮料的目的是什么?A. To effectively limit the density of alcohol outlets. A. 有效地限制酒类出口的密度。B. To get alcohol out of drivers immediate sight. B. 把酒从司机的视线中移开。C. To help drivers to give up the habit of drinking. C. 帮助司机改掉酗酒的习惯。D. To prevent possible jams in nearby areas. D. 防止附近地区可能出现的交通堵塞。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至最后一段的内容“加州有一项规定,禁止在加油站收银台附近展示酒类饮料,而且在大多数地方,你不能在免下车商店买到酒类饮料。在超市,食品公司花钱把他们的商品放在容易看到的地方。人们可以把垃圾食品移到商店的后面,并禁止它们在收银台排队结账”,可知,此处提到在超市里,垃圾食品一般展示在货架的后面,是为了让人们尽可能少的看见垃圾食品,同样,加州规定加油站不能展示酒类饮品,也是为了让司机不看见它们,即把酒类饮品淡出人们的视线,B项“把酒从司机的视线中移开”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“有效地限制酒类出口的密度”,并不是限制出口,而是限制销售,该项属于曲解原文;C项“帮助司机改掉酗酒的习惯”,限制酒类饮品展示只能减少饮酒的心理暗示,并不能改掉酗酒习惯,该项属于曲解原文;D项“防止附近地区可能出现的交通堵塞”没有提到,该项属于无中生有。5.【选项释义】5. What is the general guideline the Rand researchers suggest about junk food control? 5. 关于垃圾食品的控制,兰德公司的研究人员提出了什么总体指导方针?A. Guiding people to make rational choices about food. A. 引导人们对食物做出理性的选择。B. Enhancing peoples awareness of their own health. B. 提高人们对自身健康的意识。C. Borrowing ideas from alcohol control measures. C. 借鉴酒精控制措施。D. Resorting to economic, legal and psychological means. D. 采取经济、法律和心理手段。【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据关键词the Rand定位至第二段的内容“兰德公司的两位研究人员提出了一个建议:为什么不从酒精控制政策中吸取教训,把它们应用到食品的销售地点和展示方式上呢?”从中理解可知,关于垃圾食品的控制兰德公司的研究人员建议借鉴酒精的控制政策,C项“借鉴酒精控制措施”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“引导人们对食物做出理性的选择”和B项“提高人们对自身健康的意识”,根据原文第三、四段内容可知,控制肥胖的政策措施是基于一个错误的假设前提,引导人们对食物做出理性的选择和提高人们对自身健康的意识也是控制肥胖的政策措施之一,所以这两项并不是控制垃圾食品的好办法,属于反向干扰;D项“采取经济、法律和心理手段”中的经济手段在原文没有提到,该项属于曲解原文。5. 单选题Simulations with large numbers of interacting agents show that they behave in ways that are often unpredictable; the properties of such systems are said to “emerge” from the behavior of the connected companies and individuals.问题1选项A.stimuliB.duplicationsC.systemsD.assumptions【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. stimuli刺激物 B. duplications复制;复印C. systems系统 D. assumptions假定;假设【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】simulation的意思是“模拟”,即模仿另外一个事物,B项词义与之相近,故该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A、C、D项不符合划线单词词义。【句意】有大量交互主体的模拟表明,它们的行为方式通常是不可预测的;这些系统的特性被认为是由相互关联的公司和个人的行为“产生”的。6. 不定项选择题Cell phone use has exploded in many countries, easing communication between individuals but causing social uneasiness as well. In the industrialized West, cell phone use has leapfrogged over conventional phone networks that relied on cumbersome telephone lines and expensive underground wiring. In Asian countries, especially poorer ones like Cambodia, such high infrastructure costs are being avoided by simply moving to wireless communication.However, even in the most modern countries, cell phone use has proved somewhat of a novelty, one that has required a redefinition of social conventions. The ability to always be connected with another person, no matter where one travels, has led to a friction of personal space and different perceptions on the value of communication. Today, cell phone users can talk to friends, workers and family members while catching a bus, walking along the street or climbing a flight of stairs.But what of the people around cell phone users? Often a loud cell call in a movie theater or a recital hall will bring sighs of annoyance by the audience as impatience with beeping and ringing increases. But should government step in to regulate the use of cell phones and restrict their use? Some argue that market forces are best suited to solving consumer dissatisfaction. Proponents of this perspective cite new rules in movie theaters and concert halls that require patrons to turn off their cell phones before the performance begins.Others, however, see a role for government in harnessing this new technology. In some states, it is now illegal to drive and talk on a mobile phone. As a response to these laws and because of the complications of performing more than one task while speaking on a cell phone, .companies have developed headsets so that users can talk “hands free”. Nevertheless, this solution has perhaps aggravated social friction by making cell phone use even more convenient. Many users are now seen talking to themselvesa sign not of mental instabilitybut of the rapid expansion of modern technology.Regardless of private or public restrictions