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Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-dateHow-Life-Began-On-the-Earth阅读课案例How Life Began On the Earth阅读课案例 一、课型:阅读课二、教材分析:(一)教学内容: SEFC BOOK3 UNIT 4 THE SCIENCE OF THE STARS How life began on the earth(二)教材处理: 本篇文章共701个单词,以时间为序,记录了地球的形成和生命的起源与繁衍的简单过程,以及人类出现后给地球本身带来的问题Global warming.笔者把整堂课分成五大步:1)阅读前预热(pre-reading)2) 阅读过程(while-reading)3)阅读后(post-reading) 4)内化实践(practice& internalization 5)升华启迪(enlightenment),阅读的同时,兼顾听,说,读,写等英语语言基本能力的渗透和培养。三、学情分析:(一)笔者参加比赛面对的是鄞州区最优秀的学生,他们机智敏锐,思维活跃;英语语言基础优良,语言表达流畅而准确;创新能力强,文化素养好。(二)这篇文章是讲述太阳系中唯一有生命存在的地球的形成及地球生命演化过程。文章最后一段重点提出在人类出现以后,导致了“Global warming”等一系列问题。旨在教育读者保护地球,保护环境,保护自己的家园。语法功能意念是名词性从句。考虑到以上因素,笔者在课堂安排上,课堂容量较大,挖掘问题较深,在教学步骤设计上做到明晰紧凑,步步为营,以期启迪学生思考和保护家园的情感共鸣。 四、教学目标 (一)知识目标:掌握相关阅读词汇;通过阅读让学生掌握地球形成的各个阶段特征和大概过程,了解并明确生命从海洋,到陆地,从动物到人类进化过程。 (二)能力目标:培养学生快速搜索获取信息,跳读搜寻能力;增加学生口头描述能力,能熟练叙述地球生命史。(三)情感目标:引导学生认识到地球生命进化到今天的高度文明是在来之不易的,激起学生保护好自己的家园的热情,构建与自然和谐相处的情感共鸣。五、教学过程细节:(课前,多媒体循环播放带有图片的今天要用到的一些重要阅读词汇让学生先行了解)Step 1 Lead inT: Well, boys and girls, just now, we have seen several pictures of animals on the screen. I would like to ask you a question. Who are their ancestors? I would offer two choices (monkey? Small plants in the sea?)S: Er. Small plants in the seaT: Are you sure?S: Small plants in the sea is the earliest life on the earthT: So do you know how the earliest life began on the earth ? any ancient stories about the beginning of life on the earth?S: 盘古开天辟地,女娲造人,上帝七日造人T: yeah, very good. But these are just legends and stories, do you believe them? Do you know any scientific idea or theory on the beginning of the world?S: T: You are not sure, right? Please turn to page 25 and 【设计说明】 这是一个从“课前词汇预习”入手提问:动物的祖先是什么? 引导学生思考生物是怎么出现的?世界是怎么开始的?虽有古代传说,但不足信,科学的生命起源学说又是什么呢?同学们的好奇心和求知欲自然被撩起。让学生带着好奇和问题,阅读课文。 Step 2 reading (1) Fast reading: look through the passage quickly.1) Try to match each paragraph with its main idea.2) Whats the main idea of the whole passage? A. how did water begin? B. how did earth begin? C. how did man begin? D. how did life begin?【设计说明】简要阅读文章,让学生了解文章大意,为detailed reading 奠定基础。 (2) Detailed reading1) How life began on the earth can be divided into two stages Stage 1 The development of _(para.1-3) Stage 2 The development of _(para.4-5) 2) Stage 1 the development of the earth 【设计说明】以图文并茂的方式,步步以设问引导学生了解地球形成史。3) Group work 1(见附图1) Give students a series of pictures of the development of the earth, ask students discuss in group and try to move the pictures into the correct blanks according to what they learned from para1-3 of the passage. Finally, invite one or two students to come to blackboard and move the pictures to correct blanks.【设计说明】任务型形式,学生小组讨论,然后上台操作体验的模式,巩固刚刚学到的地球形成史。4) Stage 2 the development of lifeFilling the blanks after reading loudly together according to para.4-5._ in water are considered to be the earliest lives on the earth. The O2they supplied encouraged the lives of_. Slowly green plants grew on land, which were followed by _like insects & _. When the plants grew into_, _ appeared. Then _ developed but disappeared later, which made the rise of a totally different animal,_, possible, and finally _ spread all over the world.