2022年高中英语《Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges》 第1课时导学案 新人教版必修4

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2022年高中英语《Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges》 第1课时导学案 新人教版必修4_第1页
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2022年高中英语Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges 第1课时导学案 新人教版必修4 层次: 教师评价: 学科组长评价: 检查时间: 月 日一、 学习目标:1. 当堂阅读49页课文,掌握文中基础知识,重点培养快速阅读,整体理解的能力。2.积累有关旅行的词汇、短语和有用表达。二、 预习重点:1. 掌握新词汇及短语。2. 了解文章的基本内容。三、预习难点:提高学生快速阅读能力,长难句分析。探究案:检查内容完成情况导学案优( ) 良( ) 差( )未做 ( )教材助读: 必修4 Module 5: Cultural corner (教材49页)Cultural Corner 教学流程一.快速阅读课文,回答下面问题。.1. Whats the main idea of the passage?_ _ 2. In which country is Mr. McCorquodale from ? 3、How many of Mr. McCorquodales favourite places are mentioned in the passage? What are they?_二、细读课文,完成下列正误判断题(T or F)。1、Mr McCorquodale has been to every country in the world. ( )2、The latest place Mr McCorquodale has visited is the Malvinas islands.( )3、If he has been in a place for more than 24 hours, Mr McCorquodale sends himself a postcard. ( )三、完成第54期英语周报第二版Reading Tasks 中的B表格。四 再读一遍文章,翻译下列单词和短语,完成重、难句探究:1、短语:sb. sth. _ follow the rules _ 只要,只有_敲竹杠,欺诈_ 至少_ get a kick out of _2、单词:(1)大纲词汇: 贸易_别针_ 自然地_ (2)常用词汇: 风景,景色_ 蜡烛_ 手电筒_3、长难句分析:(1)Im allowed to stick one in only if Ive been in a place for more than 24 hours.翻译: 分析:这是一个_句 。主句是_,only if 引导一个_句。(2)This is one country in the world which is pletely different.翻译:_分析:这是一个_句,句子的主干是_,in the world 作_ 语,which 引导一个_句。(3)Wherever he goes, Mr McCorquodale takes with him a photo of his wife, a candle, a torch, a shirt with a secret pocket, and a pen for writing his postcards.翻译:_分析:这是一个_句,主干是_,wherever he goes 作_语,of his wife作_语,with a secret pocket 作_语,for writing his postcards 作_语。五、能力提升 :翻译句子1、 假期旅游越来越流行,因为人们能从中获得乐趣。(get a kick out of)2、在陌生的地方,你必须保护自己不被敲竹杠。(rip off )_3. 每天只有闹钟响了我才会醒来。(only if ) _2、假如你在某个地方旅行,请模仿cultural corner 里的主人公,为自己写一张明信片。_课后巩固:小聚集:Task 4必修四 5单元导学案参考答案第一课时:Introduction:预习案1、大纲词汇:cave, plain, shore, valley, wood, flat 大纲外常用词汇:peak, plateau, slope, surround, steep 短语:at the edge of 2、练习2::2、plain 3、shore 4、slope 5、cliffs 6、peak 7、lake 8、wood 9、cave 10、plateau 练习3:C C BCultural Corner: 一、1、Mr. McCorquodales travel and his postcards to himself. 2、UK. 3、Three. New Zealand, Italy and China.二、F T F三、1、view 2、pins 3、wonderful 4、smile 5、influence 6、candle 7、postcards 8、journey五、1、Travelling is more and more popular during vacations because people can get a kick out of it.2、You must protect yourself from being ripped off in a strange place.3、I wake up only if the alarm clock rings every day.第二课时预习案:Step 1: (1)Peter Hessler and his colleagues trip along the Three Gorges. (2)The Qutang Gorge, the Wu Gorge and the Xiling Gorge.Step 2:F T F F T T阅读表达:1、(1)They are very crowded. (2)They are mainly for goods and people trading along the river. (3)They dont stop at temples. (4)There wont be any other foreigners.2、They refer to the Wu Gorge and the Xiling Gorge.3、It tells us something about the construction site of the Three Gorges Dam.Step 3: 大纲词汇:货物,买卖,narrow, 多山的,distant,exploit 大纲外常用词汇:colleague,寺庙,downstream, raft, 迂路, legend, 甲板,dock 过渡词汇:护照,pagoda,poet 短语:at least,make a detour,be heavy with,point at,get on,get off探究案:Step II 1、翻译:当我们顺流而下穿过一片山区时,阳光正明亮地照耀着。分析:主从复合,The sun was shining brightly,时间状语,状语2、翻译:我们能看到太阳在白塔后西沉。分析:简单,We could see the sun,宾语补足语,地点状语3、翻译:每块岩石要么像人,要么像动物,每条汇入大河的溪流都带着传奇色彩,每座山都积淀着过去的历史。分析:并列复合,排比,主系表,主谓宾,定语4、翻译:远处的山上有一块高20英尺的标志牌。分析:简单,倒装,a sign in 20-foot characters was on a distant mountain,表语,强调Step III a holiday for Spring Festival a young American teacher of English and his colleagueby boat bamboo rafts and coal boats on the river narrow gorge, two-mile-high mountains Wushan, Daning river, some smaller gorges, Wu gorge Xiang River, rock, stream, hill, Xiling Gorge Step IV 1、The sun was rising slowly ad we walked along the river. 2、I saw several boys playing in the square on my way home. 3、In front of our school stands a 200-metre-high TV tower. 4、Our town is heavy with many beautiful legends.第三课时五、大纲词汇: forbid, forbade, forbidden, shore大纲外常用词汇: cruise, cabin, lounge过渡词汇:passport, obligation, prohibition, 菜肴常用短语: 敲竹杠,从中获得乐趣六、Everyday English: a, b, b, b, a探究案:1、教材45页练习1: B2、教材45页练习2: picture 1、2、3 and 63、听录音填空: 1、booking 2、cruise 3、cuisine 4、on-board 5、cabin 6、lectures 7、traditional 8、forbidden 9、allowed 10、lounge 11、passport 12、no problem 4、(1)B(2)A(3)D(4)A


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