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2022年考博英语-武汉理工大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 翻译题(1) Cultural norms so completely surround people, so permeate thought and action that we never recognize the assumptions cm which their lives and their sanity rest. As one observer put it, if birds were suddenly endowed with scientific curiosity they might examine many things, but the sky itself would be overlooked as a suitable subject: if fish were to become curious about the world, it would never occur to them to begin by investigating water. (2) For birds and fish would take the sky and sea for granted, unaware of their profound influence because they comprise the medium for every fact. Human beings, in a similarly way, occupy a symbolic universe governed by codes that are unconsciously acquired and automatically employed. So much so that they rarely notice that the ways they interpret and talk about events are distinctively different from the ways people conduct their affairs in other cultures.As long as people remain blind to the sources of their meanings, they are imprisoned within them. These cultural frames of reference are no less confining simply because they cannot be seen or touched. (3) Whether it is an individual neurosis that keeps an individual out of contact with his neighbors, or a collective neurosis that separates neighbors of different cultures, both are forms of blindness that limit what can be experienced and what can be learned from others.It would seem that everywhere people would desire to break out of the boundaries of their own experiential worlds. Their ability to react sensitively to a wider spectrum of events and peoples requires an overcoming of such cultural parochialism. But, in fact, few attain this broader vision. (4) Some, of course, have little opportunity for wider cultural experience, though this condition should change as the movement of accelerates. Others do not try to widen their experience because they prefer the old and familiar, seek from their affairs only further confirmation of the correctness of their own values. Still others recoil from such experiences because they feel it dangerous to probe too deeply into the personal or cultural unconscious. (5) Exposure may reveal how tenuous and arbitrary many cultural norms are; such exposure might force people to acquire new bases for interpreting events. And even for the many who do seek actively to enlarge the variety of human beings with whom they are capable of communicating there are still difficulties.Cultural myopia persists not merely because of inertia and habit, but chiefly because it is so difficult to overcome. One acquires a personality and a culture in childhood, long before he is capable of comprehending either of them. To survive, each person masters the perceptual orientations, cognitive biases, and communicative habits of his own culture. But once mastered, objective assessment of these same processes is awkward since the same mechanisms that are being evaluated must be used in making the evaluations.【答案】(1)文化规范完全围绕在人们的周围,渗透在人们的思想和行为中,以至于我们从来没有意识到他们生活和精神正常所依赖的那些假设。(2)因为鸟和鱼会认为天空和大海是理所当然的,他们没有意识到它们的深远影响,因为它们构成了每一个事实的媒介。(3)无论是使一个人与他的邻居失去联系的个体神经症,还是将不同文化的邻居分开的集体神经症,都是一种限制了人们可以体验和从他人那里学到什么的失明形式。(4)当然,有些人几乎没有机会获得更广泛的文化体验,不过这种情况应该随着移民运动的加速而改变。(5)暴露可能揭示出许多文化规范是多么脆弱和武断;这种接触可能会迫使人们获得解释事件的新基础。2. 单选题The government and Microsoft plan to sell around the world Britains new system for online transactions between citizens and government after its successful launch in the UK. A key step in the governments $1.4 billion e-government program has been online payment for the Inland Revenues pay-as-you-earn scheme, some Customs and Excise value added tax procedure, and claims for European Union subsidies for farmers all go live in the past month. At a presentation in Seattle today, Bill Gates, Microsofts co-founder and chairman, will demonstrate the British system to 400 government officials from 80 countries to show how citizens and businesses can interact with government over the Internet.