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2003朱泰琪考研英语作文范文1.第1篇(提纲式应用文)Directions:Water pollution is a serious problem threatening the survival of human beings, plants and animals. It is urgent that some strong measures be adopted to deal with the problem.There has been a discussion recently on the issue in a newspaper. Write a letter to the newspaper based on the following outline:1. Present situation2. Suggested measures to be taken3. Future prospectWrite an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes on the ANSWER SHEET.尊敬的先生女士:我给您写信是想陈述我对水的污染问题的看法普遍认为,水的污染是当今严重的公害世界各国的河流正在受到垃圾及有害化学物质的污染船舶加剧了污染,因为它们依靠河流排放废物油和其它化学物质会杀死鱼类并使水不能饮用总之,污染了的水对人人都是个大问题正如你所知道的,人们靠水生活他们应该参与找到解决污染问题的方法我认为,需要尽快采取某些应对措施首先,各国政府理应制订处理污染问题的规章制度此外,在全面处理和净化废液以前,必须禁止城乡工厂把废液排入河流我觉得,如果这些工厂违反有关的法规或法律,则应加重罚款当然还会有一些其它的治理方法值得采取至于未来的前景,我相信,在这一方面会取得良好的成果过去一度被工业废料污染的河流将会得到清理,几年以前鱼类不能长年的河流又会重见鱼群总之,似乎很明显,只要人人各尽其责并努力去寻找控制污染的方法,明天将会变得更美好、更光明。如果需要对这个问题做进一步评论,请不吝赐函。谢谢!顺致敬意保尔西安斯Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to you to state my view on the water pollution problem. It is generally accepted that water pollution is a serious public hazard today. Rivers all over the world are becoming polluted with garbage and dangerous chemicals. Ships contribute to the problem because they rely on rivers for disposing of wastes. Oil and other chemicals can kill fish and make water unsafe for drinking. Because they rely on rivers for disposing of wastes. Oil and other chemicals can kill fish and make water unsafe for drinking. In a word, polluted water is a big problem to everyone. As you know, people depend on water to live on. They should be involved in finding a solution to this problem. I think, certain counter measures need to be taken as soon as possible. To begin with, the governments of all countries are supposed to formulate rules and regulations to deal with the pollution problem. In addition, factories in towns and cities must be prohibited from draining waste liquids into rivers before they are totally treated and purified. I feel if they violate relevant rules or laws, they should be fined heavily. Certainly, there are some other cures which are worth adopting. As far as future prospect is concerned, I am sure that good results will be achieved in this respect. Rivers which used to be contaminated by industrial wastes will be cleaned and fish which could not live there a few years ago will be again. To conclude, it seems obvious that tomorrow will be better and brighter only if everyone does his part and tries hard to seek solutions for its control.If any further comment on the issue is required, please dont hesitate to write to me. Thanks.Yours sincerelyPaul Sears (278 words)2.第2篇(提纲式作文)On Developing TourismDirections: In this part, you are to write an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes. Your essay should be based on the OUTLINE below.1. 目前的状况2. 发展旅游业的好处3. 由此而产生的问题4. 我的看法 旅游业-“无烟的工业”-正在中国迅速发展。随着改革开放政策的贯彻执行, 数以万计的外国游人涌入中国。他们渴望参观这个具有5000多年灿烂文化的神秘古国。 旅游业作为一种商业活动给中国带来许多好处。首先,在经济上它有利于我国经济的发展。正如你们所知道的,中国需要大量的外汇来执行现代化建设计划。旅游业是获得外汇的最重要的渠道之一。其次,旅游业是中国人民更多地了解外界。另一方面,访问过中国的外国人对我国的最新发展和我国人民的友好和殷勤留下了深刻的印象。世界各国的报纸经常刊登访问过中国的外国人所写的报道, 介绍中国人如何彬彬有礼、助人为乐。显然,旅游业大大促进了中国人民和世界人民之间的友谊和了解。 然而,事物总是一分为二的。旅游业也引起许多问题。例如,它增加了我国本来效率不高的运输系统的负担。此外,中国人民的生活水平还没有高到足以使普通中国人有钱支付长途旅行的各种开支。因此,仍然存在着许多障碍妨碍着旅游业的发展。 至于我,我相信,随着我国经济的发展,这些问题必将逐步得到解决。我们期望有一个更好更光明的未来。 