2015年高考英语3500词详解 C开头素材

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高考英语3500词详解CcabkAb n.C出租车,计程车:Shall we walk or take a cab? 咱们走路还是坐计程车?/ Lets go by cab. 我们坐计程车去吧。cab-driver5kAbdraivE n.C计程车司机cabbage5kAbidV n. C,U卷心菜,洋白菜:She bought two cabbages two heads of cabbage. 她买了两棵卷心菜。/ Give me some more cabbage. 再给我一点洋白菜。【说明】作为植物的“卷心菜”,可数或不可数均可;作为疏菜吃的“卷心菜(叶)”,不可数。caf5kAfei n.C咖啡馆,餐馆cafeteria5kAfi5tiEriE n.C自助餐厅:This cafeteria serves good food. 这家自助餐厅供应的饭菜不错。cagekeidV n.C笼,鸟笼,兽槛:Put the dog in a cage. 把这条狗关入笼中。v.关入笼中或槛内:I felt terribly caged in that office. 我呆在那个办公室里感觉真像在笼子里一样。calculate5kAlkjuleit v.1.计算:Have you calculated the result? 你算出结果了吗? 2.估计,认为:I calculate youll get there in time. 我认为你们赶到那里是来得及的。3.计划,打算:The room is not calculated for such use. 这房间不是打算做这种用途的。4.指望,依靠:We cannot calculate on his help. 我们不能指望他的帮助。be calculated to do sth 打算或计划做某事:This advertisement is calculated to attract the attention of housewives. 这个广告是为引起家庭主妇们的注意而设计的。cakekeik n.1.C,U蛋糕,糕点:Help yourself to more cake. 再吃一点蛋糕。 2.C饼:fish cakes鱼肉饼 / potato cakes 马铃薯饼callkC:l v. 1.喊,叫:Someone is calling for help. 有人在大声呼救。2.叫,点名:Ill call the numbers. 我会叫号码。3.大声叫(某人)来,呼唤: Please call me a taxi. 请给我叫辆计程车。4.取名,称呼:Well call the baby David. 我们给这婴儿取名大卫。5.拜访,经常来访(如卖东西):Lets call (in) on Johnat Johns house. 咱们去拜访约翰吧。6.举行,进行:The president called an election. 总统宣布举行选举。7.打电话:Ill call (you) again later. 我稍后再(给你)打电话。n. 1.C呼喊,喊叫:I heard a call for help. 我听到有人呼救。/ They came at my call. 我把他们喊来了。2.C电话:Were there any calls for me while I was out? 我出去的时候有人打电话给我吗?3.C(短暂)访问:You should makepay a call on your uncle. 你应该去看看你的叔叔。1. call back 唤回,回电话:Hes not in. Please call back later. 他不在家,请过一会儿再打来。2. call for 叫某人,需要:This problem calls for careful thought. 这问题需要好好想一想。3. call in 找来,来访,收回:Call in the doctor at once. 马上去请医生来。/ Please call in at five. 请在五点来访。4. call off 叫走,取消:Call your dog off. 把你的狗叫走。/ The match was called off because of bad weather. 由于天气不好,比赛取消了。5. call (up)on sb 拜访,看望:He called on them that evening. 他那天晚上去拜访了他们。6. call out 大声叫:He called out with pain. 他痛得大叫。7. call up打电话,想起:Please call me up this evening. 请今晚给我打电话。【说明】1.表示拜访或看望某人,其后接介词(up)on;表示到某地拜访,其后接介词at。2. call sb既可表示“叫某人”,也可表示“给某人打电话”。calmkB:m adj. 1.(指天气)无风的,无浪的:The lake was calm. 湖面风平浪静。2.镇静的,沉着的:He always remains calm when he meets difficulties. 遇到困难时,他总是保持镇静。n.C,U平静:After the storm came a calm. 风暴过后,万籁俱寂。v.(使)平静,沉着:Calm yourself. 请别激动。/ The situation calmed down. 局势平静了。 calmly5kB:mliadv.平静地,镇静地:He walked into the shop and calmly stole a pair of gloves. 他走进商店若无其事地偷了一副手套。calmness5kB:mnisn.U平静,冷静:The wind failed and the sea returned to calmness. 风停了,海面上恢复了一片寂静。camel5kAmEl n. 1.C骆驼 2.U驼色,浅棕色camera5kAmErE n.C照相机,摄像机,摄影机:Camera! 开摄!campkAmp n.C野营,营地:a holiday camp度假营 / We have to go back to camp now. 我们现在该回营去了。v.