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写作指导一说明文的写作说明文是以说明为主要表达方式的一种文体,主要用于介绍事物、说明事理等。说明文文体主要用于科普知识介绍、产品介绍、广告宣传等。说明的对象可以是人,也可以是物,还可以是概念等。1写作攻略写说明文宜采用三段式:第一段主要介绍要说明的对象及说明的目的;第二段说明事物的主要特征或做事情的方法步骤;第三段进行总结概括。时态通常用一般现在时。 请根据下面提供的内容写一篇人物简介。人物简介李娜,出生,从小就对运动有天赋,6岁开始练习羽毛球,9岁转学网球。主要经历及获得荣誉12002年:离开网球场,到大学读书;两年后重返球场;2在包括她丈夫在内的几位著名教练的指导下,进步神速;32011年:法国公开赛女子单打冠军,第一位获得大满贯赛事单打冠军的亚洲网球选手。参考词汇:1.法国公开赛:French Open 2女单冠军: singles title 3大满贯:Grand Slam经典范文Born on Feb. 26, 1982, Li Na has a gift for sports from her childhood. She began to practice badminton at the age of six and was introduced to play tennis when she was nine. In 2002 she took a break from tennis to study at university, but two years later she returned. With the help of some famous coaches, including her husband, she has been making greater and greater achievements. As a result, she won the 2011 French Open singles title, becoming the first player from Asia to win a Grand Slam in singles. 假设你是李华,昨天你收到好友王林的来信,他说他暑假期间要来洛杉矶旅游(Los Angeles),并向你询问有关洛杉矶的情况。请你根据以下要点给王林写一封回信。1. 洛杉矶位于美国西部,是美国的第二大城市;2八月白天较长,夜晚较暖和,是来洛杉矶的最好时间;3. 主要景点有好莱坞(Hollywood),迪士尼乐园(Disneyland);唐人街(Chinatown)等;4洛杉矶是个国际化大都市,可品尝到世界各国的美味。参考范文:Dear Wang Lin,Glad to hear from you. Id like to tell you something about this city.Los Angeles, the second largest city in America, is in the west of America. The best time to travel to Los Angeles is August, when the days are longer and the nights are warmer. Here you can visit a lot of tourist attractions, such as Hollywood, Disneyland, Chinatown and so on. Besides, in this international city, you can taste delicious food from different parts of the world. Im sure you will enjoy yourself here. Im looking forward to meeting you here soon.Yours, Li Hua二、提分句型:表示“尽可能做”的必备句型1do all/what/everything sb. can to doShe did all she could to help him.她做了能做的一切来帮助他。2as . as possible as . as one canThe boy ran towards school as fast as he could/as fast as possible.男孩以最快的速度朝学校跑去。二根据提供信息,表达自己观点的写作根据提供的信息,如图画,图表,提纲等表达自己观点的作文,是一种在近几年的高考英语试卷中出现频率越来越高的一种考查形式,要求考生根据所提供的信息写一篇短文,或叙述一件事情,或介绍某一事物,或通过图画揭示某一社会现象,并结合所写内容阐述自己的观点。1写作攻略(1)把所提供的信息有机地串联起来,使之成为内容连贯的句子。(2)确定短文需用的时态和人称。(3)根据描述内容发表议论。2. 高分制造技巧(1)恰当地使用连词及过渡词,让所给信息连接自然;(2)该文体中常用一般现在时;(3)整篇文章一般分为两段:第一段叙述或描写所给信息,第二段:发表自己的观点;范文观摩今日,某校为了促进学生的发展,让表现差的学生戴绿领巾(green scarf),让表现好的同学戴红领巾。请根据这一现象,写一篇不少于120词的短文,发表自己的观点。经典范文 It is surprising that some school makes it a rule that the badly-behaved students wear green scarves while the well-behaved students red ones, which has raised a storm of objections all over the country.It is acknowledged that school education should lay emphasis on building up the healthy character of students rather than punishing them, especially mentally. What has been done in the school has been against the nature of education and such behavior has and will have an everlasting influence on students, discouraging them, making them lose self-confidence, and most unbearably, robbing them of being treated equally. There is no denying that we strongly urge the school to stop this case from happening again, and we sincerely hope every student should be given equal chance to improve and treated equally in their colorful school life.同学们期盼已久的暑假马上就要到来了。下面四幅图展示了四位同学(王林、李玲、王强、张瑞)在暑假中分别最想做的事。请你写一篇不少于120词的短文描述他们的打算,简要分析理由并谈谈你的看法。参考范文: With the summer vacation approaching, students have different ideas about what to do during the vacation. What Wang Lin wants to do most is finish watching the four classic masterpieces on TV, which he has long been looking forward to. Li Ling, a lively girl, wants most to travel on the countryside as it makes her relaxed and broadens her horizons. However, for Wang Qiang, who has been busy studying and sometimes does not have enough time to rest, having a good sleep during the vacation is the most desirable thing to do. The last student, Zhang Rui, whose grandmother has been ill, will make good use of the vacation to take care of her. In my opinion, whatever they plan to do, the point is that they should make good use of the vacation to relax and do something meaningful.二、提分句型:“一就”的表达1At the news that we won the game, we took out our wine to celebrate it. Hearing the news that we won the game, we took out our wine to celebrate it. 一听到我们赢了这场比赛,我们就拿出酒来庆祝。 2Ill write to you as soon as/the moment/the minute/immediately/instantly I get there.我一到那儿,就给你写信。3Upon his arrival, he got down to his work.他一到,就开始工作。4No sooner had he got off the bus than he met an old friend of his. Hardly had he got off the bus when he met an old friend of his.他一下车,就遇到了一位老朋友。4


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