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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-上海交通大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题The world economic recession put an( ) end to the steel market upturn that began in 2002.问题1选项A.irregularB.illegalC.absurdD.abrupt【答案】D【解析】形容词词义辨析。 irregular不规则的,无规律的; illegal非法的; absurd不合理的,荒谬的; abrupt突然的,意外的。根据句中upturn判定, world economic recession是突然停止的。句意:世界经济衰退突然结束了2002年开始的钢铁市场好转的情况。选项D符合句意。2.单选题How many things can you see in the night sky? A lot! On a clear night you might see the Moon, some planets, and thousands of sparkling stars,You can see even more with a telescope. You might see stars where before you only saw dark space. You might see that many stars look larger than others. You might see that some stars that look white are really red or blue. With bigger and bigger telescopes you can see more and more objects in the sky. And you can see those objects in more and more details.But scientists believe there are some things in the sky that we will never see. We wont see them with the biggest telescope in the world, on the clearest night of the year. Thats because theyre invisible. Theyre the mysterious dead stars called black holes.You might find it hard to imagine that stars die. After all, our Sun is a star. Year after year we see it up in the sky burning brightly, giving us heat and light. The Sun certainly doesnt seem to be getting old or weak. But stars do burn out and die after billions of years.As a stars gases burn, they give off light and heat. But when the gas runs out, the star stops burning and begins to die.As the star cools, the outer layers of the star pull in toward the center. The star squashes into a smaller and smaller ball. If the star was very small, the star ends up as a cold, dark ball called a black dwarf. If the star was very big, it keeps squashing inward until its packed together tighter than anything in the universe.Imagine if the Earth were crushed until it was the size of a tiny marble. Thats how tightly this dead star, a black hole is packeD.What pulls the star in toward its center with such power? Its the same force that pulls you down when you jumpthe force called gravity. A black hole is so tightly packed that its gravity sucks in everythingeven light. The light from black hole can never come back to your eyes. Thats why you see nothing but blackness.So the next time you stare up at the night sky, remember: theres more in the sky than meets the eyes! Scattered in the silent darkness are black holesthe great mystery of space.1.According to the article, what causes a star to die?2.Which of the following statements is NOT a fact?3.What happens AFTER a star dies?4.Why cant you see light when you look at a black hole?5.What is the main idea of the article?问题1选项A.As its gases run out, it cools down.B.It collides with other stars.C.It can only live for about a million years.D.As it gets hotter and hotter, it explodes.问题2选项A.Black holes are dead stars.B.Black holes have gravity.C.Black holes are invisible.D.There is nothing as mysterious as a black hole.问题3选项A.It becomes invisible.B.It falls to Earth.C.It burns up all of its gases.D.It becomes brighter and easier to see.问题4选项A.Because most black holes are so far away.B.Because the gravity of a black hole is so strong that it sucks the light inward.C.Because as the stars gases burn, it stops giving off heat and light.D.Because as a star cools, its outer layers pull in toward its center.问题5选项A.The future of our Sun billions of years from now.B.The difference between our Sun and a dead star.C.The mystery of black holes in the universe.D.The sparkling and dying stars in the sky.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。根据笫五段的第二句when the gas runs out, the star stops burning and begins to die.当气体耗尽时, 恒星停止燃烧并开始死亡。选项A符合原文。2.细节事实题。根据倒数第二段的内容可知, 选项A, B, C均是对黑洞正确的描述;选项D描述太绝对, 所以不正确。3.判断推理题。根据六七段的内容可知, 当恒星死亡后, 重力使其向内挤压, 最后可能形成黑洞。而黑洞是看不见的, 所以选项A正确。4.判断推理题。根据倒数策二段的倒数二三句A black hole is so tightly packed that its gravity sucks in everythingeven light. The light from black hole can never come back to your eyes.黑洞是如此的紧凑以至于它的重力吸收一切甚至光。黑洞发出的光永远不会回到你的眼睛里。选项B符合原文。5.主旨大意题。结合全文内容, 本文主要是讲黑洞的形成与影响, 所以选项C正确。3.