on the use of cell phones, society still has a long way to go before it can truly accept and adapt to the burdens of cell phone use on third parties. Only when distinct social norms are created to deal with common cell phone use will the technology become more accepted and viewed less as an irritant.1. The example of Cambodia in the first paragraph is used to represent a county that _.2. The word “leapfrogged” in the first paragraph most probably means that _.3. In Paragraph 3, what is the authors position in regard to cell phone use restriction?4. According to the passage, one unforeseen consequence of hand free use has been _.5. According to the author, which of the following must be achieved before cell phone use can be truly accepted?问题1选项A.needs more phonesB.has a high percentage of cell phone usersC.uses cell phones to avoid high infrastructure costs of traditional phone systemsD.uses mail问题2选项A.cell phone technology is rapidly becoming out of dateB.cell phone users communicate by jumping over normal phone linesC.cell phone use is expanding at a rapid rateD.cell phone use has replaced and surpassed traditional phone use问题3选项A.A neutral stance.B.Firm support for restriction.C.Opposition to any restriction.D.Ambiguousness.问题4选项A.an increase in cell phone costsB.an increased incident of unusual behaviorC.an increase in traffic accidentsD.a decrease in brain cancer from cell phone use问题5选项A.Government must pass law stipulating the conditions of cell phone use.B.Social norms on normal cell phone use need to be adopted.C.Laws on cell phone use must be harmonized with social norms.D.Cell phone use should continue without restrictions.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.【选项释义】1. The example of Cambodia in the first paragraph is used to represent a county that _. 1. 第一段中柬埔寨的例子是用来代表_的一个国家。A. needs more phones A. 需要更多的手机B. has a high percentage of cell phone users B. 手机用户比例高C. uses cell phones to avoid high infrastructure costs of traditional phone systems C. 使用手机来避免传统电话系统的高基础设施成本D. uses mail D. 使用邮件【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第一段最后一句“在亚洲国家,特别是像柬埔寨这样较为贫穷的国家,只要改用无线通讯,就可以避免如此高昂的基础设施成本”,无线通讯是上文所指的手机的使用,综合理解可以推断,该段用柬埔寨举例是用来代表性地说明使用手机能避免高昂的基础设施成本,该题选择C项“使用手机来避免传统电话系统的高基础设施成本”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“需要更多的手机”,柬埔寨需要改用无线通讯,而不是需要更多无线通讯,该项属于曲解原文;B项“手机用户比例高”,柬埔寨还在使用传统的电话网络,该项与原文相反,属于反向干扰;D项“使用邮件”,文章没有提到邮件,该项属于无中生有。2.【选项释义】2. The word “leapfrogged” in the first paragraph most probably means that _. 2. 第一段中的单词“leapfrogged”很可能意味着_。A. cell phone technology is rapidly becoming out of date A. 手机技术正在迅速过时B. cell phone users communicate by jumping over normal phone lines B. 手机用户可以跳过普通电话线进行交流C. cell phone use is expanding at a rapid rate C. 手机的使用正在迅速扩大D. cell phone use has replaced and surpassed traditional phone use D. 手机的使用已经取代并超越了传统电话的使用【考查点】词义推测题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第一段第二句“在西方工业化国家,手机的使用已经超越了(leapfrogged)传统的电话网络,后者依赖于笨重的电话线和昂贵的地下线路”,从这句话我们可知,手机的使用已经超过了传统电话网络的使用;结合第一句“在许多国家,手机的使用呈爆炸式增长”,也就是说许多国家已经开始使用手机了,综合理解可推知,leapfrogged指的是手机的使用取代并超越了传统电话,D项“手机的使用已经取代并超越了传统电话的使用”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“手机技术正在迅速过时”,是传统电话正在过时,而不是手机,该项属于曲解原文;B项“手机用户可以跳过普通电话线进行交流”,原文没有这种表述,该项属于无中生有;C项“手机的使用正在迅速扩大”表述不全,该项属于曲解原文。3.【选项释义】3. In Paragraph 3, what is the authors position in regard to cell phone use restriction? 3. 在第三段中,作者对于手机使用限制的立场是什么?A. A neutral stance. A. 一个中立的立场。B. Firm support for restriction. B. 坚决支持限制。C. Opposition to any restriction. C. 反对任何限制。D. Ambiguousness. D. 含混不清。【考查点】观点态度题。【解题思路】首先定位至第三段,作者在该段开头抛出了一个问题,即“但是手机用户周围的人呢?”,然后就举例了手机给周围的人所带来的困扰,接着又提到了限制手机使用的支持者的观点,但是作者并未在该段表露出对于限制使用手机的明显态度,只是客观陈述,所以从该段可以看出,作者对于手机使用的限制是中立的立场,该题选择A项“一个中立的立场”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“坚决支持限制”、C项“反对任何限制”和D项“含混不清”根据解题思路,这三项属于反向干扰。4.【选项释义】4. According to the passage, one unforeseen consequence of hand free use has been _. 4. 根据这篇文章,不用手的一个意想不到的后果是_。A. an increase in cell phone costs A. 手机费用的增加B. an increased incident of unusual behavior B. 不寻常行为的增加C. an increase in traffic accidents C. 交通事故的增加D. a decrease in brain cancer from cell phone use D. 使用手机导致脑癌发病率下降【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第四段第三、四句“作为对这些法律的回应,以及由于使用手机通话时执行多项任务的复杂性,一些公司开发了耳机,以便用户通话时不用手。然而,这种解决方案可能会使手机使用更加方便,从而加剧社会摩擦。”