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书第二页:Task 21 No, because they all seem like a subject rather than a topic, a subject which cannot be addressed even by a whole book, let alone by a 1500-word essay.2 Each of them can be broken down into various and more specific aspects. For example, cancer can be classified into breast cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer and so on. Breast cancer can havesuch specific topics for research as causes for breast cancer, effects of breast cancer andprevention or diagnosis of breast cancer.3 Actually the topics of each field are endless. Take breast cancer for example, we can have the topics like:Why Women Suffer from Breast Cancer More Than Men?A New Way to Find Breast TumorsSome Risks of Getting Breast Cancer in Daily LifeBreast Cancer and Its Direct Biological ImpactBreast Cancerthe Symptoms & DiagnosisBreastfeeding and Breast CancerTask 31 Text 1 illustrates how hackers or unauthorized users use one way or another to get inside acomputer, while Text 2 describes the various electronic threats a computer may face.2 Both focus on the vulnerability of a computer.3 Text 1 analyzes the ways of computer hackers, while Text 2 describes security problems of acomputer.4 Text 1: The way hackers “get inside” a computerText 2: Electronic threats a computer facesYes, I think they are interesting, important, manageable and adequate.2 Formulating a research question 书11页Task 1 Text 3Research question 1: How many types of cloud services are there and what are they?Research question 2: What is green computing?Research question 3: What are advantages of the cloud computing?Text 4Research question 1: What is the Web 3.0?Research question 2: What are advantages and disadvantages of the cloud computing?Research question 3: What security benefits can the cloud computing provide?Task 2 书18页2 Topic 2: Threats of Artificial IntelligenceResearch questions:1) What are the threats of artificial intelligence?2) How can human beings control those threats?3) What are the difficulties to control those threats?3 Topic 3: The Potentials of NanotechnologyResearch questions:1) What are its potentials in medicine?2) What are its potentials in space exploration?3) What are its potentials in communications?4 Topic 4: Global Warming and Its EffectsResearch questions:1) How does it affect the pattern of climates?2) How does it affect economic activities?3) How does it affect human behavior?2 Scanning and skimmingTask 书43页1 Artificial intelligence.2 The article may argue for/against the idea that artificial intelligence will replace human jobs inthe future.3 The story tells that computerization threatens to replace many white-collar jobs.4 The author is optimistic and may not agree that machines will replace human jobs.5 The specter of automation unemploying us all may have finally arrived.6 But the mass job shrinkage that these observers all expected did not come.7 Yet Americans as a whole were not automated out of work. (Para.8, L1)Yet, through all that, more new jobs appeared. (Para.11, L2)8 Man will not lose jobs because there will always be demands of a new economy.9 The neighbor would prefer to order the shoes from machine-handling factories.10 Saving will lead to spending which in turn will create newer, perhaps better jobs tomorrow 书66页Task 21 The writer develops his main ideas about global warming mainly through the structure ofcause-and-effect.2 The writer illustrates the effects of global warming through the structure of classification.3 The effects are arranged from the most obvious to least obvious, and signal words include: themost prominent effect of global warming; another area affected by global warming; a third typeof evidence of global warming.4 Four types. They are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluocarbons.5 Paragraph 11 follows the pattern of problem-and-solution. The signal words are “a commonproblem that arises is”, “needs to take action now”. 书71页6 Reading criticallyTask 1The tone of ones writing indicates their feelings and attitude toward the topic being discussed.It reveals whether they are being playful or serious, humorous or somber, whether they are angryor tranquil, bitter or confident. Through tone, their attitude toward what they are writing about andtheir relationship to their readers become clear.Controlling tone is largely a matter of selecting words and sentences, and choosing details so asto serve the purpose of writing well. Now lets consider the following sentences which you writeto tell two facts:The sales of vitamin E have doubled in the past five years. The increase in sales has been helpedby the statements from health food enthusiasts and doctors.1 Combined into a single one, sentence 1 is impartial in tone because it doesnt reveal yourattitude. Impartial and toneless sentences are