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2022年考博英语-对外经济贸易大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题( )find out who the murderer was.问题1选项A.Not until the last page of the book youllB.Not until the last page of the book you wontC.Not until the last page of the book you willD.Until the last page of the book will you【答案】D【解析】考查部分倒装。当until,not until位于句首时,主句要部分到账,即将助动词或情态动词移至主语前。句意:直到读到这本书的最后一页,你才会发现谁是凶手。2. 问答题We are without choices in many aspects, but we do choose how we shall live;(A) courageously or in cowardice, (B) honorably or inhonorably, with purpose or in drift. We decide (C) what is important and what is trivial in life. And as we decide and choose (D) so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about.【答案】B;改成honorably or dishonorably。dishonorably灰溜溜的。3. 单选题Charles Darwins “On the Origin of Species is credited with sparking evolutions revolution in scientific thought, but many observers had pondered evolution before him. It was understanding the ideas significance and selling it to the public that made Darwin great according to the Arnold Arboretums new director.William Friedman, the Arnold Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology who took over as Arboretum director Jan. 1, has studied Darwins writings as well as those of his predecessors and contemporaries. While Darwin is widely credited as the father of evolution, Friedman said the “historical sketch that Darwin attached to later printings of his masterpiece was intended to calm down those who demanded credit for their own, earlier ideas.The historical sketch grew with each subsequent printing, Friedman told an audience on Jan. 10, until, by the 6th edition, 34 authors were mentioned in it. Scholars now believe that somewhere between 50 and 60 authors had beaten Darwin in their writings about evolution. Included was Darwins grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, a physician who irritated clergymen with his insistence that life arose from lower forms, specifically mollusks.Friedmans talk, “A Darwinian Look at Darwins Evolutionist Ancestors” took place at the Arboretums Hunnewell Building and was the first in a new Directors Lecture Series.Though others had clearly pondered evolution before Darwin, he wasnt without originality. Friedman said that Darwins thinking on natural selection as the mechanism of evolution was shared by few, most prominently Alfred Wallace, whose writing on the subject after years in the field spurred Darwins writing of “On the Origin of Species. Although the book runs more than 400 pages, Friedman said it was never the book on evolution and natural selection that Darwin intended. In 1856, three years before the book was published, he began work on a detailed book on natural selection that wouldnt see publication until 1975.The seminal event in creating “On the Origin of Species” occurred in 1858, when Wallace wrote Darwin detailing Wallaces ideas of evolution by natural selection. The arrival of Wallaces ideas spurred Darwin into writing “On the Origin of Species” as an abstract of the ideas he was painstakingly laying out in the larger work.This was a lucky break for Darwin, because it forced him to write his ideas in plain language, which led to a book that was not only revolutionary, despite those whod tread similar ground before, but that was also very readable.Though others thought about evolution before Darwin, scientific discovery requires more than just an idea. In addition to the concept, discovery requires the understanding of the significance of the idea, something some of the earlier authors clearly did not have such as the arborist who buried his thoughts on natural selection in the appendix of a book on naval timber. Lastly, scientific discovery demands the ability to convince others of the correctness of an idea. Darwin, through “On the Origin of Species was the only thinker of the time who had all three of those traits, Friedman said.