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2022年考博英语-浙江工业大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The monopoly-capitalist group( )many smaller enterprises last year.问题1选项A.integratedB.mergedC.undertakeD.collected【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项integrated“整合”;B选项merged“合并,融合,兼并”;C选项undertake“承担,担保”;D选项collected“收集,收藏”。句意:这家垄断资本集团去年_了许多较小的企业。这里表达是这个垄断公司去兼并别的小公司,因此B选项符合题意。2. 单选题“In every known human society the males needs for achievement can be recognized. In a great number of human societies mens sureness of their sex role is tied up with their right, or ability, to practice some activity that women are not allowed to practice. Their maleness in fact has to be underwritten by preventing women from entering some field or performing some feat.”This is the conclusion of the anthropologist Margaret Mead about the way in which the roles of men and women in society should be distinguished.If talk and print are considered it would seem that the formal emancipation of women is far from complete. There is a flow of publications about the continuing domestic bondage of women and about the complicated system of defences which men have thrown up around their hitherto accepted advantages, taking sometimes the obvious form of exclusion from types of occupation and sociable groupings, and sometimes the more subtle form of automatic doubt of the seriousness of womens pretensions to the level of intellect and resolution that men, it is supposed, bring to the business of running the world.There are a good many objective pieces of evidence for the erosion of mens status. In the first place, there is the widespread postwar phenomenon of the woman Prime Minister, in India, Sri Lanka and Israel.Secondly, there is the very large increase in the number of women who work, especially married women and mothers of children. More diffusely there are the increasingly numerous convergences between male and female behavior: the approximation to identical styles in dress and coiffure, the sharing of domestic tasks, and the admission of women to all sorts of hitherto exclusively male leisure-time activities.Everyone carries round with him a fairly definite idea of the primitive or natural conditions of human life. It is acquired more by the study of humorous cartoons than of archaeology, but that does not matter since it is not significant as theory but only as an expression of inwardly felt expectations of peoples sense of what is fundamentally proper in the differentiation between the roles of the two sexes. In this rudimentary natural society men go out to hunt and fish and to fight off the tribe next door while women keep the fire going. Amorous initiative is firmly reserved to the man, who sets about courtship with a club.52. The phrase “mens sureness of their sex role” in the first paragraph suggests that they( ).53. The third paragraph does NOT claim that men( ).54. The third paragraph( ).55. At the end of the last paragraph the author uses humorous exaggeration in order to( ).问题1选项A.are confident in their ability to charm womenB.take the initiative in courtshipC.have a clear idea of what is considered “manly”D.tend to be more immoral than women are问题2选项A.prevent women from taking up certain professionsB.secretly admire womens intellect and resolutionC.doubt whether women really mean to succeed in businessD.forbid women to join certain clubs and societies问题3选项A.generally agrees with the first paragraphB.has no connection with first paragraphC.repeats the argument of the second paragraphD.contradicts the last paragraph问题4选项A.show that men are stronger than womenB.carry further the ideas of the earlier paragraphsC.support the first.sentence of the same paragraphD.disown the ideas he is expressing【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:A第4题:C【解析】52.判断推理题。