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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她学历教育-成人高考-英语考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题Which form of body language is acceptable almost everywhere?问题1选项A.Kissing on the cheek.B.Shaking hands.C.Touching on the shoulder.D.Keeping a short distance.【答案】B【解析】事实细节题。由第三段第四句可知,几乎在任何地方。握手都是可以接受的,甚至陌生人之间也可以握手。故B正确。2.单选题33_问题1选项A.hatedB.employedC.disappointedD.visited【答案】D【解析】【考试指导】词义辨析题。直到今天,我仍然不知道那年夏天我得了什么病,我珂看的许多医生也都不知道。hate讨厌;employ雇用;disappoint使失逢;visit看,参观。此外,visita doctor意为“看医生”。故D正确。3.单选题26._问题1选项A.orB.butC.forD.and【答案】B【解析】连词辨析题。起初我只是生他们的气,但理查德让我思考他们为什么这样做。or 或者,否则;but 但是;for 因为;and 和。故本题选B。4.单选题选( )问题1选项A.startedB.recognizedC.writtenD.found【答案】A【解析】词义辨析题。此处意为:大志杂志由琼恩?伯德和戈登?罗迪克在1991年创办。start意为“创办,开办”;recognize意为“识别,认出”;write意为“写”;find意为“发现”。根据句意可知,A为正确答案。5.单选题In 2008,the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) wanted to know if all the school lunches served to students were healthy. The answer was a big,fat NO! The USDA found that most American schools served lunches with too much fat and salt. They also found that most of the fruits and vegetables in the lunches came from cans (罐头Canned fruits and vegetables are not as good as fresh ones. The USDA gives schools food and money to make lunches. But schools make up their own menus.Some make healthy lunches. Most do not. Now the USDA wants all schools to serve more healthylunches. They want schools to follow the USDAs guidelines for balanced (均衡)meals. Mike Sanders, in charge of the USDA in 2008, said the USDA should teach school workers how to make healthier lunches. A good school lunch is just as important as a good textbook,Sanders said He said that children also need to learn about healthy foods. The USDA is working on a new programFresh Start. It will give schools more fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh Start will also help schools change their lunches to make them healthier. To find the best way to change lunches,the USDA held meetings with parents,school leaders,doctors,and cooks. Children already eat healthy lunches at Chief Joseph School in North Saratoga, Oregon. They have whole-wheat bread with low-fat cheese,and low-fat milk. What did the USDA find about lunches in most American schools in 2008?问题1选项A.They contained too much fat and saltB.They were mostly fruits and vegetablesC.Most of them were healthyD.Most of them were canned food【答案】A【解析】【考试指导】事实细节题。由第一段和第二段第一句可知,美国农业部在2008年想要了解是否所有学校的食堂都为学生提供健康的食物,结果却发现远非如此。他们发现大多数美国学校提供的午餐含太多的脂肪和盐。故A正确。6.单选题In which country do people get married younger than in most other countries?问题1选项A.The Philippines.B.Germany.C.Italy.D.China.【答案】A【解析】事实细节题。根据题干中的关键词get married,younger可定位至Misgivings这一栏的第一句,由该句可知菲律宾是众多国家中结婚年龄最低的。故本题选A。7.单选题According to the text, Nancy feels great to see Yanira _.问题1选项A.make progressB.travel to New YorkC.go to collegeD.sing in the holiday show【答案】A【解析】事实细节题。第六段南希说到自己不同于雅妮拉生命中的其他任何人,与她相识,看到她的改变、成长与进步是很棒的事。故本题选A。8.单选题28_问题1选项A.checkB.explainC.describeD.mark.I【答案】A【解析】【考试指导】词义辨析题。第二天早上醒来,我去检查我的眼睛有多肿。check检查;explain解释;describe描写;mark做记号。故A正确。9.单选题23._问题1选项A.agreedB.failedC.obeyedD.admitted【答案】A【解析】推理判断题。因为电脑是我所擅长的,所以我同意了理查德的请求。agree 同意;fail 失败;obey 遵循;admit 承认。故本题选A。10.单选题30._问题1选项A.acceptedB.saidC.doneD.thought【答案】C【解析】词义辨析题。理查德问我是否也曾做过类似的事。accept接受;say说;do做;think想。故本题选C。


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