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住在富人区的她2022年教师资格(中学)-英语学科知识与教学能力(初中)考试名师押题密卷(带答案)题目一二三四五六总分得分一.单项选择题(共30题)1.Around the world more people are taking part in dangerous sports and activities. Now, there are people who look for an immediate excitement from a risky activity which may only last a few minutes or even seconds.I would consider bungee jumping to be a good example of such an activity. You jump from a high place 200 meters above the ground with an elastic rope tied to your feet. You fall at up to 150 kilometers an hour until the rope stops you from hitting the ground. It is said that about 2 million people around the world have now tried bungee jumping. Other activities which most people would say are as risky as bungee jumping includes jumping from tall buildings and diving into the sea from the top of high cliffs.Why do people take part in such activities as these? Some psychologists suggest that it is because life in modem societies has become safe and boring. Not very long ago, peoples lives were constantly in danger. They had to go out and hunt for food, diseases could not easily be cured, and life was a continuous battle for survival.Nowadays, according to many people, life offers little excitement. They live and work in quite safe conditions: they buy food in shops, and there are doctors and hospitals to look after them if they become ill. The answer for some of these people is to look for danger in activities such as bungee jumping. The writer of the passage has a attitude towards dangerous sports.A. positiveB. negativeC. neutralD. critical正确答案:C,2.Passage TwoRespect is not included in the marriage vows. No illustrated books show how to achieve it. And yet it is central to a lasting, satisfying marriage.What is this thing called respect? It is not the same as admiration. When you fall in love, you admire the other, says Dr. Alexandra Symonds, associate clinical professor of psychiatry at the New York University, School of Medicine.” You look up to someone-much the way a child idealizes a parent.”Such romantic admiration thrives and even depends on the illusion that he or she is perfect for you.95 Thafs why it doesnt last. You come to see that the person you married isnt exactly what you expected., says Francine Klagsbrun. There are differences of personality, of approaches to life, different ways of doing things. ”You can try to change your mate back into your fantasy. But for the marriage to last and grow its better to agree to disagree, to learn to let each other be. Only by taking this path can you begin to develop real respect toward each other.“Ihave one patient whose husband loves sports,especially tennis,”says Dr. Symonds.” She would prefer to go to the theatre, or to stay at home and read. She could simply say, We have different tastes. Instead, she says, How can he waste his time and money that way? She puts him down.The put-down is the chief symptom and weapon of lack of respect or contempt. Contempt is the worst kind of emotion.” says Symonds. You feel the other person has no worth. Weve all seen marriages in which one or both partners attack the other quite savagely in the guise of Its for your own good. Any good is undone by the hostile tone. A wife nags her husband to be more ambitious and makes him feel like a failure because he prefers craftsman- ship or community projects to the competitive business world. Or a husband accuses his wife of wasting time whenever she gets together with a friend. Why isnt she doing something productive?In good marriage partners nurture each others self-esteem. They may express humorous incomprehension of one anothers preferences, but they never make the other person feel like an idiot. Martyrs idea of a vacation is to go down to the basement on a sunny day and spend time woodworking, says Dr. Alexandra Symonds of her husband, psychiatrist and surgeon Martin Symond.But theres fondness in the gibes and firm support for the others right to be himself. Respect is expressed in words like. ul dont want to go to the concert, but you have a great And occasionally, Sure, III come with you. Just dont him angry if I fall asleep. Respect, then is appreciation of the separateness of the other person, of the ways in which he or she is unique. These things take time to discover and accept.Thats the paradox of a good marriage: only by respecting each other as you are do you open the door to change. The root meaning of the word respect is to look at. Respect is a clear yet loving eye. It sees what is really there, but it also sees what is potentially there and helps bring it to fruition. Respect is the art of love by which married couples honor what is unique and best in each other.The passage suggests that if you respect your partner, you will_.A. help him or her to improveB. change yourself to tolerate him or herC. change him or her into what you expectD. show your incomprehension of his hobbies in a humorous way正确答案:B,3.Teaching activities must be based on the students cognitive development level and the existing experienced knowledge, thus, students personal knowledge, Students life world and are also the important curriculum resources except textbook.A. game activitiesB. labour activitiesC. indirect experienceD. direct experience正确答案:D,4.Which of the following correctly describes the word stress? A. accelerate, accelerated, acceleration, acceleratingB. AcceLerate, accelerated, acceLeration, acceleratingC. accelerate, Accelerated, acceleration, acceleratingD. accelerate, accelerated, acceleration, Accelerating正确答案:A,5.Which of the following is a slip of tongue?_A. Black shoes.B. Black holes.C. Black bloxes.D. Black boxes.