(使)扎营(宿营):They camped themselves on the grasslands. 他们在草原上扎营住宿。/ They camped out in the woods. 他们在树林里露宿。campaignkAm5pein n. 1.C战役:the Huai-Hai Campaign 淮海战役 2.C活动,运动:a campaign to stop people smoking 一项阻止人们吸烟的运动 vi.参加活动,从事活动,作战:She spent her life campaigning for womens rights. 她毕生致力于女权运动。can1kAnv. aux. 1. (表能力)能,会:Everyone here can speak English. 这儿人人会说英语。/ He couldnt answer the question. 他不能回答那个问题。2.(表推测)可能:It cant be true. 那不可能是真的。/ Can he be serious? 他当真是这个意思吗?3.(表许可)可以:Can I come in? 我可以进来吗? / You can go home now. 你可以回家了。【辨析】can与be able to:1. can只有现在式和过去式两种形式,而be able to 则有多种时态形式。2. could 和 was / were able to作为过去式,均可表示过去的能力,但除非在否定句中,could通常只表示过去一般性的能力,而不表示过去特定场合下的能力,表示过去特定场合的能力要用waswere able to结构:I was able to swim to the bank when the ship sank. 当船沉时,我设法游到了岸边。3. can有时可用没有生命的东西作主语,而be able to则不可以。【说明】1.表推测时,can通常只用于否定句和疑问句,一般不用于肯定句,如可说Can he be at home? 他会在家吗?但不说He can be at home. 不过有时也用于肯定句,表示理论上的可能性或表示“有时”:Even experienced teachers can make mistakes. 即使是有经验的教师也可能出错。/ It can get very hot here. 这里有时会很热。2.若对过去可能已经发生的情况作推测,不能只用can的过去式could,而应后接动词的完成式:He cantcouldnt have sold his house. 他不可能已把房子卖了。can2kAn n. 1.C(美)罐头,听头,一罐之量:He drank four cans of beer. 他喝了四罐啤酒。2.C罐子:an oil can 油罐 v.装于罐头内canalkE5nAl n. 1.C运河:The Suez Canal joins the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. 苏伊士运河连接着地中海和红海。2.C水道,管道:The canals take water to the rice fields. 水渠把水送到稻田里。cancel5kAnsE vt. 1.取消,废除:He has to cancel his plan. 他不得不打消他的计划。2.删除:Cancel that last sentence. 把最后一句删掉。cancellationkAnsE5leiFEn n.1.U取消,注销:Her cancellation of her trip to Paris upset our plan. 她取消了巴黎之行打乱了我们的计划。2.C作废的事物:Are there any cancellations for this evenings performance? 今晚演出的节目有取消的吗? cancer5kAnsE n. 1.C,U癌,毒瘤:Is there a certain cure for cancer yet? 迄今癌症有无有效的治疗办法? 2.C弊端,社会恶习:Violence is the cancer of our society. 暴力是我们社会的痼疾。【说明】下面两句同义:Hes got a cancer in his throat.=Hes got cancer of the throat. 他得了喉癌。candidate5kAndidEt n.1.C候选人:He was the only candidate; therefore, he was elected. 他是惟一的候选人,因此他当选了。2.C应试人:Most candidates passed in grammar. 大多数考生语法及了格。candle5kAndl n.C蜡烛:We lit the candle and the candle lit the room.我们点着了蜡烛,蜡烛照亮了房间。candy5kAndi n. 1.U冰糖 2.C,U糖果:mixed candies什锦糖canteenkAn5ti:n n.C餐厅,食堂capkAp n. 1.C帽子:put on a cap 戴上帽子 2.(瓶子的)盖,(钢笔等的)笔套:Its better to put the cap back on the bottle. 最好把瓶盖盖上。vt.给戴帽,覆盖:Snow capped the mountains. 雪覆盖着山顶。capital5kApitEl n. 1.C首都,省会:Each state of the United States has a capital. 美国的每个州都有一个首府。2.(在某方面有领导地位的)都市,中心:New York is the financial capital of the U.S. 纽约是美国的金融中心。3.C大写字母:Write your name in capitals. 用大写字母写你的名字。4.U资本,资金,本钱:capital and interest本金和利息capsule5kApsju:l n. 1.C(植物)蒴果 2.C(内装口服药的)胶囊:He swallowed two capsules at a time. 他一次吞下两粒胶囊。3.C太空舱,航空舱captain5kAptin n. 1.C(海军)上校,(陆军)上尉:A captain is below a general. 上尉级别比将军低。