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人教版新课标必修1必修5课文复习主要句型知识详解book1 unit11.it was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.这是我一年半以来第一次观察夜晚It is/was the first time(that).这是一个固定句式,it可换成this或that; first可换成second, third等,以表达不同的意义。This is the fourth time shes rung you in a week.这是她一周内第四次给你打电话。It was the second time that he had been out with her alone.这是他第二次单独跟她外出。It will be the second time that I have got the prize.那将是我第二次获得该奖。提示:(1)It is the first time that.后接现在完成时;It was the first time that.后接过去完成时;It will be the first time that.后接现在完成时。(2)the first time可起从属连词作用,引导时间状语从句。The first time I saw her, my heart stopped.我第一次见到她时,心脏都停止了跳动。(3)for the first time意为“第一次”,单独用做状语。He was cheated for the first time.他第一次被骗了。即境活用Have you ever been here before?No. This is the first time that I _(come) to the Great Wall.解析:This is the first time that.之后的从句需要用现在完成时态。答案:have been2.tell him/her that he/she should have studied.告诉他/她本该学习should have done结构表示过去应该做某事而事实上没有做;而shouldnt have done则表示过去本不该做某事而实际上却做了,两者皆含有“责备”的口吻。You should have finished your homework yesterday.你昨天就该做完作业。You shouldnt have told him about it.你本来不应该告诉他这件事情。拓展:其他“情态动词havedone”结构:(1)must have done对过去发生的事情的肯定推测。“一定”。(2)cant/couldnt have done对过去发生的事情的否定推测。“不可能”。(3)neednt have done过去没有必要做却做了。“本来没必要做”。(4)ought (not) to have doneshould (not) have done(5)might/may have done过去可能做了某事(可能性小)。“可能做了”。(6)could have done过去本可能做而未做。“本来能做”。(7)would have done愿意做某事却不能做。“本来想要做”。即境活用Oh, Im not feeling well in the stomach. I _(eat)so much fried chicken just now.解析:由just now可知,本题谈论过去之事。谈论过去之事,在should或must之后接不定式的完成式。must表示推测只用于肯定句中,shouldnt have done表说话之前不应该做某事,但事实上却做了,含有责备的口气。答案: shouldnt have eaten3. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.你在遛狗的时候不小心让狗松脱了,接着它被一辆小车撞着了。While walking the dogWhile you were walking the dog,这是状语从句的省略。在when, while, if, as if, though, as, where, unless等连词(词组)引导的状语从句中,如果谓语动词有be,而主语又跟主句的主语相同或为it时,则从句的主语和be常常省略。When (I was) in Japan, I took many beautiful pictures.在日本时,我拍了许多漂亮的照片。While (I was) waiting, I read newspapers.我边等待,边看报纸。If (it were) not for you, we would not go there.要不是为你,我们就不会去那儿了。He looks as if (he were) drunk.他看上去像喝醉了。She went on working though (she was) exhausted.尽管她精疲力竭,但仍继续工作。Fill in the blanks with the given words; change the form where (it is) necessary.用所给词填空,必要的地方改变形式。I wont go unless (Im) invited.除非被邀请,否则我不会去。即境活用When first _(introduce) to the market, these products enjoyed great success.解析:将从句补全应为When these products were first introduced to the market,主从句主语一致且从句中有be,可以省略主语和be。答案:introduced 4Mother asked her if/whether she was very hot with so many clothes on.妈妈问她穿这么多衣服是不是很热。“withn.形容词/副词/介词短语/分词/动词不定式”这种结构在句中经常做状语,表示原因、方式或伴随状态。如果分词的动作与前面的名词是主动关系,用现在分词;如果是被动关系,则用过去分词;如果表示一个未来的动作就用不定式。He lay on his back, with his eyes looking up into the sky. 他躺着,眼瞅着天空。With his homework done, he went out to play.完成作业,他就出去玩了。With the guide to lead us, well have no difficulty finding his house.有导游带路,我们将不费力地找到他家。He came in, with a book in his hand.他手里拿着一本书走了进来。He is used to sleeping with the windows open.