2022年高考英语一轮复习 单元检测(十六)Sandstorms in Asia 外研版必修3

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2022年高考英语一轮复习 单元检测(十六)Sandstorms in Asia 外研版必修3.阅读理解AA sandstorm refers to a high amount of wind occurring in sandy areas, usually in deserts, where the wind speed is able to lift the top layer of sand from the ground, and push it in every direction. The sand involved in the sandstorm can reach heights of about 3.05m15.24m.It is very dangerous to experience a sandstorm. Sand can get into the nose, eyes, mouth and lungs. If you happen to be caught in a sandstorm, you must protect yourself by wearing masks, scarves and so on.If youre driving when such a storm approaches, its advised that you pull off the road, since its difficult to continue driving. This is also important since vehicles can fail in during sandstorms and you could end up stuck on the road.Most sandstorms occur in spring, and during the daytime. Many of the areas around the Persian Gulf and the Sahara Desert are associated with the most serious storms. Since its a natural phenomenon, it cant be entirely controlled. In areas that are natural desert regions, you cant always prevent a sandstorm. Theres much evidence that the planet Mars has dust storms, and clearly, no human intervention (介入) is responsible for such. Though_it_can_move_whole_sand_dunes_and_destroy_crops,_a_sandstorm_is_not_without_benefit.语篇解读:本文介绍了沙尘暴常发生的时间、地点和基本状况以及如何在沙尘暴中自我保护的一些建议。1If youre driving in a sandstorm, youd better _.Astop your car in the middle of the roadBcontinue to make your wayCstop and ask for helpDstop your car on the side of the road解析:选D细节理解题。根据第三段第一句中的“If youre driving when such a storm approaches, its advised that you pull off the road .”可知,如果你开车时遇到沙尘暴,你最好把车停在路边,pull off the road“把车停在路边”。故选D。2The underlined sentence shows that, anyway, sandstorms are _.AusefulBuselessCharmful Dpowerful解析:选A推理判断题。画线句表明,虽然沙尘暴能移动沙丘并毁坏农作物,但它不是毫无益处的。注意“a sandstorm is not without benefit”表示“不无裨益”,是双重否定表示肯定意义。故选A。3According to the writer, a sandstorm _.Ais the result of human activitiesBcan be preventedCcant pletely disappear on the earthDcant be forecast解析:选C推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,作者认为沙尘暴是一种自然现象,不能完全被控制,也就不会完全消失,并且它也不是人为的后果。故选C。BIn Kenya, blind students and those with poor eyesight were still using Braille (布拉耶盲文) books for their studies until recently. Their books used the Braille system of raised dots to represent words and numbers. Those with limited or no eyesight can “read” by touching those markings. But Kenyan schools for the blind are now beginning to use technology that provides material in an audible (听得见的) form.Seventeenyearold Lucas Mwanzia is visually impaired (受损的). For the past two years, he has been attending puter classes at the Thika School for the Blind. He said, “The technology has opened doors that once were closed. Braille books are costly and you have to spend a lot of money buying one. With puters, the books are available at little or no cost. So we can download the books to read and when we finish reading we just need to close the program.” Zachary Muasya was born blind. He is now one of the schools teachers. He has been teaching the students how to use the technology for about two years now. “The assistive technology equips the learners with many skills that really make them independent in life. They can read books, magazines and newspapers by themselves.”The school started using assistive technology six years ago. It enables blind and visuallyimpaired students to get information from puters and iPads. The assistive technology costs 1,000 to set up. But a nongovernmental organization called InAble has provided it for the schools at no cost. Four out of Kenyas 11 schools for the blind are using the technology. InAble says it will provide the financing for the remaining schools to join the effort. Peter Okeyo, the program manager at InAble, says blind students using the technology may still have difficulty when they move to higher education. Students who have used the technology up through high school might not have it at the university they attend. Those students might have difficulty if they have to go back to Braille.