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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她南开大学22春“公共课”大学英语(二)在线作业二辅导答案一.综合考核(共30题)1.My aunt was angry with her family and went away ().A.in herselfB.by herselfC.with herself参考答案:B2.Be careful! Dont cut()with the knife.A.youB.yoursC.yourself参考答案:C3.The police arrived quickly, () it was too late.A.butB.andC.so参考答案:A4.Mad with _, he beat his son with a big stick.A.rangeB.rageC.ragD.rank参考答案:B5.She () to town last week.A.goesB.wentC.has gone参考答案:B6.We wont have the rehearsal if it () tomorrow.A.rainedB.rainsC.will rain参考答案:B7.Look at the car! This is () car I have ever seen.A.a most beautifulB.the most beautifulC.the more beautiful参考答案:B8.The war broke out and killed many _.A.as a resultB.at lastC.in the endD.therefore参考答案:A9.This red bicycle is () and that blue one is ().A.his, TomB.his, TomsC.his, Toms参考答案:B10.He is a good friend of ().A.ourB.oursC.ours参考答案:C11.A: Have you seen the film Life Without Steve? B: No, I havent seen it ().A.yetB.alreadyC.still参考答案:A12.() Nick () a good time at the party last night?A.Did, hasB.Does, haveC.Did, have参考答案:C13.We always () the neighbours cat while theyre away.A.take careB.look afterC.look at参考答案:B14.Ive lived in Chongqing () twenty years.A.inB.forC.since参考答案:B15.Mary()the keys to her bedroom at last.A.findsB.findC.found参考答案:C16.If you()mistake, you()pass the exam.A.make a, wontB.will make a, arentC.make a, mustnt参考答案:A17.Did she () the meeting?A.take part forB.took part inC.take part in参考答案:C18.He () a lot of money since he () his own restaurant business.A.made, has startedB.has made, startedC.have made, started参考答案:B19.There () a lot of trees in the park, werent there?A.used to beB.use to beC.used be参考答案:A20.He stopped () TV when the dinner was ready.A.watchingB.to watchC.watch参考答案:A21.“American Dream” is defined as a young man rising from the humblest beginning to acquire great achievements Abraham Lincoln is _.A.the caseB.a case in pointC.a caseD.in point参考答案:B22.Because of the illness, she () in bed for a few months.A.was keepingB.keptC.was kept参考答案:C23.Have you () your daughter recently?A.heard fromB.learnt fromC.heard at参考答案:A24.Last Sunday I () to Mr Smiths birthday party, and some other friends () there, too.A.went, wasB.went, wereC.go, are参考答案:B25.When he woke up, he heard the () of knocking at the door.A.voiceB.noiseC.sound参考答案:C26.Your daughter doesnt()you at all.A.look afterB.take likeC.take after参考答案:C27.My parents work very hard in the farm. They () get up early in the morning.A.occasionallyB.sometimesC.always参考答案:C28.Has it stopped (), Mike? We have to do some shopping today.A.to rainB.rainingC.rain参考答案:B29.Ive always enjoyed().A.swimmingB.to swimC.swim参考答案:A30.He bought two books. () I.A.So wasB.So didC.So do参考答案:B


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