(5年高考3年模拟A版)浙江省2020年高考英语总复习 专题五 非谓语动词教师用书(含解析)

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(5年高考3年模拟A版)浙江省2020年高考英语总复习 专题五 非谓语动词教师用书(含解析)_第1页
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(5年高考3年模拟A版)浙江省2020年高考英语总复习 专题五 非谓语动词教师用书(含解析)_第2页
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(5年高考3年模拟A版)浙江省2020年高考英语总复习 专题五 非谓语动词教师用书(含解析)_第3页
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专题五非谓语动词挖命题【考情探究】考点考向考情分析预测热度高考示例设题方式2018-112018-062017-112017-062016-10非谓语动词作状语1.不定式作状语2.分词作状语3.独立成分作状语4.独立主格结构作状语called(call)to cook(cook)carrying(carry)在语篇型填空中,以“用所给单词的适当形式填空”的形式考查。所给的词为动词的原形非谓语动词作定语1.不定式作定语2.动名词作定语3.分词作定语learned/learnt(learn)shining(shine)surprised(surprise)非谓语动词作主语、表语、宾语、补语1.非谓语动词(不定式、动名词)作宾语2.非谓语动词作补语3.非谓语动词作主语和表语to have(have)visiting(visit)to begin(begin)分析解读1.非谓语动词是语篇型填空的必考题目,且考查范围广泛。设题会涉及非谓语动词作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补语,因此,对这方面的知识要全面掌握,不可偏废。2.在语篇型填空的考查中,非谓语动词一般都会是难点。设题不仅仅涉及非谓语动词本身,而且总是和上下文的语境有紧密的关系。因此结合语境和规则是解题的要点。破考点【考点集训】考点一非谓语动词作状语1.The sunlight is white and blinding,(throw)hard-edged shadows on the ground.答案throwing2.I got to the office earlier that day,(catch)the 7:30 train from Paddington.答案having caught3.(eat)at the cafeteria before,Tina didnt want to eat there again.答案Having eaten4.I stopped the car(take)a short break as I was feeling tired.答案to take5.A good listener takes part in the conversation,(offer)ideas and raising questions to keep the talk flowing.答案offering6.Lionel Messi,(set)the record for the most goals in a calendar year,is considered the most talented football player in Europe.答案having set7.I explored every corner,(look)for the perfect place to study.答案looking8.I can even change some of the famous Chinese dishes(suit)western tastes.答案to suit9.(locate)south of Taiyuan, Pingyao, an old town with its own several-kilometer-long wall, has managed to preserve its Ming and Qing appearance.答案Located10.Giving someone a hug and holding their hand(comfort)them can only be done in person.答案to comfort考点二非谓语动词作定语1.Volunteering gives you a chance(change)lives,including your own.答案to change2.In some languages,100 words make up half of all words(use)in daily conversations.答案used3.The room is empty except for a bookshelf(stand)in one corner.答案standing4.Laura was away in Paris for over a week. When she got home, there was a pile of mail(wait)for her.答案waiting5.You cannot accept an opinion(offer)to you unless it is based on facts.答案offered6.The airport(complete)next year will help promote tourism in this area.答案to be completed7.The witnesses(question)by the police just now gave very different descriptions of the fight.答案questioned8.The lecture,(start)at 7:00 pm last night,was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes.答案starting9.After completing and signing it,please return the form to us in the envelope(provide).答案provided考点三非谓语动词作主语、表语、宾语、补语1.Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and(reduce)to ruins, the city took on a new look.答案being reduced2.One learns a language by making mistakes and(correct)them.答案correcting3.China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from(attack)in the South China Sea.答案being attacked4.Weve had a good start, but next, more work needs(do)to achieve the final success.答案to be done/doing5.On a cold evening with snow floating in the air, I got(stick)on the road because of a flat tire(轮胎).答案stuck6.In traveling across China and visiting its cities, towns, and tourist attractions, one cant help(admire)its history culture.答案admiring7.Without doubt, for the majority of the foreigners I contacted,and myself(include), Peking Duck is the favorite Chinese dish.答案included8.Last year on his way to work, he would pass by a river bank where rubbish needed to(collect).答案be collected9.I gave them away,seeing the bright smile light up his face and felt my heart(fill)with happiness.答案filled10.His appointment was at five and he still had twenty minutes(spare).答案to spare11.Other types of cry, including calls of animals in great pain, fail(get)the same response.答案to get12.I attempted(seek)help from the passing cars, but no one stopped.答案to seek13.Anyway, I ended up(order)a whole duck and thought Id just take the rest back to my hotel to eat later if I couldnt finish it.答案ordering过专题【五年高考】考点一非谓语动词作宾语1.(2018北京,6)During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often gather together(share)a meal, admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes.答案to share2.(2018北京,10)Ordinary soap,(use)correctly, can deal with bacteria effectively.答案used3.(2018江苏,26)Around 13,500 new jobs were created during the period,(exceed)the expected number of 12,000 held by market analysts.答案exceeding4.(2017北京,27)Many airlines now allow passengers to print their boarding passes online (save)their valuable time.