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。肯尼亚盲人学生以及视力不佳者可以不用盲文书籍来学习了,因为科技为肯尼亚盲人学生提供了新的工具。4pared with Braille books, the books online _.Aoffer less help to studentsBare more difficult to getCcost less or no moneyDare harder to understand解析:选C细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Braille books are costly and you have to spend a lot of money buying one. With puters, the books are available at little or no cost.”告诉我们普通盲文书籍非常昂贵,需要花很多钱去购买。而网络有声书籍很便宜甚至免费。故选C。5Mwanzia and Muasya were mentioned mainly to tell readers _.Astudents can benefit a lot from the new technologyBBraille books are more suitable for the blindCmore help will be provided for students in KenyaDstudents in Africa are fond of reading books解析:选A推理判断题。根据第二段中的“The technology has opened doors that once were closed.”以及“The assistive technology equips the learners with many skills that really make them independent in life.”告诉我们该技术打开了曾被关闭的大门。辅助技术让学习者具备多种技能,这真正使得他们在生活中独立。故选A。6Whats Peter Okeyos attitude towards the new technology?AIndifferent. BSupportive.CSympathetic. DWorried.解析:选D推理判断题。根据第三段中Peter Okeyo所说的话告诉我们使用该项技术一路读完高中的学生在大学里可能没法再使用该技术。如果让这些学生重新回去使用盲文可能会面临很多困难。故选D。7What can we learn from the last paragraph?AThe technology will be set up in Africa at a low price.BMore schools in Kenya will use the new technology.CStudents at university can use the technology now.DThe technology will bee less popular in the future.解析:选B细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Four out of Kenyas . join the effort.”告诉我们肯尼亚11所盲人学校中的4所正在使用该技术。InAble组织表示,该组织将为剩余学校提供资金加入进来。故选B。.阅读七选五Tough teethSpider (蜘蛛) silk, which is five times stronger than steel, no longer holds the record as the strongest material found in nature. Scientists have discovered that the teeth of a limpet (帽贝) are made of even tougher material.“Spider silk has been winning this petition for a long time,” Asa Barber, an engineer at the University of Portsmouth, England, who led the study said. “_1_”A limpet has about a hundred teeth, each about 1 millimeter (0.04 inches) long. _2_ To find out just how tough limpet teeth are, Barbers team examined pieces of the limpets teeth to test their tensile strength the resistance of a material to breaking when stretched. The scientists learned that the material that makes up limpet teeth can withstand a pulling force parable to that of a rope lifting about 1,500 kilograms (3,300 pounds) of sugar._3_ They contain fibers made from a bination of goethite and chitin. _4_ Chitin, on the other hand, is stretchy (有弹性的). Mix the two together, and you get a material thats both hard and tough.In fact, limpet teeth are 10 percent stronger than spider silk. Scientists have had a hard time trying to artificially produce spiders sticky web material in a lab, but Barber believes it will be easier to recreate limpet teeth. _5_ “I think this is going to be a much greater opportunity to manufacture materials that have high strength,” he says.AWhat makes limpet teeth so strong?BThough hard, goethite breaks easily.CA limpet has a tongue covered with tiny teeth.DIt uses them to get its preferred meal off rocks.EBut spiders use their silk to make webs or other structures.FI was surprised and excited that limpet teeth beat the winner.GThat way people too will be able to benefit from the superstrong material.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了帽贝坚硬的牙齿。1选FF项与上文的“Spider silk has been winning this petition for a long time”相呼应。2选DD项与上文的“A limpet has about a hundred teeth”相呼应,D项中的them指代上文中的“a hundred teeth”。3选AA项起承上启下的作用:上文讲帽贝的牙齿承重力强,下文解释原因。4选BB项与上下文相呼应。构成帽贝牙齿的两种成分一种坚硬,另一种有弹性;二者结合使帽贝的牙齿既硬又坚韧。5选GG项与上下文相呼应。再造帽贝的牙齿这种材质相对容易些,这会使人们从这种超硬的材料中受益。


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