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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-中国社会科学院考试易错、难点名师剖析押密卷(附带答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题In 1910 over 600,000 Black workers, or ten percent of the Black workforce reported themselves to be engaged in “manufacturing and mechanical pursuits”, the federal census category roughly( ) the entire industrial sector.问题1选项A.motivatingB.encompassingC.enticingD.undercutting【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项motivate“激励;刺激”;B选项encompass“包含;包围”;C选项entice“怂恿;诱使”;D选项undercut“削(价)竞争;削弱”。句意:1910年,超过60万的黑人工人,或者说10%的黑人工人报告说他们从事“制造业和机械制造业”,这一联邦人口普查类别大致整个工业部门。综合句意与选项可知B选项符合题意。2.单选题Most of it is fugitive, but here and therein high-level journalism, in television, in the cinema, in commercial fiction, in westerns and detective stories, and in plain, expository prose some writing, almost by accident, achieves an aesthetic satisfaction, a depth and relevance that entitle it to stand with other examples of the art of literature.问题1选项A.plausibleB.consequentialC.prudentialD.temporary【答案】D【解析】划线词fugitive说明主语状态,后面以一长串but here and therein high-level journalism, in television, in the cinema, in commercial fiction, in westerns and detective stories, and in plain, expository prose补充说明主语出现在各种文学形式中,说明主语是“无常的”。A选项plausible“看似可信的;巧言令色的”;B选项consequential“间接的;结果的;自傲的”;C选项prudential“谨慎的;明辨的”;D选项temporary“临时的;暂时的”,D选项符合题意。3.单选题Sex and violence on television are called ( ) by people who feel that they serve no purpose other than to improve ratings.问题1选项A.gratifiedB.gratuityC.ingratiatingD.gratuitous【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项gratified“称心的”;B选项gratuity“赏钱;小费”,名词;C选项ingratiating“讨好的;逢迎的”;D选项gratuitous“无理由的;无端的”。句意:电视上的性和暴力被认为它们除了提高收视率没有任何作用的人称之为。C选项符合题意。4.单选题In describing the Indians of the various sections of the United States at different stages in their history,some of the factors which account for their similarity amid difference can be readily accounted for, others are difficult to( ).问题1选项A.refineB.discernC.embedD.cluster【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项refine“精炼;改善”;B选项discern“觉察出;识别”;C选项embed“栽种;使嵌入”;D选项cluster“使聚集”。句意:在描述不同历史阶段美国不同地区的印第安人时,一些说明印第安人差异中的相似处的因素可以很容易地加以说明,另一些就难以。由此可知,我们需要找出的是account for的同义词,选项中只有B选项意义接近,因此B选项符合题意。5.单选题On the afternoon of July 2, 1936, Nazi SS leader Heinrich Himmler and a coterie of his senior officers paraded on foot through the winding cobblestone streets of Quedlinburg, one of the most perfectly preserved medieval cities in all Europe. Himmlers staff had been planning the trip to the small city in central Germany for weeks. They ordered the streets to be cleaned and the old houses along the main thoroughfares to be painted. They draped Nazi banners from the rooftops and garlands along the walls. They rehearsed the SS band, drilled the local chapter of Hitler Youth and arranged for an SS photographer to record the proceedings from beginning to end. Nothing of importance was overlooked.Dressed in a shiny black helmet, immaculate black uniform and tall black boots, Himmler made his way up the citys Castle Hill. Pale and anemic-looking, with a spindly frame and a head one or two sizes too small for his body, he looked strangely out of place among his entourage of tall, athletic-looking SS men. He stopped to admire Quedlinburgs splendid stone castle, then proceeded to its large medieval cathedralthe ultimate object of his pilgrimage. Himmler despised Christianity, a religion that preached compassion for the weak and the brotherhood of all men and accepted a Jew as the son of God. But the Quedlinburg cathedral guarded something of immense importance to him the tomb of an obscure 10th-century German king, Heinrich I.Himmler was enthralled by ancient history, and he wanted all SS men to share his passion. Indeed, he regarded the feudal past as a blueprint for the future glory of the Third Reich. He viewed Heinrich I as a great leader who could serve as a model for Adolf Hitler and planned to transform the cathedrals dusty tomb into an SS shrine. Himmler stood at the foot of the crypt and gave a speech exhorting his officers to pay careful heed to Germanys proud ancient past, “Just as a tree withers if its roots are removed, so a people fall if they do not honor their ancestors,” he later warned.For years, scholars of the Third Reich have ridiculed Himmlers intense interest in the German past, dismissing occasions such as his visit to Quedlinburg as the foolishness of a fanatic drunk on power. Even some senior Nazis poked fun at his ardor for history. As Albert Speer, Hitlers former chief architect, jeered after the war, Himmler “was half schoolmaster, half crackpot”. But Himmler was deadly serious about returning the Third Reich to the lost golden age of his imagination. In 1935 he founded a large SS