2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Body language练习(含解析)新人教版必修4

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2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Body language练习(含解析)新人教版必修4_第3页
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Unit 4Body language.阅读理解The mysterious science of reading gestures is explained using practical explanations and clear images.Gestures are products of both genetic(遗传的) and environmental influence.Understanding our gestures is not as difficult as some people would have you believe.All human beings use them and so actually have a “built-in” ability to recognize and read it.Fingers crossedGenerally this means“wishing for good luck or fortune”.Another explanation could be seen as “heres hoping”.The gesture probably has Christian origins where the gesture was believed to get away from evil.As such,people believe that crossing the fingers when telling a lie somehow gets away from the evil of the lie.Some historians believe that crossing your fingers is a hidden or secret way of making the Christian sign of crossa piece way of defeating evils.As a gesture it has both good and bad meanings.Luck or lies.Waving the first fingerMothers and teachers are common users with this hand gesture.In general it is used to warn a single person.It is a change of the “you” gesture.If translated into language it would say “Stop whatever you are doing and pay attention to me.I am your superior and I am warning you!” Classified as a “silent” parent to child gesture,it is completely unacceptable in a professional environment where it will be interpreted (诠释) as both rude and domineering(盛气凌人的).Some psychologists believe that it has a meaning of the whip.1.What can we infer from the first paragraph?A.Reading gestures is a secret.B.Gestures are formed in daily life.C.Some people make reading gestures difficult on purpose.D.It is hard to explain gestures by images.2.What does a Christians crossing his fingers mean?A.Showing he isnt lucky. B.Wishing to succeed.C.Getting rid of the evil of the lie.D.Crossing the street.3.What is the purpose of your mums waving her first finger?A.To wish for good luck.B.To stop you.C.To praise you.D.To help you.4.Why isnt waving the finger used in a formal occasion?A.Because it is rude. B.Because it is friendly.C.Because it is surprising.D.Because it is helpful.语篇解读:本文是说明文,主要介绍了两种手势语。答案及剖析:1.C推理判断题。根据第一段尤其是第三句“Understanding our gestures is not as difficult as some people would have you believe.”可知,有人故意让我们相信,理解手势语很困难,其实并不是这样。2.C细节理解题。根据第二段第三、四两句可知,一个基督徒交叉手指,就是想在说谎时摆脱恶魔。3.B细节理解题。根据第三段中的If translated into language it would say “Stop whatever you are doing and pay attention to me.”可知,摇动食指,是阻止你继续做现在正在做的事情。4.A细节理解题。根据第三段中的“it is completely unacceptable in a professional environment where it will be interpreted (诠释) as both rude and domineering(盛气凌人的).”可知,正式场合下,挥舞食指非常粗鲁。.七选五(2018山东沂水三轮第三次测试)People all have good days and bad days.And some of the bad days happen due to events beyond your control.1. One way to increase the possibility that you have a good day is to join “gratification(喜悦)” activities,which you enjoy and youre good at.2. However,if you dont have the type of job,you can take part in other activities and find the same result.3. There are many little pleasures you can add to your life,such as tea,a warm bath,a walk in the park and so on.As long as you enjoy them,they can really brighten your every day.Laughter is also part of having a good day.Thats why its important to do what you can to create joy for you.4. After all,if you are humorous,you can more easily center on fun things.If you dont have much time,one way can be used during a stressful day.5. You should achieve this by making your plan flexible and checking that everything in your plan is necessary.Being busy is okay,but wasting time and energy on too many unnecessary things can just lead to stress.A.Often,bad days come from overweight stress.B.Some people experience joy and happiness at work.C.Good moods enable us to notice more chances.D.Lifes pleasures are also able to add a quick lift to your mood.E.However,people do have power in creating better days.F.So its importantespecially if youre a busy person to stay balanced.G.Besides,developing a sense of humor also helps you have a good day.