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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她学历教育-英语-单选题考试易错、难点名师剖析押密卷(附带答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题-I will travel to Shanghai on National Day.-_.问题1选项A.It is goodB.ThanksC.Of courseD.Have a good time【答案】D【解析】【考点】本题考查情景交际。【选项释义】A. It is good很好B. Thanks谢谢你C. Of course当然D. Have a good time玩得开心【解题思路】A项意为“很好”;B项意为“谢谢你”;C项意为“当然”;D项意为“玩得开心”。根据语境可知。故本题选D。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合情景的意思。【句意】我国庆节去上海旅行。玩的开心。2.单选题-That pair of shoes just doesnt _to me.-But I like them.问题1选项A.adaptB.agreeC.attendD.appeal【答案】D【解析】【考点】本题考查动词。【选项释义】A. adapt(to)适应,适合;B. agree(to)同意,赞成;C. attend(to)处理,照顾;D. appeal(to)呼吁。【解题思路】adapt to适应,适合;agree to同意,赞成;attend to处理,照顾;appeal to 呼吁,对有吸引力。根据句意:对我没有吸引力。故本题选D。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合固定搭配。【句意】那双鞋对我没有吸引力。但我喜欢它们。3.单选题He( )late into the night, but now he goes to bed early due to health lessons.问题1选项A.used to workB.used to workingC.is used to workingD.is used to work【答案】A【解析】【考点】本题考查固定搭配。【选项释义】used to do work 意为“过去常常工作”;be used to working 意为“习惯工作”;be used to do 意为“被用来工作”。【解题思路】used to do sth. 意为“过去常常做某事”;be used to doing sth. 意为“习惯做某事”。故本题选A。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项均不符合语境。【句意】以前他经常加班到深夜,但现在因为身体原因,他早早就睡了。4.单选题It doesnt fit Terry, as he has _ huge body and the jacket is_small.问题1选项A.such a; suchB.such a; soC.so; soD.so; such a【答案】B【解析】【考点】本题考查such和so的用法。【选项释义】A. such a; such如此一个;如此;B. such a; so如此一个;如此;C. so; so如此;如此;D. so; such a 如此;如此一个。【解题思路】so是副词,可修饰形容词或其他副词,可用于“so+形容词+(a/an)+(单数)复数可数名词/不可数名词”结构中;such是形容词,用来修饰名词(位于不定冠词a或an的前面),可用“such+a/an+形容词+单数可数名词”的结构。故本题选B。【干扰项排除】A、C、D都不符合语法。【句意】这件夹克不适合Terry,因为他有这么肥大的身体但夹克却这么小。5.单选题With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _each year.问题1选项A.is washing awayB.is being washed awayC.are washing awayD.are being washed away【答案】D【解析】【考点】本题考查主谓一致和被动语态。【选项释义】A. is washing away正在冲走;B. is being washed away正在被冲走;C. are washing away正在冲走;D. are being washed away正在被冲走。【解题思路】quantities of无论修饰可数名词还是不可数名词,谓语动词都用复数。土壤是被冲走的,即earth与wash away之间为被动关系,应用被动语态。故本题选D。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合语法。【句意】随着更多的森林被破坏,每年都有大量的优质土壤被冲走。6.单选题I couldnt go to the meeting because I had to( )my brother after his accident.问题1选项A.take afterB.look afterC.look overD.take over【答案】B【解析】【考点】本题考查固定搭配。【选项释义】A. take after效仿,长得像;B. look after照顾;C. look over仔细检查;D. take over接管。【解题思路】take after意为效仿,长得像;look after意为照顾;look over意为仔细检查;take over意为接管,根据句意。故本题选B。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项均不符合语境。【句意】我不能去参加会议,因为我不得不在我哥哥出事后照顾他。7.单选题 Teachers are some of the most important professionals in the world. They are responsible (1) preparing future generations to become productive and honest citizens, who will contribute to society for the whole of their adult life. Obviously, the most common reason (2) teachers decide to teach is the ability to make a difference. There are many professions that give people the ability to have a(n) (3) impart on the world and change people s lives, (4) few professions have a direct impact on creating a better society as teachers do. People tend to (5) their teachers for years after they finish school, for good teachers can inspire their students to become something that they (6) thought they could be, or to work in a field that they thought they did not (7). Teachers are also important because they provide (8) for their students. In certain low income areas, (9) some students may not have both of their parents around, teachers can provide an important influence that helps their students make the right (10), even when they are not in the lesson. Generally, teachers impact on students can last all through their life.