Tourism, a smokeless industry, is developing rapidly in China. With the reform and opening up policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5, 000 years. Tourism as a form of enterprise brings China a lot of benefits. In the fires place, it is financially beneficial to the economic development of China. As our know, China needs more and more foreign currencies for its modernization program. Tourism is one of the most important channels to obtain currencies. Secondly, tourism enables the Chinese people to know more about the outside world. On the other hand, the foreigners who have visited China are deeply impressed by the latest developments of out country and the friendliness and hospitality of our people. Reports by visitors to China about how courteous and helpful most Chinese were to them are often printed in newspapers of many different countries. It is clear that tourism contributes a great deal to the friendship and mutual understanding between the Chinese people and people all over the world. Everything, however, has two sides. Tourism gives rise to a number of problems. For instance, it becomes a burden to our inefficient transportation system. Besides, the living standard of the average Chinese is still not high enough to be able to afford the many different sorts of expenses during long distance travels. Therefore, there are still a lot of obstacles hindering the expansion of tourism in our country. As for me, with the development of our national economy, all these problems will certainly be solved step by step. A much better and brighter future awaits us. (287 words)3.第3篇(提纲式图表作文)Directions: A Study the following pie chart carefully and write an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes.B Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.C Your essay should meet the requirements below:1 Describe the pie chart.2 State the possible benefits brought about by the investment.3 Suggest measures helping to attract investment from outsideInvestment in Beijing from Different Countries and Regions Hong Kong -44%Japan - 19.2% U.S.A.-16% Other 23 countries -21.8%自从年中国对外开放以来,北京在吸引投资合资企业方面已取得了显著成绩。根据图示,不同企业的投资者来自个国家和地区。香港的投资额居第一位,占总额的44%。 日本占19.2%,居第二位。美国为第三,占16%。普遍认为,北京从外部投资中受益匪浅。首先,大量合资企业已经建立,这就大大促进了“首都经济”的发展。其次,外资企业为北京市民提供了许多就业机会。这又缓解了北京的下岗工人问题。最后,由于北京和沿海开放城市一样享有许多优惠政策,所以高科技产业在首都迅速发展。 至于吸引外资的措施,我认为有如下几点。一方面,我们应该专门努力来改善投资环境。另一方面,我们应该抓住机遇把目前的外资企业管理好。Since China opened its door to the outside world in 1979, Beijing has made remarkable results in attracting foreign business to invest in joint ventures. According to the pie chart, the investors in different enterprises come from 26 countries and regions. Hong Kong investment ranks first, accounting for 44 per cent of the total. Japans investment makes up 19.2 per cent, putting it in second spot. Third is the United States at 16 per cent. It is generally believed that Beijing benefits a lot from the outside investment. In the first place, a large number of joint ventures have been set up, which contributes greatly to the development of Capital Economy. Secondly, the foreign-invested enterprises offer a lot of jobs to the residents in Beijing. This in turn relieves the problem of laid-off workers in the city. Finally, the high-tech enterprises in the capital will grow rapidly as Beijing enjoys the same preferential policies as coastal cities open to the outside world.As far as the measures to attract outside investment are concerned, I think they are as follows. On the one hand, we should make special efforts to improve the investment environment. On the other hand, we should take advantage of this opportunity to run the present foreign-invested enterprises efficiently. ( 210 words )4.第4篇 (提纲式议文)Are Prizes a Good Thing?Directions: In this part, you are to write an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes. Your essay should be based on the OUTLINE below.提纲:1. 有奖竞猜的好处 2. 有奖竞猜引起的问题 3. 我的看法 无可否认有奖竞猜能够充分发挥人的积极性。在获奖的强烈愿望鼓舞下, 人们会全力以赴取得最大的成功。此外,他将做出特别的努力来采取有效的措施以便达到他们的目的。因此,在一次有奖的比赛中会取得最好的成绩。 然而事物总是一分为二的。奖金的激励并不总是能产生预想的结果。总会有人会不择手段的获取他们所要的东西。例如:一名不能克制奖金诱惑的参赛者可能会服用兴奋剂。而绝望的参赛者眼中只有奖金,这可能会导致不良的行为。 依我看,解决的办法是对参赛者进行道德教育。这会有助于参赛者理解“友谊第一,比赛第二”的口号。这样,奖金会在任何比赛中旗更好的作用。总的来说,我认为,奖金是好事。