根据文章关键词定位到第一段mens sureness of their sex role is tied up with their right, or ability, to practice some activity that women are not allowed to practice(男子对其性别角色的确定与他们从事某些妇女不允许从事的活动的权利或能力有关)。从此句可知,男人们很清楚自己的“大男人”的角色,并且通过一些方式来把握和巩固这个地位,因此C选项“清楚地知道什么才是男子汉气概”正确。A选项“对自己吸引女性的能力有信心”,没有提及;B选项“在求爱中采取主动”,亦没有提及;D选项“往往比女人更不道德”,文章没有具体说明。53.事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位到第三段There is a flow of publications about the continuing domestic bondage of women and about the complicated system of . doubt of the seriousness of womens pretensions to the level of intellect and resolution that men, it is supposed, bring to the business of running the world. (有大量的出版物是关于持续的对妇女的家庭束缚,关于男性为他们迄今所接受的优势建立的复杂的防御体系,有时以排除在各种职业和社交团体之外的明显形式出现,有时,更微妙的形式是,对女性自命不凡的严肃程度的自动怀疑,就像人们认为的,男性在管理世界时所具有的智慧和决心。)从这段话中可以看到A选项“阻止妇女从事某种职业”;B选项“暗自羡慕女人的智慧和决心”以及D选项“禁止妇女参加某些俱乐部和社团”都是文段中有提到的,只有C选项“怀疑女性是否真的想在商业上取得成功”是没有提及的,因此C选项当选。54.判断推理题。第一段讲述的是男性会通过阻止妇女进入某个领域或从事某项壮举来保证他们的男子气概,而第三段说There is a flow of publications about the continuing domestic bondage of . occupation and sociable groupings. (关于妇女继续受到家庭奴役和男子围绕其迄今为止公认的优势所建立的复杂的防御体系的出版物层出不穷,有时采取明显的形式,将妇女排除在各种职业和社交团体之外。)和第一段说的几乎都是同样的主题,因此A选项“大致同意第一段”正确。B选项“和第一段没有关系”;C选项“重复第二段的论点”以及D选项“与最后一段矛盾”,最后一段并没有谈到这方面的信息,都不正确。55.判断推理题。根据题干关键词定位到最后一段,在文章最后一段结尾处作者用比较夸张的方式提到,在原始社会里,男人和女人的分工,以及扮演的角色。而本段第一句话Everyone carries round with him a fairly definite idea of the primitive or natural conditions of human life.(人们都持着那种从人类最原始的状态时就有的关于男人和女人社会角色的观点。)因此最后两句话形象而具体地解释了那种观点到底是什么。因此C选项“支持同一段的第一句话”正确。A选项“表明男人比女人更强大”,并没有明确说明;B选项“进一步表达最初段落的意思”,最后一段并没有继续讲述第一段的信息;D选项“否认他所表达的观点”,不正确。3. 单选题Emotions are defined as strong, relatively uncontrolled feelings that affect our behavior. Everyone experiences a wide range of emotions. Think for a moment about a recent emotional experience. What characterized this experience? All emotional experiences tend to have several elements in common.Emotions are generally triggered by environmental events. Anger, joy and sadness are most frequently a response to a set of external events. However, internal processes, such as imagery, can also initiate emotional reactions.All emotions, as subjectively experienced and identified, appear to be associated with physiological changes.The emotions labeled as “joy”, “fear” and “anger” occur in conjunction with very similar physiological patterns. Current thinking leans towards accepting the primacy (首要性) of physiological changes, which are then interpreted based on environmental occurrences. For example, a sudden falling sensation will initiate physiological changes. These changes would be interpreted on the basis of the situation in which they occur, exhilaration or excitement of bungee jumping; fear of falling from a ledge (岩脊).Another characteristic feature of an emotional experience is cognitive thought. Emotions generally, although not necessarily, are accompanied by thinking. The types of thoughts and our ability to think “rationally” vary with the type and degree of emotion. Extreme emotional responses are frequently used as an explanation for inappropriate thoughts or actions: “I was so mad I couldnt think straight.”Emotions also have associated behaviors. While the behaviors vary between individuals and within individuals across different times and situations, there are unique behaviors characteristically associated with different emotions: fear triggers fleeing responses, anger triggers striking out, grief triggers crying, and so on.Finally, and most importantly, emotions involve subjective feelings. In fact, it is the feeling component (成分)that is generally referred to when emotions are mentioned. Grief, joy, anger, jealousy and fear feel very different from one another. These subjectively determined feelings are the essence of emotion.While all individuals generally evaluate emotions in a consistent manner and within individuals over time, there