问题1选项A.ofB.inC.forD.To问题2选项A.whatB.whyC.whichD.how问题3选项A.firmB.positiveC.definiteD.absolute问题4选项A.orB.andC.soD.but问题5选项A.remindB.rememberC.reflectD.review问题6选项A.neverB.ratherC.everD.still问题7选项A.sitB.fitC.askD.act问题8选项A.requestsB.commandsC.guidanceD.reference问题9选项A.whenB.whereC.whatD.which问题10选项A.decisionsB.revisionsC.correctionD.connection【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:D第5题:B第6题:A第7题:D第8题:C第9题:A第10题:A【解析】第1题:【原文考查】词义辨析题【选项释义】A.of的;B.in在里面;C.for为了;D.To给。【解题思路】be responsible for通常指“为.负责任”,后接名词或动名词;而be responsible to通常指“对某人负责”,后加人或物,或接动词原形,表示“对做某事负有责任”。故本题选C。【干扰项排除】A、B、D不符合语境。【句意】他们为后代负责。第2题:【原文考查】词义辨析题【选项释义】A.what什么;B.why为什么;C.which哪一个;D.how怎样。【解题思路】分析句子可知,空格处需填一个引导定语从句的连接词。根据句意可知,教师决定教书的最常见原因是能够有所作为。故本题选B。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项均不符合语境。【句意】教师决定教书的最常见原因是能够有所作为。第3题:【原文考查】词义辨析题【选项释义】A.firm坚定的;B.positive积极的;C.definite明确的;D.absolute绝对的。【解题思路】firm坚定的;positive积极的;definite明确的;absolute绝对的。根据句意。故本题选B。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项均不符合语境。【句意】有很多职业让人们有能力对世界产生积极的影响,改变人们的生活。第4题:【原文考查】词义辨析题【选项释义】A.or或者;B.and和;C.so所以;D.but但是。【解题思路】根据空格前的many professions和空格后的few professions可知,前后为转折关系。故本题选D。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合逻辑关系。【句意】有很多职业让人们有能力对世界产生积极的影响,改变人们的生活,但是也有很少的职业像老师一样对创造一个更好的社会有着直接的影响。第5题:【原文考查】词义辨析题【选项释义】A.remind想起;B.remember记得;C.reflect反映;D.review重新考虑。【解题思路】remind想起;remember记得;reflect反映;review重新考虑,根据句意。故本题选B。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项均不符合语境。【句意】人们在完成学业后往往会记住他们的老师很多年。第6题:【原文考查】词义辨析题【选项释义】A.never从不;B.rather相当;C.ever曾经;D.still仍然。【解题思路】根据or得知,空格处需要一个表示否定的词,与后面的did相照应。再根据句意可知,好的老师可以激励他们的学生成为他们从未想过成为的样子。never从不;rather相当;ever曾经;still仍然,根据句意。故本题选A。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合句意。【句意】好的老师可以激励他们的学生成为他们从未想过成为的样子。第7题:【考查点】词义辨析题【选项释义】A.sit坐下;B.fit适合;C.ask询问;D.act行动。【解题思路】sit坐下;fit适合;ask询问;act行动,表现,根据句意。故本题选D。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均无法与空格前后构成句意。【句意】好的老师可以激励他们的学生成为他们从来想过成为的样子,或者在他们认为无法胜任的领域工作。第8题:【原文考查】词义辨析题【选项释义】A.requests要求;B.commands命令;C.guidance指导;D.reference参考。【解题思路】request要求;command命令;guidance指导;reference参考,根据句意。故本题选C。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均不符合下文。【句意】教师的重要性还在于他们为学生提供指导。第9题:【考查点】词义辨析题【选项释义】A.when什么时候;B.where哪里;C.what什么;D.which哪一个。【解题思路】分析句子可知,空格所在处需填一个连接词引导时间状语从句。故本题选A。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项意思不符合语境。【句意】在某些低收入地区,当一些学生的父母都不在其身边时,教师可以提供重要的影响,帮学生做出正确的决定。第10题:【原文考查】词义辨析题【选项释义】A.decisions决定;B.revisions修订;C.correction改正;D.connection联系。【解题思路】decision决定;revision修订;correction改正;connection联系。make the right decisions做出正确的决定。故本题选A。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项意思不符合语境。【句意】教师可以提供重要的影响,帮助学生做出正确的决定。8.单选题从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出划线部分发音不同的一项。问题1选项A.excitingB.exampleC.exactlyD.examine【答案】C【解析】【考点】本题考查x音标。【选项释义】A. exciting激动的;B. example例子;C. exactly准确地;D. examine检查。【解题思路】A. exciting /iksat/;B. example /gzampl /;C. exactly /gzktli/;D. examine /gzmn /。故本题选A。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项均符合/gz /。9.