他已经习惯了开着窗户睡觉。He often sleeps with the light on.他经常开着灯睡觉。即境活用With five minutes _ before the last bus left, we arrived at the station.解析:本题考查with的复合结构,即“with宾语宾语补足语”。本题用不定式做宾补表示将来的动作。句意:在最后一班公交车离开的前五分钟,我们到了车站。答案: to goBook1 Unit21Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English. 以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所说的英语不尽相同,也可以相互交流。句中 even if 相当于 even though, 意为“即使;尽管”,引导让步状语从句。even if/though 引导的从句中可用现在时代替将来时。Even if you dont like flowers, you shouldnt miss the flower exhibition.即使你不喜欢花,这次花展你也不应错过。We have decided to visit the museum even if it rains tomorrow.我们决定明天去参观博物馆,即使下雨。拓展:(1)引导让步状语从句的引导词还有 although, though, no matter when/what., whenever, wherever, however 等等。(2)as也可以引导让步状语从句,但要把其表语、谓语或宾语前置,且前置的单数名词不可以加冠词。Even though you achieve great success in your work, you should not be conceited.即使你们在工作中取得了巨大的成绩,也不应该自满。Whatever you do, do it well.不管你做什么,把它做好。However hot it is, he wont take off his hat.不管多热,他都不摘下帽子。Girl as she is, she can go alone in the darkness.尽管她是个女孩,她敢一个人走夜路。即境活用 Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, _they knew it to be valuable.解析:even thougheven if “即使”,引导让步状语从句。答案: even though2Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English. 信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语。(1)believe it or not 信不信由你。常在句中做插入语。(2)no such thing 没有这样的事情。such与 all, no, some, any, few, little, many, much, several, one 等词连用时,应位于它们的后面。Believe it or not, he refused to accept our offer.信不信由你,他拒绝接受我们的帮助。There is no such street in the city.这城市没有那样的街道。He said he didnt have time or made some such excuse.他说他没有时间或别的诸如此类的借口。即境活用 Im amazed to hear from my school teacher again. _, it is ten years since we met last.AIn a word BWhats more CThats to say DBelieve it or not解析:句意:想不到又一次收到学校老师的来信,信不信由你,我们上次见面还是在十年前。in a word总之;whats more而且;thats to say也就是说;believe it or not信不信由你。答案:D3. with的复合结构应用(1)Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.Sorry. With so much work _ (fill)my mind, I almost break down.解析:with复合结构中,work和fill是主动关系,且表示正在进行,因此其后要用doing结构。 答案: filling(2)John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _(finish), he gladly accepted it.解析:根据work和finish是被动关系,可以判断出答案。 答案: finished(3)_ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.解析:根据句意,此处应采用“with宾语不定式”。答案:with(4)It was cold outside, the boy ran into the room _ his nose red.解析:这个句子考查with的复合结构的用法,用“with名词形容词”做状语表示伴随情况。而to、on、in作为介词则没有这种用法.句意是:外面天气很冷,那个男孩跑进了屋子时,鼻子红红的。答案:withB1U31Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.从高中起,我姐姐王薇和我就一直梦想作一次伟大的自行车旅行。2It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. 首先想到要沿湄公河从源头到终点骑车旅行的是我的姐姐。3When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience.当我告诉她那里空气稀薄,呼吸困难而且天气很冷时,她却说这将是一次有趣的经历。4Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.她一旦下定决心,什么也不能使她改变。5A determined person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is.有决心的人总是努力完成工作的,而不管它有多难。1Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. 从高中起,我姐姐王薇和我就一直梦想作一次伟大的自行车旅行。