Are Prizes a Good Thing? There is no denying the fact that competitions with prizes can bring peoples initiative into full play. Encouraged by a strong desire to win a prize, one will go all out to seek his greatest success. In addition, he will make special efforts and resort to effective measures to achieve his purpose. Consequently, the best results will be obtained in game with awards. Everything, however, has two sides. The prompting of a prize does not always lead to desirable results. There are always people who would stop at nothing to get what they are greedy for. For example, a competitor who cannot overcome the temptation of prize is likely to take a stimulant. And the hopeless competitor sees nothing but the prize, which might cause improper behavior. Lets have another example . In my opinion, the remedy lies in moral education of competitors, This will help them to understand the slogan:” Friendship first, and competition second.” Then, prizes will play a better part in any contest. Generally speaking, I believe that prizes are a good thing, (175 words )5.第5篇(提纲式作文) On Keeping a Diary in English提纲:用英语记日记的好处所涉及到的困难我的建议用英语记日记是提高英语写作技能的有效方法之一。与其他写作形式相比,它短小,省时。它能帮助我们培养用英语思考的习惯。如果我们坚持这样做,渐渐地我们就学会了用英语来表达我们的思想。在用英语记日记的过程中,我们不可避免地要遇到许多困难。首先,经常发生的事,我们很难找到恰如其分的词或短语来表达我们的思想。其次,在汉语中有许多习惯说法,我们很难把它们准确地译成英语。当然,还有一些其他的困难,我们可以在用英语记日记中遇到。至于我, 我的建议是,我们应该随时准备好一个笔记本和一本汉英词典,每当有困难的东西难住我们时,我们可以先在笔记本记下来,然后查词典。如有必要,我们也可以向英语老师请教。总之,我认为,用英语记日记对提高写作能力十分有用的。On Keeping a Diary in EnglishKeeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability. Compared with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes less time. It can help us to cultivate the habit of thinking in English. If we persist in his practice, gradually well learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we inevitably run up against a lot of difficulties. In the first place, it often happens that we have trouble finding appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind. Secondly, there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. And it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly. Certainly, there are some other roadblocks we may come across in our keeping a diary in English. As far as Im concerned, my suggestion is that we should always have a note book and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something beats us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, it is of great use to keep a diary in English for the development of our writing skills. (209 words) 6.第6篇(规定情景式作文)On University Tuition System in ChinaDirections: It is reported that many universities in China have begun to charge students for tuition. Should university students in China pay their own tuition ? State two opposite opinions and illustrate them in detail. Write an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes.自从学费制度实施以来,它已成为中国的热门话题。人们对此问题的看法各不相同。有人认为,世界上没有一所大学不向学生收费。至于中国,她是发展中的国家,人口居世界首位。政府没有能力拨出足够的经费来支付教学设施和名目繁多的费用。 解决这个问题的方法之一,就是学生缴学费。这样筹集的钱可以用来改善办学的条件。然而,另一些人则反对学费制度。他们争辩说,中国人民,尤其是贫困农村人民的生活水平与西方世界相比仍然很低。大学的学费制度肯定会增加工薪阶层的父母本来已经很沉重的负担。此外,学费可能成为发展中国高等教育的障碍,因为它使一些有才能的学生只是由于贫困而不能进大学。注:实 施:put into effect 播 出:allocate vt.(=put aside)教学设施:teaching facilities. 筹 集:raise vt.办 学 校:run schools. 反 对:be opposed to +n. 或动名词农村地区:rural areas 与相比:compared with沉重负担:a heavy burden 障 碍:obstacle阻 碍:hinder(from). 