五年级上册英语试题 期末复习专项3 情景交际真题归类复习卷(含答案)人教PEP版

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五年级上册英语试题 期末复习专项3 情景交际真题归类复习卷(含答案)人教PEP版_第1页
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五年级上册英语试题 期末复习专项3 情景交际真题归类复习卷(含答案)人教PEP版_第2页
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五年级上册英语试题 期末复习专项3 情景交际真题归类复习卷(含答案)人教PEP版_第3页
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专项3 情景交际真题归类复习卷一、补全对话。根据给出的句子把对话补充完整,只填序号。A. I like my bed.B. Its me.C. Its a nice room.D. You look cool.E. Lets play!Zhang Peng: Look. This is my bedroom.Mike: 1. _Zhang Peng: Thanks.Mike: There is a big bed.Zhang Peng: Yes. 2. _Mike: There is a nice photo. Who is he?Zhang Peng: 3. _Mike: 4. _ Zhang Peng: Thank you. My computer is on the desk. 5. _二、用数字将下列句子排序,组成一段完整、通顺的对话。( ) Me too. I like playing ping-pong.( ) I often play sports with my friends.( ) Yes, I can. How about you, Tom?( ) OK! Lets go.( ) What do you often do on the weekend, Jenny?( ) Can you play ping-pong?( ) Lets play together.三、(2017高新区)选择合适的选项,补全对话。A. Whats she like?B. She is very funny.C. Do you like maths?D. Ms Liu will be our new maths teacher.E. What about you, Zhang Peng?Miss White: Hello, children! 1. _Children: Really? 2. _Miss White: She is very friendly.Mike: I know she is Zhang Lins mother. 3. _Sarah: I like funny teachers. 4. _John: No, I dont like maths. I like English. 5. _Zhang Peng: I like all the subjects!四、选择合适的选项,补全对话。A. Do you like vegetables?B. What would you like to eat?C. Would you like some orange juice?D. They are my favourite food.E. We have carrots and green beans.A: Welcome! 1. _B: Id like some fish and chicken, please. 2. _A: We have fresh vegetables today. 3. _B: Yes. What vegetables do you have?A: 4. _B: Some green beans, please.A: What would you like to drink?B: Some apple juice, please. A: Sorry, we dont have apple juice today. 5. _B: Yes, thank you.五、(2017荥阳市)选择合适的选项,补全对话。A. Whats in the nature park?B. Yes, there are.C. No, there isnt.D. Are there any fish in the river?E. Its beside a hill.F. When will we meet?G. Is there a lake in the park?Linda: Hi, Betty. Where is your new house?Betty: 1. _Linda: Is there a zoo near your house?Betty: 2. _ But there is a nature park.Linda: 3. _Betty: There is a river and a bridge. There are many trees and flowers.Linda: 4. _Betty: Yes, there are. Shall we go fishing this Sunday?Linda: OK. 5. _Betty: We will meet at two o clock in front of the park.Linda: Great!参考答案一、CABDE二、5 2 4 7 1 3 6三、1-5 DABCE四、1-5 BDAEC五、1-5 ECADF


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