2022年高一英语 Unit 11The sounds of the world 4

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2022年高一英语 Unit 11 The sounds of the world 4Teaching Aims:1.Revise the language points and grammatical item in this unit.2.Train the Ss integrating skills.Teaching Important Points:1.Learn and master the following words and phrases:similar,satisfy,on the other hand,because of2.Improve the Ss integrating skills,especially reading and writing skills.Teaching Difficult Points:How to use the following words and phrases.similar,satisfy,on the other hand,because ofTeaching Methods:1.Revise the language points and grammatical item in this unit.2.Contrast and imitation to help Ss learn to write a good parison essay.3.Individual or pair work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.a projector and some slides2.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:FStep . GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.FStep .RevisionT:Yesterday we revised the Passive Voice in different tenses,and we did some exercises to help us master the way of changing the Passive Voice into the Active Voice and the Active Voice into the Passive Voice.Now I want to give you a test to see how well you master it.Look at the sentences on the screen and finish it alone.After that,exchange your papers with your partner to correct each other.Then Ill check the answers with the whole class.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verb in the brackets.1.Im afraid you must_(feel)terrible now.2.He_(be)here since the last month.3.Mr Blank often_(go)to the theatre but his wife_(not go)very often.4.The hall_(paint)at the moment,so it_(not look)its best.5.The house opposite the college_(pull)down.Thats why we_(use)the back entrance at present.6.The sports meet is to_(held)on Oct.5.7.A quarrel_(break)out between the two neighbours.8.I_(catch)in the hard rain on my way to the cinema.9.Because he was hurt,the thief had to throw away the things that_(not belong)to him.10.He asked his mother for some money,but_(give)a good scolding.Suggested answers:1.feel 2.has been 3.goes;doesnt go4.is being painted;doesnt look5.has been pulled;use/are using6.be held 7.will break/has broken/broke 8.was caught 9.didnt belong10.was givenT:(After checking the answers.)Well,please mark the scores on the papers and then hand them in.Now please open your books.Lets go through the new words in this period.FStep . ListeningT:OK.Now please close your books.Listen to the tape of a passage.Try to get the general idea.(Teacher plays the tape for the Ss to listen.After that,teacher asks the following questions.)T:What does the passage talk about?Ss:The parison between pop and rock.T:Quite right.Is the process of making rock music the same as that of making pop music?Ss:No.FStep .ReadingT:OK.Now please open your books at Page 76.Read the passage as quickly as you can and get the main idea of each paragraph.OK?Ss:OK.(After Ss finish reading it,teacher checks the understanding of each paragraph.)T:Whod like to tell what the first paragraph talks about?S1:Why is music important to the musicians?T:Yes.How about the next paragraph?S2:The process of making music.T:Well done.What does the last paragraph talks about?S3:What is the pop music about and what is the rock music about?T:Well.Youve understood the passage better.In order to help you understand it further.Ill explain some words and phrases to you.Look at the screen.(Show the screen.)1.similar:adj.alikee.g.Our dresses are similar.My hair is similar to yours.2.satisfy:v.to be enough for someone;to make someone contentede.g.This work does not satisfy me.He is satisfied with his new work.3.on the other hand:used to indicate contrasting points of view,opinions,etc.e.g.Food here is cheaper than in Britain;clothing;on the other hand,is dearer.He is clever,but on the other hand,he makes many mistakes.4.because of:for this reasone.g.We stayed at home because of the bad weather.I missed the train because of getting up late.T:OK.Now please re-read the passage carefully and finish the following taskpare pop music with rock music according to the three questions below the word“parison”plete the outline about pop music and rock music.If you are not sure about anything,you can discuss with your partner.(After a few minutes,teacher checks the answer with the whole class.)T:Have you finished your work?