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Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-dateBraveheart观后感Braveheart观后感外语系0903班 李朝晶 10号Braveheart“Braveheart ” is a film of Scotlands greatest national heroes Sir William Wallace. This is a story dates back to 13th century. William Wallace was the leader of the Scottish resistance forces of the long, ultimately, successful struggle to free Scotland from English rule.When William Wallace was a child, his dad died during the fighting between Scotland and English. After his fathers death, his uncle brought him to Europe. He went back to Scotland until he grew up. In his hometown, the beautiful girl Melen who gave him a beautiful flower to comfort him married him. After their marriage, Melen was snatched unreasonablly, and was killed. Finally, William erupted.In my opinion, William did not want to resist until Melen was killed. However, William was not totally awake, because he just decided to avenge for Melen. Therefore, when people called him hero, he did not want to rise in revolt and persuaded them to go back. At last, the revolt erupted, in spite of being passive, but everyone went after in a swarm. Only at this time,William realized the duty on his shoulder. He understood the reason why people resist the control of England. It was the desire of freedom. They put up a desperate fight just for freedom rather than adding chips during the negotiations. William knew the English nobles final attempt, but he has no choice but to rely on them. However, different class has different interests. Therefore, they could not have one aim. Finally, William was caught in a trap. The P rincess Isabella hope that William could admit his guilt in oeder to get mercy. Once William refused to acknowledge his guilt, he had to bear savage torture. The P rincess gave him poisin and implored him to drink it. But William vomitted after the princess left. William also did not want to stand the sadness. He chose to die just because he was a hero. He could realize his belief at any cost. Finally, William died and shouted “freedom” trying his best.I think that William is a hero, but he is also a man in the street. The big difference is that William insisted on his correct belief, although the cost was high. In fact, one without belief could not experience respect, pride and glory. However, one whon possessed a fir belief also could find the source of happiness, although he suffered enormous attack both physically and mentally.-


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