“Darwin had the ability to convince others of the correctness of the idea, Friedman said, adding that even Wallace, whose claim to new thinking on evolution and natural selection was stronger than all the others, paid homage to Darwin by titling his 1889 book on the subject, “Darwinism.1.According to William Friedman, Darwins On the Origin of Species is great in that( ).2.Friedman believes that Darwin attached a “historical sketch” to later printings of his book in an attempt to( ).3.In Friedmans view, Darwins originality lies in( ).4.We have learned that at first Darwin intended to write his ideas in( ).5.Scientific discovery requires all the following except( ).问题1选项A.it was the most studied by later scientistsB.it had significant ideas about evolutionC.it was the first to talk about evolutionD.it was well received by the public问题2选项A.credit the ideas about evolution before hisB.claim himself as the father of evolutionC.introduce his grandfather to the readerD.summarize his predecessors work问题3选项A.his thinking on natural selection as the mechanism of evolutionB.his sharing ideas about evolution with his contemporariesC.the way he wrote “On the Origins of Species”D.the way he lectured on the ideas of evolution问题4选项A.a much larger bookB.a 400-page bookC.scientific termD.plain language问题5选项A.coming up with a new ideaB.understanding the significance of the ideaC.making claims to the idea by writing booksD.convincing others of the correctness of the idea【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:A第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。文章第一段最后一句提到“It was understanding the ideas significance and selling it to the public that made Darwin great according to the Arnold Arboretums new director.”阿诺德植物园的新主管(William Friedman)认为,使达尔文变得伟大的是他让公众理解进化论这个想法并接受它。因此D选项“它(物种起源)深受公众的欢迎”符合题意。2.细节事实题。文章第二段提到“Friedman said the “historical sketch that Darwin attached to later printings of his masterpiece was intended to calm down those who demanded credit for their own, earlier ideas.”Friedman声称,达尔文将该历史简述附加到自己杰作的后来版本上的目的是为了平息那些为自身更早想法要求荣誉的人。因此A选项“赞颂那些先于自己有关进化论的观点”符合题意。3.细节事实题。文章第五段提到“Though others had clearly pondered evolution before Darwin, he wasnt without originality. Friedman said that Darwins thinking on natural selection as the mechanism of evolution was shared by few.”虽然其他人在达尔文之前就已经清楚地思考过进化论,但他并非没有独创性。弗里德曼说,达尔文关于自然选择作为进化机制的思想很少有人赞同。 因此A选项“他认为自然 择是进化机制”符合题意。4.细节事实题。文章第六段提到“The arrival of Wallaces ideas spurred Darwin into writing “On the Origin of Species” as an abstract of the ideas he was painstakingly laying out in the larger work.”Wallace的思想的出现促使达尔文写“物种起源”,作为他在篇幅更大的著作中煞费苦心安排的那些观点的一个“摘要”。注意题干中的“at first(起初)”,因此选A。5.细节事实题。文章倒数第二段大意为:虽然其他人在达尔文之前思考过进化论,但科学发现不仅仅需要一个想法。除了概念之外,发现需要理解这个想法的意义,一些早期的作者显然没有比如柏树学家,他把他关于自然选择的想法埋在一本关于海军木材的书的附录中。最后,科学发现需要有能力让别人相信一个想法是正确的。弗里德曼说,通过“物种起源”,达尔文是那个时代唯一拥有这三种特征的思想家。因此选C。4. 翻译题Translate the following sentences into English.如今北京和纽约的共同之处不仅包括了繁忙的商业中心,寒冷的冬季和拥挤的城铁车厢,根据一项年度排名,北京还在亿万富翁的人数方面赶超纽约。根据这份报告,尽管中国经济放缓,中国制造的财富却超过了全球所有其它地区。大多数人的生活被他们身处的环境所决定。他们不仅接受既定的命运,而且顺从命运的安排。他们就像街上的有轨电车一样,在既定的轨道上行驶,而对于那些敏捷地出没于车 水马龙间,欢快地奔驰在旷野上的汽车却不屑一顾。我尊重他们,他们是好市民、好丈夫和好父亲。当然,总得有人来支付税收,但是,他们并没有令人激动的地方。【答案】Nowadays, what Beijing and New York have in common do not only include busy commercial centers, cold winter time and crowded compartments of commuter trains, but also the former has caught up with and surpass the latter in terms of the number of billionaires according to an annual ranking. According to this report, the wealth created by China has exceeded that produced by all the other regions across the world although Chinas economy development has slowed down.The lives of most people are determined by their living environments. They do not only accept fixed destinies, but also yield to the arrangement of fate. They are just like tramcars in the street running on fixed railways and they scoff at those cars which swiftly appear and disappear among heavy traffic and speed cheerfully in open fields. I respect them; they are good citizens, good husbands, and good fathers. Of course, some people have to pay taxes; but they have nothing to do with any excited thing.5. 