ever since “从那以后”,句子要与现在完成时或现在完成进行时连用,类似的时间状语还有 so far, up till now, by now, recently, lately, since last month, in/for the past一段时间,since.ago等。He came to England three years ago and has lived here ever since.他三年前来到英国,从那以后便一直住在这里。I havent seen her since ten years ago.自十年前至今,我没见过她。We have completed half of the work so far.到目前为止,我们完成了一半的工作。He hasnt written to me recently.他最近没给我写信。The couple have been working very hard for/in the past (last) ten years.在最近的十年里这对夫妇一直努力工作。拓展:It is/was/has been时间段since.自从已经多久了。It will be/was时间段before.再有多长时间才在 “It is/was时间段since.”句型中,若 since从句中的动词为延续性动词,句子意思要发生变化。It is three years since he joined the army. 他参军3年了。It is three years since he smoked.他戒烟3年了(不吸烟)。即境活用How long do you suppose it is _ he arrived there?解析:考查 “It is一段时间since.”,表示“自从到现在多长时间”。答案:since2When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience.当我告诉她那里空气稀薄,呼吸困难而且天气很冷时,她却说这将是一次有趣的经历。beadj.to do在“主语系动词形容词不定式”结构中,不定式与主语在意义上是动宾关系,但要用主动形式表被动意义;如果不定式的动词是不及物的,要在不定式后边加介词。用于这种句式中的形容词常为:easy, difficult, heavy, hard, nice, bitter, dangerous, interesting, important, comfortable, pleasant, impossible 等。The question is easy to answer.这问题容易回答。That book is difficult to understand.那本书难懂。The water in that river is not fit to drink.那条河中的水不宜饮用。Harry Potter is pleasant to read.哈利波特读起来让人感到愉快。He is easy to get along with.他很容易相处。拓展:此句式还可以拓展为 “find/feel/think/believe宾语adj.to do”。例如:I find English tongue twisters pleasant to learn.我觉得英语绕口令学起来很有意思。即境活用(1) I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good _(breathe).解析:考查 beadj.to do结构。答案: to breathe(2)They found the lecture hard _(understand); they all felt sleepy.解析:考查 “find宾语adj.to do”结构。答案:to understand3Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变。“once状语从句”意为“一旦就”。在 once引导的状语从句中常用一般现在时代替将来时。Once you remember it, youll never forget it.一旦你记住它,你就永远不会忘记它。Once you have promised, you must do it.一旦你许下诺言,你就必须履行。拓展:once 用做副词,可表示:(1)(for) one time 一次I have only been here once. 我只来过这儿一次。(2)at some time in the past 一度,曾经He once lived in Zambia. 他曾经(一度)住在赞比亚。(3)all at oncesuddenly 突然All at once the door opened. 突然门开了。即境活用 You will be successful in the interview _ you have confidence.解析:考查 once引导带有时间意味的条件状语从句,意为“一旦就”。答案:once4A determined person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is.一个意志坚定的人总是努力完成工作,不管它多么困难。no matter ,作“不管”“无论”解,同 what/who/when/where/how 等疑问词连用,引导让步状语从句。No matter what he says, I wont believe him.不管他说什么,我都不会相信他。No matter when you come, you are welcome.无论你什么时候来都受欢迎。No matter whose bag this is, it must be kept here for the present. 不管这是谁的包,暂时必须放在这里。No matter who knocks, dont open the door.不管谁敲门,都不要开门。提示(1)no matter what/who/when/可以换成 whatever/whoever/whenever/however/wherever 引导让步状语从句。(2)whatever, whichever,whoever, whomever 还可以引导名词性从句。 Whoever breaks the law should be punished. 任何违犯了法律的人都应受到惩罚。(3)however 是副词,修饰形容词、副词主谓; whatever 是代词,修饰的是名词。如:However difficult it is, you must work it out.不管有多难,你都要解决这件事。Whatever difficulty there is, we must work together不管有什么样的困难我们都要团结合作。即境活用(1) _ well prepared you are, you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing.解析:考查 “howeveradj.主系动词”引导让步状语从句。