“Although some US states are using leading edge technology, Europe in general, and the UK in particular, is well ahead in implementing e-government initiatives. It should put the citizen at the center of the government,” says Davide Vigano, general manager of public sector at the software group, “The projects have been implemented in just 15 weeks using Microsofts net technology,” said Andrew Pinder, the governments e-envoy. “This is a key piece of infrastructure, brought in on time and on budget,” he said.The secure transaction technology is to be rolled out through about 200 central government departments and agencies and 482 local government institutions over the next five years in the drive to have all of the government online by 2005. The successful implementation is a coup for Microsoft which is trying to build up its enterprise software business and has targeted e-government. It has about 1, 000 staff dedicated to government business.“This is a milestone for Microsoft,” said Barry Goffe, group manager, net enterprise solutions at the Redwood, Washington state-based company. “Two years ago, when the technology for successful integration did not exist, we would have walked away.” The hardware was supplied by Dell, and the servers are managed by Cable and Wireless. The technology is based on XML, a new language protocol that allows information to be labeled and then easily exchanged between computers on different platforms. “People want to hang on to their legacy systems which have been massive investments, but integrating these has proven difficult and expensive in the past. Its astonishing how the friction has been wiped out by XML, which reduces paperwork, reduces complexity and slashes costs,” said Mr. Goffe.1. The e-government software is part of Microsoffs _.2. Two years ago, the e-government program was still impossible due to the lack of _.问题1选项A.enterprise software businessB.most profit-making productsC.secure transaction technologyD.most sophisticated technology问题2选项A.advanced hardwareB.efficient severs managementC.the language protocol XMLD.research funding【答案】第1题:A第2题:C【解析】1.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干,可以定位到文章第三段第二句The successful implementation is a coup for Microsoft which is trying to build up its enterprise software business and has targeted e-government. It has about 1, 000 staff dedicated to government business.(这一成功实施对微软来说是一场政变,微软正试图建立自己的企业软件业务,并将目标对准了电子政府)。A选项“软件企业”,根据文章内容,微软把电子政府作为软件企业,A选项正确。B选项“最赚钱的产品”,文章没有提到这一点,因此可排除。C选项“安全交易技术”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。D选项“最精湛技术”,不符合题意,可排除。因此正确答案为A选项。2.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章最后一段第四句The technology is based on XML, a new language protocol that allows information to be labeled and then easily exchanged between computers on different platforms.(该技术基于XML,这是一种新的语言协议,允许对信息进行标记,然后在不同平台上的计算机之间轻松交换)。由此可推测,两年前电子政府不可能是因为缺乏语言协议XML。C选项“语言协议XML”符合题意,C选项正确。A选项“硬件强化”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。B选项“高效的塞维管理”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。D选项“研究经费”,文章所说,整合这些系统既困难又昂贵,XML降低了复杂性,并削减了成本,因此D选项可排除。因此正确答案为C选项。3. 单选题Some people say that the study of liberal arts is a useless luxury we cannot afford in hard times. Students, they argue, who do not develop salable skills will find it difficult to land a job upon graduation. But there is a problem in speaking of “salable skills.” What skills are salable? Right now, skills for making automobiles are not highly salable, but they have been for decades and might be again. Skills in teaching are not now as salable as they were during the past 20 years, and the population charts indicate they may not be soon again. Home construction skills are another example of varying salability, as the job market fluctuates. Whats more, if one wants to build a curriculum exclusively on what is salable, one will have to make the course very short and change them very often, in order to keep up with the rapid changes