由 于:on account of Tuition system has become one of the hottest topics in China since it was put into effect. Reports on this topic are published in a variety of newspapers and magazines. People differ greatly in their opinions on it.Some people think that there is no university in the world which is open to students without tuition. As far as China is concerned, it is a developing country with the largest population in the world. The government is unable to allocate enough funds to pay for various teaching facilities and many different kinds of expenses. One of the ways to relieve the problem is for students to pay tuition. The money raised in this way can be used to improve the conditions for running schools.Others, however, are opposed to the tuition system. They argue that the living standard of the Chinese people, especially of those in the poor rural areas, is still low, compared with that in the Western World. The university tuition will certainly add to the already heavy burden of the parents, who live on their salaries or wages. Moreover, tuition may become an obstacle to the development of Chinas higher education. This is because it hinders some talented people from entering the university just on account of their poverty. (210 words)7.第7篇(提纲式作文)Importance of ConfidenceDirections: In this part, you are to written an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes. Your essay should be based on the information given in the outline belowOutline:1. Importance of confidence 2. Reasons for lack of confidence 3. Necessity to build up confidence 一个人不管做什么事,他应该充满信心地去做。 如果他没有信心,那他取得成功的可能性就很小,尤其是当他面临困难时。这个道理似乎明白无误。然而,在现实中我们确实看到许多人,他们总是抱怨说,他们缺乏办事的能力,或者说,他们的困难大得克服不了。 对于有些人来说,这可能是对的。但是对许多其他人来说,这只能表明他们已经失去信心。为什么有些人即使能够办得到的事也常常感到灰心呢?我认为有两点原因。首先,这些人对自己没有一个正确的估计。 例如:. 其次,还有一种可能,就是他们夸大了困难。他们看不到. 他们往往依我看,一个人只要对自己的能力有正确的态度,就有可能对自己建立信心。我们既不应过高估计我们的能力,也不该低估我们的能力。常言道:“有志者,、事竟成”。只要有信心,我们一定能完成任何面临的任务。The Importance of ConfidenceWhatever one does, one should do it with confidence. If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one can achieve anything when faced with hardships. This truth seems to be self-evident. In reality, however, we do see a lot of people who always complain that they lack the ability to do something or that their difficulties are too great to overcome. For some, this might be true. But for many others, this only shows that they have lost heart. Why do some people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing something? I think there are two main reasons. In the first place, these people dont have a correct estimate of themselves. For example, Secondly, there is another possibility that they exaggerate the difficulties. They cant see . They tend to .In my opinion, one should build up faith in oneself as long as he has a right attitude towards his own abilities. We should neither underestimate nor overestimate our abilities. As a proverb says, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” With confidence we can certainly cope with any task we are faced with.8.第8篇( 提纲图表式作文 ) Directions: In this part, you are to write an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes. Your essay must meet the requirements below.1. Show your understanding of the meaning of the picture below2. State the harmful effects of fake and inferior products3. Suggest ways to fight against fake and inferior products正如所给的图画所描绘的,我国社会主义市场经济正在迅速发展,就像一辆高速行驶的卡车。但是公众惊讶地发现,越来越多的假冒伪劣产品严重地阻碍了我国市场经济的发展。消费者必须经常谨慎地去购买他们所需的货物或服务,否则他们会落入制假人所设的陷阱。毫无疑问,假冒伪劣产品极其有害.首先,它们危害人民的健康,引发了许多伤害事故.例如,伪劣药品不仅使病人恶化,而且往往会威胁病人的生命,更糟的是,导致病人的死亡。其次,假冒伪劣产品通常廉价出售。在许多情况下,它们有干扰了我国正常的经济秩序,影响了许多高质量产品的销路。这在很大程度上阻碍了我国社会主义市场经济的健康发展,并损害了我们国家的利益。因此,我们可以说,假冒伪劣产品是我们健康经济中的一颗“毒瘤”,对此必须尽快清除。依我看,必须采取若干措施来与假冒伪劣产品斗争。一方面,制假者必须依法严惩。另一方面,由于市场的日益复杂化消费者常会遇到欺诈行为。虽然有法律保护消费者,但是没有足够数量的执法者来处理市场的全部流弊。所以,消费者应该学会辨别真假。