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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-湖南大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题We all want to stand first in line, first in the hearts of our country, first in the polls, first in the standings. The (1)of Number One is surely an important thing in sports, but for universities, being first is not as important as being (2) the best.The twenty-first century shows no (3)of interest among researchers, institutions, donors, boards of trustees, and governments in using various university rankings to (4)the performance of higher education institutions. Most national research universities measure themselves (5)a wide range of dimensions that the institutions believe important for determining improvement and success. At the same time, no single indicator or composite number (6) represents what an individual institution has done, can do, or will do. To improve the quality and productivity of a (7)national research university, its faculty, students, staff, and supporters need to (8) a number of indicators that,(9)together, give a reasonable approximation of accomplishment and strength (10)to the best universities in the country.Many indicators (11) this purpose, but most observers know that research (12) more than anything else in (13) the best institutions. In its annual reports, The Center provides both the (14) research and development expenditures and the highly-competitive federally (15)research and development expenditures as indicators of research scale. (16)the dollars give a good approximation of research activity, (17) is the faculty who provide the critical resource for university success, and The Center reports the number of members of the National Academies among an institutions faculty along with the number of significant faculty awards earned as indicators of faculty distinction. Students provide a (18)indicator by reflecting both the externally perceived quality of the institution and (19) with their own credentials an important contribution to that quality. For the graduate and research instructional dimension, The Center provides the number of doctorates (20)and the number of postdoctoral appointments supported; and The Center offers median SAT scores as indicators of student competitiveness.问题1选项A.eagerB.ambitionC.pursuitD.desire问题2选项A.inB.amongC.forD.on问题3选项A.fewerB.lesseningC.weakerD.worsening问题4选项A.assessB.assumeC.commentD.reflect问题5选项A.asB.forC.onD.in问题6选项A.moderatelyB.accuratelyC.equitablyD.fairly问题7选项A.majorB.mainC.basicD.fundamental问题8选项A.pursueB.evaluateC.followD.appraise问题9选项A.takenB.gotC.gettingD.taking问题10选项A.referenceB.superiorC.closeD.relative问题11选项A.meetB.serveC.fillD.integrate问题12选项A.impliesB.meansC.symbolizesD.matters问题13选项A.determiningB.disclosingC.differentiatingD.defining问题14选项A.totalB.wholeC.majorD.sum问题15选项A.recognizedB.sponsoredC.sponsoringD.recognizing问题16选项A.HoweverB.ThereforeC.WhileD.Nevertheless问题17选项A.thatB.whichC.thisD.it问题18选项A.secondB.doubleC.twiceD.twin问题19选项A.providingB.provideC.providedD.provision问题20选项A.wonB.awardedC.awardingD.winning【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:C第6题:B第7题:A第8题:C第9题:A第10题:D第11题:B第12题:D第13题:D第14题:A第15题:B第16题:C第17题:D第18题:B第19题:A第20题:B【解析】(1)语义连接。此处表示对第一的争夺, 追求。Eager 渴望; ambition抱负; pursuit追求; desire要求。(2)逻辑分析。.for universities, being first is not as important:对许 多大学来说,成为第一并不重要.。universities:用的是复数形式,可推测此处为:在一堆的大 学中进行比较,故选择B项。(3)语义连接。第一段提到到处可以见到争“第一”的现象,所以这种现象在现在依旧没有减少,由此得出选择B:减轻,变小,no lessening:没有减小,符合句意。Fewer 更少; lessening 减轻,变小;weaker较弱的; worsening 恶化的。(4)动词辨析。空格处选A, 意思是: 评估高等院校的绩效。A:评估; B:假设; C:评论; D:反映。(5)固定搭配。on a wide range of dimensions:在一个更为广阔的空间。(6)副词辨析。上一句提到评估要在一个更为广阔的空间进行, 所以下一句句意为: no single indicator or composite number .represents:单个的指标或合成数不能准确地反映出情况,选B:精准地,准确地。A:适度地; C:公正地; D:公平地。(7)固定搭配。major national research university:重点国家级研究型大学。(8)动词辨析。对大学的评估要依据不同的指标,故选择C,依据。A:追赶; B:评价,评估; D:评价,鉴定。(9)固定搭配。taken together:总算,合起来。(10)短语辨析。give a reasonable approximation of accomplishment and strength 20 to the best universities in the country: 对其成绩与实务给出一个合理的近似值,参照国内最好的大学。由此得出选择D: relative to:相对于,涉及,有关。A:参考, 参照,是名词,后面不接介词。B: superior to:优于,比.越。C: close to:接近。(11)动词辨析。上文提到对研究院的考核要遵循一些指标,故Many indicators serves this purpose:许多指标服务于这个目的,故选择B:服务。(12)动词辨析。句意: 研究院的成果对学院的考核很重要。因此D项符合句意。A:暗示; B:手段,方式; C:象征,代表; D: 要紧。(13)动词辨析。此处句意为: 依据指标对研究院进行考核,再评定其是不是最好的学院。故D项符合句意。A:测定,决定; B:公开; C:区分; D:定义,界定。(14)形容词辨析。In its annual reports意思是: 在年度报告中。所以推测此处为: 搜集全部的资料。故选A。(15)动词辨析&语法分析。此处指的是联邦政府对大学的赞助。这里应该用sponsor的过去分词形式, 表示已经发生。(16)逻辑分析。此处表示: 从事研究所需的经费到齐之时。故选择C:当.时 候,引导时间状语从句。(17)语法分析。此处为强调句型:It is/was +被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状 语)+ that/who(当强调主语且主语指人)+其他部分。故选择D。A:那个; B:哪个; C:这个。(18)语义连接。句子中用到:both.and: 两者都.,可知这两方面 都发挥了作用,故选择B:双重的,两倍的。