翻译题Translate the following passage into English.国务院总理温家宝3月5日在十一届全国人大三次会议上作政府工作报告时提出,要坚定不移推进改革。进一步扩大开放。要全面适应国际形势变化和国内发展要求,拓展对外开放的广度和深度。温家宝提出,要稳定发展对外贸易。今年的主要着力点是拓市场、调结构、促平衡。坚持实施市场多元化战略和以质取胜战略落实和完善出口退税、出口信贷、出口信用保险等各项政策措施,继续改善海关、质检、外汇等方面的服务。温家宝表示,要推动利用外资和对外投资协调发展。优化利用外资结构,鼓励外资投向高端制造业、高新技术产业、现代服务业、新能源和节能环保产业,鼓励跨国公司在华设立地区总部等各类功能性机构,鼓励中外企业加强研发合作。“走出去”的企业要依法经营,规避风险,防止恶性竞争,维护国家整体利益和良好形象。温家宝提出,要深化多边双边经贸合作。加强和改善与发达国家的经贸关系,深化与发展中国家的互利合作。发挥经济高层对话和双边经贸联委会作用。加快自由贸易区建设步伐。积极参与多哈回合谈判,推动早日达成更加合理、平衡的谈判结果。反对各种形式的保护主义,妥善处理贸易摩擦。【答案】While delivering a government work report at the Third Session of the Eleventh National Peoples Congress on March 5, Premier Wen Jiabao put forward that we must unswervingly advance reform and further expand opening up, we must fully adapt to changes in the international situation, meet the needs of domestic development, and expand the breadth and depth of opening up.Wen Jiabao proposed that we will seek for stable development of foreign trade. He said that this years main focuses are on opening new markets, adjusting structure, promoting balance; we should continue our market diversification strategy and win-through-quality strategy, implement and improve export tax refund, export credit, export credit insurance and other policies and measures; we should continue to improve service in customs, quality inspections and foreign exchange and other areas.Wen Jiabao said that we should promote coordinated development between using other countries investment in China and making Chinese investment overseas; we should optimize the structure of foreign capital utilization, encourage foreign capital to be invested in high-end manufacturing industry, high and new technological industry, modem service industry, new energy industry, energy-saving and environment-friendly industries; we must encourage multinational corporations to set up regional headquarters and other functional agencies in China, encourage the Chinese and foreign enterprises to strengthen research and development cooperation; the enterprises that have gone global should operate in accordance with the law, avoid risks, prevent vicious competition, and safeguard the countrys overall interests and good image.Wen Jiabao proposed that we will deepen multilateral and bilateral business cooperation; we will strengthen and improve the economic and trade relations with developed countries, and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with developing countries; we will make full use of the role of high-level economic dialogue and bilateral economic and trade joint commissions, quicken the pace of establishing free trade zones and actively participate in the Doha round of trade talks to reach a more reasonable and balanced outcome as early as possible; we will oppose protectionism in all forms and properly handle trade frictions.6. 填空题The(1 )over Davos were said(2) have darkened last week as 1,700 private jets delivered the worlds elite to its annual convention. You can picture(3 ) moment: a shepherds child on an Alpine mountain pointing(4) one, then two, then a vast(5) of hawk-like aircraft materializing with their consignment of power brokers, roaring overhead as the sheep scatter in(6) .