四年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 25(3)教案 冀教版

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四年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 25(3)教案 冀教版一、教学目标:能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词pink orange purple white brown black green we our their they 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语My favourite colour is 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 I like . We like .二、教学重、难点:能听懂、会说、会读和会写本课四会单词和句型.三、教学难点:能正确听、说、读、写单词pink orange purple white brown black green we our their they能正确听、说、读、写句型I like 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语My favourite colour is . We like .四、教学过程:一、 Class opening and review Sing a song “Colour Piont” Review :pink orange purple white brown black green 二、New concept1、 T:Whats this? S:Its a pen. T:Good!This is a pen. T:What colour is it? S:Its black.T:Very good!This is a black pen.Follow say it.C:This is a black pen.S:Whats this?(书)S:This is a book.S:What colour is it?S:Its yellow.C:This is a yellow book.T:Ok.What are these?S:These are purple grapes.T:You are a good boy . Lets say it.C:These are purple grapes.2、Game规则:两名同学在教室内快速找出不同颜色的东西,用 This is 表达,用时短的为赢. These are .3、出示课件.抢答颜色单词.T:I like pink. What your favour colour?S:I like red.T:Good.4、连锁练习T:I like pink. Whats your favourite colour?S1:I like red. Whats your favourite colour?S2:I like black. Whats your favourite colour?S3:I like green. Whats your favourite colour?S4:I like orange. Whats your favourite colour?S5:5、(教具:手偶)T:I like pink. Whats your favourite colour,Danny?Danny:I like pink,too.T:We like the same colour. Our favourite colour is pink.Follow say it.C:We like the same colour. Our favourite colour is pink.We like the same colour. Our favourite colour is pink.Danny:I like pink and yellow. What your favourite colour,Jenny?Jenny :I like red and yellow.T:They like a different colour. Their favourite colour is yellow. 6出示课件,认读新词.7、听录音跟读.8、学生自编对话表演.三、Class closing Draw a picture :draw your favourite clothes.板书设计:Lesson 25: My favourite coloursThis is . I like .These are . We like .What is your favourite colour? My/Our favourite colour is .课堂练习:1 请把下面的汉语的正确翻译填写在横线上 (粉色)的eraser (橘红色)的 orange (紫色)的grapes (棕色)的monkey (白色)的 cat (黑色)的pen (绿色)的tree (红色)的apple 2.根据问句请选择正确的答句 (1) What is your favourite colour? ( ) A : I like blue . B: We like apples . C: I like a shirt . 3. 请将正确的答案填写在横线上 a. I like purple . favourite colour is purple . b. We like red . favourite colour is red .课后反思: 课堂教学资源:在这节课中,向学生简单的介绍一下代词和它们相对应的物主代词。 列表如下: I my you yourhe hisshe herwe ourthey their附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 26(1)教案 冀教版教学设计思路: 本着教师在课堂中的角色要从对学生的教导改为对学生的引导的转变,以及学生从单纯的模仿和机械操练向多途径多渠道的学习的转变的思想,本课设计了各个活动,从而让更多的学生参与;使学生在英语课堂中不仅动口,而且动手动脑,使英语学习过程成为一个充满了智慧的思索过程和充满乐趣的操作运用过程。 Teaching Topic: Lesson26 My Favourite ClothesTeaching Aim:1. Knowledge:巩固、复习上一课所学人称代词we, they, 物主代词our, their.使学生能够正确表达对衣服的喜爱。使学生能正确地听、说、读、写、用but.2. Skill:培养学生用英语交流,用英语做事的能力。通过让学生听录音、勾答案这一步骤,培养学生静听的习惯和在听的过程中抓住关键词分析信息的能力。Feelings:通过chain game 和 have a match等活动,培养学生团结协作的精神和合作竞争的意识。Important and difficult points:使学生正确表达对衣服的喜爱。Teaching tools:光盘 (第二册、第四册各一张)提前为学生每人准备一张表格。