research institute, employing more than 100 German scholars to study the past and help tutor SS men in the ways of their ancestors. With such research, he intended to transform vast stretches of the Reich into medieval fiefdoms ruled by SS lords, a plan he began acting on before the war. Far from being a dreamer lost in fantasy, Himmler was a careful, methodical planner who worked diligently toward this sinister future in much the same tireless way that he labored on creating the concentration camp system and implementing a “final solution”. Indeed, these were the twin poles of his existence, the yin and yang of his world: the squalid, crowded camps and the sunny SS farm villages.Himmler set about constructing this future in three ways. He recruited tall, blond-haired men to the SS in order to scientifically rebreed what he believed was a primeval master race. With the help of his researchers, he instructed SS men and their families in ancient German religion, lore and farming practices. And before the war started, he began installing SS families in “feudal” villages of newly fabricated medieval-style houses. He planned to create thousands of these antique colonies in conquered lands across Eastern Europe. In this way, Himmler hoped to give birth to a new golden age, thereby reversing the decline of Western civilization and rescuing humanity from its mire. This was social engineering in its most swaggering, arrogant form utopianism gone horribly wrong. But Himmler, who rose to become the second most powerful man in the Reich by early 1945 as Hitlers health failed, folly intended to carry out that plan if Nazi Germany won the war. Only crushing defeat by the Allies stopped him.1.Which of the following expressions is closest in meaning to “coterie” ?2.Which of the following phrases best describes how Himmler intended all SS men to assimilate Germanys feudal past?3.From this passage, it is clear that Himmler primarily intended ( ).4.For Albert Speer Himmler was “half schoolmaster, half crackpot”. In which of the following is the meaning of this quote closest?5.For the author, Himmler would best be described as ( ).问题1选项A.A selected group of persons who associate with one another frequently.B.A large number of persons with whom one might meet on social occasions.C.An indiscriminate group of persons who associate with one another on rare occasions.D.A large number of persons who associate with one another to discuss political matters.问题2选项A.Esoteric cult and practices.B.Eccentric approach.C.Catatonic state.D.Histrionic disorder.问题3选项A.to bring ancient agricultural practices into 20th century GermanyB.to return to a prosperous era during which the German people lived in ideal happinessC.to encourage the development of multiculturalism in a melting pot societyD.to eliminate all those who could have threatened his rise to power问题4选项A.Himmlers passion for Germanys medieval past was regarded as absurd.B.Himmlers passion for Germanys medieval past provoked intense rivalry among other prominent Nazi leaders.C.Himmlers passion for Germanys medieval past provoked widespread emulation amongst other prominent Nazi leaders.D.Others had the privilege of studying the awe inspiring breadth and depth of Himmlers passion for Germanys medieval past.问题5选项A.a utopian reformerB.an incurable romantic lost in timeC.an improbable visionaryD.a level-headed purpose-driven man【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】第1题:1.判断推理题。题干中关键词coterie出现在文章首段首句,a coterie of用来修饰后面的his senior officers,是量词。前面主人公是纳粹党卫军领袖,他与军官们自然是处于同一阵线的。A选项“经常互相交往的一组人”;B选项“一个人在社交场合可能会遇到的许多人”;C选项“无差别的一群人,只会在极少数情况下有往来”;D选项“许多人互相联系讨论政治问题”。军队领袖与他的军官之间自然是属于第一类“经常互相交往的一组人”。第2题:2.判断推理题。本题关键在于“how Himmler intended all SS men to assimilate Germanys feudal past(希姆莱打算如何让所有党卫军成员同化德国的封建历史)”,相关信息出现在第三段第二句“he regarded the feudal past as a blueprint for the future glory of the Third Reich”,他认为过去的封建制度是第三帝国辉煌的未来蓝图。紧跟着第三句说到“.planned to transform the cathedrals dusty tomb into an SS shrine”,计划将大教堂布满灰尘的坟墓变成党卫军的圣地。在最后一段第三句中提到“he instructed SS men and their families in ancient German religion, lore and farming practices”,他教导党卫军士兵和他们的家人学习古德国的宗教、知识和耕作方法。对比选项可知,A选项“宗教信仰和实践”符合题意。第3题:3.判断推理题。本题关键在于“Himmler primarily intended(希姆莱主要目的是)”,最后两段说了希姆莱的一些做法及计划,但是关键在于最后一段中第六句说到“In this way, Himmler hoped to give birth to a new golden age, thereby reversing the decline of Western civilization and rescuing humanity from its mire”,通过这种方式,希姆莱希望创造出一个新的黄金时代,从而扭转西方文明的衰落,将人类从泥潭中拯救出来。因此,希姆莱的主要意图是B选项“复兴德国人曾幸福生活的繁荣时代”。第4题:4.语义题。Albert Speer对于希姆莱的这句评价出现在文章第四段第三句,他人的评价可以认为是“果”,而“因”则要往前面找。本段第一句说到“For years, scholars of the Third Reich have ridiculed Himmlers intense interest in the German past, dismissing occasions such as his visit to Quedlinburg as the foolishness of a fanatic drunk on power.”第三帝国的学者们一直嘲笑希姆莱对德国历史的浓厚兴趣,认为像他访问奎德林堡这样的场合是一个醉心于权力的狂热分子的愚蠢行为。