正确答案:C,6.When you are learning English, listening, speaking and writing are important, but reading can also be very helpful. When you read, you can not only learn some new words, but also you can learn how to use these English words. When you read, it gives you a good example for writing.Try to read at the right level(水平). Read something that you can (more or less) understand. If you need to stop every three words to use a dictionary, it is not interesting.Try to increase the number of your new words. If there are four or five new words on a page, write them in your notebook. But you dont have to write them while you read. Instead, try to guess their meaning as you read: mark them with a pen. Then come back when you have finished reading to look them up in a dictionary and write them in your own vocabulary book. Then try to remember them.Try to read regularly. For example, read for a short time once a day. Fifteen minutes every day is better than two hours every Sunday. Fix(固定)a time to read and keep to it. You could read for fifteen minutes when you go to bed, or when you get up or at lunchtime.Read what interests you. Choose a book or a magazine about a subject that you like, because you are going to spend time and money reading it. So, choose an interesting book. You can also read newspapers. There are many English newspapers in China. For example, 21st Century Teens. It is easy enough for you to understand it. There is something interesting in it. To make your reading better, .A. its enough for you to read 21st Century TeensB. only read a magazine about a subject that you likeC. you should read something that you like for a short time once a day at leastD. reading English for two hours every Sunday is much better than for a short time once a day正确答案:C,7.When a teacher organizes group work which of the following might be of the Least Concern?( )A. Increasing peer interactionB. Increasing individual practiceC. Developing language accuracyD. Providing variety and dynamics正确答案:C,8.After working for the firm for ten years, he finally _ the rank of deputy director.A. achievedB. approachedC. attainedD. acquired正确答案:C,9.Language is a tool of communication. The symbol “Highway Closed” on a highway serves .A. an expressive functionB. an informative functionC. a performative functionD. a persuasive function正确答案:B,10.Which of the following activities is the most suitable for group work? A. Guessing gameB. Story tellingC. Information-gapD. Drama performance正确答案:D,11.Everyone must have liked the cake because there wasnt even a left.A. crutchB. chipC. chopD. clip正确答案:B,12.I actually believe that we _ in Xian now if you hadnt been caught drunk driving last month.A. would beB. would have beenC. wereD. had been正确答案:A,13.The word motel comes from motor+hotel. This is an example of in morphology.A. backformationB. conversionC. blendingD. acronym正确答案:C,14.Teachers believing in the _ model in a general sense usually follow the sequence of teaching new words,sentences and then the whole passage in the reading class.A. interactiveB. bottom-upC. top-downD. interactional正确答案:B,15.I regretted what I have done. gone is gone. no use regretting it any more.A. Whats; ThatsB. Its; ThatsC. Whats; ItsD. Thats; Its正确答案:C,16.Language is a tool of communication. The symbol “Highway Closed” on a highway serves .A. an expressive functionB. an informative functionC. a performative functionD. a persuasive function正确答案:B,17.There are two factors which determine an individuals intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is bom with. Human brains differ considerably, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individualthe sort of environment in which he is brought up. if an individual is handicappedenvironmentally, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.The importance of environment in determining an individuals intelligence can be demonstrated by the ease history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark. Being identical, the twins had identical brains at birth, and their growth processes were the same. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in separate foster homes. Peter was raised by parents of low intelligence in an isolated community with poor educational opportunities. Mark was reared in the home of well-to-do parents who had been to college. He was read to as a child, sent to good schools, and given every opportunity to be stimulated intellectually. This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, when they were given tests to measure their intelligence. Marks I.Q. was 125, twenty-five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his identical brother. Given equal opportunities, the twins, having identical brains, would have tested at roughly the same level. This passage suggests that an individuals I.Q. A. can be predicted at birthB. stays the same throughout his lifeC. can be increased by educationD. is determined by his childhood正确答案:C,18.The word chronology” contains _ morphemes.A. 4B. 3C. 2D. 5正确答案:C,19.It was the doctors carelessness that the serious accident.A. resulted fromB. resulted inC. brought upD. brought in正确答案:B,20.Passage TwoThere was a time in my life when beauty meant something special to .me. I guess that would have been when I was about six or seven years old,just several weeks or maybe a month before the orphanage (孤儿院)turned me into an old man.I would get up every morning at the orphanage, make my bed just like the little soldier that I had become and then I would get into one of the two straight lines and march to breakfast with the other twenty or thirty boys who also lived inmy dormitory.After breakfast one Saturday morning I returned to the dormitory and saw the house parent chasing the beautiful monarch butterflies who lived by the hundreds in the bushes scattered around the orphanage.I carefully watched as he caught these beautiful creatures, one after another, and then took them from the net and then stuck straight pins through their head and wings, pinning them onto a heavy cardboard sheet.How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty. I had walked many times out into the bushes, all by myself, just so the butterflies could land on my head, face and hands so I could look at them up close.When the telephone rang the house parent laid the large cardboard paper down on the back cement (水泥) step and went inside to answer the phone. I walked up to the cardboard and looked at the one butterfly who he had just pinned to the large paper. It was still moving about so I reached down and touched it on the wing causing one of the pins to fall out. It started flying around and around trying to get away but it was still pinned by the one wing with the other straight pin. Finally its wing broke off and the butterfly fell to the ground and just trembled.I picked up