what you want to write if you either have noopinion or want to seem factual and objective, rather than personal and subjective.2 Strong in tone and clear in attitude: sentence 2 reflects your belief that vitamin E sales havesurged because of a deceptive and misleading advertisement campaign. If you feel the sentenceis too strong, too opinionated, perhaps even biased, you may suggest your feelings instead ofstating them directly.3 By using the wordsfreaks and quack, this version can make your reader sense not only yourreservation about the worth of the vitamin but also your contempt of those who promote it. Butthe tone is so strong that your reader may consider it exaggerated and may even question itstruth.4 This version is more suggestive and less explicit, though your attitude is still negative because“faddists” (unlike enthusiasts) are a word with unfavorable associations and because claims“(unlike statements)” encourage the reader to doubt their truth.5 By inserting the detail that only a few doctors make claims for vitamin, the version seems biasedas the tone is stronger.6 The phrase “some doctors” implies that there is another group of doctors who have made noclaims for the vitamin and who may perhaps reject such claims.7 The word “even” suggests your surprise that doctors, who should know better, have made suchfoolish claims, thus further weakens the support of the doctors without making your statementseem exaggerated or biased.8, 9 Tone not only can be controlled by the choice of words and details but also by the choice ofstructures. Sentence 8 and 9 make the implied criticism more forceful as the negative words orphrases have been moved to their beginning or end position, the position which is moreemphatic for ones opinion.10, 11, 12 The three sentences are not critical but favorable in tone toward the increased sales ofvitamin E, because “experts” seem more trustworthy than “enthusiasts” and both “reports” and“testimony” carry more weight than mere “statements”.13, 14 The two sentences have a positive tone because the phrase “a number of doctors” soundsmore impressive than “a few” or “some doctors”. And “a number of leading doctors” aresupposed to be more reliable, though not as reliable as “leading medical authorities”.15, 16, 17 The three sentences are less formal and more personal than the previous sentences asthe first-person view “I” is adopted to personalize their tone.18, 19 The two sentences are more informal as the closer relationship between yourself and thereader is established by asking questions.20, 21 By addressing the reader as “you”, the sentences are more informal and personal.22 The informality of your writing will be increased by contractions, slang, and short, simplewords instead of longer, more complex ones. 书76页 Taking notes TaskTitle: Global Warming and Its EffectsAuthor(s): Nicolas DallevaSource: Main ideas: The essay mainly talks about the effects and causes of global warming.Main findings or ideas: Global warming have negative effects on climate changes, survival ofanimals, development of plants, peoples health and global economy. There are two major causesfor global warming: burning of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases.Conclusion: The world needs to put forth a stronger effort to prevent global warming.Paragraphs Organization ContentPara. 1 Phenomenon Global warming has been a global issue now, despiteminimal efforts are made to prevent global warming.Paras. 2-4 Effect I It affects the climate change.Effect II It affects the survival of animals.Effect III It affects the development of plants.Effect IV It affects the health of people.Effect V It affects economy.Paras. 5-7 Cause I burning of fossil fuels (carbon dioxide)Cause II greenhouse gases such as methane, nitrous oxide, andchlorofluocarbonParas. 9-10 Comments Global warming even affects economy and health.Paras. 11-12 Conclusion a stronger and joint effort needed to prevent globalwarming书78页Writing a summary Task 1The source material uses a story of identical twins to illustrate the idea that apart from theimportant role the genes play in the development of an individual, their environmental experience also affects their traits greatly. The summary grasps the idea without details of the story.Task 22 History has demonstrated that technology affects education profoundly. Considering thedefinition of technology broadly, one may say that prehistoric people used primitivetechnologies to teach skills to their young.3 Psychology can be divided into several important theories. Behaviourists emphasize the role ofenvironment in shaping ones behavior, while cognitivists explain behavior by analyzing mentalprocesses. Freudians and humanists are more concerned with exploring behavior through thepersonality whereas social constructivists connect individual behavior to its