只有这样,消费者才能维护他们的合法权益As the picture given depicts, the socialist market-oriented economy in our country is developing rapidly, just like a truck running at a high speed. But the general public is surprised to find that there are more and more fake and inferior products seriously hampering the expansion of our marker economy. Consumers have to be very careful in purchasing goods and services they need; otherwise they will fall into the traps set by the illegal manufacturers who make fake and inferior products.There is no doubt that fake and inferior products are extremely harmful. In the first place, they endanger peoples health, giving rise to a lot of injury accidents. For instance, inferior-quality medicines not only aggravate a patients condition, but also tend to threaten his life and, whats worse, to result in his death. Secondly, fake and inferior products are usually sold on the cheap. In many cases they interfere with the normal economic order in our country, affecting the market of many high-quality goods. This in a great degree, hinders the development of our socialist market economy and harms the interests of our state. Therefore, we can say that fake and inferior products are a dangerous “tumor” in our healthy economy, which must be cut away as soon possible.In my opinion, several strong measures should be adopted to fight against fake and inferior products. On the one hand, those who make them must be severely punished by the law. On the other hand, due to the growing complexity of the market, consumers are often faced with deceptive practices. Although there are laws designed to protect consumers, there is not a sufficient number of law enforcers to cover all the abuses of the marketplace. Hence, consumers should learn to discern between true and false. Only in this way can they defend their own legal rights and interests.9.第9篇 (规定情景式)Directions: Wealth brings happiness. (财富带来幸福). In this part, you are to write within 40minutes a composition of about 200 words about the “The Relationship between Wealth andHappiness”. You can agree or disagree, completely or partially to the above statement. Butwhatever position you take, you should give sound supporting reasons. At the end of yourcomposition you are required to draw your own conclusion. 财富一直是有些人所渴望的对象。确实,大多数人努力通过诚实的劳动来获取财富。他的努力对造福社会有好处,同时也促进了他们财富的积累,因此也使他们更幸福。毫无疑问,尤其是在现代社会里,财富带来幸福。各种现代化的家用电器、时装和娱乐层出不穹、日新月异。这一切使我们的生活更为舒适、丰富多彩。因此,没有金钱,我们就无法把羡慕变成现实。但是当财富脱离了幸福,就会产生各种例外。财富可以促使意志薄弱者养成恶习,如吸毒或赌博,并导致他们自身的毁灭。此外,如果一个人一心追求财富并沉溺于奢侈的生活,他就会失去理智、误入岐途。例如,甚至还有一些政府官员利用他们的职位向求助者索贿。所有这些都会产生财富的负面效应,如果我们不能正确对待财富的话。依我看,无论如何我们也不能把财富和幸福等同起来。我还认为人们永远也不应该只依仗财富去获得幸福。Wealth has always been what some people long for. It is true that most of them try to acquire wealth by means of honest labour. Their efforts contribute to the welfare of the society and at the same time to the accumulation of their wealth, and hence to their happiness. There is no doubt that wealth brings happiness, especially in the modern society. Various kinds of up-to-date household appliances, latest fashions and recreations make their appearance with each passing day. All this makes our life more comfortable and colourful. Therefore, without money we cannot turn admiration into reality. But there are exceptions when wealth does not go hand in hand with happiness. Wealth may tempt weak-willed persons to be addicted to harmful habits, such as drug-taking and gambling, and result in their own ruin. Besides, a person may lose his even some government officials who take advantage of their positions to take bribes from the people turning to them for help. All these will bring about the negative effect of wealth if we dont take a proper attitude to it. In my opinion, on no account can we identify wealth with happiness. I also believe that one should never reckon only on wealth to achieve happiness .10.第10篇 (提纲图表式作文)Directions:A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes B. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.C. Your essay should meet the requirements below: 1. describe the increase in the farmers average personal income 2. give possible reasons for the increase 3. predict fut


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