2.C船长,舰长:Are we ready to sail, Captain? 船长,我们准备开航吗? 3.C队长,组长:He was (the) captain of the football team for five years. 他当了五年的足球队长。caption5kApFEn n.1.C标题:splash caption 显眼的大标题 2.C(插图等的)说明文字:I didnt understand the drawing until I read the caption. 读了文字说明,我才明白那幅画的意思。3.C(电影等的)字幕:Chinese captions 中文字幕carkB: n. 1.C汽车,小汽车:What kind of car do you have? 你的汽车是什么样的?2.C火车车厢:This train has a restaurant car (a sleeping car). 这火车有餐车(卧车)。3.(电梯,缆车等的)厢,舱carbon5kB:bEn n.1.U碳 2.C复写纸:Have you got any carbon paper? 你有复写纸吗?cardkB:d n. 1.C卡片:a birthday card 生日贺卡 2.C名片:Could you please give me your card? 请给我一张你的名片好吗?3.C明信片:I sent her a get -well card. 我给她寄了一张祝她康复的明信片。4.C请柬:a wedding call 婚礼请帖 5.C纸牌,纸牌戏carekZE n. 1.U小心,谨慎,注意:Please do this with care. 你做这事时请格外小心。2.U关怀,爱护,照料:The library is under the care of Mr. Green. 图书馆由格林先生管理。3.C,U忧虑,烦恼:He was free from all cares. 他无忧无虑。v. 1.喜欢,想要:I dont care to play football. 我不喜欢踢足球。2.介意,在乎,关心,忧虑:I dont care a bit. 我一点儿也不在乎。/ I dont care what she thinks. 她怎么想我不管。1. care about 关心,担心:The only thing he cares about is money. 他只在乎钱。/ Dont you care about your countrys future? 你难道不为自己国家的前途担忧吗? 2. care for 喜欢,愿意,照看,爱护,关心,担心:Would you care for a drink? 你想喝一杯吗? / They cared for the child day and night. 他们日夜照看这个孩子。/ How the Party cares for us! 党多么关心我们啊!/ We dont care for his safety. 我们不担心他的安全。3. take care 当心,小心,照看:Take care that you dont drink too much. 当心别喝多了。/ Take care not to catch cold. 小心别感冒。/ He is old enough to take care of himself. 他大了,能照顾自己了。careful5kZEful adj. 1.当心的,小心的,谨慎的:Hes careful with his work. 他工作很仔细。/ Be careful not to break it. 小心不要把它打碎了。2.审慎的,仔细的,细心的:The doctor made a careful examination. 医生作了仔细的检查。【说明】1.表示“对注意(留意)”,be careful 后可以接介词 of或about,但不接介词 for:I hope youll be more careful ofabout your health. 我希望你要多注意身体。2. be careful to do sth与be careful in doing sth不同,前者指注意要做某事,后者指在做某事时很小心:Hes careful to read every sentence. 他注意读(即不漏读)每一个句子。/ He is careful in reading every sentence. 他读每个句子都很仔细。3.后接从句时,从句谓语通常用现在时表示将来意义:Be careful (that) you dont break it. 注意不要把它打破了。carefully5kZEfuladv. 小心地,仔细地:Glass must be treated carefully. 玻璃必须小心使用。carefulness5kZEfulnisn.U细心,仔细:These young people are full of vigor, but fail in carefulness. 这些年轻人干劲十足,但还不够仔细。careless5kZElis adj. 1.粗心的,不谨慎的:He is careless in speech. 他说话欠思考。/ Hes careless of about his appearance. 他不修边幅。2.漫不经心的,不在乎的:He is careless in everything. 他对任何事都漫不经心。/ Hes careless about money matters. 他对用钱的事毫不在意。【说明】1.下面两句同义:It was careless of you to leave the room unlocked.= You were careless to leave the room unlocked. 你没有把门锁上真是太粗心了。2. be careful to do sth与be careful in doing sth不同,前者指粗心地做了某事(不定式为结果状语),后者指做某事时很粗心:He was careless to make some mistakes. 他很粗心,结果出了些错。/ He was careless in typing the letter. 他打印这封信时很粗心。carelessness5kZElisnis n.U疏忽,粗心大意:Your only fault is carelessness.