2022年高中英语 Unit5 music-Period 5教案 新人教版必修2

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2022年高中英语 Unit5 music-Period 5教案 新人教版必修2_第1页
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2022年高中英语 Unit5 music-Period 5教案 新人教版必修2Teaching goals 1. Deal with the knowledge learned and the writing part2. Teach the students how to write a persuading letter.Step 1. Lead inT: Hello, everyone. Now I am very eager to know the top five things in your life. Would you like to share them with me? Others please pay attention to the attributive clauses in his report.Ss: Step 2. Using words and expressions T: Please always remember: words and phrases are the bricks of the house or the muscles and blood of the body. Step3. Make an outline for structureParagraph 1: Personal informationParagraph 2: His / Her hard work and achievementsParagraph 3: His / Her good qualitiesParagraph 4: Your opinionStep4. Homework:1.Finifsh the letter.2.Review the whole unit.附板书设计:(Blackboard Design)WritingParagraph 1: Personal informationParagraph 2: His / Her hard work and achievementsParagraph 3: His / Her good qualitiesParagraph 4: Your opinion Huipu High School, Linhai Zhejiang province July 24, xxDear, Im writing to Yours,


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