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2022年高中英语第一册上Unit8SportsPeriod2一词语填空1. I dont want to cause any f_ trouble. 2. The m_ of the Olympics is “Faster, Higher, Stronger”.3. H_ the Olympics is a great honor and a great responsibility.4. The villagers _(高举火把)to search for the missing child. 5. It is _ (非同寻常)for him to disappear suddenly.6. In all, our school _(获得10枚金牌) in all kinds of petitions so far.7. You should _ (作些更改)in the article.8. You _(欢迎你使用)my dictionary. 9. Its _ (十分荣幸)to meet you here.10. His words have _ (对很大的影响)on the student. 二选择题1. People like sports _ players pete _ prizes. A. in which, for B. where, for C. when, to D. that, in2. _ minutes one of the children would stand up and go out of the room. A. Every few B. Every a few C. Each few D. Each a few3. The Olympic Games _ held once every _. A. is, four years B. is, fourth year C. are, four years D. are, fourth year4. Please water the flowers _. Which of the following is wrong? A. every two days B. every another day C. every other day D. every second day5. He is _ his lesson _ the final examination. A. preparing, to B. preparing, for C. ready, for D. ready, to6. Id rather all the athletes _ the chance to take part in the games which will be held in the capital next month. A. had B. have C. can have D. will have7. We are not allowed _ outdoors with some other children. A. playing B. to play C. to be playing D. being played8. _ the Wednesday afternoon _ Bobs visit, Mary arranged for us to meet Sam at his school. A. In, follows B. On, following C. In, followed D. On, to follow9. We collected some firewood from the wood and _ a large fire with a _ match. A. lighted, lit B. lit, lighted C. lit, lit D. light, lighted 10. How many students will you pete _ the first prize in the physics petition? About thirty.A. against for B. against in C. with for D. A and C三阅读理解 “We dont have rush hours(车辆拥挤时间)any more,” said Charles M. McLean, who runs the nations busiest road. “We have rush periods, and they keep getting longer and longer.” McLean was describing Chicagos 235 miles of expressway(高速公路),but the same might be said about almost any of the expressways that have bee an important part of American city life- and about the heavy traffic(交通) that often blocks (阻塞)them. In Chicago, a puterized system has been developed that controls traffic on the citys seven expressways. Now one man- a controller- can follow the movement of Chicagos traffic by looking at a set of lights. The system uses electronic sensors(传感器) that are built into each expressway, half a mile apart several times a second, the puter receives information from each sensor and translates it into green, yellow, or red lights on a map in the control room. A green light means traffic is moving forty-five miles an hour, yellow means thirty to forty-five miles an hour, and red means heavy traffic- cars standing still or moving less than thirty miles an hour. “See that red light near Austin Avenue(大街)? ” The controller asked a visitor. Thats a repair truck fixing the road, and the traffic has to go around it. At the Roosevelt Road entrance to the expressway, the light kept changing from green to red and back to green again. “A lot of trucks get on the expressway there,” the controller explained. “They cant speed up as fast as cars.” The sensors show immediately where an accident or a stopped car is blocking traffic, and a truck is sent by radio to clear the road. The system has lowered the number of accidents by 18 percent. There are now 1.4 deaths on Chicagos expressways for each one hundred million miles traveled, while in other parts of the country there are 2.6. Traffic experts say that the Chicago system is the “ing thing.” systems like Chicagos are already in use on some expressways in Los Angeles and Houston. “Chicago has taken the lead,” says New York citys traffic director; and he adds, “We are far behind.” 1. What would be the best title for this text? A. puterized Traffic Control systemB. Rush Periods Getting Longer C. The Nations Busiest RoadD. Sensors on Expressways2. How does the controller follow Chicagos traffic? A. By learning how to use a puter. B. By waiting for the red light to turn to green. C. By watching the sensors built into the expressways. D. By looking at a set of lights on the map in the control room.3. What colour shows that the traffic moves the fastest? A. Red. B. Yellow. C. Green. D. Its uncertain.4. The system in Chicago _ . A. is really effective B. is actually of very little use C. will be sent to Los Angeles D. is looked down upon by New Yorks traffic director四短文改错Dear Tom and Kate, I am writing to invite you both for my 18th birthday party on 1. _Saturday, December 4th. I am having a meal in a restaurant with a little 2. _friends and then a party at my house. I would love you 3. _both to e whether you can. If you need a place to stay for the 4. _night, you can sleep on the floor in our sitting room but please take 5. _a sleeping bag! The meal is at a Italian restaurant called Milan House. 6. _We will be there at 7: 30 pm. There is a train leaves London 7. _at 5 pm and arrives Cambridge at 6: 45 pm. 8. _ I hope this letter finds you good and that you can e ! 9. _ I look forward to hear from you soon. 10. _ Love, Pattis参考答案一 1. further 2. motto 3. Hosting 4. lit the torches 5. quite unusual 6. has won 10 gold medals 7. make some changes 8. are wele to use 9. a great honor 10. a great effect on二1-5 A A D B B 6-10 A B B B D三A D C A四 1. forto2. littlefew3. 4. whetherif5. takebring6. aan 7. 在leaves前加which 8. 在arrives后加inat 9. goodwell10. hearhearing


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