你惟一的缺点是粗心大意。/ He showed great carelessness in everything he did. 他做什么事都非常马虎。carpenter5kB:pEntEn. C木匠,木工carpet5kB:pit n. 1.C,U地毯:The floor is covered with a carpet. 地板上铺着地毯。2.C地上一层厚的东西,像地毯铺的东西:A carpet of leaves covered the ground. 地上铺满一层树叶。【链接】carpet=(与房间同大小的)地毯,rug=(铺在某一小地方)小地毯,runner=(铺在走廊等细长处)=长地毯carriage5kAridV n. 1.C(四轮)马车:an open carriage 敞蓬马车 2.C(火车)客车厢:The carriages at the back of the train were empty. 这列火车后面的客车厢都是空的。3.U货物运费,货运carrier5kAriE n. 1.C搬运者,货运公司,航空公司:Your carrier for this flight is British Airways. 你的这一班机是英国航空公司的飞机。2.C带菌者,(传播疾病的)媒介:Flies are carriers of infectious diseases. 苍蝇是传染病的传播者。carrot5kArEt n.C,U胡萝卜:Would you like some more carrot(s)? 再来点胡萝卜好吗? 【说明】作为植物看待,可数;作为食物看待,可数或不可数均可。carry5kAri v. 1.带,背,提,抱,扛,抬,运:The monkey carried her baby on her back. 猴子把她的婴儿背在背上。/ Pipes carry oil across the desert. 管道将油送过沙漠。2.持有,带有,佩带: In Britain police do not usually carry guns. 在英国警察通常不带枪。/ He always carries some money about him. 他身上总是带些钱。3.登载,刊出,播出:Todays papers carry full reports of the Presidents visit. 今天报纸上登载了总统访问的详尽报道。4.有(某种结果),含有,承担:Such a crime carries a serious punishment. 这种罪通常要判重刑。5.支撑,承载:This pillar carries the whole roof. 这柱子支撑着整个屋顶。1.carry away 搬去,失去自控,非常兴奋:The table were carried away. 桌子搬走了。/ He was carried away by success. 他被胜利冲昏了头脑。2. carry on 继续,进行:Please carry on with your work. 请继续工作。/ We will carry on our discussion tomorrow. 我们明天将继续讨论。3. carry out 进行,完成,实现:The operation was carried out successfully. 手术进行得很成功。/ We expect her to carry out her promises. 我们希望她履行诺言。4. carry through成功地完成,帮助渡过(难关):He carried through the work in a month. 他在一个月之内就完成了工作。cartoonkB:5tu:n n. 1.C漫画,讽刺画:a political cartoon一幅政治漫画2.C卡通片,动画片:a Walt Disney cartoon 迪尼斯动画片carvekB:v vt. 1.刻,雕刻:Her father carved a little horse for her out of wood. 她父亲用木头给她刻了一匹小马。2.切,(把熟肉)切成碎片(供食用):He carved me some very nice pieces of chicken. 他为我切了几块上好的鸡肉。case1keis n. 1.C情况,状况,情形:If that is the case, you will have to work much harder. 如果情况真是那样的话,你就得加倍努力。2.C实情,真相;事例,实例:Thats not the case. 事实并非如此。3.C案件:The case will be heard in court next week. 这一案件下星期审理。4.C病例,病症:There are three cases of fever in school. 学校有三个发烧病人了。5. (常用单)辩护事实,理由:The police have a clear case against the prisoner. 警方对这犯人的控诉有明确的根据。1. in any case 无论如何:In any case, catch the train tomorrow. 无论如何明天要搭上火车。2. in no case 绝不:In no case should you give up. 你绝不能放弃。3. in this (that) case 若是这样(那样)的话:In that case come a little earlier. 若是那样的话,早点来。【说明】1.短语in case用作连词可引导条件状语从句(=如果,万一)和目的状语从句(=以防),也可直接用作状语(=以防万一):In case it should rain, dont expect me. 如果下雨的话,我就不来了。/ Wear a raincoat (just) in case. 穿上雨衣以防万一。2. 与in case类似,复合介词in case of也可表示条件(=如果)或目的(=以防):In case of fire, call 119. 万一失火,就打119电话。/ Take an umbrella with you in case of rain. 带把雨伞,以防下雨。case2keis n.C箱,盒,容器,套子:a dressing case 梳妆盒cashkAF n.U现金,现钞:Unless (you are) paying by credit card,please pay in cash. 