ClothesnameskirtsshortssocksDannyJennyKimStevenLearning Tools: paper, markersTeaching proceduresStep 1. Warming up1. T: hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.Ss: Hello, Miss Zhang .Nice to meet you, too.2. T: Lets sing a song about our clothes. Ok?(T plays the disc of Book2, the teacher and the students sing the song together.)设计意图:一节成功的课是以师生之间愉快的心理体验为基础的,以欢快的歌曲开始英语课的学习,既复习了有关服装的单词,为本课的学习做了铺垫,同时,师生的共同演唱,又拉近了彼此之间的距离。Step 2. Presentation.1. T: (point to the sweater) whats this?Ss: sweaterT: Yes, I like sweater, sweater is my favourite clothes. Do you like sweater?S1 S2 answer: Yes, I like sweater, too. (No, I dont kike sweater.)T: Whats your favourite clothes?S3 S4 answer: My favourite clothes is-. T: Now, please draw your favourite clothes and then we talk about it, OK?设计意图:以个别问答的形式进行语言的操练,有利于教师发现学生在知识掌握上存在的不足,并且及时修正,目前,英语课堂提倡寓教于乐。讲授新知识之前,先让学生画画,调动学生的多种感官参与到学生中来,可以最大限度地激发学生的学习兴趣。T: Look, this is a sweater. I like sweater. Sweater is my favourite clothes. (T repeats it twice.)T: Who want to show us your picture, and tell us your favourite clothes? practice in pairs 通过学生画的服装, 教师选两个和自己一样喜爱sweater 的同学,展示他们练习的结果.T适时地补充:I like sweater, too. Were the same. (板书并领读 )T再选两个喜爱其他服装的学生,展示他们的练习结果。T适时补充:You like-, but I like sweater. (板书并领读)T shows several different clothes, say: I like -S1-4: I like-, too. Were the same. / You like -, but I like-设计意图:十岁左右的孩子的表现欲是很强的,学生利用自己画的画进行句型操练,不仅可以激发孩子的表现欲,有效的调动学生参与活动的积极性,将学习由被动变为主动,而且增强了孩子们学习英语的自信心。教师在活动中不仅仅是活动的指挥者,而且是活动的观察者。通过观察了解学生对所学句型的掌握情况,适时的导入新句型,教师通过创设交流的情景和交流活动,培养学生用英语交流的能力。3. T: Now, lets play a chain game.游戏说明:此游戏以小组为单位,一个接一个地表达自己对衣服的喜爱,直到最后一个,速度最快的为获胜组。Eg: S1 to S2: I like skirt. S2: I like skirt too. Were the same.(Or: You like skirt, but I like -)S2 to S3: I like -. (自己喜爱的衣服)S3: I like -, too. Were the same.(Or: You like -, but I like-)S3 to S4:-.设计意图:将所学句型放在游戏、竞赛中加以巩固复习,避免了由于机械的重复而带来的枯燥和乏味,使学生饶有兴趣地练熟了所有的句型,从而避免了学生用语法规则指导说话的死记硬背的弊病。4. T :( asks a girl) Do you like shorts? S1: No, I dont like shorts. T: I dont like shorts, either. ( 出示单词卡片either, read the word after the teacher. Then read “ I dont like shorts, I dont like shorts, either.” after the teacher.) T: Do you like skirt? S2: Yes, I like skirt. T: I like skirt, too. ( 出示单词卡片 too,并领读,之后领读句子I like skirt, I like skirt, too.) T: Please practice the sentences in pairs5.T: Lets sing a song find a friend,you, please try to find your friends who like the same clothes as you.(T walks to the skirts group.)T: I like skirts .You like skirt We like skirts. Our favourite clothes are skirts.(Practice the sentences group by group.)T: He likes shorts .He likes shorts.They like shorts. Their favourite clothes are shorts.(Practice it group by group.)设计意图:在学习了部分知识之后,让学生利用自己画的服装找朋友,既使学生放松了身心,又有效地调动了学生参与活动的积极性,教师成为了活动的参与者,学生成为了活动的主体。6.Using the chart, tick the correct answer according to the disc.T: Take out this piece of paper. Listen and watch. Try to tick out their favourite clothes.设计意图:教师通过给学生布置任务,促使学生在带着强烈的内驱力去完成任务的同时,更在不知不觉中学会了英语,由此我们说,英语不仅仅是一门知识,更是一种完成任务的工具和技能。7.Listen .watch and read.Step 3. Homework: plete the Activity Book of Lesson 26.Writing Design: Lesson 26 My Favourite Clothes.I like sweater, too .We are the same.You like pants, but I like sweater.


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