答案to save5.(2017天津,14)The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, (allow)more patients to be treated.答案allowing6.(2017江苏,21)Many Chinese brands, (develop)their reputations over centuries, are facing new challenges from the modern market.答案having developed7.(2016北京,26) (make)it easier to get in touch with us, youd better keep this card at hand. 答案To make8.(2016北京,28) (order)over a week ago, the books are expected to arrive any time now. 答案Ordered9.(2016北京,32)Newly-built wooden cottages line the street, (turn)the old town into a dreamland. 答案turning10.(2016天津,4)The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows, (make)air conditioning unnecessary. 答案making11.(2015北京,21)(catch)the early flight,we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.答案To catch12.(2015江苏,24)Much time (spend)sitting at a desk,office workers are generally troubled by health problems.答案spent13.(2015天津,5)(absorb)in painting, John didnt notice evening approaching.答案Absorbed14.(2015天津,8)(work)for two days,Steve managed to finish his report on schedule.答案Having worked15.(2015福建,28)(learn) more about Chinese culture,Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course.答案To learn16.(2015湖南,30)When the clerk saw a kind face wrinkled in an apologetic smile,she stood rooted to the ground,(wonder) whether to stay or leave.答案wondering17.(2015湖南,34)Sometimes I act as a listening ear for fellow students (talk)over what is bothering them.答案to talk18.(2015重庆,11)Like ancient sailors, birds can find their way (use) the sun and the stars.答案using19.(2015重庆,6)(raise) in the poorest area of Glasgow,he had a long, hard road to becoming a football star.答案Raised20.(2014湖南,21)Children,when(accompany)by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium.答案accompanied21.(2014湖南,27)There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland,(stare)at the night sky.答案staring22.(2014湖南,35)(free)ourselves from the physical and mental tensions, we each need deep thought and inner quietness.答案To free23.(2014陕西,20)(work)out the difficult maths problem,I have consulted Professor Russell several times.答案To work24.(2014四川,7)I hope to take the computer course.Good idea.(find)out more about it, visit this website.答案To find考点二非谓语动词作定语1.(2017北京,30)The national park has a large collection of wildlife, (range)from butterflies to elephants.答案ranging2.(2017北京,32)Jim has retired, but he still remembers the happy time (spend)with his students.答案spent3.(2017天津,10)I was watching the clock all through the meeting, as I had a train (catch).答案to catch4.(2016浙江,10)To return to the problem of water pollution, Id like you to look at a study (conduct)in Australia in 2012.答案conducted5.(2016江苏,28)In art criticism, you must assume the artist has a secret message (hide)within the work. 答案hidden6.(2015北京,23)The park was full of people,(enjoy) themselves in the sunshine.答案enjoying7.(2014浙江,14)Amie Salmon, disabled, is attended throughout her school days by a nurse(appoint)to guard her.答案appointed8.(2014北京,25)Last night,there were millions of people(watch)the opening ceremony live on TV.答案watching9.(2014山东,6)Theres a note pinned to the door(say)when the shop will open again.答案saying10.(2014重庆,5)The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras(return)to our shop for quality problems.答案returned11.(2014大纲全国,23)Today there are more airplanes(carry)more people than ever before in the skies.答案carrying考点三非谓语动词作主语、表语、宾语、补语1.(2018天津,8)It took him a long time(acquire)the skills he needed to become a good dancer.答案to acquire2.(2018北京,3)(travel)along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience.答案Traveling3.(2018天津,7)I need a new passport so I will have to have my photograph(take).答案taken4.(2018天津,12)I didnt mean(eat)anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldnt help trying it.答案to eat5.(2017江苏,30)A quick review of successes and failures at the end of year will help (shape)your year ahead.答案shape6.(2016浙江,19)I had as much fun sailing the seas as I now do (work)with students. 答案working7.(2015浙江,18)Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it (perform) live is quite another.答案being performed8.(2015安徽,27)(ignore) the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.答案Ignoring/To ignore9.(2015陕西,18)Back from his two-year medical service in Africa,Dr.Lee was very happy to see his mother (take) good care of at home.答案taken10.(2014福建,30)For those with family members far away,the personal computer and the phone are important in staying(connect).答案connected11.(2014安徽,32)While waiting for the opportunity to get(promote), Henry did his best to perform his duty.答案promoted12.(2014四川,5)The manager was satisfied to see many new products(develop)after great effort.答案developed13.