七年级下册英语Unit 1教案

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YOUR LOGO原 创 文 档 请 勿 盗 版学校教师备课笔记年级七年级学科英语主备教师复备教师课题Can you play the guitar? Section A (1a 2c)课型新授课时1教材分析本部分重点是can的肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句及肯定回答与否定回答,特殊疑问句的构成。学情分析在以前的学习中,学生们已经学会了一些行为动词的表达法,而教学“谈论能力”只是将情态动词can用于这些表达中。在can的语法结构上,和学生们学过的be结构有相同的地方,在教学中要善于引导学生比较异同。教学目标1能够询问对方所具备的某种能力并能简略回答此类问题,如:Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 等。2能够表达自己或别人能做什么,不能做什么,如:I can sing and dance. She cant play chess. 等。3能够询问对方要参加什么俱乐部,并能回答此类问题,如:What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club.等。4能够询问对方第三者要参加什么俱乐部,并能回答此类问题,如:What club does Lisa want to join? She wants to join the 等。教学重点难点Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.What club does Lisa want to join? She wants to join the 教学方法运用课件,展示俱乐部名称,激活学生兴趣。课前准备教师相关课件学生单词预习教学活动过程设计(第 1 课时)教 学环 节教学活动设计意图(或复备建议)教师活动学生活动1课件展示图片,学习单词并引领学生自然地进入到I can do 句型中来,并轻松理解I can do 的基本含义。理解I can do 的基本含义。播放课件,迅速吸引学生的注意力2You know:Bob can play chess. (板书play chess) Bob can play the guitar. (板书play the guitar)Bob can swim. (板书swim)Bob can sing. (板书sing) Bob can dance. (板书dance) And I can dance, too. (教师伴随dance 的身体语言)What about you? Can you play the guitar? (板书单元标题:Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 板书句型:Can you ?)Can you draw? (板书draw)Can you speak English? (板书speak English)Can you dance? Can you sing?Can you swim? Can you play chess?What can you do?依次回答yes,I can/No,I cantI can draw通过教师与学生之间的自由对话,导入谈论能力话题及单元标题3I can speak English, So I want to join the English Club. (板书join, club)What club do you want to join? (板书)I want to join the English Club 通过教师与学生之间的自由对话导入俱乐部招聘应聘的话题4Now, look at the picture. Please watch and read. Then, answer: Where are the students?What are they talking about?You can answer either in English or in Chinese.(他们在俱乐部招聘及应聘现场。)Theyre talking abilities. Theyre choosing clubs. 读图,了解对话情景地点和谈论的话题1a5Please open your books and turn to page 1. Look at 1a. What can these people do? Match the activities with the people in the picture. Fill in the letters a to g in their right places.(按照课本排列显示供学生实践活动的动词及动词词组,教师点击e,示范填入1的答案)核对1a任务的答案,学生进行自我评价(电子书可随机做出评价)理解并辨认有关动词及动词词组,完成1a。1b6教师问:How many conversations do you hear?Now open your books and look at 1b. Listen again and number the conversations.完成1b,核对答案。通过听力导入谈论能力及谈论选择俱乐部的目标语 1c7Please practice the conversations in pairs.practice the conversations in pairs.组织Pair work,学生扮演角色模仿上述会话8Now look at the picture.(教师采访学生问题,并示范性完成表格,然后向全班汇报采访结果) Tom, can you speak English,? Yes, I can. Work in groups. Ask your friends what they can do. Then fill in the chart. 针对目标语进行控制性的实践活动2a9Listen to the two conversations and circle the clubs you hear.Check the answer.Boy: What club do you want to join?Girl: I want to join the chess club.转入练习谈论俱乐部话题,在语境中听辨对话所谈及的俱乐部名称2b10Listen again and complete the sentences.