答案:However(2) The lawyer seldom wears anything other than a suit _ the season.解析:whatever 引导让步状语从句,意为“不管什么”。该句后半部分的完整形式应该是 whatever the season is。答案:whateverB1U4重点句型1It seemed as if the world was at an end!世界似乎到了末日!2In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat. 在农家院子里,鸡和猪都烦躁不安,以致不吃食。3It seemed as if the world was at an end! 世界似乎到了末日!4All hope was not lost. 不是所有的希望都破灭了。1It seemed as if the world was at an end!世界似乎到了末日!It seems (to sb.) that. (对某人来说)似乎Sb. seems to do/to be doing/to have done.It seems as if/though. “似乎(好像)”,可接虚拟语气。seem(to be)n./adj. 似乎是There seems to be. 好像有It seems so. (So it seems.) 似乎是那样。It seemed that he had known the truth.He seemed to have known the truth.他好像知道了真相。His father seems (to be) strict.他父亲似乎很严厉。There seemed to be a voice in the distance.似乎远处有人说话。It always seemed as though everything in my childhood had just happened.我童年的一切仿佛刚刚发生一样。辨析:seem/look/appear(1)seem 暗含有一定的根据,往往是接近实际的判断,后可接介词、形容词、不定式或从句。(2)look 着重由视觉而得出的印象,可与 like连用,但不能与不定式连用。可接 as if从句,不接 that从句。(3)appear 强调外表给人的印象,而且事实往往并非如此。可接 that从句,不接 as if从句。2In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat. 在农家院子里,鸡和猪都烦躁不安,以致不吃食。too.to. 句型表示“太以至于不能(表否定)”,可转化为 not.enough to.和 so.that.。The child is too young to dress himself.The child is not old enough to dress himself.The child is so young that he cant dress himself.这孩子太小,不能够自己穿衣。提示:(1)当 too后接 easy, ready, happy, willing, eager 或 anxious时,to 后的动词表示肯定。例如:The book is too easy to understand.这本书太容易理解了。He was too anxious to leave.他急于离开。(2)too.not to. 句式表示肯定意思。例如:He is too careful not to have noticed it.他那么细心,不会不注意到这一点的。(3)too.to.中 too前面用了否定词(如 never)时,表示肯定。例如:It is never too late to mend.改过不嫌晚。(4)only too.to.表示肯定,其中 too后的形容词多数是表示某种心情的,如 glad, pleased, willing, thankful, delighted, determined 等,也有描绘性的形容词,如 good, kind, true等。例如:The girl is only too kind to help us.这姑娘非常乐于帮助我们。即境活用Jim is a kind boy. He is _willing to help his classmates.解析:tooglad/pleased/willing.to.表示肯定意义。如用A项应改为 so.as to才对。答案:too3All hope was not lost.不是所有的希望都破灭了。此句为部分否定。all, both, each, every, everybody, everything, complete, completely, always, all the time, whole, wholly, entirely, altogether 等代词、形容词和副词与否定词 not连用,构成部分否定,表示“不都、并非都”的意思。All that glitters is not gold.发光的并不一定都是金子。Both of the brothers dont like the film.兄弟俩不都喜欢这部电影。Not everything went well with him.他并非每件事情都顺利。Not all of the rich are happy.不是所有有钱人都幸福。The rich are not always happy.有钱人并非总是幸福。You cant fool all the people all the time.你未必总是能愚弄所有的人。拓展:全部否定用:no one, none, neither, nobody, nothing,以及 not.any/either来表示。None of them are right. 他们都不对。Neither of us will go. 我们俩都不去。Nobody can win me. 没人能赢我。即境活用(1)The exam wasnt difficult at all, was it?No, but I dont believe _could pass it.解析:not与 everybody 连用表示部分否定。答案:everybody(2)Which of the two computer games did you prefer?Actually I didnt like _.解析:not. eitherneither 表示全部否定。答案:either of themB1U5重点句型1The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.过去30年来所出现的大量法律剥夺了我们的权利,阻挡了我们的进步,一直到今天,我们还处在几乎什么权利都没有的阶段。2.only then did we decide to answer violence with violence. 