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试论生活德育研究的若干思考中英文对照Some thoughts on life moral education research in Chinese and English.一、课题提出的背景与所要解决的主要问题First, the background and the main problems to be solved课题提出的背景The background of this subject德育改革是当前学校教育改革的重中之重。江总书记在全国宣传部长会议上提出:在依法治国的同时“要坚持不懈地加强社会主义道德建设,以德治国”。中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育的决定中也明确指出“各级各类学校必须更加重视德育工作”,而且,近20年来,越来越多的教育工作者认识到德育在人的精神提升和人格完善方面的独特价值。所以加强德育工作的探究,进一步改进德育工作的方式方法,讲求实效,意义深远。The reform of moral education is the priority among priorities of current education reform. The General Secretary Jiang on the national propaganda minister conference: in the rule of law at the same time to unremittingly to strengthen the construction of socialist morality, virtue . The CPC Central Committee and the State Council on deepening education reform, comprehensively promote quality education decision also clearly pointed out that all types of schools at all levels must pay more attention to the moral education work , but, in the past 20 years, more and more educators recognize the unique value of moral perfection in terms of human spirit and personality. Inquiry so strengthening moral education work, methods, further improving the work of moral education mode of practical, far-reaching significance.中小学德育现状急待改革。目前,德育实效性低靡,道德教育把道德和日常生活分离,德育目标被无限提升,脱离主体品德心理发展规律和道德生活需求;在道德价值观认识上过于强化其满足社会政治、经济等需要的工具理性价值,而忽视它的满足主体自我完善的价值;在德育过程中无视道德学习主体性,重说教,重外烁,消泯生活世界的主观生动性。这种忽视学习者的情感和生活要求,脱离现实人生的教育造成的后果表现为:学生知行脱节,道德认识不能转化为行为;学生在遭遇复杂道德生活时难以适应,无能为力;学生具有“多重人格”,表现为“当面一套,背后一套”。Urgent reform of moral education in primary and secondary schools. At present, the low effectiveness of moral education, moral education of the moral and the daily life of separation, the goal of moral education is unlimited upgrade, from the main body of moral psychological development law and moral needs of life; in the moral values of understanding is to strengthen its tool to meet the needs of social politics, economy, rationality, and ignore it to meet the main self-improvement value; in the process of moral education ignores the subjectivity, moral learning preaching, weight light, the subjective vividness end of life world. This neglect of the learners emotional and life requirements, consequences from real life education: knowledge and action caused by the students, moral cognition can not be converted into behavior; students in the face of complex moral life is difficult to adapt to, incapable of action; students with a multiple personality , is to set, behind a set .我校现代生活教育发展与深入的需要。1996年始,我校以马克思主义实践哲学理论和陶行知生活教育理论为基础,吸收、融合现代哲学理论和现代教育思想,对现代生活教育开展了理论与实践研究,意在继承、发展具有我国特色的现代生活教育理论,并以此为指导构建面向二十一世纪的小学素质教育模式。由于该研究涵盖面广,“九五”期间,我校重点展开“课堂教学生活化”的研究。这一研究中,我们充分关注学生在课堂生活的现时存在,以构建“行知行”教学模式为实施途径,从理论与实践两方面深入研究,为提高学生课堂生活质量促进学生自我全面发展作出了应有的贡献。In our modern life education development and thorough need. Since 1996, our school is on the basis of Marxs practical philosophy theory and Tao Xingzhis theory of life education, absorption, integration of modern philosophy and modern education thought, carried out the research on the theory and practice of modern life education, to inherit, develop modern life education theory with Chinese characteristics, and as a construction for the twenty-first Century model primary school quality education. Because this research covers a wide range, Nine Five period, our focus on the life of classroom teaching. In this study, we pay great attention to the student currently exist in the classroom life, in order to build a line teaching mode as the implementation way, from the in-depth study of two aspects of theory and practice, in order to improve the quality of students in the classroom to promote students all-round development life of self made due contribution.然而,要提升学生在校的生活质量,仅提高学生的课堂生活质量还不够,所以“十五”期间,我校在继续完善和深化“课堂教学生活化”研究的同时,将研究的重点向生活德育转移,力求在找准当前德育弊病的基础上,通过进一步的学习、研究、尝试,为改变德育现状,增强其实效性出一份绵薄之力。