换句话说希姆莱对德国中世纪历史的热爱被认为是荒谬的,A选项符合题意。第5题:5.观点态度题。作者在第四段对于希姆莱做了这样的评价“Far from being a dreamer lost in fantasy, Himmler was a careful, methodical planner”,说他并不是迷失在幻想中的梦想家,而是细心、有条理的策划者。A选项a utopian reformer“一个乌托邦式的改革者”;B选项an incurable romantic lost in time“迷失在时间里的无可救药的浪漫主义者”;C选项an improbable visionary“一个几乎不可能的空想家”;D选项a level-headed purpose-driven man“头脑冷静、目标明确的人”。综合选项与文意可知D选项正确。6.单选题(1) Player 1 may not know these particular words of wisdom, but chances are shes thinking much the same as she tries to decide whether to send Player 2 some of her $10 stake. If she does, the money will be tripled, and her anonymous partner can choose to return none, some, or all of the cash. But why should Player 2 send anything back? And why should Player 1 give anything in the first place? Despite the iron logic of this argument, she types in her command to send some money. A few moments later she smiles, seeing from her screen that Player 2 has returned a tidy sum that leaves them both showing a net profit.(2) Based on exactly the same cold logic that Player 1 dismissed, the so-called Nash equilibrium predicts that in economic transactions between strangers, where one has to make decisions based on a forecast of anothers response, the optimal level of trust is zero. Yet despite the economic orthodoxy, the behavior of Players 1 and 2 is not exceptional. In fact, over the course of hundreds of such trials, it turns out that about half of Player 1s send some money, and three-quarters of Player 2s who receive it send some back.Zak is a leading protagonist in the relatively new field of neuroeconomics, which aims to understand human social interactions through every level from synapse to society. It is a hugely ambitious undertaking. By laying bare the mysteries of such nebulous human attributes as trust, neuroeconomists hope to transform our self- understanding. (3 ) “As we learn more about the remarkable internal order of the mind, we will also understand far more deeply the social mind and therefore the external order of personal exchange, and the extended order of exchange through markets.”(4) As Zaks collaborator Steve Knack of the World Bank points out: “Trust is one of the most powerful factors affecting a countrys economic health. Where trust is low, individuals and organizations are more wary about engaging in financial transactions, which tends to depress the national economy.”And trust levels differ greatly between nations. The World Values Survey, based at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, has asked people in countries around the world, “Do you think strangers can generally be trusted?” the positive response rate varies from about 65% in Norway to about 5% in Brazil.(5) “Policy-makers in these latter countries might be urgently interested in mechanisms that enable them to raise national trust levels,” observes Knack.问题1选项A.Even more intriguingly, it seems that this urge to respond positively when someone shows trust in us is largely outside our control.B.Crucially for international economic development, what is true for individuals turns out also to be true for nations.C.Disturbingly, countries where trust is lower than a critical level of about 30%as is the case in much of South America and Africarisk falling into a permanent suspicion- locked poverty trap.D.“Its good to trust; its better not to,” goes an Italian proverb.E.They believe their findings even have the potential to help make societies more productive and successful.F.He points out that our brains have been tailored by evolution to cope with group living.G.This outcome doesnt just flout proverbial wisdom, it thumbs its nose at economic theory.问题2选项A.Even more intriguingly, it seems that this urge to respond positively when someone shows trust in us is largely outside our control.B.Crucially for international economic development, what is true for individuals turns out also to be true for nations.C.Disturbingly, countries where trust is lower than a critical level of about 30%as is the case in much of South America and Africa - risk falling into a permanent suspicion- locked poverty trap.D.“Its good to trust; its better not to,” goes an Italian proverb.E.They believe their findings even have the potential to help make societies more productive and successful.F.He points out that our brains have been tailored by evolution to cope with group living.G.This outcome doesnt just flout proverbial wisdom, it thumbs its nose at economic theory.问题3选项A.Even more intriguingly, it seems that this urge to respond positively when someone shows trust in us is largely outside our control.B.Crucially for international economic development, what is true for individuals turns out also to be true for nations.C.Disturbingly, countries where trust is lower than a critical level of about 30%as is the case in much of South America and Africa - risk falling into a permanent suspicion- locked poverty trap.D.