除非你用信用卡付款,否则你得付现金。vt.把兑现:Can you cash this postal order for me now? 你现在能帮我兑现这张邮政汇票吗?cash in 兑现:Id like to cash in this check . 请将这张支票兑成现金。 【说明】比较(两者所用介词不同):in cash=用现金(付款),by check=用支票(付款)。如:Id like to pay by check rather than in cash. 我想用支票而不用现金付款。castkB:st vt. 1.投,扔,抛,撒: / The fishermen cast their nets into the sea. 渔夫把网撒到海中。2.脱落,掉:Every year the snake casts (off) its skin. 蛇每年都蜕皮。3.投射(影子、目光等):The evening sun cast long shadows. 夕阳投下长长的影子。n. 1.C投,掷,抛:The fisherman caught a fish at his first cast. 渔夫第一次掷钓线就钓到一条鱼。2.(常用单)(目光)投射,瞥见:give a cast with ones eye 用眼瞥了一下castle5kB:sl n.C城堡:On the hill in front of them stood a castle. 他们前面的山丘上耸立着一座城堡。casual5kAVuEl adj. 1.偶然的,碰巧的:a casual visitor 不速之客 2.临时的,不定期的:a casual laborer worker 临时工 3.随便的,非正式的:casual clothes 便服 / casual decisions 草率的决定catkAt n.C猫,猫科动物:A cat has nine lives. 猫有九命。rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨catalogue5kAtElRg n. C(图书或商品)目录,目录册:a catalogue card 目录卡 / a library catalogue 书目目录 vt. (为)编目录,(把)编目:catalogue the paintings in a museum 为博物馆的藏画编目catastrophekE5tAstrEfi n. C灾祸,灾难,惨事:The flood was a terrible catastrophe in which many people died. 那场水灾真是一场可怕的灾难,使许多人丧失生命。catchkAtF v. 1.逮住,捉住,挂住,接住:He was caught and sent to prison. 他被捕入狱。/ The nail caught my dress. 那钉子挂住了我的衣服。2.赶上,乘坐:We had to drive very quickly in order to catch the train. 我们要开快车才能赶上火车。3.传染,感染(疾病),患(病等):She caught the disease from a patient. 她的病是从一位病人那儿传染的。4.偶然(或突然)撞见,当场抓住:The teacher caught him sleeping in class. 老师发现他在上课时睡觉。5.听见,听清,听懂,理解:I didnt catch what you said. 我听不清你的话。6.惹得,引起:The boy knocked on the window to catch my attention. 小孩敲窗户引起我的注意。n. 1.C捕捉,把握:The goalkeepers catch was quick and sure. 守门员接住球又快又准。2.C接球:That was a difficult catch. 那是一个难接的球。1. catch at 抓住,采纳:They caught at the idea. 他们采纳了这个意见。2. catch on 钩住,受欢迎,领会:Her coat caught on the nail. 她的大衣给钉子钩住了。/ I dont quite catch on to what he is saying. 我不大理解他在讲什么。3. catch up 赶上,追上:If you miss a lot of lessons, its very difficult to catch up. 要是你耽误很多课,你会很难赶上的。cathedralkE5Wi:drEl n.C大教堂:The cathedral is the oldest building in the city. 这座教堂是城里最古老的建筑。category5kAtEgEri n. C种类,类别,范畴:There are different categories of books in a library. 图书馆里有各种不同种类的书籍。/ You should learn to place things in categories. 你应该学会分门别类。cater5keitE v.承包伙食,(为)承办酒席:Fifty is a lot of people to cater for. 承包50人的伙食可够多了。/ Who is catering your daughters wedding? 谁承办你女儿的婚宴? catholic5kAWElik adj.普遍的,广泛的:His tastes are very catholic. 他的嗜好很广泛。Catholic5kAWElik n.& adj.C天主教的(教徒):Catholic schools 天主教会(办的)学校 / Is he (a) Catholic or (a) Protestant? 他是天主教徒还是新教教徒?cattle5kAtl n. (总称)牛:The cattle are grazing. 牛在吃草。/ The road ahead was full of cattle. 前面的路上挤满了牛。【说明】1.是cows, bulls, oxen等的总称,虽为单数形式,但总表示复数意义。2.