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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-对外经济贸易大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题Cigarette smoke has been shown to contain numerous compounds that are known to cause A Bcancer in experimental animals and they appear to be strongly linked to human cancer, C Despecially cancer of the lung.问题1选项A.Cigarette smokeB.are known toC.theyD.linked【答案】C【解析】考查关系代词。and连接两个并列的定语从句,修饰先行词compounds(化合物)。试题答案:C; that2.问答题A conflict (A) waged to ensure the survival of the human (B) species is bound to bring humans closer together. Technological progress has thus proved to be a double- edged sword, (C) giving rise to a new form of conflict: a (D) crash between Man and Nature.【答案】D;“crash”改为“clash”。【解析】考查名词。句意:为确保人类生存而进行的斗争必然会使人类更紧密地结合在一起。因此,技术进步被证明是一把双刃剑,引发了一种新的冲突形式:人与自然的冲突。名词“crash”作名词时词义为“(交通工具)坠毁,碰撞声”,而句意为“人与自然的矛盾冲突”,所以将名词“crash”改为“clash”。3.单选题If you happened to be watching NBC on the first Sunday morning in August last summer, you would have seen something curious. There, on the set of Meet the Press, the host, David Gregory, was interviewing a guest who made a forceful case that the U.S. economy had become “very distorted”. In the wake of the recession, this guest explained, high-income individuals, large banks, and major corporations had experienced a “significant recovery”; the rest of the economy, by contrast including small businesses and “a very significant amount of the labor force” was stuck and still struggling. What we were seeing, he argued, was not a single economy at all, but rather “fundamentally two separate types of economy,” increasingly distinct and divergent.This diagnosis, though alarming, was hardly unique: drawing attention to the divide between the wealthy and everyone else has long been standard fare on the left. (The idea of “two Americas” was a central theme of John Edwardss 2004 and 2008 presidential runs.) What made the argument striking in this instance was that it was being offered by none other than the former five-term Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan: iconic libertarian, preeminent defender ofthe free market, and (at least until recently) the nations foremost devotee of Ayn Rand. When the high priest of capitalism himself is declaring the growth in economic inequality a national crisis, something has gone very, very wrong.This widening gap between the rich and non-rich has been evident for years. In a 2005 report to investors, for instance, three analysts at Citigroup advised that “the World is dividing into two blocs the Plutonomy and the rest”.In a plutonomy there is no such animal as “the U.S. consumer” or “the UK consumer”,or indeed the “Russian consumer”. There are rich consumers, few in number, but disproportionate in the gigantic slice of income and consumption they take. There are the rest, the “non-rich”,the multitudinous many, but only accounting for surprisingly small bites of the national pie.Before the recession, it was relatively easy to ignore this concentration of wealth among an elite few. The wondrous inventions of the modem economy Google, Amazon, the iPhone broadly improved the lives of middle-class consumers, even as they made a tiny subset of entrepreneurs hugely wealthy. And the less-wondrous inventions particularly the explosion of subprime credit helped mask the risk of income inequality for many of those whose earnings were stagnant.But the financial crisis and its long, dismal aftermath have changed all that. A multibillion-dollar bailout and Wall Streets swift, subsequent reinstatement of gargantuan bonuses have inspired a narrative of parasitic bankers and other elites rigging the game for their own benefit. And this, in turn, has led to wider and not unreasonable fears that we are living in not merely a plutonomy, but a plutocracy, in which the rich display outsize political influence, narrowly self-interested motives, and a casual indifference to anyone outside their own rarefied economic bubble.1.According to the passage, the U.S. economy ( ).2.Which of the following statements about todays super-elite would the passage support?3.What can be said of modem technological innovations?4.The author seems to suggest that the financial crisis and its aftermath( ).5.The primary purpose of the passage is to( ).