直到那时我们才决定以暴还暴。3I felt bad the first time I talked to a group. 第一次给旅行团作讲解时,我的心情很不好。1.only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.只有到那时我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。only 修饰的时间、条件和方式状语,为了强调而提到句首时,句子要用部分倒装形式,把原句中的情态动词、系动词或助动词提到主语前面。only 如修饰从句而提到句首,主句要部分倒装。Only at that time did he realize that he had made a mistake.直到那时他才意识到自己犯的错误。Only by practising a few hours every day will you be able to master English.只有通过每天练习几个小时你才能掌握英语。Only with all your time and energy can you do the job well.只有用上你全部的时间和精力你才能把这项工作做好。Only when I came back was I informed of the news.直到我回来,我才被通知这个消息。Only if I get a job will I have enough money to go to college.我只有找到了工作才有足够的钱上大学。提示:(1)在部分倒装句中,如果谓语部分无助动词,则须找助动词来“帮助”它构成倒装句。如:Only after the war learned he the sad news.Only after the war did he learn the sad news.(2)only 修饰状语从句时,从句不可倒装。如:Only when did he return did we find out the truth.Only when he returned did we find out the truth.(3)only修饰主语时,句子不可倒装。如:Only can he answer the question.Only he can answer the question.即境活用 Only _you eat the correct food _ (you)be able to keep fit and stay healthy.解析:“onlyif从句”放于句首,主句用部分倒装。答案: if; will you2I felt bad the first time I talked to a group. 第一次给旅行团作讲解时,我的感觉很不好。the first time 相当于连词,引导一个状语从句,意为“第一次”。这类特殊短语还有:(1)each time, every time, next time, last time, any time 等也可以做连词用,表示“无论何时”“每当”“每次”等,引导一个时间状语从句。Every time we come to Beijing, we go to visit the Forbidden City. 每次我们去北京,我们都去参观故宫。I didnt have any penny last time I saw you.上次我看见你时,我身无分文。(2)immediately, directly, instantly 可活用为连词,引导时间状语从句,表示“一就”,相当于 as soon as。The young man rushed out of the hall immediately he heard the sound.那个年轻人一听到声响就冲出了大厅。(3)the moment, the minute, the second, the instant 等名词短语也可用做连词,也相当于 as soon as,表示“一就”。The moment Professor Wang appeared on the platform, the audience all stood up and clapped warmly.王教授一出现在讲台上,听众就站起来热烈鼓掌。(4)the morning/afternoon/evening, the night, the day, the week, the year, the spring/summer/autumn/winter 等一些表示时间段的名词短语也可以引导时间状语从句。The morning Mr Smith was walking along the lake, he met an old friend.那天早晨史密斯先生在湖边散步时遇到了一位老朋友。即境活用_(first, time)I toured Zhangjiajie, I was deeply impressed with its beautiful scenery.解析:the first time 用做连词,引导时间状语从句。答案:The first time拓展:名词短语或副词做连词,引导时间状语从句(1)Betty shows great interest in this poem now, but she thought it boring _ (first, time)she read it.答案:the first time解析:the first time“第一次时”,引导时间状语从句。(2)My sister came _ (direct)she got my short message.答案:directly解析:directlyas soon as“一就”,引导时间状语从句。(3)He left Europe _(year) World War broke out.答案:the year解析:the year“在这一年”,引导时间状语从句。Book2 unit1重点句型1Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世永远想象不到,他赠给俄罗斯人民的最厚重的礼物会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。2There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train. 毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车3After that, what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery. 从那以后,琥珀屋的最终所归便成了一个谜。1Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. 