(19)动词辨析。此处意思为: 学生们提供了一些指标反映学院的实力, 故选择A:提供,现在分词表伴随, 表主动。B:提供; C:假如; D:规定,条款。(20)固定搭配。doctorates awarded:被授予博士头衔。2.单选题Hamilton hoped for a nation of cities while Jefferson contented that the country should remain chiefly agricultural.问题1选项A.inclinedB.struggledC.arguedD.competed【答案】C【解析】动词辨析。汉密尔顿希望建立一个工业化国家,而杰佛逊则认为农业是国之根本。incline 倾斜,点头,易于。struggle 奋斗,努力。argue 主张,认为。compete 竞争,比赛。content赞成。故选C。3.单选题Opponents of affirmative action say the battle over the use of race in college admissions is hardly over, despite the Supreme Courts ruling Monday upholding the goal of a diverse student body. Higher education leaders overwhelmingly hailed the decision, saying it reaffirmed policies used by most selective colleges and universities. But some critics raised the possibility of more lawsuits, and promised to continue pressuring the Department of Educations Office of Civil Rights to investigate questionable policies. “Were talking about admissions programs, scholarships, any program, only for minorities or in which the standards used to judge admissions are substantially different.” says Linda Chavez, founder and president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, a conservative non-profit group.Others say theyll take their case to voters. “We have to seriously contest all this at the ballot box.” Says University of California regent Ward Cannerly, who helped win voter approval of Californias Proposition 209, which prohibits considering race or gender in public education, hiring and contracting. Because of that law, Mondays ruling had no practical impact in the state. “It may be time for us to .let the (Michigan) voters decide if they want to use race as a factor in admissions.” Connerly said Monday.Meanwhile, U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige, consistent with President Bushs stance opposing affirmative action, said the Department of Education will “continue examining and highlighting effective race-neutral approaches to ensure broad access to and diversity within our public institutions.” Even Supreme Court Justice Sandra DayO Connor, in one of the opinions, recommended that states look for sessions in race-neutral programs being tried in California and elsewhere. While the ruling said admissions officials may consider race in the selection process, colleges and universities are not obligated to do so. “Ultimately in the debate, diversity is a choice, not a legal mandate, says Arthur Coleman, a former Department of Education official who now helps colleges and universities ensure constitutional policies.The public, too, remains conflicted, largely along racial lines. According to a January poll by the non-profit research organization Public Agenda, 79% of Americans said it is important for colleges to have a racially diverse student body, while just 54% said affirmative action programs should continue. In a Gallup poll conducted days before the ruling, 49% of adults said they favor affirmative action and 43% did not, with blacks and Hispanics far more likely to favor the practice than whites. And some educators doubt that with Mondays ruling, those opposing affirmative action will change their minds.For now, admissions officials and university lawyers are poring over the ruling to determine how or whether to adjust policies. While most tend to be closed-mouthed about admissions policies, may say they dont expect significant changes.1.What the critics said in the first paragraph amounts to the idea that( )2.Connerly insists that the Courts ruling should( ) .3.What is the attitude of the Department of Education towards affirmative action?4.Which of the following is TRUE about affirmative action according to the text?5.It can be inferred from the text that one of the major objectives of affirmative action is to( )问题1选项A.no admission policies based on race should be implemented.B.minority applicants based on race should be implemented.C.different standards for admitting minority students should be set up.D.selective colleges and universities should be punished for their discriminatory policies.问题2选项A.win approval from Californian voters before it is put in effect.B.be contested by the Michigan voters with an opinion poll.C.be applied in some states before it is extended to other states.D.produce the intended practical effect before it is widely accepted.问题3选项A.NeutralityB.ObjectionC.ApprovalD.Indifference问题4选项A.A vast majority of people support it.B.The minorities claim it to be a discriminatory policy.C.The minority students are more likely to welcome it.D.The Courts decision will certainly change peoples attitude to it.问题5选项A.ensure race-neutral programs are set up in colleges and universities.B.adapt the Supreme Courts ruling to college situations.C.formulate the right policies for college admissions.D.discourage the practice of racial discrimination in college admissions.