in the job market. But will not the effort be in vain? In very few things can we be sure of future salability, and in a society where people are free to study what they want, and work where they want, and invest as they want, there is no way to keep supply and demand in labor in perfect accord.A School that devotes itself totally to salable skills, especially in a time of high unemployment, sending young men and women into the world armed with only a narrow range of skills, is also sending lambs into the lions den. If those people gain nothing more from their studies than supposedly salable skills, and cant make the sale because of changes in the job market, they have been cheated. But if those skills were more than salable, if study gave them a better understanding of the world around them and greater adaptability in a changing world, they have not been cheated. They will find some kind of job soon enough. Flexibility, an ability to change and learn new things, is a valuable skill. People who have learned how to learn can learn outside of school. That is where most of us have learned to do what we do, not in school. Learning to learn is one of the highest liberal skills.1. From this passage, we can learn that the author is in favor of _.2. The word “fluctuate” in the first paragraph most probably means _.3. According to the author, who of the following is more likely to get a job in times of high unemployment?4. According to the author, in developing a curriculum schools should _.问题1选项A.teaching practical skills that can be sold in the current job marketB.a flexible curriculum that changes with the timesC.a liberal educationD.keeping a balance between the supply and demand in the labor market问题2选项A.remain steadyB.change in an irregular wayC.follow a set patternD.become worse and worse问题3选项A.A person with the ability to learn by himselfB.A construction workerC.A car repairmanD.A person with quite a few salable skills问题4选项A.predict the salability of skills in the future job marketB.take the current job market into considerationC.consider what skill are salableD.focus on the ability to adapt to changes【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D【解析】1.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第一段最后一句In very few things can we be sure of future salability, and in a society where people are free to study what they want, and work where they want, and invest as they want, there is no way to keep supply and demand in labor in perfect accord.(在一个人们可以自由学习他们想要的东西、在他们想要的地方工作、在他们想要的地方投资的社会里,我们不可能使劳动力的供求完全一致)可知作者没有特地支持哪一种教育,而是支持他们自由地学习。C选项“自由的教育”,符合文章内容,C选项正确。A选项“教授一些实用的技能,这些技能可以在当前的就业市场上得到销售”,作者在文中写到,不确定哪些技能值得推销,可排除A选项。B选项“随时代变化的灵活课程”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。D选项“保持劳动力市场供求平衡”,文章提到并不能做到劳动力供求一致,D选项可排除。因此C选项正确。2.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文中第一段Home construction skills are another example of varying salability, as the job market fluctuates(随着就业市场的波动,住房建造技能的变化是销售能力变化的另一个例子)。选项B“不规则的变化”,文章所说,就业市场的波动,可以理解为不规则的变化,选项B正确。选项A“保持稳定”,不符合文章的内容,可排除。选项C“依照成法”,不符合文章内容,可排除。D选项“日就衰败”,不符合文章内容,可排除。因此B选项正确。3.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。根据题干可以定位到文章第二段第三句But if those skills were more than salable, if study gave them a better understanding of the world around them and greater adaptability in a changing world, they have not been cheated. They will find some kind of job soon enough(但如果这些技能很受欢迎,如果学习能让他们更好地了解周围的世界,并能更好地适应不断变化的世界,那么他们就没有受骗。他们很快就会找到工作的)。由此句可推测,那些拥有自学能力的人,可以在高失业率下找到工作。A选项“有自学能力的人”,符合文章内容,A选项正确。B选项“建筑工人”,文章没有提到此内容,B选项排除。C选项“汽车修理工”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。D选项“一个有相当多的销售技巧的人”,一所完全致力于销售技能的学校,尤其是在高失业率的时候,就是把男女送进虎穴,可排除D选项。因此A选项正确。4.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可以定位到文章第二段最后一句People who have learned how to learn can learn outside of school. That is where most of us have learned to do what we do, not in school. Learning to learn is one of the highest liberal skills.(学会了如何学习的人可以在校外学习。那是我们大多数人学会做我们所做的事情的地方,而不是在学校。学会学习是最高的自由技能之一)。