听前活动,熟悉2b的句子,进一步体验对话内容;跟读对话中的句子Read and learn.(课件领读,学生模仿朗读会话)听力实践,从对话中获取信息2c11抽查两对学生的会话表演教师在板书上添加:What club does Lisa want to do?She wants to join the chess club.A: What club does Lisa want to do?B: She wants to join the chess club本活动的检查评价;归纳反馈强化本节课学习目标2d12了解对话场景和谈论的话题First, look at the picture and read 2d. Then, answer: T: Who is the girl? Who is the boy?S: Jane, BobT: Where do they want to do?S: They want to join clubs.第一步:要求学生集体放声朗读对话,并从中发现学生的生词障碍;第二步:简短讲解、学习生词:tell, story, be good at,练习句子:What sports can you play? You can join the story telling club. 提醒学生关注依据能力提建议的句子:So you can join the soccer club.Role-play the conversation练习本部分所学知识小结教师在拓展展示完成后询问学生: What did you learn in this class?引导学生回顾本节所学。教师在板书上添加:主语can动词原型 Can主语动词原型Yes, / No, I want to join Homework(布置作业)学生回答老师问题。回顾所学知识,强化重点板书设计主语can动词原型Can主语动词原型Yes, / No, I want to join 教学反思通过互相询问或谈论自己或对方在某一方面的能力,可以培养学生的群体意识。但应该加大此练习的力度。学校教师备课笔记年级七年级学科英语主备教师复备教师课题Can you play the guitar? 课型新授课时1教材分析本部分主要是练习can的句型,巩固之前所学知识的语法知识学情分析学生们已经掌握了can的用法,本节课主要是在于can的应用和知识的细化。教学目标1能够在目标语中用can 的各种句型包括:肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、简略答语及can 的特殊疑问句。如:What sports can you play? You can join the story telling club. 等。2能够运用can not的缩写cant, cantcannot。3能够掌握本课几个句子,如Come and show us! Students wanted for school show. We want students for the school show. Lets join now. 等。4能依据别人的能力给给出建议,如:So you can join the soccer club.5能够掌握并运用词组,如:be good at, talk to, play breakfast / soccer / volleyball / tennis. tell stories, the story telling club, do kung fu, speak Chinese, in the school show等。6能认读并能工整书写所学单词:tell, story, write, show, or, talk, kung fu 等。教学重点难点1.Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.What club does Lisa want to join? She wants to join the 2能够掌握本课几个句子,如Come and show us! Students wanted for school show. We want students for the school show. Lets join now. 教学方法采用classifying的策略展开课堂教学,总结本单元的语法重点,并强化练习。课前准备教师相关课件学生单词预习,语法练习教学活动过程设计(第 2 课时)教 学环 节教学活动设计意图(或复备建议)教师活动学生活动1师生自由对话,复习can 的用法Look at the picture and answer my questions.T: Can you play soccer?S1: Yes, I can.T: Can she play soccer?S2: Yes, she can.T: What can you do?S2: I canT: What can she do?S3: She canOK. Lets do group work: Talk about what you can do.复习旧知,导出新知。Grammarfocus2Lets read Grammar Focus and answer the questions.Now we have four groups and discuss the following questions. (老师用汉语表述即可)情态动词can 的肯定句怎样构成?can有没有人称和数的变化?怎样变否定句?can not 的两种缩写?肯定句怎样变一般疑问句?怎样简略答语?会不会变成特殊问句?Help the students and then ask the students to show theirs. 学生进行探究汇报,教师点评、补充。学生进行分小组探究并汇报老师提出的问题。观察总结,对本单元的语法要点进行梳理。3a3Good! Next look at 3a.Lets go through the first sentence together.Now read the questions and answers in pairs in 3a to memorize the target language.Check the answers 鼓励学生展示自己的答案继续针对目标语进行控制性实践活动3b4Lets complete the following poster with the words in the box. Check the answers.Pay attention to these sentences:Students wanted for school show. We want students for the school show. Talk to Mr. Zhang after school.