are some individual and situational variations. For example, few people generally want to be sad or afraid, yet we all occasionally enjoy a movie or a book that scares or saddens usor even some of the frightening ride sat theme parks(主题乐园)!If asked, we could doubtless name numerous emotions. A group of 20 or so people can generally name or describe several hundred emotions. Therefore, it is not surprising that researchers have attempted to categorize or type emotions into more manageable clusters. Plutchik lists eight basic emotional categories: fear; anger; joy; sadness; acceptance; disgust; expectancy; surprise.According to Plutchik, all other emotions are secondary emotions and represent combinations of these basic categories. For example, delight is a combination of surprise and joy, and contempt is composed of disgust and anger.61. What are the elements that produce human emotions?62. The two examples given in the third paragraph shows that( ).63. Which of the following statements about emotions is NOT TRUE?64. The passage indicates that individual emotions( ).65. Why do the researchers try to classify emotions?问题1选项A.Some strong uncontrolled forces which trigger emotions.B.Internal processes such as illnesses, happiness, anger, etc.C.External happenings such as deaths, divorce, promotions, etc.D.External environmental events as well as internal mental processes.问题2选项A.emotions are the results of physiological reactions based on external eventsB.excitement and fear are commonly seen human emotionsC.physiological changes determine all human actionsD.environmental occurrences are related with mental thinking问题3选项A.Emotions are accompanied by some certain behaviors.B.Emotions are combinations of subjective feelings.C.Extreme emotional reactions are the features of emotional cognitive thought.D.Emotional occurrences are also the processes of mental thinking.问题4选项A.vary from person to personB.follow more or less the same patternsC.keep changing inconsistentlyD.are genetically inherited问题5选项A.Because they try to place their research on a manageable basis.B.Because there too many emotions to recognize.C.Because each emotion represents a different implication.D.Because there are some secondary emotions.【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:D第4题:D第5题:D【解析】61.事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位到第二段Emotions are generally triggered by environmental events . However, internal processes, such as imagery, can also initiate emotional reactions.(情绪通常是由环境事件触发的。愤怒、快乐和悲伤通常是对一系列外部事件的反应。然而,内部过程,如意象,也可以启动情感反应。)通过这句话可知情感是由外在和内在两大因素引起的。因此D选项“外部环境事件和内部心理过程”正确。A选项“一些强烈的不受控制的力量会引发情绪”,是文章对emotions所下的定义,而非产生和影响emotions的因素;B选项“内在过程,如疾病、快乐、愤怒等”以及C选项“外部事件,如死亡、离婚、晋升等”只是产生情感的一个方面,不能完整概括情感产生的全部因素,因此错误。62.事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位到第三段最后For example, a sudden falling sensation will initiate physiological changes. These changes would be interpreted on the basis of the situation in which they occur, exhilaration or excitement of bungee jumping; fear of falling from a ledge.(例如,突然的下降感觉会引发生理变化。这些变化将根据它们发生的情况加以解释。蹦极的兴奋;害怕从窗台上掉下来。)这部分举例蹦极所产生的兴奋以及从悬崖处掉下来产生的恐惧感说明了外部环境对生理产生了变化,然后表现出人类诸如兴奋和恐惧这样的结果,因此A选项“情绪是基于外部事件的生理反应的结果”正确。B选项“兴奋和恐惧是常见的人类情绪”是自然常识,同文章主题思想没有关系;C选项“生理变化决定了人类的一切行为”以及D选项“环境事件与心理思考有关”文章中未提及。63.事实细节题。C选项“极端情绪反应是情绪认知思维的特征”在第四段Extreme emotional responses are frequently used as an explanation for inappropriate thoughts or actions(极端的情绪反应经常被用来解释不恰当的想法或行为)但是它是对原文的曲解,因此是不符合原文的,当选。A选项“情绪伴随着某些特定的行为”出现在第五段Emotions also have associated behaviors.(情绪也有相关的行为。)因此A选项是文章中有提及的;B选项“情感是主观感受的组合”在第六段Finally, and most importantly, emotions involve subjective feelings. (最后,也是最重要的,情感包含主观感受。)也是文章提到的;D选项“情感事件也是心理思考的过程”在第四段Emotions generally, although not necessarily, are accompanied by thinking.(情感通常,虽然不一定,是伴随着思考的。)可以得出D选项是文章提到的。64.事实细节题。