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高二英语人教新课标选修七高二英语人教新课标选修七Unit4Sharingwarmingup课件课件share: to have, use, pay, or take part in something with others among a group rather than singly. 1 Children should be told to share their toys. 2 We share the cost of the meal. 3 We all share the responsibility for these terrible events. 4 Its always better to share your worries and problems.把自己的想法、情感、经历告诉把自己的想法、情感、经历告诉共同承担共同承担分摊分摊分享分享第1页/共61页SharingSharingHave you got anything to share with your classmates? What are they?第2页/共61页Enjoy what some famouspeople think about Sharing第3页/共61页Enjoy第4页/共61页If everybody offers a little love, the world will become more beautiful.第5页/共61页Give roses to others and the lasting fragrance芳香芳香 will remain in your hand.第6页/共61页Have you ever helped your parents, or other relatives, or your friends,or people in your community, or people outside your community? Who would be called “ volunteers”?Would you be called a “ volunteer ”?第7页/共61页People who help others in their community or outside their community would be called volunteers. However, they would not be called volunteers if they help their parents, other relatives or friends.第8页/共61页第9页/共61页第10页/共61页December,5th is International Volunteer Day第11页/共61页What does the sign remind you of?A hand: _A heart:_A dove: _A letter:_helplove and carepeaceY stand for youth第12页/共61页fight against the flood and rescue the old and the sick第13页/共61页plant trees and protect our environment第14页/共61页help the disabled第15页/共61页clean the community第16页/共61页Earthquake in Wenchuan第17页/共61页第18页/共61页who they are?Can you guess第19页/共61页Norman Bethune 白求恩白求恩第20页/共61页1938年1月8日,加拿大著名外科医生、伟大的国际主义战士白求恩率领加拿大和美国医疗队来华,支援中国人民的抗日战争。第21页/共61页Mother Teresa特蕾莎修女特蕾莎修女She lived in India (1910-1997).She helped the poor and the sick and won the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE in 1979 .第22页/共61页濮存昕濮存昕The image ambassador for HIV / Aids第23页/共61页2001年初,濮存昕在中国青少发展基金会设立了濮存昕爱心公益基金 ,主要用于帮助贫困的艾滋病家庭以及贫困地区孩子的教育。第24页/共61页P57徐本徐本禹禹第25页/共61页第26页/共61页Look at the photos 第27页/共61页2. Describe the classrooms.第28页/共61页View of the village from the ridge 山脊山脊第29页/共61页 doorwayvillage hut stick out第30页/共61页第31页/共61页RosemaryJoJo and Jenny第32页/共61页4. _ started crying “ieee ieee” to welcome them.5. _ led us to his house, a low bamboo hut.6. _ was going to share the platform with Jenny and Jo.MukapKiakKiak第33页/共61页 Opening of the letter and introduction to what will be talked about in the passage.Part 1 (Paragraph 1):第34页/共61页Part 2 (Paragraph 2-3):Part 3 (Paragraph 4-8):Part 4 (Paragraph 9):第35页/共61页1. Why did Jo send Rosemary some photos? 2. Why the high school was called a bush school?Its difficult for Rosemary to imagine how life was hard / different in Jos description.The classroom was made from bamboo and the roofs were made from grass.第36页/共61页3. Were the boys and villagers friendly to Jo? How do you know?4. Why was Science the most challenging subject for Jo?There was no equipment.Lots of “good mornings”; cry “ieee ieee”; shake hands.第37页/共61页5. Why did the boys start jumping out the window?The boy never came across something like bubbling mixture.第38页/共61页Jos first visit to a village Time to get there _Description of the house A low bamboo hut with grass 4_ of the roof No windows Narrow doorway Table 2 (about the life in the village)stickingout第39页/共61页Jos first visit to a village 5 _ the house A newly made 6 _ for Jenny and me to sleep on A(n) 7_ in the centre of the hut near the doorway A few tin plates and cups and 8_ pots Insideplatformfireplacea couple of第40页/共61页Jos first visit to a village _ the house Mukap 9_ stones in the fire, and he placed them in an empty oil drum with kau kau, corn and greens. He then 10 _ the vegetables with banana leaves and left them to steam. laidcovered第41页/共61页1. The purpose that the author wrote the letter is that _.A.she wanted to tell Rosemary her teaching life in the high school.B. she wanted to tell Rosemary her learning life in the high school.C. she wanted to tell Rosemary that she couldnt get any money by teaching the poor studentsD. she wanted to tell Rosemary how happy she was in the small village.AChoose the best answer.第42页/共61页2. In a chemistry experiment the boys jumped out of the windows because they _.A. were frightened by the bubbling mixtureB. couldnt stand the terrible smell of the mixtureC. didnt like doing chemistry experimentsD. knew chemistry was not relevant to themA第43页/共61页3. Which of the following is TRUE about Jos attitude?A. She is sure that all the boys will go to college in the future.B. She believes that chemistry is very useful to the boys.C. She is wondering if she can make any difference to the boys lives.D. She doesnt like the simple life in the mountain village.C第44页/共61页4. Which of the descriptions is NOT right about Tombes house?A. It was a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of the roof.B. It was dark and there was a fireplace in the centre of it.C. It was round-shaped, with small windows and a narrow doorway.D. There were only a few possessions in it.C第45页/共61页5. By writing “The only possessions that I could see were ”, the author wants to tell us _.A. Tombes family were kind-heartedB. Tombes family were guest-loversC. Tombes family only used simple thingsD. Tombes family were too poorD第46页/共61页6. Why did Tombe throw out the tin can?A. Because he believed the can attracted evil spirits.B. Because he believed any leftovers attracted evil spirits.C. Because he believed the can has no use at all.D. Because he believed the grill attracted evil spirits.B第47页/共61页7. How did Jo feel after the visit to Tombes family? A. Happy B. Sad C. Worried D. UpsetA第48页/共61页FactsReasonThe boys jumped out of the windows in the science lesson.Because they were frightened; they had never seen anything like this before.第49页/共61页FactsReasonJo wondered how relevant chemistry was to the boys. Because most of them would live all their lives as farmers.第50页/共61页FactsReasonTombes mother cried “ieee ieee” when she saw Jo.It was her way to welcome visitors to the village and she drew everyones attention to their arrival.第51页/共61页FactsReasonThere were no windows in Mukaps hut.Perhaps its because that was a mans house.第52页/共61页FactsReasonThe tin can was standing upside down on the grill.The tin can was used to dry out the leftover food, which might attract evil spirits, so the tin can was thrown out of the hut.第53页/共61页第54页/共61页wouldnt you?第55页/共61页第56页/共61页B, C and D: No, thank you!第57页/共61页Roses given, fragrance in hand. A proverb to enjoy赠人玫瑰赠人玫瑰, 手留余香。手留余香。第58页/共61页Language on Page 32.第59页/共61页第60页/共61页感谢您的观看。感谢您的观看。第61页/共61页


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