普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世永远想象不到他赠给俄罗斯人民的最厚重的礼物会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。本句中 could never have imagined为情态动词表推测的用法,can和 could可以用在否定句和疑问句中,后接完成式,表示对已发生的事情的惊讶、怀疑、猜测或不相信等;或接进行时,表示对正发生的事情的惊讶、怀疑、猜测或不相信等;或接原形,表示对现在或一般情况的否定推测。Could/Can he have been told the news?他被告知这个消息了吗?He knew little about Japanese, so he couldnt have learned it. 他对日语一无所知,因此他不可能学过。The light is out. They cant be at home.灯灭着,他们现在不可能在家。拓展:(1)can/could主要用于否定推测;must 表推测只用于肯定句;mustnt表示“禁止;不允许”。情态动词 can和 must表推测时,其反意疑问句的动词形式要依据主句中有无具体时间状语而定。(2)could have done用于肯定句,则表示“本来能够做到却没有做到”,此时 could不能换成 can。It seems that he is unhappy. He must have been told the bad news.看起来他不高兴,他一定已被告知这个坏消息了。He could have caught the early bus, but his bike broke down on the way.他本能够赶上那辆早班车,但是他的自行车在路上坏了。即境活用(1)I _have been more than six years old when the accident happened.解析:本题考查情态动词的用法。must表推测只能用于肯定句,否定句用 cant/couldnt 代替。shouldnt have done表示“本来不该而实际上却做了”,neednt have done表示“本来不必而实际上却做了”,均不合题意。本句译为:当事故发生时我不可能超过6岁。答案: couldnt(2)He paid for a seat, when he _ have entered free.解析:本题考查情态动词 could have done 表示本来能办到的事,而没有做成。本句译为:他本可以免费进入,却买了票。答案:could2After that, what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery. 从那以后,琥珀屋的最终所归便成了一个谜。remain a mystery为系表结构,在该结构中,remain为系动词,意为“(继续)保持,仍然处于(某种状态)”,后接名词、形容词、分词、介词短语等做表语。Where he has gone remains a mystery.他去哪里了仍然是个谜。Shops remain open till late in the evening.商店营业到晚上很晚。Much work remains undone. 还有大量的工作未做。They remained listening. 他们一直在听。The patient remained in danger. 病人仍处在危险中。That remains to be seen. 那还有待观察。Since its been a secret so long, it had better remain so.既然它已是长时间的秘密,还是继续保密为好。拓展:(1)remain还可用做不及物动词,意为“剩下,还有;(继续)待在某处,继续存在,留下”。Little of the original architecture remains.原来的建筑现在留存的已经很少了。Ill remain to see the end of the game.我将留下看比赛的结果。(2)辨析 remain/stay/keepremain继续保持或处于原来的状态。stay继续保持或处于原来的状态,与 remain同义,但后面不接 to do或 to be done,多接形容词等构成系表结构。keep需要设法才能保持或处于某种状态。即境活用 Please remain _(seat); the winner of the prize will be announced soon.解析:考查 remain后接分词做表语,seat vt.“使就坐”,用过去分词 seated做表语。答案:seatedB2U21I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago.我生活在你们所说的“古希腊”。我曾经写过很久以前奥林匹克运动会的情况。(1)what you call“Ancient Greece”是由 what引导的宾语从句,做介词 in的宾语,同时 what在宾语从句中做 call的间接宾语。what可以引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句及同位语从句等名词性从句,它的含义也比较广泛,可以指事、物、时间、地点、言语、情况等。The boss seems not satisfied with what we have done.老板似乎对我们所做的事不满意。We waited what seemed two hours.我们等了大约两个小时。Who invented what is called “wheel”?谁发明了叫做“轮子”的东西?(2)used to意为“过去常常”,后接动词原形,其否定和疑问形式,可以使用 used,也可以借助助动词 did。Your father used to drink a lot, didnt he/usednt he?你父亲曾喝酒很厉害,对不对?He didnt use/usednt to drive to work.他过去不曾开车上班。拓展:used to do 表示过去经常做某事,也可以表示过去的状态。be used to doing 意为“习惯于”,be 也可换成 get或 become。be used to do 意为“被用于做”,是被动语态。It used to be a very quiet town.它过去曾是个非常安静的城镇。The man got used to living in the countryside.那个男人已习惯于住在农村。Wood can be used to make paper.木头可用于造纸。used to 表示过去持续的状态或情况,客观地陈述过去的规则行为,现在已不存在此动作,不与表一段时间的状语连用;would表过去不大规则的行为动作,现在可能仍存在,常与


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