由此句可推测,要学会如何学习,关注适应变化的能力。D选项“关注适应变化的能力”,符合文章内容,因此D选项正确。A选项“预测技能在未来就业市场的销售能力”,销售能力只是有限的技能,A选项排除。B选项“把当前的就业市场也考虑进去”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。C选项“考虑什么技能是可以销售的”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除C选项。因此D选项正确。4. 翻译题(1) Science fiction can help to explain what science and scientist are all about to the non-scientists. It is no accident that several hundred universities and public schools are now offering science fiction courses and discovering that these classes are a meeting ground for the scientist-engineers and the humanists. Science and fiction. Reason and emotion.The essence of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe. By taking thought, men can move mountainsand have. In this sense, science is an utterly humanistic pursuit.Much of science fiction celebrates this spirit. (2) Very few science fiction stories picture humanity as a passive species, allowing the tidal forces of nature to flow freely. The heroes of science fiction storiesthe gods of the new mythologystruggle manfully against the darkness, whether its geological doom for the whole planet or the evil of grasping politicians. They may not always win. But they always try.Perhaps, however, the most important aspect of science fictions role in the modern world is best summed up in a single word. Change.After all, science fiction is the literature of change. Each and every story preaches from the same gospel: tomorrow will be different from today, violently different perhaps.(3) Science fiction very clearly shows that changeswhether good or badare an inherent Dart of the universe. Resistance to change is an archaic, and nowadays dangerous, habit of thought. Humanitys most fruitful course of action is to determine how to shape these changes, how to influence them and produce an environment where the changes that occur are those we want.Perhaps this is the ultimate role of science fiction: to act as an interpreter of science to humanity. This is a two-edged weapon, of course. It is necessary to warn as well as evangelize. (4) Science can kill as well as create; technology can deaden the human spirit or lift it to the furthermost corners of our imaginations. Only knowledgeable people can wisely decide how to use science and technology for humankinds benefit. In the end, this is the ultimate role of all art: to show ourselves to ourselves, to help us to understand our own humanity.【答案】(1)科幻小说可以帮助解释科学和科学家都是关于非科学家。几百所大学和公立学校现在开设科幻课程,并发现这些课程是科学家、工程师和人文主义者的聚会场所,这并非偶然。(2)很少有科幻小说把人类描绘成一个被动的物种,任由大自然的潮汐力自由流动。科幻故事中的英雄新神话中的神勇敢地与黑暗抗争,无论是对整个地球的地质毁灭,还是贪婪的政客的邪恶。(3)科幻小说非常清楚地表明,变化不管是好是坏是宇宙固有的飞镖。抵制改变是一种过时的、在今天也是危险的思维习惯。人类最富有成效的行动方针是决定如何塑造这些变化,如何影响它们,并产生一种环境,在这种环境中发生的变化是我们所希望的。(4)科学可以创造,也可以杀人;技术可以麻木人类的精神,也可以把它提升到我们想象的最遥远的角落。只有有知识的人才能明智地决定如何利用科学技术造福人类。最后,这是所有艺术的终极角色:向自己展示我们自己,帮助我们理解我们自己的人性。5. 单选题Originally, plastic was hailed for its potential to reduce humankinds heavy environmental footprint. The earliest plastic were invented as substitutes for shrinking supplies of natural materials like ivory or tortoiseshell. Today, plastic is perceived as natures nemesis. But a generic distaste for plastic can muddy our thinking about the trade-offs involved when we replace plastic with other materials.Take plastic bags, the emblem for all bad things. They clog storm drains, tangle up recycling equipment, litter parks and beaches and threaten wildlife on land and at sea. Such problems have fueled bans on bags around the world and in more than a dozen American cities. Unfortunately, the bans typically lead to a huge increase in the use of paper bags, which also have environmental drawbacks. In other words, plastics arent necessarily bad for the environment; its the way we make and use them thats the problem.Its estimated that half of the nearly 600 billion pounds of plastics produced each, year go into single-use products. Some are indisputably valuable, like disposable syringes, which have been a great ally in preventing the spread of infectious diseases like HIV and even plastic water