social-historiccontext.Task 3Title: Global Warming and Its EffectsAuthor(s): Nicolas DallevaSource: Summary: According to Nicolas Dalleva, global warming has become a great challenge to humanbeings, for it not only affects the climate change and leads to the decrease of the number ofanimals per species, but also affects the agricultural growth. Dalleva believes that the burning offossil fuels is the culprit of global warming because it releases greenhouse gases carbon dioxideinto the atmosphere. The other gases like methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluocarbons are alsothe causes of the greenhouse effect. In Dallevas opinion, despite the worldwide efforts, people donot take the issue seriously and do not realize that global warming will also exerts a negativeeffect on economy and health. He calls for, therefore, a stronger joint effort to prevent globalwarming. (134 words) 书127页1 Writing a literature review Task 11 The four articles were published right after the Fukushima disaster in Japan and all addressed thetopic of potential risks of nuclear radiation.2 Radiation is not so terrible as expected and human beings are exposed to different sources ofradiation every day. Whether it will endanger human health or not depends on the duration andstrength of radiation exposure.3 Amber Cornelio holds a different attitude from the other three authors. He believes that radiationexposure will certainly raise the risk of getting cancer and government officials downplay itspotential danger to justify its use of nuclear power.4 Answers may vary.5 It seems that Text 11, 12, 14 provide more scientific facts about nuclear radiation than Text 13which is more emotionally charged by using many rhetorical questions and phrases like “I amsimply floored”, “let officials be oblivious”, “not to be outdone”, “Do not tell us about that”.Hence it appears less reliable and trustworthy.书140页 Task 2Compared with uranium which the production of conventional nuclear power needs, there is morelithium in the sea water which can support 30 million years fusion fuel. 书140页Task 31 Review the previous related studies2 State the previous studies limitation3 Announce the direction for further studies 书142页2 Writing a self-contained literature review Task 11 Stigmatization, a kind of social rejection, is big challenge to the mentally ill. They are rejectedby people because of the label they carry or that their behaviors indicate that they belong to acertain labeled group.2 To report the past studies of the topic. Studies have proved that stigmatization of the mentally illis caused by the publics belief in myths about the dangerousness of the mentally ill andexposing those myths can reduce stigmatization.3 Three articles.4 Pescosolido & Tuch (2000) thought that a common respond to the mentally ill are rejection andfear of violence. Another article concluded that rejection and fear are caused by less contactwith mentally ill. Alexander and Link (2003) found that any type of contact with mentally illindividuals reduced perceptions of dangerousness of the target.5 1) What are major causes for the rejection and fear, and can they be reduced? 2) This finding is verified by Alexander and Link (2003). 3) Task 2Text 11Title: Risks of Nuclear PowerAuthor(s): Bernard L. CohenSource: http:/www.physics.isu.edu.Summary: Radiation from nuclear power is feared to have the potential of causing a cancer orsome genetic diseases. This fear, however, is dismissed by Cohen after he compares artificialradiation and the radiation that occurs naturally in our environment, analyzing their respectiveimpact on human health. Cohen separately discusses the different sources of nuclear power risksand arrives at the following conclusions: 1) the probability of real reactor accidents, with thesafety system of defense in depth, are extremely small; 2) radioactive waste, if properly handled,causes negligible damage; 3) other radiation problems, such as accidents in transportation or radonexposures in mining, are also not so threatening as they seem to be. In summary he believes thatradiation due to nuclear power will cause much fewer cancers and deaths than coal burning. (130words)Text 12Title: How Radiation Threatens HealthAuthor(s): Nina BaiSource: Scientific AmericanSummary: Nina Bai addresses the widespread concerns over the health effects of radiationexposure in the wake of Fukushima nuclear crisis. She discusses three determinative factors: thelevel, type and duration of radiation exposure. First, radiation sickness usually occurs when thereis excessive dose of exposure, though the limits of radiation level differ for the general public,radiation workers, and patients going through medical radiation. Second, of the four types ofionizing radiation, gamma, X-ray, alpha, and beta, the latter two, albeit being lower