单选题As the artist was ( ) to pollen, he seldom went into the country to sketch the natural beauty in spring.问题1选项A.destructiveB.allergicC.fragileD.unchallenged【答案】B【解析】形容词搭配题。destructive破坏的,毁灭性的;allergic过敏的,be allergic to sth.指对某物过敏;fragile 脆的,易碎的;unchallenged不回避的。句意:由于艺术家对花粉过敏,所以他春天很少去乡下写生。选项B符合句意。4.单选题I ( ) the justice and fought against corruption at my best.问题1选项A.confirmedB.upheldC.overwhelmedD.established【答案】B【解析】confirmed确认, 坚定; uphold支持, 维护; overwhelmed压倒, 淹没; established制定, 建立。句意:我维护正义, 尽我最大的努力与腐败作斗争。选项B符合句意。5.单选题We are to ( ) 10,000, 000 computers next year to meet the market requirements.问题1选项A.turn inB.turn outC.turn upD.turn to【答案】B【解析】turn in交上, 归还; turn out证明是,结果是,生产; turn up出现,发生; turn to变成,求助于。句意:我们计划明年生产一万台电脑以满足市场的需求。turn out在这里是生产的意思, 所以选项B符合句意。6.单选题My seven-year old nephew had a pair of new shoes in April and hes already ( ) them.问题1选项A.outweighedB.outgrownC.outlivedD.outreached【答案】B【解析】形近词辨析。outweighed 比重; outgrown 长得大而容不进, 比长得快(或高、大); outlived 比活得长久; outreached 超越, 伸出。句意:我七岁的侄子四月份买了一双新鞋, 现在已经穿不下了。选项B符合句意。7.单选题He was very intelligent, but he ( ) the requirement for a manager.问题1选项A.fell short ofB.ran short ofC.ran out ofD.froze out of【答案】A【解析】动词词组辨析。fell short of达不到, 缺乏;ran short of快用完了;ran out of用完;froze out of不是词组。句意:他很聪明, 但达不到管理职位的要求。选项A符合句意。8.单选题73. 5 percent of major U.S. firms report that they record and review their employees communications and activities on the joB.The larger the company, the more likely it is to engage in monitoring and surveillance activities, according to a survey. Broken down by business category, survey respondents in the financial services sector lead the packs when it comes to monitoring their employees e-mail and Internet connections.Weber says he sees companies go through a life cycle with their Internet experience. When they first get connected, companies see a surge of activity and an immediate drop-off in productivity. After about two or three weeks, Internet use levels off, Weber notes. Weber observes that among his clients, hes seeing a trend where employers are letting the life cycle run its course. In other cases, Weber says his clients are capturing the information, but not really doing anything about it. One thing the experts all agree on is that if you use the Internet and provide access to your employees, you should have a policy in place that defines what you deem to be permissible use by employees. Weber believes that no company wants to be in the rote of Big Brother, but still must protect one of its most valuable assets. Nor are employers looking to micro-manage their employees. Many companies are viewing use of the Internet as similar to the phone, and operating with the philosophy that incidental personal use is okay. But some clients dont see a need to restrict access, he explains. For certain the issues that surround monitoring employee Internet use arent going to quiet down anything soon, the experts say. Maybe the simplest solution is to just allow a certain percentage to go to employee use.1.In monitoring the Internet use of the employees, which of the following take the lead?2.Which of the following may rightly describe the lifecycle of Internet use( )3.What can we say about most companies attitude towards employee Internet use?4.We know from this passage that experts think ( ) .5.Which of the following may serve as the best title?问题1选项A.Computer companies.B.Telecommunication companies.C.Financial firms.D.Large companies.问题2选项A.A sudden rise in the first 2-3 weeks followed by a sudden drop-off.B.A gradual increase to the first 2-3 weeks followed by a gradual decrease.C.A gradual increase to the first 2-3 weeks followed by leveling off.D.A sudden rise in the first 2-3 weeks followed by leveling off.问题3选项A.Supportive.B.Disapproving.C.Tolerant.D.Cautious问题4选项A.the easiest solution is to confine Internet use to certain employeesB.policies should be laid down defining the limit of internet use for employeesC.restrictions on employee Internet use may help increase productivityD.limiting employee Internet use may do harm to the image of companies问题5选项A.Internet Is Causing Trouble for EmployersB.Managing Employee Use of the Internet.C.The Controversy over Internet Use.D.The Negative Side of Internet.