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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她北京语言大学22春“英语”综合英语()离线作业(一)辅导答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning grey.A.whichB.ifC.forD.that参考答案:D2.What worried me most was _ to go abroad alone.A.my not allowingB.having not allowedC.my being not allowedD.my not being allowed参考答案:D3.He has resigned and will _ charge of his office today.A.hand outB.hand overC.hand downD.hand on参考答案:B4.The more depressed he got, the more he turned _ drink.A.onB.toC.atD.in参考答案:B5.These are two _, but people often take them as one.A.ruinB.nestC.issuesD.castle参考答案:C6.Lack of money means that the _ of free clinics must be reduced.A.amountB.numberC.degreeD.quantity参考答案:B7.The _ work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy.A.researchB.rescueC.vesselD.vast参考答案:B8.Upon graduation he asked to be sent to _.A.where he is most neededB.where he neededC.where he is mostly neededD.where is he mostly needed参考答案:A9.Jack wishes that he _ business instead of history when he was in university.A.had studiedB.studyC.studiedD.had been studying参考答案:A10.He looks sleepy. He must _ to bed very late last night.A.beB.have goneC.be goingD.go参考答案:B11.There was a big hole in the road which _ the traffic.A.set backB.held upC.stood backD.kept down参考答案:B12.Half the people didnt _ until nine oclock.A.show overB.show offC.show upD.show in参考答案:C13.I tried to ring Mr. Brown but his number was _.A.connectedB.usedC.employedD.engaged参考答案:D14.I think I was at school, _ I was staying with friends during the vacation when I heard the news.A.or elseB.and thenC.or soD.even so参考答案:A15.In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help.A.thatB.whoC.from whomD.to whom参考答案:D16.The president promised to keep all the board members _ of how the negotiations were going on.A.informedB.informC.be informedD.informing参考答案:A17.Our hopes _ and fell in the same instant.A.aroseB.raisedC.roseD.aroused参考答案:C18.They stayed up trying to _ out a way to solve the problem.A.letB.knockC.giveD.figure参考答案:D19.-May I leave the office before 5 oclock in the afternoon? -No, Im afraid you _.A.needntB.shouldntC.mustntD.wont参考答案:C20.This scandal happened in _ 1980s.A.aB.theC.oneD./参考答案:B21.Mr.Bush is on time for everything. How _ it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?A.canB.shouldC.mayD.must参考答案:A22.You cant drive a car unless you hold a driving _.A.permissionB.ticketC.passD.license参考答案:D23.The news of the presidents death _ the world.A.broadcastB.astonishedC.disappointedD.elaborated参考答案:B24.I had _ good lunch yesterday with one of my old friends.A.aB.myC.theD./参考答案:A25.The British constitution is _ a large extent a product of the historical events described above.A.withinB.toC.byD.at参考答案:B26.The reason _ Im writing to you is to tell you about a party on Saturday.A.becauseB.whyC.forD.as参考答案:B27.Come and sit here _ me.A.besidesB.closeC.toD.beside参考答案:D28.Politics _ now taught in all schools.A.isB.areC.beD.being参考答案:A29.In recent years much more emphasis has been put _ developing the students productive skills.A.overB.ontoC.inD.on参考答案:D30.He told us his story in a _ voice.A.trembledB.trembleC.tremblingD.to tremble参考答案:C31.It is three years _ the war broke out.A.sinceB.beforeC.untilD.after参考答案:A32.The program was tailored _ the needs of young children.A.toB.ofC.atD.in参考答案:A33.Her house is within _ from the police station.A.a stones throwB.a stone throwC.stones throwD.the stones throw参考答案:A34.Your _ is the total number of words you know in a particular language.A.consonantsB.vocabularyC.stressD.term参考答案:B35.The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, _ all practical value by the time they were finished.A.had lostB.would loseC.would have lostD.should have lost参考答案:C36.Whats the price of that _ of potatoes?A.begB.pigC.pintD.sack参考答案:D37.There are a lot of fishes _ the surface of the water.A.onB.atC.underD.below参考答案:D38.Before the operation, the doctor _ the nurse to be careful.A.keptB.demandedC.requiredD.said参考答案:C39.Sixty percent of the work _?A.have been doneB.had been doneC.has been doneD.has done参考答案:C40.He was in poor health, so the doctor _ him to drink wine.A.hopedB.demandedC.forbadeD.prevented参考答案:C41.His parents wouldnt let him marry anyone _ family was poor .A.of whomB.whomC.of whoseD.whose参考答案:D42._ your family _, you wont have to worry about them any more.A.As far as.is concernedB.As far as.was concernedC.As far as.are concernedD.As far as.were concerned参考答案:A43.He is a man _ we can learn very much.A.of whomB.thatC.of whoD.from whom参考答案:D44.On New Years Eve, New York City holds an outdoor _ which attracts a crowd of a million or more people.A.incidentB.eventC.caseD.affair参考答案:B45.Purchasing the new production line will be a _ deal for the company.A.profitableB.tremendousC.forcefulD.favorite参考答案:A46.According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longest life _: 77.2 years.A.scopeB.rankC.spanD.scale参考答案:C47.Smoking and drinking are regarded as _ in some countries because they do no good to health.A.vicesB.habitsC.customsD.copies参考答案:A48._ of gift-giving, barter, buying, and selling goes on among the Navajos.A.A great dealB.A great manyC.Much greaterD.Many参考答案:A49.She wrote a letter _ black ink.A.atB.inC.withD.by参考答案:B50.The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _ his arguments in favour of the new theory.A.to be based onB.to base onC.which to base onD.on which to base参考答案:D


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