However, to enhance the students quality of life, only to improve their quality of life in the classroom is not enough, so the fifteen period, our school continues to improve and deepen the life of classroom teaching, focus will be shifted to the moral education in life, in order to find out the current moral education based on the disadvantages of the attempt by, study, study, further, to change the current situation of moral education, enhance its effectiveness in an effort to get a.所要解决的主要问题The main problems to be solved.1、转变教育者已有的道德教育观念。德育不能仅被看作是对学生施加外部影响的过程,学生有了相应的道德认识并不意味着必然产生相应的道德行为和达到社会需要的道德效果;德育不是一个被认知的受动过程,而是一个被道德主体实践着、经验着的主动过程;德育是主体自己对自己的教育,教师的作用在于引导而非强制灌输;德育不是外在于学生生活、外在于学生生命的东西,而是和学生的生活、经验、实践、活动等融为一体的东西。由此,德育内容应贴近学生生活实际,符合学生的道德需求和道德能力;德育的途径应是从生活中来,到生活中去;德育的方式也应符合儿童的身心特点,为儿童所喜闻乐见,易于接受。1, change the educational concept of moral education concept. Moral education should not only be regarded as the process of applying an external influence on students, the students have the corresponding moral cognition does not mean necessarily produce corresponding moral behavior and meet the needs of the community moral; moral education is not a recognized by dynamic process, but a moral main body practice, experience with the active process moral education is the main body; on their own education, the teacher s role is to guide and non - compulsory indoctrination; moral education is not outside of student life, external to the student life, but with the life of students, experience, practice, what activities com. Thus, the content of moral education should be close to the actual life of students, with students moral needs and moral ability; the way of moral education should come from life, to life; moral education mode should also be consistent with the physical and psychological characteristics of children, the children love to see and hear, easy to accept.2、解决教育者进行道德教育的操作问题。传统德育过程背离人性特有的规律,无视道德学习的主体性、情境性、情感性,重说教,重外铄,这种用刻板的灌输、管理、训练等方法,强制儿童去服从各种道德规范的“美德袋”式的德育模式急需改变,相应地,我们要使德育过程与生活过程、活动过程紧密结合,构建起重情感、重情境、重实践、重体验的生活德育模式。2, to solve the education problem for operation of moral education. The traditional moral education process from human specific rules, ignoring the moral learning subjectivity, situational, emotional, preaching, heavy externalization, indoctrination, management, training methods rigid with this, forcing children to obey all kinds of moral virtue bag type of De Yumo needed to change, accordingly, we to make the process of moral education and life process, process closely, construct the heavy feeling, heavy situation, practice mode of life moral education, experience.二、本课题在国内外同一研究领域的现状与趋势分析Two, analysis of the status and trends of research in the same field at home and abroad国内外同一研究领域的现状与趋势分析Analysis of the current situation and trend of the same research field at home and abroad.生活教育思想中包含了生活德育的诸多理念。明确提出生活德育的概念,把生活德育作为一种德育模式加以理论和实践操作研究的目前还没有,但是纵观古今中外,关于生活教育的论述与思想可谓源远流长。在西方,以法国启蒙运动的巨匠卢梭的自然教育(实际上是较早的生活教育理论)和美国现代教育家杜威提出的“教育即生活”最有影响;在我国陶行知先生是生活教育理论与实践的集大成者。生活教育强调教育与生活的联接,要求教育活动既关心儿童未来的生活,也要关心儿童的现实生活;强调儿童的主体地位,指出教育要尊重儿童的个性,要依据儿童身心发展的规律进行;还强调儿童自我人格的完善,指出教育既要适应社会发展对人的需要,也要满足个体自身发展的需要;第四,生活教育强调教学做合一。生活教育的这些主张给生活德育的研究以很大的启迪。The life education theory contains many philosophy of life moral education. Clearly the concept of moral education in life, the life moral education as a kind of moral education pattern to study theory and practice is still not at all times and in all countries, but throughout, discourse and thought is about the life education has a long history. In the west, to the natural education French Enlightenment master Rousseau ( in fact is the early life education theory ) proposed and modern American educator Dewey s education is life the most influential in China; Mr. Tao Xingzhi is a master of the theory and practice of life education into the. Life education emphasizes the connection between education and life education activities, both about childrens future life, also want to care about childrens real life; emphasizes childrens subject status, points out that education should respect the childrens personality, to childrens physical and mental development according to law; also stressed improving childrens self personality, points out that education should adapt to the society the development of the human needs, but also to meet the need of individual development; fourth, life education emphasizes the combination of teaching. The idea of life education to moral education in life with great inspiration.