“Its good to trust; its better not to,” goes an Italian proverb.E.They believe their findings even have the potential to help make societies more productive and successful.F.He points out that our brains have been tailored by evolution to cope with group living.G.This outcome doesnt just flout proverbial wisdom, it thumbs its nose at economic theory.问题4选项A.Even more intriguingly, it seems that this urge to respond positively when someone shows trust in us is largely outside our control.B.Crucially for international economic development, what is true for individuals turns out also to be true for nations.C.Disturbingly, countries where trust is lower than a critical level of about 30%as is the case in much of South America and Africa - risk falling into a permanent suspicion- locked poverty trap.D.“Its good to trust; its better not to,” goes an Italian proverb.E.They believe their findings even have the potential to help make societies more productive and successful.F.He points out that our brains have been tailored by evolution to cope with group living.G.This outcome doesnt just flout proverbial wisdom, it thumbs its nose at economic theory.问题5选项A.Even more intriguingly, it seems that this urge to respond positively when someone shows trust in us is largely outside our control.B.Crucially for international economic development, what is true for individuals turns out also to be true for nations.C.Disturbingly, countries where trust is lower than a critical level of about 30%as is the case in much of South America and Africa - risk falling into a permanent suspicion- locked poverty trap.D.“Its good to trust; its better not to,” goes an Italian proverb.E.They believe their findings even have the potential to help make societies more productive and successful.F.He points out that our brains have been tailored by evolution to cope with group living.G.This outcome doesnt just flout proverbial wisdom, it thumbs its nose at economic theory.【答案】第1题:D第2题:G第3题:F第4题:B第5题:C【解析】第1题:1.此句为整篇文章的开头,用意大利的谚语引入主题,“信任是件好事,但最好不要信任。”,根据第一段的内容,主要讲到了玩家一和玩家二之间的金钱交易行为以及是否彼此信任,可知,文章的主题为信任关系,所以选项D符合文意。2.文章第一段主要用实例说明了经济交易中的信任关系,也是对意大利谚语的一种反驳和证明,说明经济交易中是存在信任关系的。文章第二段把这种信任再次放到经济理论中进行了讨论。所以第一段实验得出的结果不仅是对谚语的一种蔑视,而且是对第二段中提到的经济理论的挑战。选项G符合题意。3.根据文章第三段,主要提到了Zak的相关理论和观点,因为空格上文提到了Zak这个人物,所以下文用he来指代。选项F符合题意。4.根据文章第四段,可知主要提到信任是影响一个国家经济最强大的因素之一,所以本段的首句应与国家经济相关。选项B符合题意。5.根据文章第五段,主要内容为不同国家之间的信任水平存在差异,并给了一些统计调查数据。空格前给出了挪威和巴西有关信任度的调查数据,可判断出空格中会继续列举数据。又根据空格后文,提到后面一类的国家迫切需要提升国民信任度。可知空格中会列举一些国民信任度较低的国家,选项C符合题意。第2题:第3题:第4题:第5题:7.单选题The Buddhist religion developed from the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha, who lived from about 563 to 483 BCE in the present-day regions of Nepal and central India. At his birth, it is believed, seers foretold that the infant prince, named Siddhartha Gautama, would become either a chakravartin a “world-conquering ruler” or a Buddha a fully enlightened being”. Hoping for a ruler like himself, Siddharthas father tried to surround his son with pleasure and shield him from pain. Yet the prince was eventually exposed to the suffering of old age, sickness, and death the inevitable fate of all mortal beings. Deeply troubled by the human condition, Siddhartha at age twenty-nine left the palace, his family, and his inheritance to live as an ascetic in the wilderness. After six years of meditation, he attained complete enlightenment near Bodh Gaya, India.Following his enlightenment, the Buddha (Enlightenment One) gave his first teaching in the Deer Park at Samath. Here he expounded the Four Noble Truths, which are the foundation of Buddhism: (1) life is suffering; (2) this suffering has a cause, which is ignorance; (3) this ignorance can be overcome and extinguished; (4) the way to overcome this ignorance is by following the eightfold path of right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. After the Buddhas death at the age of eighty, his many disciples developed his teachings and established the worlds oldest monastic institutions.A Buddha is not a god but rather one who sees the ultimate nature of the world and is therefore no longer subject to samsara, the cycle of birth, death and rebirth that otherwise holds us in its grip, whether we are born into the world of the gods, humans, animals, tortured spirits, or hell beings.The early form of Buddhism known as Theravada or Hinayana, stresses self-cultivation for the purpose of attaining nirvana, which is the extinction of samsara for oneself. Theravada Buddhism has continued in south India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. Within 500 years of the Buddhas death, another form of Buddhism, known as Mahayana, became popular mainly in northern Ind


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