单选题Making a good job choice is almost as good as choosing a good life. So, choosing a job is one of the most important decisions to make in life.For my job, there are three important things that I will consider:The first one-that I must work in an area I like-is most important to me. Someone once said if you find a job that you enjoy, then you wont have to work another day. I would like to work in an area where I can be more creative. I would like to be the most valuable member there. All this is possible only if I like what I do.The second one is that the area of my work must lead me to solve some new and hard problems. I would like to stay in the same area for a long time. In order for this to happen, the work must provide enough problems. More than just working 1o live, I enjoy making a difference and trying my best for the whole progress. I would also like to be well remunerated for my hard work, so 1 can lead a comfortable life with this hard-won money. Then 1 can provide the best for my family.The third important thing is that I would like to work in an area that would help other people. The work in my mind is in fields such as the army, training or management. In such areas, I can help to develop the abilities of others and bring out their best. It would be a most satisfying job to help young people to become the best that they can be. When I become old, I would like to look buck with a great sense of satisfaction that thousands of people have become better persons through my work.I accept the idea that no one should make a choice of a job suddenly or quickly. Ile should decide what he wants to be in the long run. Then, he should decide how he works towards it. He should study the proper causes, read the books and speak to knowledgeable persons in that field before making a job choice. A good choice will most probably lead to a better life.1. According to the passage, a good job choice probably makes people_.2. The writer considers an enjoyable job most important because_.3. The underlined word “remunerated” in the passage means_.4. The writer wants to tell us that everyone should_.5. What is the best title for the passage?问题1选项A.solve fewer problemsB.choose a good lifeC.be good family membersD.provide hard things问题2选项A.he has to bring out his bestB.it can make him more creativeC.he will have to work another dayD.it is possible for him to live better问题3选项A.trainedB.praisedC.acceptedD.paid问题4选项A.become a knowledgeable personB.join the army to become a better personC.make preparations to find a satisfying jobD.help young people to choose an interesting job问题5选项A.My Job ChoiceB.My Favorite JobC.My Comfortable LifeD.My Sense of Satisfaction【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】第1题:【原文考查】事实细节题【选项释义】根据文章,选择好的工作几乎就等于什么?A. 解决更少的问题B. 选择好的生活C. 成为好的家庭成员D. 提供坚硬的东西【解题思路】根据文章第一段第一句“Making a good job choice is almost as good as choosing a good life.”可知,选择好的工作几乎就等于选择了好的生活。故本题选B。【干扰项排除】其他选项在文章提及但不符合题干的问题。第2题:【原文考查】推理判断题【选项释义】作者认为做自己喜欢的工作最重要的原因是什么?A. 发挥的更好B. 让他更有创造力C. 有一天可以工作D. 有可能生活的更好【解题思路】根据文章第三段第三句的“I woud like to work in an area where I can be more creative.” 可知,作者喜欢在一个可以让他发挥创造力的领域工作。由此可知,他认为做自己喜欢的工作最重要的原因是它能使他更具创造性。故本题选B。【干扰项排除】其他选项均不正确。第3题:【原文考查】词义辨析题【选项释义】“remunerated”是什么意思?A. 训练的B. 赞扬的C. 接受的D. 支付的【解题思路】根据“so I can lead a comfortable life with this hard-won money”可知,这个词应该和钱有关,钱是被支付给自己的,所以这个词的意思是“被支付”。故本题选D。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合题意。第4题:【原文考查】推理判断题【选项释义】作者想告诉人们什么?A. 成为一个有学问的人B. 参军,成为一个更好的人C. 做好准备去找到满意的工作D. 帮助年轻人选择有趣的工作【解题思路】最后一段提到,人们不应该突然或迅速地选择一份工作。他应该决定他长期想做什么,然后决定如何为此做出努力。他应该学习适当的课程,阅读书籍,并与该领域的知识渊博的人交流。由此可知,为找到一份满意的工作人们要提前做好准备。故本题选C。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合题目。第5题:【原文考查】主旨大意题【选项释义】最好的标题是什么?A. 我的工作选择B. 我最喜欢的工作C. 我舒适的生活D. 我的满足感【解题思路】文章开头就指出,选择工作是人生最重要的决定之一,然后作者提到了自己选择工作时会考虑的三件重要事情,最后强调一个好的工作选择很可能会带来更好的生活。由此可知,全文主要讲的就是工作选择。故本题选A。【干扰项排除】B、C、C选项均不符合。10.