问题1选项A.fares quite wellB.has completely recovered from the economic recessionC.has its own problemsD.is lagging behind other industrial economies.问题2选项A.Todays plutocrats are the hereditary elite.B.Todays super-rich are increasingly a nation unto themselves.C.They are the deserving winners of a tough economic competition.D.They are worried about the social and political consequences of rising income inequality.问题3选项A.They have lifted many people into the middle classB.They have narrowed the gap between the rich and the non-richC.They have led to a rise of income inequality.D.They have benefited the general public.问题4选项A.have compromised the rich with the non-richB.have enriched the plutocratic eliteC.have put Americans on the alert for too much power the rich possessD.have enlarged the gap between the rich and non-rich问题5选项A.present the financial imbalance in the U.S.B.display sympathy for the working classC.criticize the super-elite of the United StatesD.appreciate the merits of the super rich in the U.S.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.推理判断题。根据文章第一段中“the U.S. economy had becomevery distorted”美国经济变得“非常扭曲”,第二段中“the growth in economic inequality a national crisis, something has gone very, very wrong.”经济不平等的增长是一场全国性的危机,某些事情已非常糟糕,可知美国经济存在问题,因此选C。2.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中“And this, in turn, has led to wider and not unreasonable fears that we are living in not merely a plutonomy, but a plutocracy, in which the rich display outsize political influence, narrowly self-interested motives, and a casual indifference to anyone outside their own rarefied economic bubble.”这个反过来导致更广泛且合理的担心,即我们不仅生活在一个一个富人经济学中,而且还生活在一个富豪统治中,在这其中,富人显示巨大的政治影响力、 狭隘自私的动机。因此D选项“他们担心不断上升的收入不平等所带来的社会和政治影响”符合题意。3.推理判断题。根据文章第五段中“Before the recession, it was relatively easy to ignore this concentration of wealth among an elite few.”在经济衰退之前,人们很容易忽视财富集中在少数精英阶层身上,因此C选项“他们导致收入不平等的上升”符合题意。4.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中“fears that we are living in not merely a plutonomy, but a plutocracy, in which the rich display outsize political influence, narrowly self-interested motives, and a casual indifference to anyone outside their own rarefied economic bubble.”可知美国贫富差距巨大,经融危机让美国人意识到富人具有太多的权利,因此选C。5.主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了美国经济发展的呈两种分化趋势,存在的问题,以及富人和穷人之间的差距,因此A选项“介绍美国金融失衡”符合题意。4.问答题The new conflict is more dangerous than the traditional one between man and his fellow man, (A) where the (B) protagonists at least shared a common language, but (C) while it comes to the reactions of the ecosystems to the (D) onslaught of modern technology, there is no common language.【答案】C;“while”改为“when”。【解析】考查从句引导词。句意:这种新的冲突比传统的人与人之间的冲突更危险,在传统的冲突中,主人公们至少有一种共同的语言,但在当涉及到生态系统对现代技术冲击的反应时,却没有共同的语言。句中的“while”引导时间状语从句,表示“当的时候”,而“while”引导的时间状语从句中谓语部分需为延续性动词,为进行时态,“when”引导的时间状语从句既可以用延续性动词也可以用短暂性动词,既可以用一般时态也可以用进行时态,所以将“while”改为“when”。5.单选题Scarcely had they settle themselves in their seats in the theater ( )the curtain went up.问题1选项A.thanB.whenC.beforeD.as【答案】B【解析】考试固定搭配。scarcely.when.意为“一就,刚刚就”。句意:他们刚坐在剧院的座位上,幕布就升起了。6.翻译题Translate the following sentences into Chinese.Dubais reputation as the Gulfs financial and commercial hub has taken a battering since it surprised financial market in November by asking to restructure $26 million in debts.Asia needs to bite the bullet if it wants to avoid another cycle of bubbles and busts. As soothing as high growth now feels, it needs to be restrained by higher interest rates and appreciating exchange rates to sustain.Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passion, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward (任意的,不定的)course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. (5%)【答案】去年11月,迪拜要求对2600万美元债务进行重组,震惊了整个经融市场,它作为海湾地区的经融和商业中心的声望遭受重创。如果亚洲想要避免另一个循环的泡沫和萧条,那么它需要忍受巨大痛苦。如今的高增长虽然让人欣慰,但是它的持续需要通过更高的利率和升值汇率来加以约束。三种平凡却又异常强烈的感情主宰着我的人生:对爱的渴望,对知识的追求和对人类苦难的难以忍受的怜悯。这些激情像狂风,把我任意吹向四方,掠过苦痛的大海,迫使我濒临绝望的边缘。7.