(7) is awesome scene of inequality. The(8) reported figure of 1,700 jets is a fantasy.Financial journalist Felix Salmon has done the legwork and estimated the actual(9) to be about 200. So(10) was the inflated figure so eagerly believed?The answer(11) in the powerful hold of private jet travel(12)the popular imagination. It is the ultimate symbol of wealth, more(13) than mansions or limousines or thehumble helicopter. It provokes resentment; yet it is also glamorous and exciting. Private(14)excite the non-private jet-flying classes even(15) offending them. The result is a combustible combination of moral ism and desire.In Sweden outrage runs high(16) the misuse of corporate jets by directors of(17) conglomerate, Industrivarden. Families were flown(18) trips abroad; a plane was sent to Stockholm(19)an absent-minded industrialist forgot his wallet. The result is one of the biggest(20) scandals in Swedish history.【答案】1.考查上下文语义。根据谓语动词were可知前面的主语为复数形式,及后面的have darkened(变暗)和private jets(私人飞机)可知此处表示达沃斯上面的天空,填skies。试题答案:skies2.考查介词搭配。be said to意为“据说”。试题答案:to3.考查冠词。the可以表示特指,the moment表示特指这个时候。试题答案:the4.考查介词搭配。point at意为“指向”,一般表示指向较远的事物、方向。试题答案:at5.考查上下文语义。一大群像鹰一样的飞机,a fleet of aircraft意为“一对飞机”。试题答案:fleet6.考查上下文语义。此处表示羊群被飞机轰鸣的声音吓得散开,in panic意为“惊慌,恐慌”。试题答案:panic7.考查there be句型。there be句型表示“某处存在某物或某人”。试题答案:There8.考查上下文语义。reported figure意为“报道的数量”,根据句意此处表示有许多的报道,figure为单数形式,故用much来修饰。试题答案:much9.考查上下文语义。根据前面的estimated(估计)和后面的数据200可知此处表示总数,total to意为“总计”。试题答案:total10.考查上下文语义。根据句末的“?”和下一段句首的the answer(答案)可知此处疑问词应用why(为什么)。试题答案:Why11.考查固定搭配。根据answer及后面所解释的原因,此处表达答案在于lies in意为“在于”。试题答案:lies12.考查介词搭配。此处表示“符合大众的想象”,on作介词时,可意为“靠,凭借”。试题答案:on13.考查固定搭配。more so than意为“与相比更为”,此句意为:它是财富的终极象征,远远超过了豪宅、豪华轿车或小型直升机。试题答案:so14.考查上下文语义。文中多次出现private jet(私人飞机),此处后面的谓语动词用的是复数形式,因此jet要用其复数形式jets。试题答案:jets15.考查连词。此处表示“即使当在冒犯他们的时候”,while意为“在期间”,表示伴随时间状语。试题答案:while16.考查介词搭配。表示在某事上,用介词at。试题答案:at17.考查冠词。此处表示特指,用定冠词the。试题答案:the18.考查介词搭配。on trips意为“旅行”。试题答案:on19.考查连词。此处为时间状语从句,表示的是时间点,用连词when(在时候)。试题答案:when20.考查上下文语义。根据前面的corporate(企业的)和industrialist(工业家,实业家)可知此处表示的是“企业丑闻”,故填corporate。试题答案:corporate7. 翻译题Translate the following into English.世界银行预计,美元将在2025年丧失单一统治地位,而欧元与人民币将在一个“多种 货币并存”的新型货币体系中确立平起平坐的地位。失去这种转变的将是新兴市场经济体日益增强的实力与优势,其中有6个国家巴西、 印度、中国、印尼、俄罗斯和韩国一将在2025年占据全球增长总量一半以上。根据世行周二发布的一份报告,从现在起至2025年,新兴经济体将以每年4.7%的速度增长,远远快于 同期发达经济体2.3%的年增速。“全球增长与投资的天平将向发展中或新兴经济体倾斜,” 报告主要作者曼苏尔.戴拉米(Mansoor Dailami)表示,这种转变意义深远。戴拉米称,例如,这种实力转移将大力推动投资流入驱动全球増长的国家,跨境并购活动将显著增加。企业界的格局也将发生变化一 “你会看到老牌跨国企业将不再占据统治地位。”此外,一种不同的国际货币体系将逐渐形成。美元作为世界主要储备货币的地位将告终。“美元当前的主导地位将在2025年前消失,被一种以美元、欧元和人民币为中心的货币体系所取代,这三种货币都将发挥成熟国际货币的作用,报告指出。报告还介绍了15年后货币市场“最可能”出现的三种情形。报告认为欧元是美元最“可信”的对手,但有一个问题需要留意。“欧元的地位必将增强,只要欧元能够成功化解多个成员国目前面临的主权债务危机,并能够避免与欧洲成员国相关的道德风险问题。”对于中国,报告指出,官方通过发展离岸人民币市场和鼓励人民币在国际贸易结算和计价中的使用,已经启动了人民币的“国际化”进程。“人民币角色的提升,将有助于解决中国在全球舞台上的强大经济实力和中国仍严重依赖外国货币这两者之间的脱节。”世行首席经济学家林毅表示,世行描绘出的情形意味着金融机构必须“尽快适应,跟上形势。”【答案】The World Bank predicts the dollar will lose a single dominant position in 2025, while the euro and the RMB will establish an equal footing position in a new “multi currency” monetary system.It will be the increasing strength and advantage of emerging economy that loss this kind of shift, including 6 countries Brazil, India, China, Indonesia, Russia and Korea in 2025 will occupy more than half of the total global growth. According to a World Bank report released Tuesday, from now until 2025, emerging economies will increase by the rate of 4.7%, is much faster than developed economy at the same period whose annual growth rate is 2.3%. “The balance of global growth and investment will incline to developing or emerging economies” the authors of the report, Mansoor Dailami said that the significance of this change is profound. Dailami said, for example, this shift in power will vigorously promote investment flows to the countries driving global growth, cross-border mergers and acquisitions will increase significantly. The corporate landscape will change and “you will see the famous multinational enterprises will no longer occupy the dominant position.”In addition, a different international monetary system will be gradually formed. The dollar as the worlds main reserve currency will end. “The dominance of the dollar will disappear in 2025, being replaced by the