五年级英语My Favourite Season教案1

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五年级英语My Favourite Season教案1教材分析 本课内容是以PEP五年级下册第二单元Whats your favorite season?第一课时Lets learn/practice. 为蓝本进行设计,主要学习有关季节的词汇,以及运用Whats your favorite season交流的能力。学生在之前已学过Whats your favorite food?及与天气相关的词句。教学目标与要求:1. 能听说读写本课时的四会单词:season, spring ,fall ,summer ,winter.2. 能认读句子:Whats your favorite season? 并在实际情景中运用。课前准备教师自制课件。教师准备单词卡片和图片及奖章。教学过程Step 1 Warm-up/Revision(复习热身)播放chant:Mmm! Its warm today! Take off your jacket! Phew! Its hot today! Put on your T-shirt! Oooh! Its cool today! Put on your sweater! Brrr! Its cold today! Put on your coat!Step 2 Presentation (新课呈现)1、直接出示season季节,T: Today well learn something about season.让学生尝试发音T: Whats the weather like today?Ss: Its cold and windy.从学生的回答中引出winter, Its winter now!( windy和 winter对比,学生尝试发音)2. CAI播放鸟叫的声音,师在黑板上画一棵树干,再画上几片浅绿色的树叶,对学生说:Look! The leaves are green now. What season is it now?引出:spring.教读后进行春天在哪里的游戏:将单词卡藏在一学生的抽屉中,请一位当侦察兵,其他同学齐读该单词,并用声音的强弱提示侦察兵单词在哪,学生根据声音的强弱知道离卡片的远近而找到卡片。3. 师做擦汗状,并做一个游泳的动作:Its very hot,I can swim and eat ice-cream in this season. Guess. 引出:summer.4. 将之前树干上的绿叶涂成黄色,并画上几片落叶,引出:fall5. 开火车:拿出四张单词卡,让学生逐个按照春夏秋冬顺序快速说出。(注:教学单词结合音素进行教学,并问一些如:Do you like-?Whats your favorite season? Whats the weather like in-?做到词不离句,教读单词时,运用轻重对比的方法,整节课小组比赛贯穿始终。)Step 3 Practice(新课操练)活动一:浮想联翩1. 闻声猜季节:CAI播放鸟叫声,知了声,风的咆哮声等,让学生说出季节。2. “看我做”:请某生上台,出示单词卡片让其发挥想象做出与这一季节相关的动作,台下的学生快速猜出活动二:四季的颜色让学生说说自己心目中四季是什么颜色,编成chant: Spring is green with flowers and songs. Summer is hot and the days are long. Fall is golden and farmers are busy. Winter is white and the year is gone.活动三:超级模仿秀播放配套课件,模仿发音,让学生尝试回答:Whats your favorite season?活动四:你来唱我来和 Favorite favorite ,whats your favorite season? -,-,-, My favorite season is -Step 4 Extension(知识延伸)Task1:明星荟萃:CAI出示明星及卡通人物的图片,让学生逐个猜他们最喜爱的季节,进行分组竞赛。Task2:小小调查员:Whats your favorite season? Why?NameSpringSummerFallWinterWhy?Step 5 Assessment(作业布置)一星级:小小书法家:在四线格内规范书写单词4遍。二星级:当爸爸妈妈的小老师,用英语表达四个季节三星级:搜集四个季节中中西方的节日,同学之间互相交流板书设计:My Favourite Season Whats your favourite season?比赛区My favourite season is .Why do you like ?Whats the weather like in ?季节图片


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