根据题干信息定位到第六段的第三四句话Grief, joy, anger, jealousy and fear feel very different from one anotherThese subjectively determined feelings are the essence of emotion.(悲伤、喜悦、愤怒、嫉妒和恐惧彼此感觉非常不同。这些主观决定的感受是情感的本质。)可以推断出虽然悲伤、欢乐、生气、嫉妒以及恐惧各有不同的感受,但是这些主观的感受都是情感的基本要素,因此B选项“或多或少遵循相同的模式”正确。A选项“因人而异”;C选项“不断改变不一致”以及D选项“基因遗传”都与原文不符。65.事实细节题。根据题干信息定位到第八段第三句话Therefore,it is not surprising that researchers have attempted to categorize or type emotions into more manageable clusters(因此,研究人员试图将情绪分类或归类到更易于管理的集群中也就不足为奇了。)根据这句话可以得知A选项“因为他们试图把研究放在易于管理的基础上”正确。B选项“因为有太多的情感需要识别”,文章没有提到;C选项“因为每种情绪都代表着不同的含义”,文章没有提及;D选项“因为有一些次级情绪”,在最后一段 According to Plutchik, all other emotions are secondary emotions and represent combinations of these basic categories. For example, delight is a combination of surprise and joy, and contempt is composed of disgust and anger.(根据Plutchik的观点,所有其他情绪都是次级情绪,代表这些基本类别的组合。例如,喜悦是惊奇和喜悦的组合,轻蔑是厌恶和愤怒的组合。),可见所有其他情绪都是刺激情绪,因此D选项与最后一段的内容不符。4. 单选题She is extremely( ), always ready to agree with other peoples wishes.问题1选项A.mellowB.moderateC.adaptableD.supple【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项mellow“圆润的,柔和的,成熟的”;B选项moderate“稳健的,适度的,适中的”;adaptable“适应性强的,能适应的”;D选项supple“柔软的。灵活的,逢迎的(含贬义)”。句意:她_,总是乐于同意别人的想法。此处A、B和D代入原句都不通顺,只有C选项代入译为“她适应性极强”,因此C选项符合题意。5. 翻译题Before every New Year or major celebration, there would be a general cleaning. The room could usually be kept tidy for a couple of months, but often it was a matter of only a few days before the room was a mess again, and that was mainly due to those books, piles of books, everywhere. Whenever I was out on business, I couldnt help going to bookstores, and once I was there, I could never resist the temptation of buying more. New books, books that I had a thought of reading, books of which I only finished half, books needed for my writing, and books that had values to keep took up most of the space in my room, and they were ever expanding, eating up all the time the remaining part of my room that provided the minimum space for me as the dweller there. Isnt this an invasion? But I accepted invasion of such kind with comfort and pleasure.【答案】每年新年或重大庆典前,都会进行大扫除。房间通常能保持几个月的整洁,但往往只是几天的事情,房间就又乱了,这主要是因为那些书,成堆的书,到处都是。每当我出差的时候,我就忍不住要去书店,而一旦我到了那里,我就无法抗拒买更多东西的诱惑。新书,我想读的书,我只完成了一半的书,我写作所需要的书,还有那些有价值的书占据了我房间的大部分空间,而且它们一直在扩大,一直吞噬着我房间的剩余部分,而这些部分为我作为那里的居民提供了最小的空间。这不是入侵吗?但我以舒适和愉快的心情接受了这种入侵。6. 单选题I gave the car a thorough( )before buying it.问题1选项A.inspectionB.reviewC.surveyD.check-up【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项inspection“视察,检查(更加仔细)”;B选项review“回顾,检查”;C选项survey“调查”;D选项check-up“检查,核对(比较随意)”。句意:我把车_了一遍才买下来。本句表达的是“将车子彻底检查一遍才买下来”,因此A选项符合题意。7. 单选题Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time. If corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like what other people say. In the same way, when children learn to do all the other things they learn to do without being taught-to work, run, climb, whistle, or ride a bicycle. They compare those performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes.But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his own mistakes for himself, let alone correct them. We do it all for him. We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to. Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher. Let him do it himself. Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, what answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not. If it is a matter of right answers, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers.Why should we teachers waste time on such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he cant find a way to get the right answer. Lets end this nonsense of grades, exams and marks. Let us throw them all out, and let the children learn what all educated persons must some day lean, that is, how to measure their own understanding and how to know what they know or do not know. Let them get on with this