(呼和浩特专用)2022中考英语高分总复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(六)Modules 3-4(八上)习题

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(呼和浩特专用)2022中考英语高分总复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(六)Modules 3-4(八上)习题_第1页
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(呼和浩特专用)2022中考英语高分总复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(六)Modules 3-4(八上)习题_第2页
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(呼和浩特专用)2022中考英语高分总复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(六)Modules 3-4(八上)习题_第3页
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(呼和浩特专用)2022中考英语高分总复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(六)Modules 3-4(八上)习题.单项选择1.xx天水 Alice, would you like to go hiking with us?What a pity!I am free every day today.A.for B.except C.besides D.among2.xx青海 Its reported that a bus fell into a river yesterday.Luckily, was hurt.A.somebody B.nobody C.everybody D.anybody3.Bad luck! Our team by No.1 Middle School in the end.A.won B.beat C.was won D.was beaten4.xx无锡 Sam is about his speech because he thinks he is well prepared.A.honest B.confident C.modest D.curious5.Sportsmen wanted to arrive earlier so that they could have time to before the race.A.warm up B.hurry up C.get up D.give up6.xx滨州 How do you like Chinese Poetry petition on CCTV?Wonderful! Its the program Ive ever watched.A.better B.best C.worse D.worst7.xx德州 Many people like reading newspapers they can learn whats happening in the world.A.so that B.ever since C.as soon as D.even though8.xx包头一模 Experts hold the view that body language speaks than words, and its believed to be the most powerful and secret language.A.straighter B.louder C.harder D.further9.xx攀枝花 Which is clothes store in the town?Dream Clothes. Its than Blue Moon.A.the best; better B.the worst; the worse C.best; better D.worst; better10.xx遂宁 Would you mind if I take the seat next to you?.The person who was here has finished his lunch and left.A.Certainly not B.Enjoy yourself C.Dont trouble me D.Yes, please.xx江西改编 完形填空There are purple clothes,purple handbags,purple bicycles,purple furniture,even purple puters!So purple is one of the most11 colours today.But in the past,purple was a very expensive and unusual colour.Lets take a look at the rich12of the colour purple.Some scientists believe that the first plants to appear on Earth over 500 million years ago13looked purple,not green.Plants today are green because they use green chlorophyll(叶绿素) to produce energy.14these early plants probably used something called retinal, which is a dark purple colour.During the time of Roman Empire(37BC476AD),it was very15to make purple dye(染料).The dye came from sea snails(海螺).But 10,000 dead sea snails got you just one gram(克)of purple dyeas well as a very bad smell!This16 purple dye was called Tyrian purple, and it was the preferred colour of emperors.In 16th-century England,purple was17for the kings family members.Queen Elizabeth s clothes were purple, but ordinary people were not allowed to wear the colour.In 1856,William Perkin,an 18-year-old18student,noticed something strange while doing an experiment(实验).The chemicals(化学药品) he used to clean his instruments19with the chemicals he used in his experiment and produced a bright purple colour.This20led Perkin to start a pany using this chemical mixture to make purple dye.The dye was much cheaper than sea-snail dye.Thanks to Perkin,now anyone can afford to wear purple clothes.11.A.peaceful B.popular C.exciting D.serious12.A.history B.style C.research D.product13.A.gradually B.especially C.exactly D.probably14.A.And B.So C.But D.Until15.A.dangerous Bmon C.difficult D.strange16.A.basic B.harmful C.special D.perfect17.A.even B.never C.seldom D.only18.A.Geography B.Science C.Art D.Maths19.Apared B.mixed C.collected D.kept20.A.survey B.suggestion C.discovery D.exam.xx日照 阅读理解As a new teacher in Denver, Kyle felt that there was something she didnt know about her students.She thought up a lesson plan called “I Wish My Teacher Knew”. For the activity, Kyles students wrote down a thought for their teacher and shared something theyd like her to know about.The students loved this idea.Many of them were not only willing to include their names, but also enjoyed sharing it with the class.“I wish my teacher knew I dont have pencils at home to do my homework,” one wrote.“I wish my teacher knew I dont have friends to play with me,” another shared.“I wish my teacher knew sometimes my homework is not signed(签名) because my mum is not around a lot,” read another.After she learned most of her students led heartbreaking lives, Kyle shared some of the notes on social media.She hoped other teachers would use the same lesson with their own students.Soon posts and photos of notes from other schools poured in(涌入) from around the world.“After one student shared that she had no one to play with at break, the next day during break I noticed she was playing with a group of girls.Not only can I support my students, but my students can support each other,” said Kyle.Kyles story won the hearts of many people.