energy, aremore likely to cause health damage. Third, a very high single dose of radiation can be moreharmful than the same dosage accumulated over time. Finally, Bai draws on the lesson ofChernobyl, and concludes radiation exposure within reasonable limit is not so fearful and it isgood to exercise caution. (136 words)Text 13Title: Should Nuclear Radiation Found in Domestic Milk Come as a Surprise?Author(s): Amber CornelioSource: http:/www. Summary: Amber Cornelio (2011) maintains that radiation from Japans Fukushima disaster hasthreatened the daily life of ordinary Americans. He challenges the governments view thatradioactive materials detected in domestic milk, vegetables and rainwater will pose no publichealth concern. He suspects that the government is downplaying the potential dangers of radiationto justify its use of nuclear power. He believes the government has failed to do the job ofprotecting people. In the end, he urges the government to be more responsible and stop buildingpower plants on a faulty line. He warns that covering up the facts is not the key to avoid similardisasters in the future. (108 words) Text 14Title: Radiation and Health: The Aftershocks of Japans Nuclear DisasterAuthor(s): Susan BlumenthalSource: http:/www. Summary: Susan Blumenthal (2011) aims to inform people of nuclear radiation with scientificfacts. She starts the essay with a reference to the worldwide spread of fear in the wake ofFukushima disaster and then explains what radiation is. The explanation is followed by a report ofdifferent types of radioactive materials released into the air. She goes on to tell that an exposure tothose materials will increase the risks of some major diseases. However, she concedes radiation isnot so menacing as was assumed and humans are exposed to naturally occurring radiation everyday. Whether radiation is harmful to health or not depends on two contexts: the duration andstrength of the exposure. She warns that exposure to high doses of radiation can lead to acutehealth problems. Long-term low dose exposure to radiation is equally fatal. (137words)Task 3The release of substantial amounts of radiation into the atmosphere from Fukushima nuclearplant has triggered widespread concerns over the use of nuclear power and the health effects ofradiation exposure. Since the Chernobyl disaster, especially the Fukushima nuclear crisis, manyscientists and scholars have attempted to estimate the effect of nuclear radiation on human health.Cohen (2011) believes the fear that nuclear radiation will cause a cancer or other genetic diseasesis unnecessary. He made a detailed analysis of the effects of accidents in nuclear power plants,accidents in transporting radioactive materials and escape of radioactive wastes from confinementsystems on human health by comparing the effects of coal burning. Cohen arrived at the followingconclusions: nuclear radiation, if properly handled, causes negligible damage and much fewerdeaths than coal burning. Cohens idea is shared by Bai (2011). Bai discussed three determinativefactors: the level, type and duration of radiation exposure. She found that radiation sicknessusually occurs only when there is excessive dose of exposure. Second, of the four types ofionizing radiation, gamma, X-ray, alpha, and beta, the latter two are more likely to cause healthdamage. Third, a very high single dose of radiation can be more harmful than the same dosageaccumulated over time. Bai concluded that radiation exposure within reasonable limit is not sofearful and it is good to exercise caution. Blumenthal (2011) did similar research. She examineddifferent types of radioactive materials released into the air. She found that an exposure to thosematerials would increase the risks of some major diseases. However, the radiation is not somenacing as was assumed as humans are exposed to naturally occurring radiation every day. Shebelieves that whether radiation is harmful to health or not depends on two contexts: the durationand strength of the exposure. Only exposure to high doses of radiation or long-term low doseexposure could lead to acute health problems.Contrary to the three scholars, however, Cornelio (2011) maintained that radiation fromJapans Fukushima disaster threatened the daily life of ordinary Americans. He challenges thegovernments view that radioactive materials detected in domestic milk, vegetables and rainwaterwill pose no public health concern. He suspects that the government is downplaying the potentialdangers of radiation to justify its use of nuclear power. Hence he urges the government to be moreresponsible and stop building power plants on a faulty line. 书145页 Writing a literature review as a part of an essay Task 11 Content-based instruction (CBI) is an alternative approach to teaching Engli


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