随机教:write, show ,or, talk to独自完成3b完成招聘广告,导入用目标语写作5口头巩固训练,完成采访任务,填表获得书面结果Now, you can ask 5 students what they can do. And complete the chart like this. (教师指向表格示范)Interviewer: What can you do?S1: S2: S3: S4: S5: 写“采访报告”You have had a great interview and next give us a report like this: Li Xin can do kung fu. Zhao Ping can play basketball.Susan can speak Chinese.Ask 2 or 3 student to report.进一步体验对话内容及目标语。6Now class, what do we learn today?学生一起回顾总结。归纳反馈强化本节课学习目标板书设计be good at, talk to, play breakfast / soccer / volleyball / tennis. tell stories, the story telling club, do kung fu, speak Chinese, in the school showCome and show us! Students wanted for school show.We want students for the school show. Lets join now教学反思本节课所学内容贴近学生生活,同时给学生展示自己的才能的舞台,激发了学习兴趣。但应该给基础差的同学更多的展示机会,以增强其自信心。学校教师备课笔记年级七年级学科英语主备教师复备教师课题Can you play the guitar? Section B课型新授课时1教材分析本部分主要是练习can的句型,巩固之前所学知识的语法知识学情分析学生们已经掌握了can的用法,本节课主要是在于can的应用和知识的细化。教学目标1能在自我介绍中用can 介绍自己的才艺。如:I can also play soccer. 等。2能进一步熟练运用can的肯定、否定形式以及关联词and, but 等。3能读懂2b中的三则广告,并能把握语篇的主旨,为它们配上标题。4能为2a中的三个人在2b寻找适合他们的招聘广告。5能够认读并能工整书写所学单词,如:also, people, home, make, today, help, center, weekend, teach等。6能够掌握运用短语,如:be good with, on the weekend, make friends等。7能够准确流利朗读文章。教学重点难点分析1.区分play the+乐器和play +球类。2Can的构成和用法。3.培养学生的阅读能力,懂得如何综合分析材料中的有关信息。教学策略分析采用classifying的策略展开课堂教学,总结本单元的语法重点,并强化练习。课前准备教师阅读训练的相关材料和图片学生准备展示和联系自己的语言技能教学活动过程设计(第 3 课时)教 学环 节教学活动设计意图(或复备建议)教师活动学生活动1Look at the picture and answer my questions.T: Can you do Chinese kung fu?S1: Yes, I can.T: Can he do Chinese kung fu? (教师指着S1问其他学生)S2: Yes, he can.T: What can you do?(问S2)S2: I can T: What can he / she do? (教师指着S2问其他学生,或者问:Can he / she ?)S3: She can(如此循环下去,用上图片上提示的动作)OK. Lets do group work: Talk about what you can do.复习can 的用法。2Lets read the conversation.初步呈现新词汇drums, piano, violin,让学生在头脑中初步形成这些词的音与形对应即可。导入新课话题3教学新单词drums, piano, violin教学piano, violin时要提醒学生这两个单词的重音都在第二个音节,教师示范朗读,点击图片读,学生跟读,个别学生朗读,教师纠正。教师设计Is there a piano / violin at your home? Is your piano / violin new or old? Are there any drums at your home? Can you play the piano / drums / violin? 等问题,让学生在不断地听和运用中理解、掌握并习得这些新词汇。教师示范朗读,点击图片读,学生跟读学生在不断地听和运用中理解、掌握并习得这些新词汇。1a4open your books, turn to page 4.Draw lines to match the words with the pictures.教师出示drums, piano, violin, guitar的图片,并将这些乐器的大部分遮盖起来,分别给它们标上序号:1, 2, 3, 4,让学生对乐器名称进行猜测:Is the first picture piano? Is the second drum? 等,让学生在轻松愉快的猜测游戏中再次复习新词汇。核对1a任务的答案,学生进行自我评价guessing game,强化刚刚学过的单词。1b5Look at activity 1b.Listen and number the words 1-4 in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a.(确保学生能理解1b要求)播放听力一遍,学生完成任务。听力中练习目标语。1c6Now, lets ask and answer questions about the instruments.学生两人一组结对活动,教师巡视,给学生提供语言上的帮助。