“I take my hat off to this teacher. It must have been heartbreaking after reading these stories.”“If every person did one nice thing for someone, no matter how small, the world would be a better place.”21.Kyle started the activity to .A.give good lessons to the students B.help other teachers prepare lessonsC.know more about her students D.get her students to know her better 22.What did the students need to do in the activity?A.Write down their wishes. B.Play at break with friends.C.Get their homework signed. D.Have more pencils at home.23.What do we know from the story? A.The students put notes on social media.B.All the students led heartbreaking lives.C.Many people supported Kyles ideas.D.The students improved in some ways.24.How do you understand the underlined sentence?A.I look up to the teacher.B.I encourage the teacher.C.I agree with the teacher.D.I dont believe the teacher.25.Which of the following words best describes Kyle? A.Imaginative.B.Polite. C.Responsible. D.Friendly.用所给词或短语的适当形式填空womanpare withnodbe pleased withunderstandrelaxbecause ofcheer uprealaccept26.If you want to leave early, Im sure hell.27.A recent survey shows more than two thirds of Chinese their health service.28.March 8th is International Day.29.Helen with a smile when she met me.30. the heavy rain, we put off the sports meeting.31.Would you please see the film Iron Man 3 with me tonight, Kate?Id love to, but I Lindas invitation to have dinner.32.How about telling stories the sick kids?33.I cant believe I am going to meet the pop star.34. other good students, Hank is the most hard-working one.35.Its to listen to music after a days work.2019原创 阅读理解填词 After four long years of 36.w, one of the best events in sports has finally returned.The xx World Cup kicked off in Russia in June. 37.U the Olympics, the World Cup is a single-sport event, yet it still manages to 38.a millions of television viewers from around the world.“Soccer is a universal 39.l that we speak with different accents,” Brazilian soccer journalist Tim Vickery told Sportsnet.“The biggest act that most people engage in is 40.c for their team during the World Cup.” Just like the Spring Festival or Christmas, the World Cup is about the spirit of the season.But for the players on the pitch, the World Cup isnt just 41.a excitement.It can be a launch pad for a great career too.For younger players, the World Cup is a 42.c to get noticed.Put in an outstanding performance 43.a a strong team or score a few good goals, and the greatest clubs in the world may be knocking at your front door.But whichever player 44.p the best this year, the true spirit of the World Cup has always been how it 45.b people together.参考答案.1.B句意:“艾丽丝,你想和我们一起去远足吗?”“真遗憾!除了今天,我每天都有空。”for意为“为了”;except意为“除了,不包括”;besides意为“除了之外还有”; among意为“在之间”。根据句意可知是不包括今天,故用except。故选B。2.B3.D4.B5.A6.B7.A8.B9.A10.A.主旨大意 本文是一篇说明文。紫色是现在最流行的颜色之一,但是在过去,紫色是非常昂贵和不同寻常的颜色,本文主要介绍了紫色的丰富历史。11.B考查形容词辨析。根据上文“There are purple clothes,purple handbags,purple bicycles”可知,紫色现在很流行。故选B。12.A考查名词辨析。根据下文内容可知,本文主要介绍紫色的历史。故选A。13.D考查副词辨析。根据上下文可知,并没有确切的证据表明第一批植物是紫色的,此处只是推测。故选D。14.C考查连词辨析。根据上下句可知,植物使用绿色叶绿素产生能量,但是早期的植物可能使用深紫色的视网膜(产生能量)。前后存在转折关系。故选C。15.C考查形容词辨析。根据下文“But 10,000 dead sea snails got you just one gram of purple dye”可知,早期制作紫色染料是困难的。故选C。16.C考查形容词辨析。根据上文可知,这种紫色染料来自死海螺,是很特殊的紫色染料。故选C。17.D考查副词辨析。根据下文“Queen Elizabeth s clothes were purple, but ordinary people were not allowed tothe colour.”可知,十六世纪的英国,紫色只能被国王的家庭成员使用。故选D。18.B考查名词辨析。根据下文“The chemicals”及常识可知,化学学科属于理科,此处science是“理科”的意思。故选B。19.B考查动词辨析。根据下文“a pany using this chemical mixture to make purple dye.”可推知,此处表示清洗器具的化学药品与实验中的药品混在一起产出了明亮的紫色。故选B。20.C考查名词辨析。根据上文“noticed something strange while doing an experiment.”可推知,这是一个新发现。故选C。.主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述的是一位名叫Kyle的教师,为了进一步了解学生的内心世界,发起了一项名为“我希望老师知道”的教学活动,并得到了班内学生和其他很多人的支持。21.C细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Kyle felt that there was something she didnt know about her students.She thought up a lesson plan calledI Wish My Teacher Knew.”可知, Kyle感觉学生的有些事情她不了解,所以她想出了一个名叫“我希望老师知道”的教学活动。故判断,Kyle启动这个活动,是为了更好地了解学生。故选C。22.A细节理解题。根据第二段中的“For the activity, Kyles students wrote down a thought for their teacher and shared something theyd like her to know about.”可知,在活动中,学生写下他们的想法并且分享他们希望让老师知道的事情。故推断学生们需要在活动中写下他们的愿望。故选A。23.C推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的“Kyles story won the hearts of many people.”可知许多人在支持Kyle老师的方法。故选C。24.A句意理解题。根据文章最后对这件事情的评价“If every person did one nice thing for someone, no matter how small, the world would be a better place.”(如果每个人都为别人做一件好事,哪怕事情多么小,这个世界将会更加美好)可判断,作者认为Kyle老师做了一件非常有意义、有价值的事情,结合短语“take off hat(摘下帽子)”,可推断画线句子的意思为“我向这位老师致敬”。故选A。25.C归纳总结题。通读全文可知,Kyle为了深入了解学生,创造性地想出来切实可行的办法,说明她是一位有责任心的老师。故选C。.26.understand27.are pleased with28.Womens29.nodded30.Because of31.have accepted32.to cheer up33.really34pared with35.relaxing.主旨大意 xx年世界杯在俄罗斯开赛。和奥运会不同的是,世界杯是场单项体育赛事,但它仍吸引了全球数百万的电视观众。世界杯的真正精神一直都是将人们团结在一起。36.waiting37.Unlike38.attract39.language40.cheering41.about42.chance43.against44.performs45.brings


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