2022年高中英语 Unit2 Olympic Games学案9新人教版必修2

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2022年高中英语 Unit2 Olympic Games学案9新人教版必修2vocabulary_ 审批人_班级_ 姓名_ 组评_ 师评_一、学习目标 1.Learn and master the vocabulary in this unit2.Finish the exercises about vocabulary 二、学习重点 Help students to use the vocabulary properly in a context(语境)三、学习方法1. Refer to(查阅) the vocabulary in p90 in students books(课本) to plete translation exercises .2. Group discussion to plete teamwork(合作探究)3. Individual work to finish checking exercises(课堂检测)四、学习过程Part1.自主学习Task1 Write the words and phrases according to the clues(线索) and read them out.Words古代的_ 比赛_ 竞争者_ 奖章_ 希腊_ 希腊人的_ 魔术的_ 志愿者_ 祖国 _规则的_ 基础_ 运动员_ 容许_ 奴隶_ 现今_ 体操_ 体育场_ 体育馆_ 做东_ 责任_ 取代_ 座右铭_ 快的_ 相似性_ 雅典_-phrases参加_代表_为。比赛_与。比赛_又,也_主管_Task2 Choose the proper words or phrases to match the meanings in ex1(p12)1. take part in 2. pete 3.athlete/petitor 4.regular basis 5.motto 6. responsibility 7.gymnasium 8.admit 9.standart 10.replaceTask 3 Translate the words into Chinese and choose the right answers in ex2 Swift_ nowadays_ stadium _ volunteer_ stand for _Part 2 合作探究 Task1 Translate the words into English and finish ex3on p12 责任_运动员_ 橄榄枝_容许_比赛_祖国_标准_Part 3 课堂检测1. It was a great honour for her to be _to Beijing University.(录取)2. A pop group will perform in our city and their _can been seen everywhere.(海报)3. Cigarette _should be banned.(广告)4. My _is : Live each day as it es.(座右铭)5. My letter received a _reply, (快的)


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