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。根据第一段的最后一句:.survey respondents in the financial services sector lead the packs when it comes to monitoring their employees e-mail and Internet connections.句中的 financial services sector与选项C对应。故答案为C。2.细节判断题。根据题干关键词 lifecycle of Internet use定位到第二段的第二、三句When they first get connected, companies see a surge of activity and an immediate drop-off in productivity. After about two or three weeks, Internet use levels off, Weber notes. 网络浏览量前两周激增,随后逐步下降。选项D符合原文。3.根据第二段的倒数第四句Many companies are viewing use of the Internet as similar to the phone, and operating with the philosophy that incidental personal use is okay.大部分的公司允许员工因私人原因适当地使用因特网。选项C比选项A更符合。4.细节推断题。根据题干关键词 experts定位到第二段的第六句One thing the experts all agree on is that . use by employees. 专家们一致同意的一件事是, 如果你使用互联网并为你的员工提供访问权限, 你应该制定一个政策来定义你认为雇员可以使用的内容。选项B符合原文。5.结合全文内容分析, 本文主要是讲述企业主应该如何处理员工上网的问题。所以选项B正确。9.案例题A powerful personal growth tool is the 30-day trial. This is a concept I borrowed from the shareware industry, where you can (1) a trial version of a piece of software and try it out risk-free for 30 days before youre required to buy the (2) version. Its also a great way to develop new (3) , and best of all, its brain-dead simple. Lets say you want to start a new habit like an exercise program or (4) a bad habit like sucking on cancer sticks. We all know that getting (5) and sticking with the new habit for a few weeks is the hard part. Once youve overcome inertia, its much easier to keep going. Yet we often psyche ourselves out of getting started by (6) thinking about the change as something (7) before weve even begun. It seems too overwhelming to think about making a big change and (8) with it every day for the rest of your life when youre still habituated to doing the (9) . The more you think about the change as something permanent, the more you (10) where you are. But what if you thought about making the change only (11) say for 30 daysand then youre free to go back to your old habits? That doesnt seem so hard anymore. Exercise daily for just 30 days, then quit, maintain a (12) organized desk for 30 days, then slack off. Read for an hour a day for 30 days, then go back to watching TV.Could you do it? It still (13) a bit of discipline and commitment, but not nearly so much as making a permanent change. Any (14) deprivation is only temporary. You can (15) down the days to freedom. And for at least 30 days, youll gain some benefit. It,s not so baD.You can handle it. Its only one month out of your life.Directions: Choose one appropriate word from the following word bank to fill in the blanks numbered from 1 to 15 in the passage below, Change the word form where necessary. Remember the bank contains some extra words that may not be used in filling any of the blanks. Write the words in their correct forms with the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.Temporary download commitment neatly requirementally count opposite stay disciplinepermanent habit overcome stick adoptfull free perceive quit start【答案】1. download 2.full 3. habits 4.quit 5. started6. mentally 7. permanent 8. sticking 9. opposite 10. stay11. commitment 12. neatly 13. requires 14. perceived 15. count【解析】1.根据句意, 下载某种软件, 用 download software。2.full version指完整版。句意:下载某个软件的免费试用版使用30天后,你会被要求购买完整版。3.从下文的Let s say you want to start a new habit.可推测, 填空处也应该填入habit, 且为复数。4.quit a bad habit指改正某个坏习惯。5. 根据句意:我们都知道, 开始并坚持几个星期的新习惯是困难的。先开始才能坚持。6. 根据句子结构可知这里应该用 副词修饰 thinking, 根据上文的 psych推断mentally正确。7. 根据下文The more you think about the change as something permanent,.可知此处也应填入permanent。8. stick with坚持, 文中多次出现。9. do the opposite为固定用法, 意为背道而驰。10. 根据句意:你越认为这种改变是永久性的, 你就会在原地待得越久。这里指保持现状。11. makecommitment为固定搭配, 意为做出的承诺。12. maintain a neatly organized desk保持课桌的干净整洁。13. 根据句意:尽管它依然完成了一些纪律和承诺, 但远没有达到永久改变的程度。14. 句意:任何感知到的剥夺都只是暂时的。15. count down为固定搭配, 意为倒数。10.单选题The ( ) beauty of the mountain has made it a world-famous resort. Every year numerous tourists from home and abroad come to visit it.问题1选项A.perpetualB.perplexedC.preservedD.perished【答案】C【解析】形容词辨析题。perpetual永久的,不断的;perplexed困感的, 不知所措的;preserved 保存完好的; perished 消亡的, 毁坏的。句意:保存完好的山区风景使得它成为世界闻名的旅游胜地。每年都有许多来自国内外的游客来参观。选项C符合句意。


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