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.细节题。第一段:But some critics raised the possibility of more lawsuits, and promised to continue pressuring the Department of Educations Office of Civil Rights to investigate questionable policies (反对者们提出了更多诉讼的可能性,并承诺继续向教育部民权办公室施压,要求其调查可疑的招生政策)。故选A(不应实施偏向少数民族的入学政策)。2.细节题。定位至第二段Connerly 所说:It may be time for us to .let the (Michigan) voters decideif they want to use race as a factor in admissions (我 们也许应该让密歇根州的选民们来决定他们是否赞同将种族当做录取因素)。故选B。3.推断题。根据题干关键词Department of Education定位至第三段: U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige, consistent with President Bushs stance opposing affirmative action, said the Department of Education will “continue examining and highlighting effective race-neutral approaches to ensure broad access to and diversity within our public institutions (与布什总统反对赞助性行动的立场(stance)一致,美国教育部长Paige说,教育部将“继续审查并强调有效的种族中立政策,确保公立大学(public institution) 招收学生的广泛代表性和多样化)。故选B。4.细节题。第四段指出:In a Gallup poll conducted days before the ruling, 49% of adults said they favor affirmative action and 43% did not, with blacks and Hispanics far more likely to favor the practice than whites (在判决前几天进行的民意测验中,49%的成年人说他们赞成赞助性行动,43%的人不赞成,黑人和拉美裔比白人更倾向于这种做法)。故选C。5.推断题。支持赞助性行动的人则是担心录取过程会出现种族歧视,因此才要求大学保证招收一定比例的少数民族学生。因此推断他们希望赞助性行为可以减少大学入学时的种族歧视。4.单选题A third of breads contain more salt than recommended under guidelines being introduced next year, a survey found.Most breads were within the current guidelines of l.lg of salt per 100g-but this is being cut to lg per l00g. Campaign for Action on Salt and Health (CASH), which looked at 300 breads, said it was “outrageous” that bread contained even the current level. The Department of Health said considerable salt reductions had already been made. Manufacturers said many loaves with the lowest salt levels were supermarket brands, which were the most popular. Eating too much salt is linked to high blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of developing heart disease.Recommended dietary salt levels vary with age. Adults are meant to have no more than 6g of salt in their diet per day, while toddlers should have no more than 2g.Salt levels in bread have fallen by about a third over the past decade, with some falling by up to 40%. But CASH says levels are still too high, and warns there is wide variation in the amount found in loaves. Most are within half a gram of the current target of l.lg of salt per l00g of bread about two hick slices. But CASH found some significantly exceeded it. CASH says consumers should look at nutrition labels, where possible, to see how much salt bread contains. But it warns fresh breads, from in-store or high-street bakeries have no nutritional labeling, meaning people cannot tell how much salt they contain. And it said bakery breads often had higher levels than their packaged products.CASH chairman Prof. Graham MacGregor, of the Wolfs on Institute of Preventative Medicine, said: It is frankly outrageous that bread still contains so much salt. The Department of Health needs to ensure that all bread is clearly labeled and that all manufacturers reduce the salt of bread to less that the salt target of lg per l00g. It is the very high levels of salt that is hidden in everyday food, such as bread, that puts up both adults and childrens blood pressure. “Victoria Taylor, senior dietitian at the British Heart Foundation, said: We know too many people are eating too much salt each day. Some manufacturers are working towards targets for salt reduction, but we need more action to cut the salt content in bread and make sure they provide colour-coded food labels to help their customers. But Federation of Bakers director Gordon Polson said: The majority of wrapped sliced bread available already meets the 2012 targets and our members are continuing to endeavour to reduce salt by contributing to ongoing research to establish which other means are available to reduce salt in bread. The vast majority of breads singled out in the CASH report as higher in salt are not the mainstream products produced by our members; which do produce around 80% of the nations bread in a 3 bn industry.nA Department of Health spokesman said the government welcomed the considerable salt reductions that bread makers had already made, and it was very pleasing that around 60% of the products met salt targets for 2012. This is an important step in helping to reduce salt intake, as well as lowering the risk of high blood pressure and resulting strokes and heart disease. We look forward to seeing further reductions as more companies meet the targets,” he added.British Retail Consortium food director Andrew Opie said retailers and manufacturers are to fond independent research to look for ways of meeting the 2012 target- while still making foods which consumers want to buy”.1.Whats Gordon Polsons attitude toward the majority of wrapped, sliced bread available?2.According to CASH, the current salt levels of bread are ( ).3.CASH suggests that( ) .4.According to the passage, which of the following statements is CORRECT?5.What are the harmful effects of too much salt according to CASH?