单选题 A few years ago, my husband got a job offer from an American company,I had to give up everything I had in Greece and moved to the United States with him. Starting a new life us a housewife isnt easy for me, but I manage to get by with all my skills. I feel proud of myself. I feel I am a good person with much to offer. But I have to admit that! m a little afraid of looking in the eyes of the people I meet. It is a doubtful look which suggests that I am not an able woman. After a long time of receiving this look, I start to doubt if I can really handle my life here. One day, my boy brought home a piece of paper from school. T worried it would be something bad. After reading this paper many times, I thought it said that my son was not going to be allowed to stay in the school. Something inside me broke up. Maybe it was the pain of leaving my parents and friends in Greece. Maybe it was all the worries about our life and work here. I dont know what it was, but I went crying like a crazy woman out of the house to the school 1o tell them that my son was a boy, and that he had to learn many things. Somebody look me to the schoolmasters office. He had no idea what I was saying. Perhaps I was speaking Creek then. I dont remember. Maybe he was worried T was sick. They called my husband at work. He was very worried when he came and then he became very angry. Actually they did not want to throw my son out of the school. The piece of paper said that they were putting him in a higher class.1. Whats the authors opinion about herself?2. The author is afraid of looking in the eyes of the people because( ).3.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 indicates that the author had( ).4. What happened after the author went to the schoolmasters office?5. We can learn from the last paragraph that( ).问题1选项A.She is nice to look at.B.She is a woman of abilities.C.She is a patient housewife.D.She is proud of her son.问题2选项A.they dont see her as an able womanB.life in Greece was too difficult for herC.she doesnt have all the necessary skillsD.she is a housewife depending on her husband问题3选项A.difficulties with her jobB.the fear of leaving her parentsC.worries about her situationD.the need to move lo u new house问题4选项A.She had a quarrel with the schoolmaster.B.Her husband was called to the school.C.She made the schoolmaster angry.D.She got another paper for her son.问题5选项A.the father was very angry with the schoolB.the son was studying in a higher classC.the son was asked to leave the schoolD.the author misunderstood the paper【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.【原文考查】事实细节题【选项释义】作者对她自己的观点是什么?A. 长得好看B. 有能力C. 一个耐心的家庭主妇D. 为儿子感到自豪【解题思路】根据文章第一段第二、三句可知,作为一名家庭主妇开始新的生活对作者来说并不容易,但作者凭借自己的所有技能来应付,她为自己感到骄傲。故本题选B。【干扰项排除】其他选项在文章提及但不符合题干的问题。2.【原文考查】事实细节题【选项释义】作者有点害怕看她遇到的人的眼睛是为什么?A. 人们觉得作者不是一个能干的女人B. 对她来说生活在希腊很困难C. 她没有必要的技能D. 她是一个依赖丈夫的女人【解题思路】根据文章第一段倒数第二,三句可知,作者有点害怕看她遇到的人的眼睛。那是一种怀疑的眼神,暗示作者不是一个能干的女人。故本题选A。【干扰项排除】其他选项均不正确。3.【原文考查】推理判断题【选项释义】第三段划线的句子暗示作者什么?A. 工作上的困难B. 害怕离开父母C. 担心她的处境D. 有必要搬去新房子【解题思路】根据文章第三段第二,三句可知,也许是作者离开在希腊的父母和朋友的痛苦,也许是对美国的生活和工作的所有担忧,这些可能都令作者担心自己的处境,也是使作者内心崩溃的原因。故本题选C。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均不符合题意。 4.【原文考查】事实细节题【选项释义】作者到校长的办公室之后发生了什么?A. 与校长吵架B. 他们给作者的丈夫打电话C. 让校长生气D. 为她的儿子取得了一张纸【解题思路】根据文章第四段第一,六句可知,有人把作者带到校长的办公室,他们给作者正在上班的丈夫打电话。故本题选B。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项都是错的。5.【原文考查】推理判断题【选项释义】最后一段讲什么?A. 父亲对学校很生气B. 儿子在更高一级的班级上课C. 儿子被要求退学D. 作者误解了纸上的话的意思【解题思路】根据文章第二段最后一句可知,作者认为纸上的意思是不允许作者的儿子留在学校学习。据文章最后一段最后两句可知,其实学校并不是想把作者的儿子赶出学校,而是要把他安排到一个更高一级的班级。由此可以推断,作者误解了纸上的话的意思。故本题选D。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合。


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