【设计说明】以填空形式了解地球生命演化史。 5) Group work 2(见附图2) Give students a series of pictures of the development of the earth, ask students discuss in group and try to move the pictures into the correct blanks according to what they learned from para1-3 of the passage. Finally, invite one or two students to come to blackboard and move the pictures to correct blanks.【设计说明】任务型形式,学生小组讨论,然后上台操作体验的模式,巩固所学的地球生命演化史 Step 3 Summary for reading (见附图3)Give students 14 envelopes in which there are 12 sentences and ask students to put these sentences into correct order. Four people as a group discuss and finish the task.【设计说明】承上启下的一步。4人小组讨论,并将信封里的纸条按顺序排列。一方面是对所学的球形成史和生命演化史的通过小组讨论和实践操作内化为语言技能和能力。另一方面,为下一步的课文复述打好伏笔。Step 4 Post-readingSuppose you were an instructor of earth pavilion of Shanghai Expo. Now you are introducing“how life began on the earth” to visitors. What will you tell them?Ladies and gentleman, welcome to our pavilion. What I am going to tell you is how life began on the earth. The universe began with a Big Bang. Several billion years after the Big BangThank you for attention.【设计说明】以时下非常热门的世博会地球馆讲解员为身份,引导学生以另一种形式复述课文,学生兴趣盎然。T: after the arrival of human beings, what kind of problems do they cause?S: global warmingT: do you want to know how serious it is?S: yesT: I would offer you a clip of video about video Think about Step 5 Discussion Suppose you would be the few survivors of 2012 doomsday(世界末日), What would you want to say to people who are living now? Please tell them what they should do to prevent the coming of doomsday? Please tell them what they should do to prevent the coming of doomsday?1 It was obvious that people has put too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere2. What I want to tell them is that3. What is even more important is that(the above sentence patterns are for students reference)【设计说明】文章最后一段强调人类造成Global warming, 以电影2012为引子,引导学生思考怎样避免doomsday的发生,进行一场如何保护地球,保护环境的情感交流。 We have only one earth, we should take good care of her!【设计说明】最后在讨论基础上进行一个情感升华。六、课后反思1“Tell me, I will forget; show me, I may remember; involve me, I will understand”这句蒙氏教学法的名言令我印象深刻。虽说是学前教育所推崇的方法,我觉得同样适用于我们的高中英语教学。学生通过参与活动,体验和实践过的东西,总比教师课堂的讲解和口头传授的效果好很多。运动学上有个“肌肉记忆(Muscle Memory)”的概念,笔者经常鼓励学生在读背单词的同时,加上书写的这个动作,那怕用手指在空中划拉,效果会比较好,这是“肌肉记忆(Muscle Memory)”的作用。相信许多人有这么个体会,有人叫你拼写某一个单词,你一时说不出,但是当你手拿着笔放到纸上,你就写出了那个单词。这就是你的手有一种“记忆。”因此,本堂课设计上尽力让学生有体验,有实践,动脑的同时,动口和动手。在巩固地球形式史和地球生命进化史上设计了2个group work 让学生move pictures into correct blanks. 同时,设置了一个给信封里的纸条(纸条上是关于地球起源过程的12个句子)排序的新颖方式,让学生相互讨论交流基础上,合作动手完成一个任务,通过这个小组活动内化所学知识成能力。2教育大于教学。东汉许慎(约58147)在说文解字中解释说:“教,上所施,下所效也”;“育,养子使作善也”。教学仅限于传授知识技能。教育却是传授知识,培养能力,交流情感,启迪思想的综合。在英语教学中,教育引导孩子们保护环境,保护地球自己的家园的意识是必要的。文章本身也强调人类要与自然和谐相处,解决人类造成的问题。 基于此,笔者在课堂中,以反面例子形式,设置了“如果你是2012世界末日(DOOMSDAY)的幸存者,你想对现在生活着人说些什么呢?”“告诉他们怎样保护善待自己的家园以避免地球遭到毁灭。相信学生有所感悟,在实际生活中有所行动,因为“教育即生活”。3问题。这堂是40分钟的。因此整个课例的问题或许不一定适应所有层次的学生,因为课的容量非常大,或许应该分成2堂课来进行。附图1附图2附图3浙江省宁波市鄞州区五乡中学,陈文炜 邮编:315111 手机:13186871181-


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