问题1选项A.Positive.B.Critical.C.Skeptical.D.Indifferent问题2选项A.amazingly lowB.properC.too highD.considerable问题3选项A.salt levels in bread should be reduced by 40%B.the amount found in loaves should vary with breadsC.consumers should figure out how much salt bread containsD.only fresh breads should be labeled问题4选项A.Salt reductions are to be made.B.The loaves in supermarkets are with the lowest salt levels.C.Women can have more salt in their diet per day than men.D.Recommended dietary salt levels are different with age.问题5选项A.malnutritionB.high blood pressureC.DiabetesD.chronic disease【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.推断题。根据题干关键词Gordon Polsons, wrapped, sliced bread定位至第五段: The majority of wrapped, sliced bread available already meets which do produce around 80% of the nations bread in a 3bn industry (市场上大多数包装切片面包已 经符合2012年指标,我们的成员厂家正在努力研究寻找其他可以降低含盐量的途径。绝大多数在低盐与健康运动报告中被指含盐量较高的面包都不是我们的主流产品,在全国30亿英镑的面包产业中,我们生产了其中的80%的面包)。由此可知他的态度是积极的。2.细节题。第四段指出:But CASH says levels are still too high.:但是CASH认为含盐量仍然太高.因此C项正确。3.细节题。第四段:CASH says consumers should look at nutrition labels, where possible, to see how much salt bread contains. But it warns fresh breads, from in-store or high-street bakeries have no nutritional labeling, meaning people cannot tell how much salt they contain. 低盐与健康运动建议消费者应该看看营养标签,如果可能的话,看看盐面包含有多少。但它警告说,新鲜面包,从店内或商业街面包店没有营养标签,这意味着人们无法知道他们含有多少盐。因此应选择C:消费者应当估计面包里包含多少盐。A: 面包中盐的含量应为40%。B:面包中所发现的含量会依据面包的不同而有所不同。D: 只有新鲜面包才会贴标签。此三项不符合原文。4.细节题。第二段指出:.salt reductions had already been made面包中所含盐分已经减少了。由此得知,选项A:将要降低面包中所含的盐分是错误的;选项B: 超市里的面包是含盐最低的,与选项C:女性每天摄入盐量要高于男性,无从推断。第三段:Recommended dietary salt levels vary with age.对于不同的年龄段,推荐的食盐量也不同。可以得出选项D正确。5.细节题。第二段指出:Eating too much salt is linked to high blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of developing heart disease.吃太多的盐会导致高血压,继而提高心脏病的发病率。由此得知,选择B项:高血压。5.单选题In the case of mobile phones, change is everything. Recent research indicates that the mobile phone is changing not only our culture, but our very bodies as well.First, lets talk about culture. The difference between the mobile phone and its parent, the fixed-line phone is, you get whoever answers it.This has several implications. The most common one, however, and perhaps the thing that has changed our culture forever, is the “meeting” influence. People no longer need to make firm plans about when and where to meet. Twenty years ago, a Friday night would need to be arranged in advance.You needed enough time to allow everyone to get from their place of work to the first meeting place. Now, however, a night out can be arranged on the run. It is no longer see you there at 8, but text me around 8 and well see where we all are.Texting changes people as well. In their paper, “Insight into the Social and Psychological Effects of SMS Text Messaging”,two British researchers distinguished between two types of mobile phone users: the “talkers” and the lexters”一those who prefer voice to text message and those who prefer text to voice.They found that the mobile phones individuality and privacy gave texters the ability to express a whole new outer personality. Texters were likely to report that their family would be surprised if they were to read their texts. This suggests that texting allowed texters to present a self-image that differed from the one familiar to those who knew them well.Another scientist wrote of the changes that mobiles have brought to body language.There are two kinds that people use while speaking on the phone. There is the “speakeasy”: the head is held high, in a self-confident way, chatting away. And there is the “spacemaker”: these people focus on themselves and keep out other people.Who can blame them? Phone meetings get cancelled or reformed and camera-phones intrude on peoples privacy. So, it is understandable if your mobile makes you nervous. But perhaps you neednt worry so much. After all, it is good to talk.1.When people plan to meet nowadays, they ( ).2.According to the two British researchers, the social and psychological effects are mostly likely to be seen on( ) .3.We can infer from the passage that the texts sent by texters are( ) .4.According to the passage, is afraid of being heard while talking


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