填空题The police had moved quickly to block off the area. Now Jim stood across the street with the other students, watching in stunned disbelief as the fire department fought to (1) _control of the fire. But it looked hopeless. The east end of the building exploded into flames. The noise was so loud (2)_even Jim, as he fiddled absently (3)_the volume control to his hearing aid, could hear a faint roar. Across the street on the school grounds Mr. Maclntire, the principal, was shouting to the fire chief. Jim read his lips, (4)_ some of what he said because of the distance but getting (5)_ than enough to understand, “.eight students and a teacher.in a basement room.trapped!” The fire chief shook his head. Three times- already firefighters had tried to enter the building, only to be (6)_ _ back by the heat and smoke, and now there was no hope at all. Jim saw it in the chiefs face. His friends and the teacher he respected more than any (7)_ were as good as dead. They had little (8) _ to survive the smoke, not to mention the heat. It was Jims class in the basement, and he should have been in there himself. But he has stopped in the hall upstairs to talk to Mr. Maclntire about the Phonic Ear. It was a small radio receiver plugged into his hearing aid (9)_ signals from a transmitter worn by his teachers. Born with a (10)_ impairment, Jim had had problems in his classes. He was a good lip reader, but lip reading did not always (11)_ . Teachers sometimes, without thinking, (12)_ their faces away when talking. Making good grades had been hard for him (13)_ he began to use the Phonic Ear. Now he heard everything his teacher said, and his grades had shot (14)_ . That was one reason he had been placed in the advanced physics class, the only course still (15)_ in any of the basement floor classrooms of the old school, (16)_ was undergoing renovation. A new wing was to be added to the back of the school. Heavy equipment had been digging the new foundations and had broken a gas line leading into the basement. (17)_he was late to class, Jim had just turned away from Mr. Maclntire (18)_ the school building was rocked by an (19)_ . Smoke rose from the basement stairwell and was followed by fire. Everyone on the upper two floors had gotten out. But there had been no escape for those (20)_.【答案】1. gain2. that3. with4. missing5. more6. held7. one8. chance9. to receive10. hearing11. help12. turn13. so14. up15. taught16. which17. Because18. when19. alarm20. below【解析】1.考查固定搭配。gain the control of控制2.考查固定搭配。sothat如此以致3.考查固定搭配。fiddle with摆弄4.联系上下文可知由于距离比较远,Jim不能够听清楚Maclntire所说的话,故填missing.5.考查固定搭配。getting more than enough to understand得到了足够多的能理解的信息。6.考查固定搭配。hold back阻止,联系上下文可知,消防主管在摇头,消防员已经三次尝试进入这栋楼,但他们都被浓烟和热度所阻挡了,现在完全没希望了。7.any one任何的。句意:他的朋友和他最尊敬的老师处于非常危险的境地。8.根据句意可知此处指老师和学生有很小的从浓烟中生还的机会。9.此处表示目的,句意:生耳是一个插在助音器上面的小小收音机,它从老师戴着的发射器那里接收信号。10.由上文可知Jim有天生的听力缺陷。11.由下文可知老师在上课时经常把脸转过去,所以可推测能读懂唇语也不一定总是有帮助。12.turn away转过脸1.由上文可知Jim由于听力缺陷,很难有好成绩,所以开始使用生耳。14.shot up直线上升15.高级物理课程是旧学校地下室教室里仍然被教的课程。course与teach之间是被动的关系,故用过去分词。16.本句是非限制性定语从句,缺少主语,故用which,指代“the old school”。17.由上文可知Jim去找Maclntire关于生耳的问题,所以可推知他上课迟到了。18.此处表示当他发现教学楼传来的警报的时候,他正好刚刚从Maclntire那里转过脸来。19.句意:这栋教学楼被警报声所包围。20.由上文提到的upper可知此空应填below。句意:在上面两层的所有人都出来了,但是对于在两层以下的人来说没有逃生的机会。8.问答题The most (A) acute challenges (B) facing the future are likely to be not only those pitting man against his fellow man, but those (C) involved humankinds struggle to preserve the environment and ensure the (D) sustainability of life on earth.【答案】C;“involved” 改为 “involving”。【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:未来面临的最严峻的挑战可能不仅是人与人之间的竞争,而且是涉及到人类努力保护环境和确保地球上生命的可持续性的挑战。句中“those”指代上文提到的“challenges”,“involved”过去分词作后置定语表被动,而“those”和“involve”之间是主动关系,所以将“involved”改为“involving”。9.问答题Amid the multiple violent incidents, a crackdown on terrorism in all forms has been added to A BChinas top priorities. The government called on improved intelligence collection, integrated Cprevention and control measures, and better early-warning and emergency response capabilities Dso as to leave no loopholes for terrorists to exploit.【答案】试题答案:D; controlling【解析】考查非谓语动词。句中已有谓语动词且and连接的为并列成分,需用一个形容词来修饰名词measures,因此用control的现在分词形式controlling作定语。10.单选题The ships were found to be unsuitable for the conditions in which they had supposedly been A B C Dadapted.问题1选项A.to beB.unsuitableC.unsuitableD.supposedly【答案】C【解析】考查介词搭配。C选项为“介词+which”引导的定语从句,adapt to(适应)为固定搭配,此处将介提前,因此用介词to。试题答案:C; to which


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