请几组学生给全班示范表演,提醒学生:情态动词can, cant在句子中重读,朗读陈述句时需用降调。学生两人一组结对活动师生共同对表演者的语音语调、肢体动作、拓展内容等进行评价。1d7Look! A teacher wants some students for the school concert. So the teacher is asking some students what they can do. Look at the words and phrases in the chart. Guess what words can we circle? 听力实践:播放1d听力材料一遍。学生圈出所听单词,核对答案。听前活动,学生看1d的图,理解语境,教师铺设语境,引导学生预测可能圈的单词和词组1e8The teacher is asking three students, Bill, Cindy and Frank questions. What can Bill do? And what cant he do? How about Cindy and Frank?Listen again, fill in the chart with the words and phrases in 1d播放录音一遍,学生听并填表。因为一个人物需听两项任务can与cant,填的内容play the guitar, play the drums, sing or dance都较长,故该听力有一定难度,可再播放一遍录音。教师可引导学生做此类听力练习时过程中不必将较长答案完整地填入,只需做上自己清楚的标记即可,以免在写的过程中延误后一段的听力内容。听力中练习目标语。1f9导入1f对话引导学生正确使用and, but 和or。or在否定句中意为“也不”。Lets do pair work.You have one minute to practice.Then perform before the whole class.请几组学生展示对话,师生共同进行评价,关注and, but, or 的用法。练习and,but,or用法。2a10学生阅读三则自我介绍,完成表格Here are three descriptions about Peter, Alan and Ma Huan in 2a.Let s read the descriptions and fill in the chart. Check the things you can do.(教师可适当用中文解释)将Peter, Alan and Ma Huan的才能写在相应的表格中,并在自己也会的能力条目上打.用填表的形式使2a要求的两项任务清晰明了,也为后面的report提供更清晰的线索。2b11T: This is a home for some old people. Maybe they have no sons or daughters. Maybe they are very old and they need other people to look after them. This is the old peoples home. (教师板书old peoples home)T: Do you want to help them? Ss: Yes. T: What can you do for them? S1: I can play chess with them.T: Good! What can you do for them? S2: I can play the piano or the violin for them on the weekend. (教师板书on the weekend)T: What can you do for them? S3: I can talk to them. Old people like talking very much, I think. T: Yea, old people like talking. They can tell you stories and I think youre good with (教师板书be good with) the old people. You can make friends with old people. (教师板书make friends)速度2b三则广告,把握语篇主旨,为它们配上标题Now, please read the three ads silently and quickly. Tell me what they are about. And choose a title for each ad.B. Music Teacher WantedC. Help with Sports in English第一遍阅读是让学生快速获取主要信息,引导学生关注阅读内容,从中提取有用信息,而不是一个词一个词地读,并为每则广告选择标题,将标题序号写在相应的广告前面的括号内。)全班核对答案。提高学生分析材料的能力,提高阅读能力。2c12对号入座,搭配人物和广告出示2a Peter, Alan, Ma Huan 的图片和自我介绍,教师引导:What can Peter do? What ad. is he interested in(中文解释)? 学生再读广告和以上三人的介绍,分别为他们寻找适合的招聘广告,将广告标题的序号写在2c相应的人名后面。板书设计be good at, talk to, play breakfast / soccer / volleyball / tennis. tell stories, the story telling club, do kung fu, speak Chinese, in the school showCome and show us! Students wanted for school show.We want students for the school show. Lets join now教学反思学校教师备课笔记年级七年级学科英语主备教师复备教师课题Can you play the guitar? Section B课型新授课时1教材分析本部分主要是练习can的句型,巩固之前所学知识的语法知识学情分析学生们已经掌握了can的用法,本节课主要是在于can的应用和知识的细化。教学目标1能够用所给的词汇完成为学校音乐节招聘人才的广告。2能为学校某项活动制作招聘广告或海报。3能够按类别罗列出描述能力的词汇。4能以abilities为主题写句子,包括能做什么,不能做什么。5复习本单元的词组、语法。