job in the way that seems most sensible to them, with our help as school teachers if they ask for it.The idea that there is a body of knowledge to be learnt at school and used for the rest of ones life is nonsense in a world as complicated and rapidly changing as ours. Anxious parents and teachers say, “But suppose they fail to learn something essential, something they will need to get in the world?” Dont worry! If it is essential, they will go out into the world and learn it.46. What does the author think is the best way for children to learn things?47. According to the passage, a teachers duty is to( ).48. The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle( ).49. The extreme view of the author is that childrens progress should only be assessed by( ).50. The author thinks that if children are always corrected, they will grow up to be( ).问题1选项A.By making mistakes and having them pointed out by others.B.By having their mistakes corrected.C.By noticing their problems and making changes.D.By listening to explanations from skilled people.问题2选项A.provide students with help when it is neededB.find out students mistakes and correcting themC.teach students knowledge essential for their future lifeD.help students find out correct answers问题3选项A.provide essential skills for learning to growB.need a lot of teaching and correctionC.are similar in that they are learnt by practicing and making changesD.are quite different in the way they are picked up naturally问题4选项A.educatorsB.children themselvesC.teachersD.parents问题5选项A.fearful of making mistakesB.too critical of themselvesC.unable to think for themselvesD.unable to use basic skills【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:C第5题:C【解析】46.事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位到第一段They compare those performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes.(他们将这些表现与更熟练的人进行比较,然后慢慢地做出必要的改变。)也就是说孩子们学习很多技能和学习语言一样,犯了错误不需要总是被指出并纠正,他们会自觉地与其他人做比较,从而发现问题,并且做出改变,这样是对他们最好的,因此C选项“通过注意他们的问题并做出改变”,正确。A选项“通过犯错误并让别人指出来解决”;B选项“通过纠正他们的错误”以及D选项“通过听取技术人员的解释”都不是文章所认为的最好的方式。47.事实细节题。根据题干信息定位到第三段第二句Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he cant find a way to get the right answer.(当孩子告诉我们他找不到正确的答案时,我们的工作应该是帮助他。)因此A选项“在学生需要的时候提供帮助”,正确。B选项“找出学生的错误并改正”;C选项“教给学生未来生活所必需的知识”;D选项“帮助学生找出正确的答案”,都是错误的做法。48.事实细节题。根据题干可以定位到第一段In the same way, when children learn to do all the other things they learn to do without being taught-to work, run, climb, whistle, or ride a bicycle.(同样地,当孩子们学会做所有他们没有被教过的事情时工作、跑步、爬山、吹口哨或骑自行车。)They compare those performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes.(他们将这些表现与更熟练的人进行比较,然后慢慢地做出必要的改变。)可以看出来,作者的观点是,无论是骑自行车也好,说话也好,都是在不断地练习和更改中进步的,因此C选项“学习说话和学习骑自行车是相似的,因为他们是通过练习和改变来学习的”正确。A选项“提供学习成长所需的基本技能”;B选项“需要大量的教学和纠正”以及D选项“它们的自然学习方式有很大不同”都不正确。49.判断推理题。根据题干关键词定位到第三段Let us throw them all out, and let the children learn what all educated persons must some day lean, that is, how to measure their own understanding and how to know what they know or do not know. (让我们把它们都扔掉,让孩子们学习所有受过教育的人将来必须学习的东西,那就是,如何衡量自己的理解力,如何知道自己知道什么,不知道什么。)根据这句话的意思也就是说,我们应该教育孩子们要学习和知道的并不是所谓的正确答案,重要的是要对自己已知和未知的东西有一个正确的了解,因此只有他们才能对自己的能力做出正确评价。因此B选项“孩子本身”,正确。A选项“教育者”;C选项“老师”以及D选项“家长”,文章没有提及。50.事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位到第二段前半段We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to. Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher.(除非向他指出错误,否则他永远不会注意到错误,或者除非让他改正错误。很快他就变得依赖老师了。)这句话就表明,如果不断地去改正孩子,他将无法独立思考,因此C选项“他们长大后将无法独立思考”正确。A选项“害怕犯错”;B选项“对自己太严格”;D选项“没有掌握基本技能的能力”都是原文没有提到的。8. 单选题No company likes to be told it is contributing to the moral decline of a nation. “Is this what you like to accomplish with your careers?” an American senator asked Time Warner executives recently. “You have sold your souls, but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our c


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