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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她福建师范大学22春“英语”听力口译(一)离线作业(一)辅导答案一.综合考核(共50题)1._ is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.A、ItB、WhatC、AsD、Which参考答案:B2.We _ that it will take another four months to finish this plan.A、grantB、estimateC、councilD、check参考答案:B3.Have you heard _ news? The piece of _ petrol is going up again!A、the, theB、不填, theC、the, 不填D、不填, 不填参考答案:C4.He is easily _ so I do not like to talk with him.A.defendedB.affordedC.createdD.offended参考答案:D5.Before you begin writing your paper, please write _ first. Then we can have a better idea about what you are going to talk about.A、an originB、a detailC、detailD、an outline参考答案:D6._ the website of the Fire Department in your city, and you will learn a lot about Firefighting.A.Having searchedB.To searchC.SearchingD.Search参考答案:D7.The modern camera lens may be coated with more than ten _ for each piece of its glass.A.levelsB.storiesC.layersD.formations参考答案:C8.The _ production of engines in our factory has doubled this year.A.manualB.annualC.amountD.alike参考答案:B9.If you ask why I plan to study in the United States, the only answer is that it is a _ for me.A.chapterB.ceremonyC.chamberD.challenge参考答案:D10.-Who should be responsible for the accident? -The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order _.A.as toldB.as are toldC.as tellingD.as they told参考答案:A11.Water and air are _ to human beings. We can not live without them.A.harbourB.functionC.definiteD.essential参考答案:D12.If your letter is over weight, you must pay for the _.A、excessB、exceedC、checkedD、chased参考答案:A13.Her father will never _ of her going to study in the United States alone.A、proveB、agreeC、admitD、approve参考答案:D14.Since 1978, many new _ have been developed in our university to meet the increasing demands of the students.A.disciplinesB.entrancesC.checksD.flames参考答案:A15.He said in his letter that he would _ some photographs but I couldnt find anything in the envelope.A.caseB.doubleC.encloseD.nonsense参考答案:C16.Our neighbors gave _ a baby bird yesterday that hurt _ when it fell from its nest.A.us, itB.us, itselfC.ourselves, itselfD.ourselves, it参考答案:B17.Jack is _ of stealing the books from the library.A、accusedB、witnessedC、strainedD、found参考答案:A18.His speech _ the young people to continue their study.A.glancedB.delayedC.inspiredD.created参考答案:C19.He is easily _ so I do not like to talk with him.A.defendedB.affordedC.createdD.offended参考答案:D20.Although in great danger, the wounded still did not want to _ from the front.A、feedbackB、backwardC、withdrawD、departure参考答案:C21.The rebuilding plan was _ to the committee.A.tapedB.admittedC.desiredD.submitted参考答案:D22.The ground around here is mostly _ and not very good for farming.A.boardB.clayC.kidD.wax参考答案:B23.After talking for nearly ten hours, he _ to the governments pressure at last.A.expressedB.yieldedC.decreasedD.approved参考答案:B24.To some _, Mary still does not understand this unit. But she herself does not believe so.A.extendB.partC.extentD.content参考答案:C25.Please _ me for my rudeness. I really do not know the custom here.A、engageB、comfortC、executeD、forgive参考答案:D26.In order to _ a good knowledge of English, he gave up his job and went to study in an English school.A.requireB.inquireC.acquireD.address参考答案:C27.The thief was _ by the police at the railway station.A、carpetB、minedC、capturedD、mounted参考答案:C28.This year our university does not have any _ to continue the international student exchange program.A、functionB、fundamentalC、funeralD、funds参考答案:D29.Although in great danger, the wounded still did not want to _ from the front.A.feedbackB.backwardC.withdrawD.departure参考答案:C30.He checked carefully to _ the possible errors in his design.A.eliminateB.exceedC.enlargeD.vibrate参考答案:A31.There are two governments in this country. But neither of them is regarded as the _ one by the other.A.panelB.legalC.purpleD.republic参考答案:B32.During the graduation _, the president gave a wonderful opening speech.A.evolutionB.signC.inpidualD.ceremony参考答案:D33.The dog _ the rabbit but could not catch it.A.ceasedB.chainedC.checkedD.chased参考答案:D34.When did you last hear _ Jay? He phoned me this morning, and we agreed _ a time and place to meet.A.of, toB.about, withC.from, withD.from, on参考答案:D35.If you want to see the chairman of the department, youd better make an _ with his secretary first.A、admissionB、agreementC、appointmentD、alphabet参考答案:C36.A good teacher always tries to _ students to ask question.A、encourageB、obeyC、recallD、spread参考答案:A37.-Would you like to join us in the game? -_, for I have something important to attend to.A.I willB.Id love toC.I wontD.Im afraid not参考答案:D38.It is a _ truth that man is the only animal that has the power to speak and reason.A.worthyB.virtualC.universalD.indefinite参考答案:C39.She likes the _ flower instead of the natural one.A、articleB、adventureC、ancientD、artificial参考答案:D40.When he woke up from his dream, the frightened boy tried to _ his mothers arm.A、grapeB、greyC、gripD、grave参考答案:C41.He tried to _ with the manager for has salary.A、evaluateB、objectC、bargainD、pause参考答案:C42._ the website of the Fire Department in your city, and you will learn a lot about Firefighting.A、Having searchedB、To searchC、SearchingD、Search参考答案:D43.How can we finish the work in the _ of any other helpers?A、eraB、hasteC、spareD、absence参考答案:D44.Please do not _ when somebody else is talking.A、intendB、interpretC、interruptD、invest参考答案:C45.During the eight years war, many people _ their blood for their country.A、shedB、temptedC、reservedD、devoted参考答案:A46.His speech _the young people to continue their study.A.glancedB.delayedC.inspiredD.created参考答案:C47.Great Britain and France will hold a _ regarding some European economic problems.A、conferenceB、referenceC、conversionD、cooperation参考答案:A48.We _ that it will take another four months to finish this plan.A.grantB.estimateC.councilD.check参考答案:B49.By nine oclock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma, _ appeared a rare rainbow soon.A.of whichB.on whichC.from whichD.above which参考答案:D50.I wish I could _ you somehow for your kindness.A.strawB.issueC.rewardD.own参考答案:C


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