6能够认读并能工整书写所学单词:musician。教学重点难点分析1能够用所给的词汇完成为学校音乐节招聘人才的广告。2能为学校某项活动制作招聘广告或海报。教学策略分析采用情境教学法展开课堂教学,总结本单元的语法重点,并强化练习。课前准备教师阅读训练的相关材料和图片学生准备展示和联系自己的语言技能教学活动过程设计(第 4 课时)教 学环 节教学活动设计意图(或复备建议)教师活动学生活动1复习已学目标语T: Can you do kung fu? S1: Yes, I can.T: Can he do Chinese kung fu? (教师指着S1问其他学生)S2: Yes, he can.T: What can you do?(问S2)S2: I can T: What can he / she do? (教师指着S2问其他学生,或者问:Can he / she ?)S3: She can(如此循环下去,用上图片上提示的动作)仿照上述对话,组织Pair work复习活动OK. Now lets do pair work like this.学生两人活动,教师抽查几组学生复习can 的用法。2Well, lets learn Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Period 5学习单词教师出示莫扎特的照片并介绍:He is Mozart. Hes very good at music. He is a good musician. 板书music-musician,教学该单词。通过问答,学生理解该词汇的意思并在使用中巩固。T: Whos your favorite musician? S1: My favorite musician isS2: My favorite musician is通过问答,学生理解该词汇的意思并在使用中巩固3完成3a半开放性写作任务Theres a music festival in a school. And they want some musicians. Heres their ad. Read, and complete the ad with the words in the box.这是一个半开放性任务,组织学生阅读广告并用方框中的单词填空,完成海报。学生阅读广告并用方框中的单词填空,完成海报。全班核对答案,请一个学生朗读完整的广告这是一个半开放性任务,为学生以下的写作做准备。4帮助学生理解更多信息Read the ad carefully and answer the following questions:Q1: What do they want musicians for? Q2: If you want to join it, who can you call? Q3: Jerry can tell jokes and he draws well, can he be in the school music festival? 学生仔细阅读文章并回答老师自己设计的问题第一、第二个问题都能在文章中直接找到答案,第三个问题是一个理解性问题,需要学生整体理解招聘人才的要求再根据Jerry的个人才能作出判断。5课前准备Get ready for 3b before class.3b的任务是为学校活动设计一个宣传性的海报,1学生课前利用课余时间向校领导、班主任调查询问本学期学校或班级的活动,选好event。2学生选择好自己感兴趣的某项活动后,自己课前准备好纸张等材料,并可以课前相互讨论、学习。为比较好的完成该任务,学生课前得做好充分准备。6课堂完成3b任务Now, make your poster, please. 教师出示部分海报给学生参考。学生课堂完成任务。这是一个完全开放性的融合英语、美术、语文的综合实践活动,它培养了学生收集信息、处理信息的能力,语言表达能力和美术编辑能力。7 There are four groups in our class. Music and art Group, Language Group, Sports Group and Other Abilities Group。Each group write as many words as you can in the column of your group in Self Check 1.将abilities分成四个类别,再按类别用英语罗列出具体的各项能力,以此进行围绕abilities的词汇复习。教师将班级学生分成四个组,每个小组分别以abilities的四个类别来分,如Music and art Group, Language Group, Sports Group and Other Abilities Group。各小组成员讨论填写与小组名称一致的能力类别的具体词汇按类别罗列出描述能力的词汇或短语8展示各小组收集的词汇,相互补充, 朗读OK, each group shows your words on the blackboard.教师分别请四个小组的代表将他们收集的词汇写在黑板上。其他同学将未收集的词汇转抄到课本上,其它小组补充。教师领读,全班朗读记忆。小组活动有助于学生记忆单词。9Look at these phrases.Can you add as many words as you can to make more phrases?学生独立完成。导入复习归纳本单元词组10Can you make sentences with the following expressions?1play the乐器 play球类2speak语言3help with名词4be good atdoing sth. be good at名词5be good with名词 给学生1分钟时间组内造句子,正确句子最多的学生获胜。 给学生1分钟时间组内造句子,正确句子最多的学生获胜。造句子,进一步巩固。11What can you do?What cant you do? What about the people you know? Please write at least five sentences.在目标语的运用中复习本单元的语法。write at least five sentences.复习本单元的语法:can 的用法板书设计What can you do?What cant you do? What about the people you know? 教学反思


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