可知,“不用手”的后果是加剧社会摩擦,而从该段第二句“在一些州,开车时打电话是违法的”可知,开车打电话容易引发交通事故,因为接电话需要空出一只手,而耳机则是方便人们不用手就能在开车时打电话,综合理解可推断,这种社会摩擦的加剧是指交通事故的增加,C项“交通事故的增加”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“不寻常行为的增加”根据第四段最后一句“现在可以看到许多用户在自言自语这不是精神不稳定的表现而是现代技术的快速发展”可知,“不用手”打电话并不是一种精神失常的表现,该项表述与原文相反,属于反向干扰;A项“手机费用的增加”和D项“使用手机导致脑癌发病率下降”没有提到,这两项属于无中生有。5.【选项释义】5. According to the author, which of the following must be achieved before cell phone use can be truly accepted? 5. 根据作者,以下哪一项必须达到才能真正接受手机的使用?A. Government must pass law stipulating the conditions of cell phone use. A. 政府必须通过法律规定使用手机的条件。B. Social norms on normal cell phone use need to be adopted. B. 正常使用手机的社会规范需要被采纳。C. Laws on cell phone use must be harmonized with social norms. C. 关于手机使用的法律必须与社会规范相协调。D. Cell phone use should continue without restrictions. D. 应该不受限制地继续使用手机。【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据文章最后一句话“无论私人或公共部门对手机的使用有何限制,要真正接受和适应第三方使用手机的负担,社会仍有很长的路要走。只有当建立了不同的社会规范来处理普通的手机使用时,这项技术才会变得更被接受,并被视为不那么刺激。”从中可知如果要真正接受手机的使用,就要建立不同的社会规范来处理手机的使用,B项“正常使用手机的社会规范需要被采纳”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“政府必须通过法律规定使用手机的条件”作者没有提到,该项属于无中生有;C项“关于手机使用的法律必须与社会规范相协调”该项表述绝对,属于过度推断;D项“应该不受限制地继续使用手机”与最后一段内容相反,该项属于反向干扰。7. 单选题A stateless young man may have felt intimidated after having been denied asylum and night of residence by many countries.问题1选项A.unsafeB.initiatedC.intriguedD.credulous【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. unsafe不安全的;危险的 B. initiated使开始;发起C. intrigued很感兴趣的;着迷的 D. credulous轻信的;易受骗的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】根据关键信息after having been denied asylum and night of residence by many countries(在被许多国家拒绝庇护和夜间居住后)可知,felt intimidated表示的是“感觉到害怕”,intimidated表示的是“害怕”的意思,A项词义与之相近,故该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项词义不符合句中所选词汇。【句意】一个无国籍的年轻人在被许多国家拒绝庇护和夜间居住后可能会感到害怕。8. 不定项选择题In the world of entertainment, TV talk shows have undoubtedly flooded every inch of space on daytime television. And anyone who watches them regularly knows that each one varies in style and format. But no two shows are more profoundly opposite in content, while at the same time standing out above the rest, than the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey show.Jerry Springer could easily be considered the king of “trash talk”. The topics on his show are as shocking as shocking can be. For example, the show takes the ever-common talk show themes of love, sex, cheating, guilt, hate, conflict and morality to a different level. Clearly, the Jerry Springer show is a display and exploitation of societys moral catastrophe, yet people are willing to eat up the intriguing predicaments of other peoples lives.Like Jerry Springer, Oprah Winfrey takes TV talk show to its extreme, but Oprah goes in the opposite direction. The show focuses on the improvement of society and an individuals quality of life. Topics range from teaching your children responsibility, managing your work week, to getting to know your neighbors.Compared with Oprah, the Jerry Springer show looks like poisonous waste being dumped on society. Jerry ends ever with a “final word”. He makes a small speech that sums up the entire moral of the show. Hopefully, this is the part where most people will learn something very valuable.Clean as it is, the Oprah show is not for everyone. The shows main target audiences are middle-class Americans. Most of these people have the time, money, and stability to deal with lifes tougher problems. Jerry Springer, on the other hand, has more of an association with the young adults of society. These are 18 to 20 year olds whose main troubles in life involve love relationship, sex, money and peers. They are the ones who see some value and lessons to be learned underneath the shows exploitation.While the two shows are as different as night and day, both have ruled the talk show circuit for many years now. Each one caters to a different audience while both have a strong following from large groups of fans. Ironically, both could also be considered pioneers in the talk Show world.1. Compared with other TV talk shows, both the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey shows are _.2. Though the social problems Jerry Springer talks about appear distasteful, the audience _


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