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九年级英语全册Unit14IremembermeetingallofyouinGrade7第六节完形填空同步训练新版人教新目标版It was my first day at Grade 6.And the first lesson was 1 English.When I was doing nothing,Mr.Gough,our new English teacher, 2 into the classroom.To my surprise,he held up a book,The Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe,and asked if anyone 3 it.I put my hand up,because Poe was my favorite writer.Mr.Gough asked if I really understood 4 the author tried to say in his book.My reply made him smile,and he asked me 5 an essay on that subject.After that,English classes became a new interest for me.Mr.Gough thought that students had to 6 a play to understand it.“Dont just read it,” he said.As time passed,we developed a real friendship.He encouraged me to be a 7 in the future.When I left school,he said to me,“You have a gift for writing,Tony,and one day youll e to realize how 8 it is.Make use of it if you want your life to be plete.” 9 has passed.Now every time I sit down to write 10 ,I think Mr.Gough.He was more than just an English teacher,because he also taught me useful lessons in life.1A.boring Bbored Cinteresting Dinterested 2A.walks Bwalked Cwas walking Dis walking 3A.reads Bread Chas read Dhad read4A.if Bwhen Cwhat Dhow5A.wrote Bwriting Cto write Dwritten6A.work out Bact out Cput out De out 7A.teacher Bactor Cwaiter Dwriter 8A.useful Bbeautiful Ccareful Dthankful 9A.Many year BSome year CSeveral years DEvery year10A.anything new Bsomething new Cnew anything Dnew something参考答案1A解析:本文第一段说第一节是英语课,而且“我”无事可做,第三段第一句话说从此英语对“我”来说成了一种新趣味。所以推知英语对我来说原本是无聊的。故选A。2B解析:正当“我”无事可做的时候,“我们”的英语老师走进了教室。再结合时间状语从句为过去进行时可知选B。3D解析:老师问“是否有人读过这本书”,老师问这个问题发生在过去,而读书是在老师问之前的动作,符合“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时,其构成为:had过去分词。故选D。4C解析:老师问“我”是否真正理解作者在他的书中想说什么。what意为“什么”,故选C。5C解析:ask sb. to do sth. “要求某人做某事”,为固定搭配。故选C。6B解析:work out“解出,算出”;act out“扮演,表演”;put out“扑灭,熄灭”;e out“出版,发表”。戏剧应与act out搭配。故选B。7D解析:由下文“You have a gift for writing. . . ”可知,当初老师是鼓励“我”当一名作家。故选D。8A解析:本段中老师说道:“托尼,你拥有写作天赋,有朝一日你会发现它是何等的有用”。故选A。9C解析:此处表示“几年”已经过去了。year是可数名词,故选C。10B解析:形容词修饰不定代词要放在不定代词的后面,肯定句中要用something。故选B。


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