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Lets pare them together.The first question:Why is music important to the musicians?First,Pop Music.Ss:Music is their career.TheyT:Well.How about Folk Music?Ss:Music is their life.TheyT:Well.The next question:Ss:(Teacher writes the three questions and some key words to the answers on the Bb.)Suggested answers:parisonPop MusicRock MusicHow is music important to the musicians?Music is their career.They use music to bee rich and famous.Music is their life.They play music to satisfy their inner desire.How are songs written?A pop song is written in a “factory”where one person writes the words,someone else the music,and the other musicians record it.One person has a strong feeling and expresses it with music,and others help build the song. What are the songs about?Most pop songs are simple stories about love,so that they make people feel easy and forget about the real world.Rock music expresses true feelings about society, riendship and even war.Some about deeper love,so that they make people think about the world and how to make their life better.FStep .WritingT:Now youve known how a parison essay should be written.Look at the next exercise on Page 77pare traditional Chinese music and modern Chinese music.First discuss the following four questions with your partner and plete the outline.Then write a short essay in which you pare the two styles of music in China.At last,exchange your papers with your partner for ment and correction.After class,hand in your papers.Ill choose the best one to show you next class.FStep .Checkpoint and TipsT:Now,look at Checkpoint 11 on Page 77.Grammar first.Here are eight sentences to help you consolidate the Passive Voice in different tenses.Please plete each sentence with the right form of the word in bracket,paying attention to the Passive verb-forms in different tenses.After that,check your answers with your partner.At last,Ill check with the whole class.Suggested answers:1.is kept(The Present Indefinite Passive Voice)2.was performed(The Past Indefinite Passive Voice.)3.will be given(The Future Indefinite Passive Voice.)4.would be invited(The Past Future Passive Voice.)5.is being played(The Present Continuous Passive Voice.)6.was being repaired(The Past Continuous Passive Voice.)7.has been played(The Present Perfect Passive Voice.)8.had been awarded(The Past Perfect Passive Voice.)T:Besides,weve learned some useful expressions in this unit.Do you remember what they are?Ss:Make a decision,havein mind,(Teacher writes them on the Bb.)T:OK.Now look at the screen.Lets do an exercise.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)plete the sentences,using proper expressions in their right forms.1.They have nothing_ _with each other.2.I hope we can_ _ _today.3._ _his wife(s) being there,I said nothing about it.4.Father and Mother wanted to go for a ride;the children,_ _ _ _,wanted to stay home and play with their friends.5.I could see he was not telling me all he_ _ _.6.All the buildings had been_ _hospitals.Suggested answers:1.in mon2.make a decision3.Because of4.on the other hand5.had in mind6.turned intoT:Well.Weve learnt much about music in this unit.Here are tips for music on the screen.Lets read and study them.(Teacher shows the screen and study with the whole class.)Music is more than just soundit is a way of thinking!When we listen to music,sing and dance,or play an instrument,we are also being better thinkers.Music intelligence is one of our eight human intelligences.We learn language from songs and chants.Many people study better with music on!FStep .Summary and HomeworkT:In this period,weve read a passage about the parison between pop and rock music.Weve also learnt to write a parison essay for Traditional Chinese Music vs Modern Chinese Pop Music.Weve known much about music not only from China,but also from other parts of the world.Besides,weve learnt some useful words and expressions,such as similar,satisfy,on the other hand,because of and so on.And weve revised the language points and grammatical item learnt in the last few periods.After class,try to get more information about music around the world and revise all the contents in this unit carefully and use them freely.So much for this period.See you next class!Ss:See you next class!FStep . The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 11 The sounds of the worldThe Fourth Period1.How to write a parison essayPara.1:Why is music important to musicians?Pop:career;rich;famousRock:life;satisfy inner desirePara.2:How are songs written?Pop:“factory”(words,music,record)Rock:strong feeling;express with music;others helpPara.3:What are the songs about?Pop:love;easy,forget about the real worldRock:society;friendship,war,deeper love,think about2.Useful expressions:make a decision,havein mind,in mon,on the other hand,because of,on the radioFStep . Record after Teaching_


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