(2014陕西,12)Its quite hot today. Do you feel like(go)for a swim? 答案going14.(2014湖南,23)(understand)your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.答案Understanding【三年模拟】A组20172019年模拟基础题组考点一非谓语动词作状语1.(2019浙江衢州十二校摸底,58)Most of the time she sat in front of the TV,(watch)soap plays.答案watching2.(2019浙江十校联盟,59)Wind loading is a term engineers use(measure)the effect of the wind on a tall building.答案to measure3.(2019浙江镇海中学10月,60)Nowadays, many stores make cloth shoes(use)machines.答案using4.(2019山东烟台10月,41)Lisa Bailey took her gloves off when(take)her dog for a long walk on a winter day and didnt notice anything until that evening.答案taking5.(2018浙江七彩阳光联盟10月联考,59)Dequina studies the area carefully, (figure)out where the eggs have been buried.答案figuring6.(2018浙江10月大联考,62)The snake is actually in the top right corner, (hide)in the crook between the two fences.答案hiding7.(2018北京朝阳期中)Nowadays, people with disabilities can do a lot of things (improve)their quality of lives. 答案to improve8.(2017浙江名校协作体联考)Her husband recently passed away, (make)the move necessary.答案making考点二非谓语动词作定语1.(2019浙江宁波重高期中,62)Clothes(produce)by the machine are of great quality.答案produced2.(2019四川成都期中联考,56)Calligraphy(书法),(consider)as one of the unique traditional Chinese arts, has a long history of about 1,000 years.答案considered3.(2019山东10月,44)All that changed,however,thanks to a recent Facebook post(write)on their local police departments page.答案written4.(2019重庆一中,48)Looking around at people who have studied French or Spanish at university, I find theres no such chance(use)what theyve learned in the workplace.答案to use5.(2018浙江金华十校一模,56)Hou Youwen, a girl aged 13, recently drew public attention for her outstanding performance at The Chinese Poetry Competition (organize)by China Central Television. 答案organized6.(2018安徽江淮十校联考,68)He tried his key in some of the cars, but people (pass)by gave him a look he didnt like. 答案passing7.(2018北京海淀期中,23)Anyone (find)boarding with knives will be stopped by the security inspectors. 答案found 8.(2017浙江温州十校联合体联考,67)I dreamt you become a hero with a lot of medals(attach)to your chest.答案attached9.(2017浙江金丽衢十校10月联考,58)They are very glad that most of the people (question)gave them very useful answers.答案questioned考点三非谓语动词作主语、表语、宾语、补语1.(2019浙江杭州第二中学10月,63)I remember I told my mom more than once that I hoped(pursue)an acting career in the future.答案to pursue2.(2019浙江绿色评价联盟,65)Despite the challenge of(construct)the worlds tallest skyscrapers, the passion of exploration will never go out.答案constructing3.(2019北京清华附中11月,43)Wanting to stand out and(notice)in the crowd at high school is natural.答案be noticed4.(2019浙江台州黄岩一模,38)Before(leave)for England, Thomas bought a few forks. 答案leaving5.(2019天津一中)All the students got very excited at the news that the scientist, who was reported(win)the Nobel Prize, was coming to their school.答案to have won6.(2019四川成都外国语学校11月月考)So it can help reduce the tiredness out of the immune system and allow people(feel)more energetic.答案to feel7.(2019浙江台州黄岩一模,41)When he told his friends what it was, they all wanted(take)a good look at the strange thing.答案to take8.(2018浙江绍兴10月模拟,65)Instead, think of it as a person that simply needs energy after (spend)the day in a crowd.答案spending9.(2018浙江金丽衢十二校二模)He waited quietly for his turn instead of (push)and crowding. 答案pushing10.(2018湖北武汉高三诊断检测,63) In China, its a great shame (put)a parent into a nursing home. 答案to put11.(2017浙江温州十校联合体9月联考,66)I miss you so much that I dreamed of (see)you several times.答案seeing12.(2017北京四中期中,31)In the reading room, we found him (sit)at a desk with his attention fixed on a book.答案sittingB组20172019年模拟综合题组Passage (用所给动词的适当形式填空)Reporter:How can parents who read to more than one child at a time keep everyone1(engage)?Kathleen:2(read)together with family can be one of the best ways3(promote)family togetherness. Children should be encouraged4(ask)questions throughout the story and predict what might happen on the next page.This is also a great opportunity for elder children5(read)to younger children.Reporter:Outside of6(read)on the sofa and in bed,are there other places where family reading can take place?Kathleen:Everywhere!Make it a habit7(bring)books everywhere you go.You can have books in the car and bring books to the grocery store. Also you can pack books for the morning subway or bus ride.Reporter:For families that speak and read in two languages,do you have any suggestions about8(choose)books?Kathleen:I recommend9(go)to the library and checking out a story in two different languages. While10(read)each story, you can assist your child in recognizing familiar words in each language.答案1.engaged2.Reading3.to promote4.to ask5.to read6.reading7.to bring8.choosing9.going10.reading15


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