道德心理学研究表明:人的道德是通过展现人的生活和在人的交往中形成的。近年来,在德育研究领域,许多研究者已深刻认识到德育目标过高、过空,德育内容过于理性、过于抽象,德育途径方式过于单一甚至违背学生道德心理发展规律所带来的严重后果,于是德育需贴近生活,需加强情感性、加强道德主体实践渐渐成为一种研究的趋势。Moral psychology research shows that: the human morality is the human life and in the communication form. In recent years, in the moral education research field, many researchers have realized the goal of moral education is too high, too empty, the content of moral education is too rational, too abstract, the serious consequences of moral way too single and even contrary to the law of students moral psychology brought by the development of moral education, and be close to life, need to strengthen emotional, strengthen moral subject practice gradually become a research trend.本课题与之联系与区别The relationship between the subject and the联系:借鉴杜威、陶行知等生活教育的思想及道德心理学关于道德形成和发展的规律,提出和构建生活德育模式的理论和操作样式,以制订出符合小学生身心发展并对其终生有益的切切实实的德育目标,创造性地运用并形成重情感、重情境、重实践、重体验的具有鲜明现代生活教育特征的生活德育方式,为提高基层学校德育实效,同时丰富德育理念与德育模式服务。Contact: from the law of Ideological and moral psychology, Dewey Tao Xingzhi, life education on moral formation and development, put forward and construct the mode of life moral education theory and operating style, in order to establish the physical and mental development of students and the life-long beneficial practical moral education goal, has the distinct characteristics of modern life education, life moral education way experience the creative use of and the formation of heavy feeling, heavy situation, practice, in order to improve the effectiveness of moral education, primary school, while rich in moral philosophy and moral education mode.区别:生活德育的研究在目标上强调最基本的道德生活态度、参与和营造道德生活的能力及良好的道德行为习惯的形成,强调为学生的终身发展服务;在方式上强调通过生活实践进行教育,强调学生道德情感、认知、行为发展的整合性;在内容上强调以学生生活中面临的各种道德问题为主要研究内容,即强调德育内容的生活性;在评价上强调开放性,即每个人的道德发展具有不同的特点,道德教育不应该以唯一的标准去衡量千差万别的学生。总之,生活德育的研究是跳出德育看德育,进行的是理论建构和实践操作相结合的研究。Difference: the study of life moral education emphasizes the basic attitude, moral life and moral life in creating ability and good moral behavior on the target habit formation, emphasizing service for students lifelong development; in the way that education through life practice, emphasizing the integration of students moral emotion, cognition, behavior and development; in the content emphasizes the various moral problems in students life as the main research contents, life that moral education content; emphasizes openness in the evaluation, each person has different characters of moral development, moral education should not be the only standard to measure the students differ in thousands of ways. In a word, the study of life moral education is moral education to look out, is to study the theory and practice of combining.三、课题研究的实践意义与理论价值Theory value and practice meaning, study three实践意义:本课题的研究与实践有利于改变目前德育的单一刻板模式,提高德育实效,促进学生道德成长和个性生活化。同时,研究与实施的过程有利于提高教师对小学生进行道德教育的理性认识与实践水平。而且本课题研究的生活德育模式具有较大的推广价值。Practical significance: the research and practice of this subject is conducive to change the current single stereotype of moral education, improve the effectiveness of moral education, promoting students moral development and personal life. At the same time, the process of research and implementation of conducive to improving teachers understanding of moral education and practice level of pupils. And has great popularization value mode of life moral education research.理论价值:在课题研究的过程中,将努力建构起生活德育的理论框架和实践操作模式,能充实和发展当前小学道德教育的理论和操作模式。本课题实施将为道德教育理论研究提供成功的案例。