要表示“牛”的头数,可借助head(单复数同形):thirty (head of) cattle 30头牛 causekC:z n. 1.C原因:Smoking is one of the causes of heart disease. 吸烟是引起心脏病的一种原因。2.U理由:He is never absent from work without good cause. 他绝不无故缺勤。vt.引起,导致:Careless driving often causes accidents. 开车大意常常造成事故。【说明】用作动词时,其宾语后可接不定式(必须带to)作宾补,但不接形容词作宾补,如不能说The news caused her sad,可改为The news made her sad.或The news caused her to be sad. 这消息使她伤心。caution5kR:FEn n.1.U小心,谨慎:Open the box with caution. 小心打开这个盒子。2.C告诫,警告:He often offered us useful cautions. 他经常给我们提出有益的告诫。vt.警告,告诫:I cautioned him not to be against being late. 我警告他不要迟到。cautious5kR:FEs adj.谨慎的,小心的:He was cautious about his work. 他对工作非常谨慎。【辨析】careful 与 cautious:前者属为常用语,指小心谨慎,以免粗枝大叶而出错;后者指小心谨慎以防出现危险或差错,暗含“提防”之意。cavekeiv n.C洞,穴,地窖 v. 1.洞穴探险运动:He likes caving. 他喜欢洞穴探险运动。2. (使)塌下,(使)倒塌:The flood caved in the wall. 大水冲倒了墙。CD7si:5di: 光盘,激光唱片:He is playing CD. 他在放CD。CD-ROM7si:di:5rCm信息储存光盘ceiling5si:liN n.C天花板,顶篷:The light hangs from the ceiling above you. 电灯从你头上的天花板上吊下来。/ He hung a lamp from a hook in the ceiling. 他把灯挂在天花板的钩子上。celebrate7seli5breit v.庆祝,祝贺:If you pass your exams, well have a party to celebrate. 你要是考及格了,我们就开个庆祝会。celebrated7seli5breitid adj.有名的,有口皆碑的:Venice is celebrated for its beautiful building. 威尼斯以建筑美观而闻名。celebration7seli5breiFEn n. 1.U庆祝:The victory deserves celebration. 这一胜利值得庆祝。2.C庆祝会,庆典:We held a celebration in honor of Mr. Smith. 我们为史密斯先生举行了庆祝会。in celebration of 为庆祝:The party was in celebration of Mothers silver wedding. 这次晚会是为庆祝母亲的银婚。cellsel n. 1.C(监狱的)单人牢房,(修道院等的)单人小室:He was imprisoned in a one-room cell. 他被关押在单间小牢房里。2.C(政治活动)小组织:the local party cell 地方基层组织 / a terrorist cell恐怖分子的小组 3.C(生物)细胞 4.C电池:a dry cell 干电池cellar5selE n.C地窖,地下储藏室:a coal cellar地下煤窖centsent n. 1.C美分:There are 100 cents in a dollar. 1美元合100美分。/ Sugar has advanced 2 cents a pound. 食糖一磅涨了2分钱。2. (作单位的) 百分率,百分之:five per cent 百分之五centigrade5sentigreid adj.摄氏温度的:Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade. 水在摄氏100度时沸腾。centimetre (美centimeter)5senti7mi:tE n.C公分,厘米:A meter is equal to 100 centimeters. 1米等于100厘米。centralsen5trB:l adj.1.中心的,中央的:This is the central city of the whole area. 这就是整个地区的中心城市。2.最重要的,主要的,中心的:Who is the central figure of the novel? 谁是这本小说的中心人物?centre(美center) 5sen tE n. 1.C中心点,中心,中央:the center of a circle 圆心 2.C(活动、购物等)场所,中心:a shopping center 购物中心 / Beijing is the political, economic and cultural center of China. 北京是中国的政治、经济和文化中心。3.C (引力,注意力等的)中心:She likes to be the center of attention. 她喜欢成为引人注意的中心人物。v. 1. 把集中,使聚集:All his hopes are centered in her. 他的一切希望都寄托在她身上。2.(使)居中century5sentFuri n.C世纪,百年:The 18th century was the golden age of the novel. 18世纪是小说的黄金时代。ceremony5serimEni n.1.C典礼,仪式:The marriage ceremony took place in the church. 婚礼在教堂举行。2.U礼仪,礼节:They use much ceremony with each other. 他们彼此之间彬彬有礼。certain5sE:tEn adj. 1.