2022年高一英语 Module 4 Sandstorm in Asia 教案 外研版必修3

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2022年高一英语 Module 4 Sandstorm in Asia 教案 外研版必修3_第1页
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2022年高一英语 Module 4 Sandstorm in Asia 教案 外研版必修3_第2页
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2022年高一英语 Module 4 Sandstorm in Asia 教案 外研版必修3Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia- Reading & Vocabulary Teaching Aims:1. Knowledge and Skills1) Train the students reading abilty.2) Learn some useful words and expressions. 3) Know about some facts about sandstorms.2. Process and Methods1) Make students know much more information about sandstorms in Asia, especially in China.2) Encourage them to find ways to protect our earth and environment. 3. Emotion and Values1) Make students have a better understanding of sandstorms.2) Encourage them to protect our earth and environment.Impotant Points:1.Help students to understand sandstorms better. 2.Learn and master some important words and phrases used to describe sandstorms in this period.Difficult Point: Try to improve students reading abilty and understand the passage better.Teaching Methods:1. Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.2. Intensive reading to understand the passage better.3. Dicussion to help students understand what theyve learned better,Teaching Tools:puter screen textTeaching Steps:Step 1 Lead-inStep 2 Pair workPage 33, Exercise 2, ask the students to read the words in the box for each other and discuss to make clear their meanings. After a while, check the answers. Step 2 Pre-readingPage 32: Discuss the pictures together with the students according to the questions at the top of the text.Step 3 Fast reading. Ask the students to read the text fast to find the answers.Step 4 Intensive reading Read again with the sound recordind to find the main ideas of each paragraphStep 5 Scanning Page 33, Exercise3, 4 and 5: Step6 ConsolidationQuestions: 1. Whats the cause of sandstorms? 2. How do sandstorms affect peoples life ? 3. What should be done to prevent sandstorms?Ask students to discuss the questions to understand sandstorms better. Step 7 Summary and HomeworkBlackboard Design


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