Dollar, Euro and RMB as the center of the monetary system, this three kinds of currency will all play a mature international currency role, suggested by the report. The report also pointed out three “most likely” kinds of situations on currency markets in 15 years. The report says that the euro will be the most “credible” opponents of dollar, but there is a problem needing attention. “As long as the euro can successfully resolve the main debt crisis encountered by multiple members, and avoid the moral hazard problem associated with the European members, its status can be strengthened”.For China, the report pointed out that official has launched the “internationalization” of the process of RMB through exploring the offshore RMB market and encouraging the use of RMB in international trade settlement and valuation. “The promotion of the role of RMB would help solve the discrepancy between Chinas strong economic strength in the world stage and the high reliance on the foreign currencies.” the economist of the World Bank chief Lin Yi said that the situation presented by the world bank means that financial institutions must“adapt as soon as possible, keep up with the situation”.8. 填空题The police had moved quickly to block off the area. Now Jim stood across the street with the other students, watching in stunned disbelief as the fire department fought to (1) _control of the fire. But it looked hopeless. The east end of the building exploded into flames. The noise was so loud (2)_even Jim, as he fiddled absently (3)_the volume control to his hearing aid, could hear a faint roar. Across the street on the school grounds Mr. Maclntire, the principal, was shouting to the fire chief. Jim read his lips, (4)_ some of what he said because of the distance but getting (5)_ than enough to understand, “.eight students and a teacher.in a basement room.trapped!” The fire chief shook his head. Three times- already firefighters had tried to enter the building, only to be (6)_ _ back by the heat and smoke, and now there was no hope at all. Jim saw it in the chiefs face. His friends and the teacher he respected more than any (7)_ were as good as dead. They had little (8) _ to survive the smoke, not to mention the heat. It was Jims class in the basement, and he should have been in there himself. But he has stopped in the hall upstairs to talk to Mr. Maclntire about the Phonic Ear. It was a small radio receiver plugged into his hearing aid (9)_ signals from a transmitter worn by his teachers. Born with a (10)_ impairment, Jim had had problems in his classes. He was a good lip reader, but lip reading did not always (11)_ . Teachers sometimes, without thinking, (12)_ their faces away when talking. Making good grades had been hard for him (13)_ he began to use the Phonic Ear. Now he heard everything his teacher said, and his grades had shot (14)_ . That was one reason he had been placed in the advanced physics class, the only course still (15)_ in any of the basement floor classrooms of the old school, (16)_ was undergoing renovation. A new wing was to be added to the back of the school. Heavy equipment had been digging the new foundations and had broken a gas line leading into the basement. (17)_he was late to class, Jim had just turned away from Mr. Maclntire (18)_ the school building was rocked by an (19)_ . Smoke rose from the basement stairwell and was followed by fire. Everyone on the upper two floors had gotten out. But there had been no escape for those (20)_.【答案】1. gain2. that3. with4. missing5. more6. held7. one8. chance9. to receive10. hearing11. help12. turn13. so14. up15. taught16. which17. Because18. when19. alarm20. below【解析】1.考查固定搭配。gain the control of控制2.考查固定搭配。sothat如此以致3.考查固定搭配。fiddle with摆弄4.联系上下文可知由于距离比较远,Jim不能够听清楚Maclntire所说的话,故填missing.5.考查固定搭配。getting more than enough to unde


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