Theory of value: in the research process, will try hard to establish the theoretical framework and practical operation mode of life moral education, theory and mode of operation to enrich and develop the current moral education in primary school. The project implementation will provide a successful case for the theory of moral education.四、完成课题的可行性分析Four, to complete the feasibility analysis of the topic1、课题是在充分研究文献、了解现状的基础上提出的,对于课题研究的初步方案向南师大及有关教科研部门的专家、教授提请咨询与论证,因此本课题符合当前德育改革的方向,具有现实针对性,理论依据充分、科学。1, project is put forward based on current situation, fully understand the research literature on expert, Professor, the preliminary plan of research university and the relevant teaching and Research Department of the south to consultation and demonstration, so this issue with the current moral education reform direction, has practical relevance, the full theory basis, science.2、本课题研究理论假设合理,目标内容清晰,实施的可操作性较强,阶段实施过程与目标都很明确,完成课题的可行性有充分保障。2, the research hypothesis is reasonable, objective content is clear, the implementation of the operational phase, implementation and goals are clear, complete the project feasibility with full guarantee.3、学校九五期间承担省级立项课题“构建现代生活教育模式促进学生素质全面发展”的研究,有一定的研究基础。而且,本课题研究人员配置合理,既有专家与教授的指导,又有出色完成九五课题的校级领导的亲自挂帅,再加上一支“九五”研究中锤炼、勤学肯钻、勇于实践的骨干教师队伍,为课题研究提供了较佳的人员保障。3, school nine five period to undertake the provincial project construction of modern life education mode to promote the quality of all-round development of students study, have certain research foundation. Moreover, the research staff of reasonable configuration, both experts and professors, and finished the nine five project university leader personally assume leadership, coupled with a Nine Five study, diligence exercise will drill, the courage to practice backbone teachers, subject research provides better security personnel.五、课题界定与支撑性理论Five, problem definition and supporting theory课题界定:Topic definition:生活德育,即重视生活中道德资源的开发和利用,通过生活实践进行道德教育,为了提高学生的道德生活质量而进行德育。生活德育强调将道德教育深深地扎根于儿童生活的土壤,让德育与受教育者个体的日常生活、学习生活、交往生活、集体生活等紧密相联,用学生自己的生活、自主的活动本身对学生进行积极的启迪与引导,以提升学生的人生境界,让学生过一种道德的生活,自主地建构道德经验,提升道德水平。Life moral education, attach importance to development and utilization of moral life, moral education through life practice, and carry on the moral education in order to improve the students moral quality of life. Life moral education emphasizes the moral education is deeply rooted in the lives of children s soil, let the moral education and the educated individuals daily life, study life, communication, collective life closely, for inspiration and guidance to the students with positive student life, independent activity itself, in order to promote students life realm, let the students live a moral life, independent construction of moral experience, improve the moral level of.生活德育研究是在现代生活教育思想和小学生道德形成规律的指导下,在小学教育中构建生活德育理论框架、目标、评价、内容和操作方式,通过研究与实施,改革学校德育方式,提高德育实效性,促进学生基本的道德生活态度、参与并创造道德生活的能力、良好的道德行为习惯的形成。Research on moral education in life is the formation of law in modern life education thought and moral guidance, framework, life moral education target, evaluation, content and mode of operation in primary school education, through research and practice, reform of methods of moral education, improve the effectiveness of moral education, promote the formation of students basic attitude, moral life participation and creation the moral life of ability, good moral behavior habits.支撑性理论:Supporting theory:1、生活教育的相关理论。生活教育强调教育与生活的联接,要求教育活动既关心儿童未来的生活,也要关心儿童的现实生活;强调儿童的主体地位,指出教育要尊重儿童的个性,要依据儿童身心发展的规律进行;还强调儿童自我人格的完善,指出教育既要适应社会发展对人的需要,也要满足个体自身发展的需要;第四,生活教育强调教学做合一。1, the theory of life education. Life education emphasizes the connection between education and life education activities, both about childrens future life, also want to care about childrens real life; emphasizes childrens subject status, points out that education should respect the childrens personality, to childrens physical and mental development according to law; also stressed improving childrens self personality, points out that education should adapt to the society the development of the human needs, but also to meet the need of individual development; fourth, life education emphasizes the combination of teaching.2、现代德育价值观。