2022年高中英语 Module5 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary教案 必修3 新课标

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2022年高中英语 Module5 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary教案 必修3 新课标课题Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary课型New教学目标1. To enable Ss to master some words and expressions.2. To improve Ss reading skills.3. To help Ss know something about three Chinese philosophers and their ideas.重点How to do some explanation about the text.难点Enable the Ss to know about three Chinese philosophers and their ideas.学情分析The Ss can finish the task.教具课件1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A puter教法1. Fast reading and careful reading to help the students understand the passage exactly.2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.教学程序教学内容师生活动时间分配Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step5Step 1. Revision 1. Check the answers to Activities 4, 5 and 6 in Vocabulary on page 92.2. Ask Ss to fill in the following blanks.(1) Confucius is one of the great p in ancient China.(2) They believed that all human beings are created e .(3) China has made great c to science.(4) “H is an important quality.” the teacher said.(5) A r is someone who controls a country.(6) As we all know, Edison is a great i .(7) More and more people have realized the i of English, so they begin to attend all kinds of language schools.(8) Some of Mozis (学说) were different from those of ConfuciusSuggested Answers: (1) philosophers (2) equal (3) contributions (4) Honesty (5) ruler (6) inventor (7) importance (8) teachingsStep 2. Leading-in1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 43 and talk about them by following the questions:(1) Say three things you know about Confucius.(2) Say what you know about Mencius and Mozi. Confucius Mencius MoziStep 3. Reading 1. Fast reading Ask Ss to read the text quickly and answer the question: Who wrote a book himself, Confucius, Mencius, or Mozi?Suggested Answers: Mencius 2. Intensive reading (1) Ask Ss to read the text carefully and choose the correct answers to Activity 3 on page 42. (2) Ask Ss to fill in the following form. philosopherssth about their lifetheir ideasinfluenceConfucius551BC-479BC, a time whenMenciusMoziSuggested Answers:(3) Ask Ss to retell the text according to the information in the form.For your reference (information about Confucius): Confucius was born in 551BC and died in 479BC. It was a time when states were often at war and also a time when there were many great philosophers. He stressed the importance of kindness, duty and order in society. His influence, which lasted for more that xx years, was the greatest of the three.Step 4. Language PointsAsk Ss to discuss the important and difficult language points.1. Ancient China was a place where states were at war with each other.中国古代各诸侯国经常交战。(1) where 引导定语从句,修饰a place。(让学生找出文章中其他的定语从句。)(2) be at war 在交战。如:In1920 Poland and Russia were still at war. “at+不带冠词的名词” 表示“从事某工作”或“出于某种状态”。如: He is at work. = He is working. The family are at breakfast. = The family are having breakfast.2. Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to those of Confucius.孟子的学说和孔子的学说非常相似。(1) be similar to 和相似,其反义词组为“be different from”。如: Our school is similar to yours. 【拓展】be similar in sth 在方面相似。如:Gold is similar in color to brass.(2) 句中的those 代替the teachings, 避免重复。that 用来代替单数名词。如: His method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High School. The climate here is nothing like that in Lanzhou.3. .and was then given an important position in the government of a state.在一个诸侯国担任重要职位。 position 地位,职位。如:Youd better ask someone in a position of authority. 你最好咨询一下权威人士。 【拓展】与position有关的词组:abuse your position 滥用职权 hold a position 担任一个职务be in/out of position 在/不在适当的位置 4. However, when he saw that the ruler was not following his advice, he resigned. 然而当他看到统治者并不接受他的意见时,他辞职了。 Follow的用法:follow ones advice/orders/wishes 听从某人的忠告/服从某人的命令/遵照某人的愿望 follow ones instructions/directions 按照使用说明/指示去做 Pay attention to the following sentences: 注意下面的句子。 I didnt quite follow what she said. 我不大明白她说的话。 The results are as follows: First was Class1; second, Class2; third, Class3. 结果如下:第一名一班;第二名,二班;第三名,三班。5. For many years he traveled from state to state, teaching the principles of Confucius.许多年来,他周游列国,传授孔子的思想。(1) fromto 从到 from door to door / from house to house (挨家挨户)from hand to hand (从一手到另一手)from head to foot(从头到脚)(2) teaching the principle of Confucius 是-ing形式作状语。如: Fill in the blanks using the words in the box. He was seated there reading a novel. 6. He spent his last years preparing a book of his teachings called The Book of Mencius.他在晚年整理了自己的学说汇编成一本书孟子 (1) ones last years 某人的晚年 (2) spend sth on sth/(in) doing sth 花费时间; 度过。如: How long did you spend on your homework? Mary spent too much time watching TV. Most of her life was spent in caring for others. Step 5. Task 1. Ask Ss to discuss in pairs to get the idea how to write about a famous person from ancient China by answering the following questions:Q1. Who was he? Q2. When and where was he born? And when and where was he died? Q3. What kind of difficulties did he have? Q4. What was he famous for? (ideas, teachings, inventions etc) Q5. What about his influence?2. Ask Ss to find out the useful expressions in the text Philosophers of Ancient China.3. Ask Ss to write a famous person from ancient China.For your reference:Xun Zi , one of the greatest philosophers who lived before Qin dynasty (340-245 B.C.), was a great thinker who kept to the stand of the Confucianism. His view was that human nature was evil at the beginning and that external factors such as Confucian ethics and moral standard were particularly emphasized on human behaviors. He suggested that people should treat the world with impersonality and intellect. And his thought was carried forward in large scale in Chinese long history. Step 6. Homework1. Ask Ss to review the text and then retell it in their own words.2. Ask Ss to finish Activities 1, 2 on page 42.3. Ask Ss to finish Reading Activities on page 93-94.4. Ask Ss Prepare for Grammar.1.See the pictures&talkRead & do exxlearn & practice12301板书 Period 2 Reading and Vocabularybe at war 在交战 be similar in sthposition 地位,职位。Follow的用法:follow ones advice/orders/wishes 听从某人的忠告/服从某人的命令/遵照某人的愿望 follow ones instructions/directions教学后记The Ss cant recite the text.


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