bottles, which, after diseases like the Japanese tsunami, are critical to saving lives. Yet many disposables, like the bags, drinking straws and packaging commonly found in beach clean-ups, are essentially prefab litter with a heavy environmental cost.And theres another cost. Pouring so much plastic into disposable conveniences has helped to diminish our view of a family of materials we once held in high esteem. Plastic has become synonymous with cheap and worthless, when in fact those chains of hydrocarbons ought to be regarded as among the most valuable substances on the planet. If we understood plastics true worth, we would stop wasting it on trivial throwaways and take better advantage of what this versatile material can do for us.In a world of nearly seven billion souls and counting, we are not going to feed, clothe and house ourselves solely from wood, ore and stone; we need plastics. And in an era when were concerned about our carbon footprint, we can appreciate that lightweight plastics take less energy to produce and transport than many other materials.Yet we cant hope to achieve plastics promise for the 21st century if we stick with wasteful 20th century habits of plastic production and consumption. We have the technology to make better and safer plastics-forged from renewable sources, rather than finite fossil fuels, using chemicals that inflict minimal or no harm on the planet and our health.1. From the results of banning plastic bags, we learn that _.2. What do we know about the single-use plastic products from the third paragraph?3. The author believes that people would stop wasting plastic if they _.4. Lightweight plastics enjoy great advantage over other materials in that that they are _.5. Whats the authors attitude towards the future of plastic?问题1选项A.better materials are still to be found to replace plastic bagsB.the way of making and using plastic bags matters a lotC.plastic bags really cause many environmental problemsD.the bans on plastic bags greatly boost the paper industry问题2选项A.Plastic bags account for only a small part.B.They are all indispensable in emergencies or disasters.C.Masses of them usually end up as litter.D.Most are made good use of by people.问题3选项A.knew the history of its inventionB.got punished for wasting itC.realized its impact on the environmentD.didnt take its value for granted问题4选项A.more durable and harder to breakB.energy-efficient in making and transportingC.easy to produce and useD.widely used in green technology问题5选项A.ObjectiveB.PessimisticC.PassionateD.Unknown【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段最后一句In other words, plastics arent necessarily bad for the environment; its the way we make and use them thats the problem.(换句话说,塑料不一定对环境有害;我们制造和使用它们的方式才是问题所在。因此可推测,对于塑料对环境是否有害,取决于制造和使用方式)。B选项“制作和使用塑料袋的方法很重要”,B选项符合题意。A选项“人们仍在寻找更好的材料来取代塑料袋”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。C选项“塑料袋确实造成了许多环境问题”,文章对塑料袋造成禁令,但是也会造成纸袋的使用上升,因此可排除C选项。D选项“禁止使用塑料袋极大地促进了造纸业的发展”,文章中没有提到这个内容,可排除。因此正确答案为B选项。2.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。我们可以定位到文章第三段最后一句Yet many disposables, like the bags, drinking straws and packaging commonly found in beach clean-ups, are essentially prefab litter with a heavy environmental cost.(然而,许多一次性用品,比如海滩清洁用品中常见的袋子、吸管和包装,本质上都是预制垃圾,造成了沉重的环境成本)。C选项“大量的垃圾通常会被丢弃”,文章所说,塑料的本质都是预制垃圾,因此可推测,塑料会被当成垃圾扔掉,因此C选项正确。A选项“塑料袋只占小部分”,文章所说,许多一次性用品,例如常见的袋子,说明塑料袋不只占小部分,因此A选项可排除。B选项“它们在紧急情况或灾难中都是必不可少的”,文章所说,它们只是对生命拯救至关重要,没有说是必不可少的,因此B选项可排除。D选项“大多数都被人们很好地利用了”,文章所说,会把塑料浪费在微不足道的一次性物品上,因此D选项可排除。因此正确答案为C选项。3.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干我们可以定位到文章第四段最后一句If we understood plastics true worth, we would stop wasting it on trivial throwaways and take better advantage of what this versatile material can do for us.(如果我们理解塑料的真正价值,我们就不会再把它浪费在微不足道的一次性物品上,而是更好地利用这种多功能材料为我们做的事情)。D选项“没有认为它的价值是理所当然的”,文章所说,如果人们理解塑料的真正价值,便不会浪费塑料,因此D选项正确。A选项“知道它的发明历史”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。B选项“因为浪费了它而受到惩罚”,文章


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