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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-上海交通大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题When people arc struck by lightening, they fall to the ground as though they were struck by a severe blow to the heaD.After the shock they may remain unconscious, become semiconscious or be conscious but confused and dazed, at least for a time. Flashes of light may continue passing before their eyes, and blindness and deafness may follow. The nervous system may be badly affected, causing paralysis, pain in the limbs and even hemorrhage. There will be bums where the lightening passed through the body, and like all electrical bums, they are often deep and severe.All persons, especially campers and hunters, should know how to give first aid to someone who has been struck by lightening. Do not be afraid to touch the victim. You wont get a shock. The lightening has already been groundeD.Remember that speed is of the greatest importance in severe cases.The first thing to do is to loosen tight clothing about the throat and waist. Then clear the air passages of mucus (黏液)if present, and apply artificial respiration if necessary. Give mouth-mouth resuscitation if needed, or give oxygen if available. Many victims thought Io be dead have been revived after treatment.Send someone for a doctor as soon as possible, but dont leave the victim alone. If a doctor is not available, take the person to a hospital as soon as the person can be safely moved.Signs of shock are: pale, cold, sticky skin; weak, rapid pulse; shallow, irregular breathing or, in extreme cases, no breathing at all. To treat shock, you must keep the patient lying down with the head lower than the feet and cover him or her with a blanket but watch out for overheating. Giving a stimulating hot tea or coffee will help, but only if the patient is thoroughly conscious.After breathing has been restored and shock is treated, treat the bums. Apply some salve and cover them with a clean cloth or a sterile dressing. If conscious, the patient will be badly frightened, so do all you can to reassure. A little knowledge and a helping hand may save someones life.1.The passage mainly talks about ( ) .2.According lo the passage, all the following are signs of shock except ( ) .3.It can be guessed from the passage that ( ) .4.The word salve in line 2 of the last paragraph most likely means ( ) .5.Which of the following must not be done while treating shock?问题1选项A.which metals conduct electricity bestB.where to go in a thunderstormC.how to treat someone struck by lighteningD.how to make mouth-to-mouth resuscitation问题2选项A.abnormal feverB.cold skinC.irregular breathingD.rapid pulse问题3选项A.many campers and hunters are struck by lighteningB.cars are convenient for outdoor activitiesC.electric shock does little harm to the human bodyD.only professional nurses and doctors are allowed to give first aid问题4选项A.spongeB.bandageC.ointmentD.liquid问题5选项A.Giving the patient a cup of hot tea.B.Making the patient lie with the feet lower than the head.C.Covering the bums with a sterile dressing.D.Applying artificial respiration【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.结合全文内容可知,本文主要是讲述如何治疗被闪电击中的人。2.根据第五段的第一句“Signs of shock are: pale, cold, sticky skin; weak, rapid pulse; shallow, irregular breathing or, in extreme cases, no breathing at all.”可知,只有选项A不属于休克的症状,所以本题选A。3.根据第二段的第一句“All persons, especially campers and hunters, should know how to give first aid to someone who has been struck by lightening.”所有人,尤其是露营者和猎人,都应该知道如何对被闪电击中的人进行急救。由此可推断,露营者和猎人最容易遇到被闪电击中的情况,所以选项A正确。4.根据常识,被雷电击中后会被烧伤,烧伤之后当然要涂抹一些药膏,所以这里的“salve”指药膏,只有选项C与之意思相近。5.根据原文可知,选项B对应文中的“you must keep the patient lying down with the head lower than the feet”,但与原文表述相反,因此选择B选项。2.单选题The brain drain of experts away from developing countries will greatly influence these countries development of ( ) industry.问题1选项A.complicatedB.sophisticatedC.primitiveD.collective【答案】B【解析】形容词辨析题。complicated复杂的,难懂的;sophisticated精密的,尖端的;primitive 原始的, 早期的; collective 集体的, 共同的。句意:发展中国家髙技术人才的外流, 将会严重影响这些国家尖端工业的发展。选项B符合句意。3.单选题Last month, Mars and Earth were at the closest points in their ( ) orbits. The distance between the two worlds was 68 million kilometers.问题1选项A.identicalB.respectiveC.rigidD.reverse【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。 identical恒一的,完全相同的; respective各自的,分别的; rigid严格的,僵硬的; reverse反面的。句意:上个月火星和地球在各自轨道上的距离最近, 两个世界之间的距离是6800万公里。选项B符合句意。4.单选题As the artist was ( ) to pollen, he seldom went into the country to sketch the natural beauty in spring.问题1选项A.destructiveB.allergicC.fragileD.unchallenged【答案】B【解析】形容词搭配题。destructive破坏的,毁灭性的;allergic过敏的,be allergic to sth.指对某物过敏;fragile 脆的,易碎的;unchallenged不回避的。句意:由于艺术家对花粉过敏,所以他春天很少去乡下写生。选项B符合句意。5.单选题Competitors from more than a hundred countries have ( )in Los Angeles for the Olympic Games.问题1选项A.denouncedB.convergedC.detachedD.sprawled【答案】B【解析】动词辨析题。denounced谴责,揭发,声明.无效;converged聚集,齐聚;detached分离的;sprawled平躺的。句意:来自100多个国家的运动员齐聚洛杉矶参加奥运会。选项B符合句意。6.单选题Though this book was written more than 50 years ago, it has a relatively contemporary appeal, and its ( ) plotting will amuse mystery lovers.问题1选项A.intricateB.disparateC.compassionateD.passionate【答案】D【解析】形容词辨析题。intricate错综复杂的;disparate不同的,迥异的,不相干的;compassionate慈悲的,富有同情心的;passionate热情的,充满激情的。句意:虽然这本书是50多年前写的,但它具有相对现代的吸引力,其错综复杂的情节会让神秘爱好者感到有趣。选项D符合句意。7.单选题Like most other American companies with a rigid ( ) , workers and managers have strictly defined duties.问题1选项A.vitalityB.jurisdictionC.hierarchyD.bureaucracy【答案】C【解析】名词辨析题。vitality生机,活力;jurisdiction司法权,管辖权;hierarchy层次,层级,等级制度;bureaucracy官僚主义。句意:和大多数等级森严的美国公司一样,工人和经理们也有严格定义的职责。选项C符合句意。8.单选题According to ( ) sources, the Leaning Tower of Pisa is to be up righted under a restoration plan by the Italian Government.问题1选项A.conformedB.confirmedC.informedD.transformed【答案】B【解析】形容词词义辨析。 conformed一致的,顺从的; confirmed确定的,坚定的; informed消息灵通的,见多识广的; transformed转变的。句意:据可靠消息, 在意大利政府的一项恢复计划中, 比萨斜塔将得到修复。选项B符合原文。9.单选题A good leader knows what are practical questions and also he knows when to ( ) and when to fight.问题1选项A.compromiseB.struggleC.advanceD.flee【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。compromise妥协,让步; struggle努力,挣扎; advance前进,进展;flee逃跑,消失。句意:一个好的领导者知道什么是实际问题, 他也知道什么时候 应该( ) , 什么时候应该战斗。填空处应该和fight相对应, 选项A符合句意。10.单选题Having published more than a dozen papers in some first-rate journals, she is held in high ( ) by her colleagues.问题1选项A.esteemB.evaluationC.estateD.ego【答案】A【解析】名词词义辨析。esteem尊重, 尊敬;evaluation评价;estate财产;ego自负。句意:她在一些一流的刊物上发表了十多篇论文, 深受同事们的尊敬。选项A符合句意。


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