答案:1-5EBDGF.完形填空If life were a book and you were the author,how would you like the story to go? That is the question that 1 my life forever.One day I went home from the training of snowboarding with what I thought was the flu,and less than 24 hours later,I was in a 2 on life support with less than two percent 3of living.It wasnt until days later that the doctors diagnosed me with a 4 blood infection.Over the 5 of 2.5 months,I lost the hearing in my left ear and both my legs below the knee.When my parents 6 me out of the hospital,I 7 that I had been put together like a patchwork(拼缝物) doll and I had to live with 8 legs.I was absolutely physically and emotionally broken,9 streaming down.But I knew in order to move forward,I had to let go of the Old Amy and 10 the New Amy.It was at this moment that I asked myself that significant 11.And that is when it 12 me that I didnt have to be five foot five anymore,13 I could be as tall as I wanted.And 14 of all,I can make my feet the size of all the shoes.So there were 15 here.Four months later,I was back upon a 16.And this February,I won two Board World Cup gold medals,17 me the highest ranked snowboarder in the world.So,instead of looking at our 18 and our limitations as something 19or bad,we can begin looking at them as a wonderful 20that can be used to help us go further than we ever know we could go.1.A.savedB.riskedC.ruined D.changed2.A.hospital B.club C.field D.stadium3.A.thought B.degreeC.chance D.decision4.A.mild B.severeC.potentialD.slight5.A.journey B.breakC.courseD.schedule6.A.wheeledB.draggedC.pulledD.delivered7.A.made sureB.felt like C.worked outD.put forward8.A.muscled B.heavyC.shapelyD.false9.A.blood B.sweatC.tearsD.water10.A.hugB.recognizeC.fixD.introduce11.A.planB.questionC.informationD.favor12.A.dawned onB.knocked intoC.depended onD.looked into13.A.althoughB.soC.whileD.but14.A.first B.strangestC.bestD.luckiest15.A.strugglesB.benefitsC.rewardsD.conflicts16.A.stageB.snowboardC.trackD.playground17.A.allowing B.givingC.callingD.making18.A.challengesB.achievementsC.devotions D.hesitations19.A.active B.amazingC.negativeD.terminal20.A.abilityB.skillC.toolD.gift语篇解读:本文讲述了作者幼年因病致残,但是积极面对困难,追求目标,最终参赛获奖取得成功的故事。文章告诉人们遇到再大的困难也要把握好自己人生的方向并不懈努力。答案及剖析:1.D下文提到,正是因为思考着该怎样书写自己的人生,作者才能从困境中起步,改变自己的人生。saved救助;risked冒的风险;ruined毁灭;changed改变。2.A由句意可知作者靠着设备支撑生命,因此是在医院里。3.C句意:我的生命十分危险,只有不到2%的几率活下来。thought思考;degree程度,等级;chance机会;decision决心。故选C。4.B 句意:直到几天后我被诊断患有严重的血液感染疾病。mild温和的;severe很严重的;potential潜在的;slight轻微的。故选B。5.C在持续两个半月的过程中,我的左耳失聪,两腿膝盖以下全部截去。journey旅程;break间歇;course过程;schedule计划表。故选C。6.Awheeled用轮椅推动;dragged拖动;pulled拉扯;delivered递送。前文提到作者失去双腿,可以推断是由父母推轮椅出院的。故选A。7.Bmade sure确信;felt like觉得;worked out计算出;put forward提出。作者主观上觉得自己是一个拼接而成的玩具娃娃。故选B。8.Dmuscled肌肉发达的;heavy重的;shapely身材好的;false假的。作者失去了双腿,需要靠义肢生活。故选D。9.Cblood血液;sweat汗;tears眼泪;water水。联系上文,作者出院时想到以后只能靠义肢生活,非常难过,泪流满面,故选C。10.A此处表示告别过去拥抱未来,积极投入新生活。hug拥抱;recognize认出;fix修理;introduce介绍,故选A。11.B呼应第一段第一句话,即那个改变作者一生的问题。question问题,符合语境。12.Adawned on开始明白;knocked into撞上;depended on取决于;looked into调查。根据语境,作者在思考人生方向时开始明白自己可以不被生理的高度限制,成为一个“高大”的人,故选A。13.D联系上文,虽然作者生理上因失去双腿而矮小,但是却依然可以成为一个“高大”的人。14.C因为是义肢,所以可以做成适合任何鞋子的尺寸,从另一方面来说这是最好的事了。first最先;strangest最怪的;best最好的;luckiest最幸运的。15.Bstruggles奋斗;benefits益处;rewards奖励;conflicts冲突。联系上文,这是这场病带来的改变中的益处,故选B。16.Bstage舞台;snowboard滑雪板;track轨道;playground操场。由第二段第一句滑雪训练可知,这里是指回到滑雪板,故选B。17.D获得了两块金牌,使作者成为了这一领域的最高排名。making使成为,符合语境。18.Achallenges挑战;achievements成就;devotions祈祷;hesitations犹豫。空格处应与limitations(局限)并列,因此选A。19.Cactive积极的;amazing惊人的;negative消极的;terminal终点的,晚期的。此处与bad对应,应选择表示负面意义的词语,故选C。20.Dability能力,才能;skill技能,技巧;tool工具;gift礼物,天赋。根据语境,面对困难,与其被失意打倒,不如直面它,相信它是上天带来的考验,是通向成功的礼物,故选D。6


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