某,某一:For certain reasons I will be unable to attend the meeting. 因为某些原因,我不能出席这次会议。2.确定的,无疑的:Its certain that the earth is round. 毫无疑问,地球是圆的。3.一定的,必然的:Shes certain to do well in the examination. 她考试一定考得好。/ Its certain that he will come. 他一定会来。4.确信的,有把握的:Im certain she saw me. 我确信她看到我了。/ Are you certain of about that? 你对此有把握吗?1. for certain 有把握,肯定地:I dont know for certain. 我知道得不确切。2. make certain 弄清楚,弄得有把握,核实:Make certain (that) you know what time the train leaves. 你要弄清楚火车开出的确切时间。【说明】1.表示“某一”,只用于名词前作定语;表示“确信的”、“有把握的”等,只用作表语。2. be certain to do sth与be certain of doing sth不同:前者主要表示说话者的看法,意为“肯定会发生某事”,后者表示句子主语的信念,意为“自信会发生某事”:He is certain to win. 他肯定会赢。/ He is certain of winning. 他自信会赢。certainly5sE:tEnli adv. 1.一定,无疑地:He certainly doesnt know. 他一定不知道。/ She is certainly the best swimmer in the team. 她的确是队里游得最好的。2. (用于回答)当然,是的:“Would you help me?” “certainly!”“你可以帮我个忙吗?”“当然!”certificatesE5tifikit n. C证明,证明书:a birth (death, health, graduation, marriage) certificate 出生(死亡,健康,毕业,结婚)证书chaintFein n.1.C,U链,链条:a lot of chain 很多链条 / a watch chain 表链 2.C一连串,一系列:chain stores 连锁店 / a chain of accidents 一连串的事故 vt.用链条拴住;束缚住:Its time the dogs were chained up for the night. 该是把狗拴起来过夜的时候了。chairtFZE n. C椅子:Wont you take a chair? 你请坐好吗? chairman5tFZEmEn n.C主席,会长,议长chairwoman5tFZE7wumEn n.C女主席,女会长,女议长chalktFC:k n. 1.U粉笔 2.U粉笔灰,粉笔末【说明】表示“粉笔”,通常不可数,但有时表示各种不同颜色的粉笔也可用作可数名词:There are some colored chalks on the desk. 讲台上有几支彩色粉笔。challenge5tFAlindV vt.向挑战,要求做(某事):The boys challenged the girls to a race. 男孩子们向女孩子们挑战,进行赛跑。/ I challenged him to a game of chess. 我邀他跟我下棋。n.C邀请比赛,竞赛,挑战:a challenge tennis match 网球邀请赛 / This examination is a real challenge. 这次考试是一次真正的挑战。/ He accepted his friends challenge to swim across the river. 他接受朋友的挑战,比赛游过河去。challenging5tFAlindViN adj. 1.具有挑战性的:His new book is full of challenging ideas. 他的新著作充满挑战性观念。2.有吸引力的:Shes a challenging woman, isnt she? 她真是一个有吸引力的女人,不是吗?champion5tFAmpjEn n. C冠军,优胜者:the boxing champion of the world 世界拳击冠军【说明】指参加比赛获得冠军的人或队,不指“冠军地位”、“冠军称号”,表示后者要用championship:The championship is ours. 冠军是我们的(即冠军属于我们)。chancetFB:ns n. 1.C,U机会,运气:I wish to have a chance to go of going to college. 我希望有个机会上大学。/ Chance plays an important part in many card games. 在许多牌赛中运气很重要。2.C,U可能性:She has a good chance (not much chance) of winning. 她大有希望(没什么希望)获胜。/ There is a chance that I will see him these days. 这几天我有可能见到他。v. 冒的险,试试看:I dont know if we can get it, but lets chance it. 我不知道能不能成功,不过我们试试看吧。/ She chanced to be in when he called. 他打电话时碰巧她在。1. by chance 偶然,意外地:I met her quite by chance. 我遇见她完全是偶然的。2. take chances 冒险:You should never take chances when driving a car. 开车时绝不要冒险。change5tFeindV n.1.U零钱,找头:Dont forget your change! 不要忘了找你的钱!2.C,U变化,改变,变动:There is a sudden change in the situation. 形势突然发生变化。3.C更换,


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