现代德育充分关注生活中的人,关注人和人的生活,道德教育是为提高人的生活质量服务,引导人去建构个人完满的道德生活,追求生活的完整性,在完整的生活结构中获得个性的完满,实现德育目的。正如鲁洁教授在德育社会学中所说,德育的终极意义表现在“不仅让人们去遵守某种社会秩序,道德规范,使社会的发展得以按部就班地进行,它还要促使人们找回那个已经失落的世界,失落的自己,使人们拥有世界,拥有自己。”2, the modern moral values. Modern moral education fully focus on the life of the people, pay attention to people s life, moral education is to improve the quality of life of service people, guide people to build the perfect moral life, integrity is the pursuit of life, individual life complete in structure of perfect, implementation of moral education objective. Just as professor Lu Jie said in moral education sociology , the ultimate meaning of moral education in the not only let people to abide by certain social order, ethics, social development is to follow the prescribed order, it also makes people find that have lost the world, lost myself, so that people with the world, has its own. 3、主体教育思想。道德是贯注着人的主体精神的自由自觉活动。道德作用的发挥及其存在无不以人的主体性的发挥和人的自由自觉为前提。道德行为的本质是主体性的。先天心理图式的存在决定着即使是0岁的婴儿也不等于道德上的“白板”,他们已经通过社会性遗传,获得了社会性心理文化特征,因此儿童从一开始就是道德生活的主体,而不是道德容器。我们应该把学生视为具有独立人格、自主意志、选择愿望、自主负责性的主体。3, main body education. Morality is the free and conscious activity embodies the spirit of subject. Moral role to play and all to the subjectivity of people play and peoples freedom and consciousness. The essence of moral behavior is subjectivity. Congenital mental schema existence determines 0 years old baby is even is not equal to the moral whiteboard , they have been through social heredity, gain social psychological and cultural characteristics, so that children from the beginning is the subject of the moral life, rather than moral container. We should take the students as the main body, has the independent personality, independent will, independent of the choice of the desire for.4、现代德育实践观。道德的本质在于实践。首先从德育目标看,既包括对学生道德认识、道德情感的培养,也有对学生道德心理、道德行为的锻炼,而归根到底是道德信念和道德行为的统一,所以德育目标本质上是实践的。其次,学生的道德是在活动和在交往中形成的,活动和交往的本质是实践的,所以德育过程本身应该是一种实践活动。第三,德育实践活动才是检验学生道德素质高低的唯一标准。所以,德育应该是德育主体的一种实践活动。4, modern moral education practice view. Morality is the essence of practice. First, from the goal of moral education, not only includes the cultivation of students moral cognition, moral emotion, also has to the moral psychology, moral behavior of students in the final analysis is exercise, and unity of moral beliefs and moral behavior, so the goal of moral education is essentially a practice. Secondly, the students moral is on the activity and formation in communication, nature of activities and communication is practice, so the process of moral education itself should be a kind of practice activity. Third, the moral education practice is the only standard to test students moral quality. Therefore, moral education should be a kind of practical activities of the subject of moral education.5、道德心理发展的相关理论。人的品德是在一定的心理背景下和活动过程中形成、发展的,德育离不开心理学所揭示的心理活动的形式及其规律的指导。小学生在道德生活中的主体性尚处于不成熟、不稳定状态,尚处于由他律向自律、由模仿向创造、由顺从向选择,以及由潜在的主体向现实主体、由自发主体向自为主体的矛盾转化过程中。教师应充分认识儿童这些特点,在德育过程中,充分顺应学生的身心特点和道德心理发展水平进行教育。5, relevant theories of moral psychological development. The character is formed, in certain psychological background and the process of the development, form and the rule of moral education is inseparable from the psychology reveals the psychological guidance. Primary subject in the moral life of sex is still in the immature, unstable state, is from Heteronomy to self-discipline, from imitation to creation, from obedience to the selection, as well as by the potential subject to a realistic subject, subject to the conflict by spontaneous self as the main body of the transformation process. Teachers should fully understand the characteristics of children, in the process of moral education, fully comply with the physical and mental characteristics of students and moral psychological devel


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