the tom wing and the butterfly and I spat on its wing and tried to get it to stick back on so it could fly away and be free before the house parent came back. But it would not stay on him. The author set the living butterfly free because_ .A. he liked it very muchB. he had sympathy for the beautiful butterflyC. he couldnt bear a butterfly dying in his favorite bushesD. its wing broke off正确答案:B,21.The new librarian still doesnt know the out-of-date newspapers and magazines.A. what to deal withB. how to deal withC. how to do withD. what to do away with正确答案:B,22.What does locating the specific information help to train? A. scanningB. skimmingC. inferringD. read in depth正确答案:A,23.Sixteen years ago, Eileen Doyles husband, an engineer, took his four children up for an early morning cup of tea, packed a small case and was never seen or heard of again. Eileen was astonished and in a state of despair. They had been a happy family and, as far as she knew, there had been nothing wrong with their marriage.Every day of the year a small group of men and women quietly pack a few belongings and without so much as a note or a good bye close the front door for the last time, leaving their debts, their worries and their confused families behind them.Last year, more than 1,200 men and nearly as many women were reported missing from home-the highest in 15 years. Many did return home within a year, but others rejected the past completely and are now living a new life somewhere under a different identity.To those left behind this form of desertion is a terrible blow to their pride and self-confidence. Even the finality of death might be preferable. At least it does not imply rejection or failure. Worse than that, people can be left with an unfinished marriage, not knowing whether they will have to wait seven years before they are free to start a fresh life.Clinical psychologist Paul Brown believes most departures of this kind to be well planned rather than impulsive. Its typical of the kind of personality which seems able to ignore other peoples pain and difficulties. Running away, like killing yourself, is a highly aggressive act. By creating an absence the people left behind feel guilty, upset and empty. When her husband left home, Eileen Doyle .A. could not forgive him for taking the childrenB. had been expecting it to happen for some timeC. could not understand whyD. blamed herself for what had happened正确答案:C,24.I broke my brothers notebook computer. What should I do?If I were you,I him right away, and then apologize for it .A. would have toldB. would tellC. wont tellD. could tell正确答案:B,25.He is a heavy smoker and even his hair the smell of cigarettes.A. gives upB. gives awayC. gives offD. gives in正确答案:C,26.What do you mean that there are only ten tickets? There be twelve.A. shouldB. wouldC. willD. shall正确答案:A,27.Do you want to see the effects of global warming? Then head north. Will Steger is going to take all of us there. Steger, 64, the first person to make a dogsled trip to the Noah Pole, is a very famous and admired polar explorer. Hes at home in frozen parts of the world where few humans ever step on. Steger is also a devoted environmentalist who was early to ring the alarm bell on global warming. He saw its effects firsthand in frequent polar expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctica.Steger is about to lead a team of six young adventurers on a 1,400-mile,60-day-long dogsled trip across Ellesmere Island, in the Canadian Arctic. The sea ice in that region should still be frozen. We want to take our audience to the front lines of global warming, says Steget. The team will be uploading videos, stories and photos to the website global-warming, com as they march along, allowing armchair adventurers and kids in classrooms to follow their progress day to day. We can actually bring the audience up there, Steger says.Stegers team will include some already-famous young explorers. Sam Branson, the 22- year-old son of British airline tycoon(大亨)Richard Branson, is an experienced Arctic traveler. Also on the journey will be 27-year-old Norwegian Sigrid Ekran. Last year, Ekran became only the second woman in history to win Rookie(新秀)of the Year for the Iditarod Sled Dog Race.What they will see may be surprising. Even Steger doesnt know exactly what to expect. Climate change has already reshaped the geography of the Arctic, Within a decade or less, its going to be impossible to reach the North Pole by dog team, without flotation (漂流),says Steger.Climate change is happening, but people can change too. Their willingness to change will determine the shape of Earths future. Steger is about to organize the adventure to the Arctic in order to .A. let more people enjoy its natural beautyB. collect evidence for his scientific researchC. let people realize the bad effects of global warmingD. develop the young peoples adventurous and brave spirit正确答案:C,28.A person needs to know who he / she is before being able to know what ( ) makes him or her happy.A. is it thatB. it is thatC. is it whichD. it is which正确答案:B,29.You dont need to make fancy foods to impress guestsit is something simple but good will do.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. who正确答案:B,30.Passage TwoRespect is not included in the marriage vows. No illustrated books show how to achieve it. And yet it is central to a lasting, satisfying marriage.What is this thing called respect? It is not the same as admiration. When you fall in love, you admire the other, says Dr. Alexandra Symonds, associate clinical professor of psychiatry at the New York University, School of Medicine.” You look up to someone-much the way a child idealizes a parent.”Such romantic admiration thrives and even depends on the illusion that he or she is perfect for you.95 Thafs why it doesnt last. You come to see that the person you married isnt exactly what you expected., says Francine Klagsbrun. There are differences of personality, of approaches to life, different ways of doing things. ”You can try to change your mate back into your fantasy. But for the marriage to last and grow its better to agree to disagree, to learn to let each other be. Only by taking this path can you begin to


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